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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 179

by Theodore Daniels

  The snow did not stop. Visibility was reduced, from the abundance of white eyes ached, I had to use filters. Jenkins repeatedly raised himself from the shelter, watching the approaching shuttle. While Shepard and his colleagues raised the roof, Richard had found in the upper levels of the base, obviously abandoned and have not visited a few datapad with loans, as well as a datapad with research data. In one of the half-open safes, he also found the documentation on modernization of an assault rifle, taking with him a datapad. How many discoveries have been made otryadovtsami - it was difficult to calculate. Not all such finds were removed, many remained in their original locations - Detachment did not feel the need to facilitate the free, although for some civil and such a find of considerable value,

  Strange, these scientists. One, which was held by Jenkins, worried about his reputation, because in the summary file will have to point out that he worked for several years on such a problematic organization as "Cerberus". Another was concerned about his brother, who worked in the research group "Cerberus" in another stellar cluster. And I do not worry as a person and as a competitor, for fear that scientific figures with his brother will be a number of reasons higher than his own. Strange - the war goes on, killing hundreds of organic reasonable, and he is worried about the statements and that his brother will be more successful scientist. As if the fact that he will be a successful researcher, he ceases to be the brother of the wiseacre. Very strange. Strongly reminiscent of the early stages of indoctrination.

  Satellite dish was intact, but what was the sense in it now, if in orbit of the planet hung Troop ships, and curled around the base of shuttles and boats "Cerberus", the crews of which had strict orders - not to give surrounded by contact with anyone outside of the planet.

  Alenko was unhappy that the fugitives had gone with their families. Remembering that "Cerberus" is often demanded novopostupivshih carry the family and property in towns controlled by the organization and personnel actually used as the relatives of the hostages, Cayden knew - the evacuation was complicated and it is necessary to use the "Volga". For some scientists only "Cerberus" would suffice and cabins "Normandy", but now will have to transfer the bulk of the saved to the cruiser. Working at the console, he squinted watching what is happening on the base. Children ran and played, cried, wives were trying to draw attention to themselves commandoes, cops, husbands occasionally tried to talk to strangers, to cause their reaction, going beyond the usual and working. Arriving in every way to distract from the work,

  - Anti-aircraft guns on the roof - offline. - He confirmed in an undertone Kaidan contacting Shepard.

  - Accepted. We will activate. - Said the captain, by switching channels.

  Kaidan brought to the screen two more panels, peered into the figures submitted by them, something counted in mind. Here, on this basis, most recently tserberovtsy developed poisons proiv Turian, here developed the system light weapons still hidden under the unconvincing abbreviation "AA". The base used is not idle. And now it is quite possible, too, will use the "Cerberus". In fact, to destroy it, landing in the group did not have enough resources, and to shell the base from orbit - to expend ammunition heavy guns, which could be useful in the cosmic battle against the Reapers and their henchmen. Still firing ships is very different from the shelling of the planets.

  - The captain is ready to restore the channel satellite telemetry. - In audio channel manifested Olivia. - Activate the satellite dish.

  - Accepted Olivi. - Shepard, noting that the shuttles close by the landing position, rushed to the control panel of the tower of satellite communications. - Done. - Typing a few commands and pressing the enter sensor said spectrum.

  - Channel took. There are blocking attempts. I am overcome. The signal is clear enough.

  - Getting to the elimination of airborne colleagues. - Ordered the captain, going to a short vertical ladder. - They realized that from this position we do not even carry a massive landing, so we decided to make a landing in a different area. You can see for yourself on the screen, in which. Forward. - Shepard cat took off up the stairs, and immediately went to the side to avoid being shot sniper attack aircraft. - Beware of snipers.

  One after the other cops, Marines crossed the short vertical ladder and immediately hide behind the shelters, preparing for the assault. For positions tserberovtsev landed here there were two guns that had more and activate.

  Tserberovtsam able to establish several boards - had to shoot a sniper rifle on the generators. Servants three-headed dog did not like it - they tried to ambush. Jenkins dumped shots from shturmvintovki two marines opened fire on the remaining five Marines, killed three people and seriously wounded two, which allowed closer to the vertical short staircase, behind which were the positions of the two anti-aircraft guns.

  Tserberovtsy not satisfied - with the shuttle jumped two combat engineer, tried to set two turrets. Shots snipers forced engineers to settle lifeless dolls and hanging over them shuttle - hasty retreat. Marksmanship Marines-machine gunners helped destroy the accompanying engineers five Marines and one-tserberovtsev centurion.

