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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 176

by Theodore Daniels

  - Sit down you. You'll have to spend a lot of time here. - Samara said quietly. - And I have to deal with this little family close. I will make sure their welfare was now no more than a social norm. - With these words of farewell Samara Liara he nodded parents and left the room.

  Sitting in your flyer, Samara thinking about how to report what had happened to Shepard. The fact that he felt the danger that threatened his Liara, Justiciar no doubt. Raising the car on the train Flight, Samara pawing communication channels, but, unfortunately, to get the cruiser frigate, who was disguised, the standard system can not. We had to use a roundabout way, which means that the information will not Shepard and Synthetic Corps.

  Leaving a message and attach files with additional material, Samara frowned. We had to control the relocation and behavior affected the rights of the former parent babies. So always happens: some reasonable - having fun, while others are at the same time - cry. That's life, that never really was not fair.

  - John. - Olivia's voice, which arose in the PHONES Speaker captain was unusually quiet and soft. - I ask you to come to me in the Hall of Information. We have to talk. - Kiborgessa switched channels, sure that did everything right - she did not want to talk about it for general communication channels, though unable to leave the board "Normandy", but still. Received for extranet channels of communication it was able to kill on the spot and Olivia forced himself to take advantage of the machine impartiality and solved as soon as possible to report the incident personally Shepard.

  - Olivi ?! - The captain entered the Hall of Information, which is usually inhabited by Olivia Alix firmly closed the door. - What?!

  - Alix ... - without looking, gesture Olivia asked her daughter to leave. Young kiborgessa left the hall. After a moment, Olivia pointed out to the captain on the chair. - It is better to learn sitting, John.

  Shepard sat in silence and looked at Olivia. She took from the desktop reader, handed it to the captain and turned away. I did not want at this point to keep it under their cars, all eyes noticing.

  After reading the reader files Shepard froze.

  - Li ... Damn again! - He said. - I do not ask why, I do not ask why, but ... - he got up, walked nervously from one corner of the room. - She's on the verge of a coma. Again ... - Shepard's voice danced acute heartache. Olivia felt physically surges and peaks of its sine wave, barely keeping immobility. - Why it again ... It just got out! Only oklemalas! And here again ... - He stopped, covering his eyes with his hand. - Olivi ...

  - I use all of the access channels, Captain, but Azariyskoe space ... - kiborgessa faltered.

  - I know, in complete blockade. - I whispered spectrum. - Maybe I should not have let them all three on board the ship. Especially now, when the ship as the free cabins. Yes, I know they may be required. - Shepard forced himself to lower his arm from his face and Olivia saw the bloodshot whites of his eyes - he could hardly contain the tears. - But ... Why Does It Again ... Why ?!

  - You know the answer to that question, John. - Kiborgessa said quietly. - We will do everything possible to support both her and her parents.

  Shepard walked out of the Hall of Information, closing the door behind him.

  When after ten days Liara came to, the first person she saw was Aela.

  - Lee ?! Goddess, you're awake! - Naparnitsa hugged her friend forgetting about all the health warnings and bans.

  - Mr. Mr. de children? - Through the power of Liara I asked, feeling the hard tosses a naughty tongue.

  - Malyutki healthy, happy and cheerful. They were handed over to a childless family, and those who do subjected to such danger, severely punished. - Aela said.

  - XX-watering. - Liara felt her eyes close and fell asleep. Aela fright turned to the nurse went down, but she nodded reassuringly:

  - She is very weak, but well, that woke up. Now she is just sleeping. - The health worker said. - We will support it.

  - I have not had time to tell her ... - I mumbled Aela.

  - Say. Later - say. - Nurse graduated manipulate complex remote control of the instrument. - Now she'll sleep for at least three hours. You can eat and relax while.

  - And she...

  - No. Weak dose of sleeping pills. Three hours of sleep guaranteed. - Said the nurse, leaving the room.

  Aela swallowed, probably, five full dinners before I realized that I did it for some twenty minutes. A little ashamed of his voracity, she hurried back to the House - to leave his partner, and now - and best friend in loneliness she would not for a minute. How so Liara concealed from all the co-worker that it has been awarded such a significant award as a civil medal "Crystal resistance" and a government order, "Ray Tessier" Aele was unclear, but the fact that Liara did not boast awards made Aelu More more respect and more deeply to love his partner. And now, she knew, Liara will be awarded even more significant award - the Order "The Star of Tess." That's who she is handing this award, Aele was not known.

  After a decade in the House to Liara, already fully waking up and got stronger included her parents, and after them came the matron and matriarch Deborah Vasta.