  - The tools need to be activated. - Confirmed one of the troopers, policemen, first approached the control panel of one of the anti-aircraft installations.

  - Proceed with activation. - I ordered Shepard, watching the path of destroying the two-tserberovtsev infantry Jenkins breaks the second gun. - Activate the two guns, colleagues, and passes control to the commander in the database. - Spectrum still did not want to broadcast any identifiers.

  Reinforcements arrived did not have time even to parachute - cops paratroopers shot tserberovtsev right in the doorway interior of the shuttle so that the boat departed already from the dead paratroopers on board - his mission was frustrated.

  Several soldiers "Cerberus" up the side vertical ladders and had tried to make the shooting normandovtsev take less comfortable shelter. Husky did not expect that from assault rifles can be carried out as quickly and marksmanship - a few tens of seconds, all of the eight marines "Cerberus" were already dead.

  - The tools are activated, control is transferred. - Jenkins reported. - Request permission to move to the other two guns.

  - Permission granted. - Shepard laid another engineer, tried to parachute from the shuttle rolled for another hiding place and shot another engineer. - Confirm - allow. - The message meant that Jenkins could take three more policemen and paratroopers can clean the area around the two shells to activate the anti-aircraft guns and then quietly, without being distracted specifically to counter fire Stalking tserberovtsam. Two additional anti-aircraft guns would be very useful to organize safe evacuation and Jenkins had practiced.

  Shuttles and shuttles from tserberovtsev is clearly coming to an end - the attacks have become rare, and Shepard was able with his team-mates to take up positions around the third pair of anti-aircraft guns - he's not got a taste, I did not try to seize all the guns, just an opportunity - and he took it to the full . While working on the console, while the captain looked at the small screen instrumentrona - Jenkins already activated one of the two guns and now moved under fire reduces the shuttle's second gun.

  Two precise shots from grenade launchers - and aflame shuttle falls somewhere beyond the base of the building. It sounds a powerful explosion. Passenger shuttle can not worry - even if anyone had survived, he would need a lot of time to get to the roof, and only within the framework they have no chance at all - where they will be met by fire on the guaranteed defeat.

  - The Avengers and phantoms! - I heard a cry of one of the troopers-policemen. - Use a disguise!

  By changing the position of the cover, Shepard, Jenkins and their companions reloaded the weapon and began vytselivat flexible and nimble saboteurs "Cerberus". One by one, figures slain charges froze.

  - Targets hit. Control is made. - A few minutes later Richard reported. - Signal reception of the control anti-aircraft guns - handed. It has sent a signal of readiness to organize a breakthrough ring.

  - Go ba
ck. - Captain noted that the database sent ten more shuttles. - We have guests coming. We need to unite and strike, to break through the ring completely.

  He did not wait for an answer - it was just information. Gathering on vertical ladders, Shepard noted that losses among his teammates is not, and injuries were not too severe - were all alone, covered with colleagues weapons.

  - We are ready to organize a breakthrough blockade. - Shepard reported Alenko approached. - The arrival of a dozen shuttles know. There are two robots. They did not dare to use them before.

  - Good. - Shepard turned to Jacob Match. - Organize loaded on shuttles. We break through your window and give the course to our ships. Shuttles after the release of the atmospheric shield will be used on the machine. In the past - to shield the border - on semiautomatic. Observation and windows are locked. - Shepard tserberovtsa warned. - Warn all my colleagues to attempt to bypass the blockage. This is - a precaution.

  - There is. - Jacob stretched out, saluted and went to carry out the order received.

  He heard angry shouts clever protesting against such a rapid and forced the completion of experiments and research. Shepard made out even a quick patter Brynn, but did not pay much attention to it - there was a standard.

  - Loading completed in shuttles. - Reported Alenko approached. - We are ready for breaking through the window.

  - Proceed. - Shepard walked away from the console, enabling Kaidan come closer to her and put his hands on the keyboard. - Oz-gon!

  Ryavknuvshie anti-aircraft guns were a complete surprise for the pilots shuttles and boats patrolling the perimeter of the besieged base. Immediately, as the burning wreckage of the eight canoes and boats crashed on snow-covered ledges of the canyon, the first shuttle to clever children rushed out of the hangar, a quick exit to the course to the orbit.

  - Overcame the border buffer zone. Purely. Nobody caught and fired.

  - Relax. - Shepard noted an alarming signal to the yellow instrumentrone. - Check it out in two parts. You - Shepard looked at Jenkins - with me in the hangar, and you - look at Kaidan - organize a breakthrough environment elsewhere and send shuttles to the rest. Fast. If anything - let drop the equipment here, we will destroy all the same during the retreat.