  - You ?! - Liara sat up on his elbows, in disbelief.

  - We, Liara. - Deborah matriarch approached the bed. - You lie, lie, you have to recover. - She waited until closer fit Vasta, Benešov and Etita, pulled out of the pocket and placing the folder box.

  - But I'm ... I'm not dressed appropriately, Deborah ... - more timidly tried to argue Liara, realizing that now is.

  - And nothing. You form this now, hospital. So it's - it is quite possible. - Deborah opened the file with an expression of the Council read out a decree on awarding Tess Liara T'Soni Order "Star Tess", then put the folder on a bedside table and a sign pinned to the dress Liara, relying on the place according to the ordinance. - Congratulations, Liara. Thank you. For the little ones.

  - Congratulations, Liara. - I went to bed Vast. - Get well. They are waiting for you. I look and love. - Matron walked away, giving way to Benešov and Etite.

  - Mom, Dad, what did I do something? - Liara said softly, stroking the metal and plastic Order.

  - You saved the children's lives and health, Lee. - Benešov said softly. Etita just nodded. - And it's not so little.

  - But the order of the first level ... - Liara have clearly in mind not combine what she did and how it made her compatriot appreciated. Reflecting on this, and she did not notice that the matriarch matron and left the room.

  - War, Liara. - Etita said, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking into their own hands his daughter's hand. - It shows the best and worst qualities of organic reasonable sharper and clearer than during peacetime. I'm proud of you, Lee.

  - Thanks, Dad. - Liara put her other hand to hand Etity. - I'll try not to stay here.

  - No, Lee. We - another order. - Aela said, walking to the other side of the bed. - You should fully recover. We want to know exactly what you are completely recovered. And then you will have little to poprepodavat militia courses.

  - I - not the teacher. I - fighter. - Liara said.

  - Lee, you're right-that is to say? - I said with displeasure d'Avignon. - You need to adapt after such a strong depletion in conventional military loads. So the command you ordered poprepodavat courses. Alternatively, it can be attributed to you temporarily citizen you to work only in laboratories, and in their company. But then you still have to go through re-training and adaptation. So that...

  - Persuaded. - I whispered Liara.

  - And we have not had no choice. - Benešov said. - Here, Liara. Get. - She took from the pocket of the overalls reader. - Aela, leave. Let Liara honors it alone. We will not interfere.

  Switch the appliance Liara was surprised the number of files. The first was a letter from ... Shepard. Behind him crowded letters from almost all normandovtsev and volgovtsev.

  For a few tens of minutes younger T'Soni seemed plunged into nirvana: many warm words rarely spoken to her, and many warm feelings, addressed to her, she felt very infrequently. Liara's eyes were
tears of joy, satisfaction and gratitude: it is not forgotten, remembered about her, worried about her. They came even from the letters and Tali and from Wrexham.

  Having read reader Liara placed it on the bedside table and closed her eyes. A real gift. The best gift.

  Returning Aela, Benešov and Etita quickly spread bedside table and organized something like a dinner party.

  - Mom, Dad, thank you. - Liara pointed look at the reader. - I will try to answer all of itself. In the very near future.

  - We do not doubt Lee. - Benešov said. - Because you have really a fighter.

  - You have me really - the best parents in the world. And the best teachers to militias. - Smiling, said Liara.

  - Thank you, docha. - Etita dabbed his lips with a napkin. - Okay. Good thing you reminded. We have just a series of classes Benoy evening courses, so we go, we look at the apartment, and then immediately - in location. - It was clear that the matriarch nice to feel its relevance and be useful to the busy and important. - Etita stood. - Have a chat here a little. Aela, Liara is not tiring. Agreed?

  - Yes, the matriarch. - Aela jumped up by parents to the door of the House of Liara. When he returned, she sat on the edge of the bed, took the cookies and bit off, looked at Liara. - Tell me about Shepard?

  - And what can I tell you about him, Aela? - Liara asked in surprise. - It flies, it performs the difficult task to work.

  - But he's married. Tell me about it ... Svetlana. So, it seems her name.

  - I myself little about it know Aela. - Liara said. - In addition to my personal life Commander Shepard - a taboo.

  - Yeah. She said, too, Liara. - Without a smile he said workmate. - I saw your eyes when you read the contents of the reader. This sparkle in your eyes I did not see more than ever. You to it is clearly not indifferent.

  - It's right. But I can not talk about him and his wife nothing Aela. Sorry. This - my moral principles and I'm not going to change them or to give up their claims. Sorry.

  - Okay. I do think I understand. - Aela sad sigh. - And these two matriarchs. How do you know them?

  - They handed me the first two awards in the hospital Tessa. - Said Liara. - I tried to give up and hide, but - did not work. I work and act not for the sake of winning and not winning, Aela.

  - I see. - She nodded workmate. - Now understand. I am terribly frightened when the entire shopping center was formed inside the walls ... - Aela vaguely sensed that he said not even wrong.

  - Okay. - Liara said. - Aela, come back to yourself. I was recovering, so sit next to me - do not round the clock. I will be glad to see you. I'm sorry, I need to be alone. - Younger T'Soni reached out to the reader.

  Aela nodded in understanding, getting up and going to the door, opened the flap and entered.

  Liara stroked thumbs up sign stars and keenly regretted that it did not see Now Shepard. For him she agreed to appear in a hospital - he will understand. For his sake ... - Liara included reader and was again re-read the letter to the captain.

  Writing a great response, Liara reread it, and then sent multiple times. Let Shepard get the first answer. Fortunately, Olivia and Alix pointed server that will be available for a long time, and Tess and detachment. Although some, but the thread of connection.

  After spending more than an hour at the compilation of the warm, detailed response to each of the letters sent, Liara sent them and wearily leaned back against the cushions, stroking the star sign. The third award. Still believing that did not do anything special, Liara postponed reader on the bedside table, turned out the light and went to sleep.

  Decade had to spend in the hospital, the doctors said - dolechitsya. Benešov Liara met at the entrance and the two of them went home.

  - Ma ... I'm sorry. - Liara said. - I'll probably say something stupid. But I want to live with you. I can no longer live alone long. After I read the letter from John ... I thought a lot. Probably, he encouraged me to do it, but I do not want to live any longer separate from you.

  Benešov paused. Then, gently and quietly said:

  - You're right, Lee. So let zaydёm to you in an apartment, take the most necessary.

  - Come on, Ma. - Agreed to Liara.

  Located in one of the spare rooms, Liara felt much better. Now she did not live nearby, and together with their parents, who also taught at the militia and courses. So that during the service, they will be together.

  In the evening she went to the building of the militia course with d'Avignon and Etitoy. She was pleased to see how the militias are drawn to attention and saluted matriarch, not ostentatious paying tribute and honor their experienced teachers and mentors. When they noticed marching behind them modestly Liara, just their astonishment increased exponentially - all militias were known, and the reward for which he received Liara T'Soni. Many saluted again, though Liara was in civilian clothes.

  - Good to see you, Lee! - On the neck of Liara hung Aela, ran out to meet some of the audience. - Only then everything they say about you and what you've done!

  - Aela, I did nothing special. Any asari would have done the same. They were helpless little children. Who do you have to be to leave them in danger? - Liara carefully freed from the embrace of a friend and co-worker. - I'm sorry, I have to change clothes and prepare for classes.

  - All right, Lee. - Aela understanding in his eyes nodded and walked away. Liara went to the locker room, changed into form, arm and looked at instrumentron, she went to the designated audience.

  Entering, she noted how quick jump from their seats twenty-five young asari. "Once they felt happiness twist bottoms on podiums in bars -. Liara thought -. And now will need to understand the science of survival, to fight and win the Reapers and their accomplices."

  - Greetings. - Liara did not get in the pulpit or to approach the screen and went to the middle of the audience, to stay in the central aisle. - Like many teachers, my colleagues, I - practice, so start with a brief verbal introduction and then move on to practice.

  Cadets did not let Liara, asking more and more questions are not out of curiosity, and is strictly the case. They do not hesitate to ask her about the details of what happened in the shopping center, listened to her story with all the attention, realizing immediately that more of their new teacher will not return to this conversation. Liara like that before going in its own listener to search for local information on the Extranet award and did not focus on the level and significance of the younger T'Soni awards.

  Leaving the building courses, Liara specifically passed by audiences, which at that time held classes d'Avignon and Etita. She was pleased to hear a short business matters trainees and clear full answers her parents. It seems that the matriarchs have found here a kind of second youth, after all the work and communication with young people give the elderly asari such a useful and necessary energy, which is unlikely when there exists a complete replacement.

  Indoors reference point Liara made a real ovation, and then surrounded and questioned addiction. Here younger T'Soni did not hide anything - it's not asking correspondents, and the next few co-worker. Aela modestly huddled somewhere in the back of the room, hiding smeshinku in his eyes. Reported to the commander that it has initiated a training courses, Liara received documents on a long layoff and left the location of the reference point, going to the lab.

  I had here, of course, get a dose of honor and respect, but then quickly plunged colleagues arrived in the whirlpool of scientific problems and issues, so that the break out of the scientific center Liara could only take a few hours.

  Her firm has worked in three-shift operation, that is, around the clock and Liara, with satisfaction at the enthusiasm of colleagues, he went to his office and immediately plunged into work. Yes, most of the orders were already made its collaborators, there were no problems, the payment is made on time, the number grew thanks, denials of claims and almost was not, and those that were not critical. So it accounts were only two relatively fresh and totally non-urgent but complex order fulfillment that takes L
iara full pleasure from the consciousness of its usefulness and necessity. Life was a part of their normal routine, at Liara was full of tasks and work in the civil and military spheres, it was claimed, and involved almost the whole day, while having all the possibilities to communicate and be close to their parents.

  Arran - former scholars "Cerberus"

  Jacob Taylor was nervous. Worried that surrounded the station "Cerberus", located in one of the snow-covered planet, boats and canoes "Cerberus" can be ordered for the assault or the landing, and then all the scientists who made a daring escape from the station, where he was chief security guards, and hangmen await mozgolomy Ghost. At best, all the people waiting in the transformation of avengers and phantoms. In the worst - physical death. To hang, shoot, and can kill with the help of a dozen other ways.

  Bypassing the station premises, Jacob recalled how it all began. Only recently it was relatively stable. Recently. Before the invasion of the Reapers. Until such time as "Cerberus" has received strong support from their shadow owners. Then it seemed that everything was simple.

  The day came to an end, a huge space research and production station "Cerberus", located in the orbit of a planet, still had in the catalog only registration number gradually subside - stopped work, demanding the presence of people who continued to operate machines and robots. The days passed after day, nothing much happened, and could not happen, because the station among the staff almost no ordinary people. They are increasingly replaced by so-called Husky. With them in Jacob, who was on the post of the chief guard station for several months, the problems will never arise, but the people, seeing around him so much "bad people" are often frustrated "with the coils." We had to raise the security guards "in the gun" and restore order. This has happened ... sometimes. Most could understand a small force of security units, even robots did not have to activate it. But people continued to stall. No wonder. It is one thing - to see aliens around him, and the other - synthetics, only resembles humans. Taylor noted that the Huskies did not touch people and often do not notice it. But people are touched and husks notice. Often. So it was very relaxing and once that's such a quiet night, without warning buzzers at Jacob Taylor were rare. He did not allow himself to relax, sit back and not let others being somehow sure that soon the guards except the people at the station will remain. Why is it going to happen - Taylor himself this question could not be answered, thinking that everything should go the way goes. even robots did not have to activate it. But people continued to stall. No wonder. It is one thing - to see aliens around him, and the other - synthetics, only resembles humans. Taylor noted that the Huskies did not touch people and often do not notice it. But people are touched and husks notice. Often. So it was very relaxing and once that's such a quiet night, without warning buzzers at Jacob Taylor were rare. He did not allow himself to relax, sit back and not let others being somehow sure that soon the guards except the people at the station will remain. Why is it going to happen - Taylor himself this question could not be answered, thinking that everything should go the way goes. even robots did not have to activate it. But people continued to stall. No wonder. It is one thing - to see aliens around him, and the other - synthetics, only resembles humans. Taylor noted that the Huskies did not touch people and often do not notice it. But people are touched and husks notice. Often. So it was very relaxing and once that's such a quiet night, without warning buzzers at Jacob Taylor were rare. He did not allow himself to relax, sit back and not let others being somehow sure that soon the guards except the people at the station will remain. Why is it going to happen - Taylor himself this question could not be answered, thinking that everything should go the way goes. Taylor noted that the Huskies did not touch people and often do not notice it. But people are touched and husks notice. Often. So it was very relaxing and once that's such a quiet night, without warning buzzers at Jacob Taylor were rare. He did not allow himself to relax, sit back and not let others being somehow sure that soon the guards except the people at the station will remain. Why is it going to happen - Taylor himself this question could not be answered, thinking that everything should go the way goes. Taylor noted that the Huskies did not touch people and often do not notice it. But people are touched and husks notice. Often. So it was very relaxing and once that's such a quiet night, without warning buzzers at Jacob Taylor were rare. He did not allow himself to relax, sit back and not let others being somehow sure that soon the guards except the people at the station will remain. Why is it going to happen - Taylor himself this question could not be answered, thinking that everything should go the way goes. that soon the guards except the people on this station will not. Why is it going to happen - Taylor himself this question could not be answered, thinking that everything should go the way goes. that soon the guards except the people on this station will not. Why is it going to happen - Taylor himself this question could not be answered, thinking that everything should go the way goes.


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