  - There is. - Jenkins stood next to Shepard. Kaidan nodded and walked to the other two consoles, where it was easier to control the anti-aircraft guns and sending shuttles. - Ready.

  - Forward.

  Down in the hangar, they wait too long - three dozen tserberovskih paratroopers supported by a manned ATLAS already sent to the gates of the hangar. Behind was loaded into canoes, heard the angry shouts, knocking, grinding. Geniuses obviously in a hurry. Pay attention to the details of loading Shepard was once - landing "Cerberus" opened fire in an attempt to break closer to close the gates of the hangar. Left towards normandovtsy steel husks another surprise, especially since the pilot ATLAS did not have time to activate the robot arms, intending at first to bring it closer to the gate leaf and then start shooting. Robot shattered to pieces by grenades coordinated salvo. Centurions, missile troops, the Marines were not prepared for this turn of events - they were swept by the site,

  - The area is clean. Shuttles no. - Jenkins reported twice rechecking the data obtained on instrumentrone. - You can give a signal to be sent all three shuttles.

  - Ordered. - Allow Shepard, considering that the corporal would be useful to give a command, and at this level.

  The gate slowly opened and two shuttle with a roar swept over the heads normandovtsev.

  - Shuttles frigate - on approach. - Alenko reported. - Loading completed, everything is prepared for the explosion. Will find only fragments and bo-o-lshie damage.

  - We'll wait. - Shepard looked reduces fregatskie shuttles. - Let's all - for loading.

  - CCTV and windows shuttles blocked. - Olivia reported. - All shuttles with tserberovtsami sent to the "Volga" in automatic mode. There's all the wise men immediately upon arrival at the gateway lull and distribute on minimum equipped cabins.

  - Sorry. - Shepard approached Brynn Cole, accompanied by Jacob. - My fiance says he recognized you. You - Shepard?

  - Yes. - Captain brighten visor woman to verify the truthfulness of his answer.

  - My God. So, all of this - you people?

  - Yes. We took your colleagues to his ship. I must say - they do not see anything there. Most of the way they carry out in their sleep. Now they fly up to the ship, but the video sensor and the windows are locked. Immediately upon arrival at the hangar, they fall asleep. security measure.

  - You ... - woman stretched forward clasped hands. - We were arrested?

  - So far - only detained. - Shepard said, watching the landing of two shuttles. Turning to Kaidan added. - Dispose of sending the two of them aboard the shuttle. Prepare charges.

  - You're all here to blow up? - Said Taylor, followed Brynn to the shuttle.

  - Yes. - Captain nodded, looked at Richard. - Accompany. - Corporal nodded and went after him.

  Shepard saw both tserberovtsam at the entrance to the shuttle were made soporific injections as paratroopers-cops helped them fall asleep on the go, get on board the boat and a passenger compartment cover into place, blocking the passage.

  - Georgia. - Captain, heading to the first shuttle, was convinced of setting filters on the communication channels and to switch to the coded mode. - How to go up to a height of five Keme - blast charges. Window?

  - Acts. - Said one of the cops, Marines, consulting the instrumentronom. - They have not received other orders.

  - They are the Husky Husky. Slow-witted performers of the will of others. - Shepard strapped and Greg nodded. - Takes off. The course to the frigate. - Slight feeling bewildered driver repeated. - On the frigate. On the cruiser will understand.

  Having Anderson believes poslepolёtny report, Shepard watched as Jacob and Brynn carried away on a stretcher in sickbay. Chakwas make sure that their implants no "Cerberus" tracking systems, after which both former tserberovtsa will be placed in various minimally furnished cabins and left there in usyplёnnom state.

  - I see, John, you are unhappy with their presence on our ships. - Anderson said, when he came out of the hangar. - And you have the feeling that before we get to the Citadel, we will still be at least one landing. I have, I have to say, there is such a feeling.

  - I have it too. - Shepard confirmed. - And yet this feeling tells me that there will be fighting again.

  - Everywhere the fighting. - Anderson went to his cabin, walked around the perimeter, stood at the window. - Everywhere. Wherever you look - or it will be a fight, or he is already underway, or it has already ended. Everywhere fights. And everywhere the consequences of misunderstanding.

  - Misunderstanding sometimes - condition for the development and improvement. - Captain said, sitting down in a chair. - I'm worried, David, that our otryadovtsy unhappy with the presence of these tserberovtsev on board the ship. There was intractable tension. I now Mordin sent a request to allow him to Jacob and Brynn. He claims that of Jacob from Brynn is a child.

  - Our expert as always - fast and founder. - Anderson said. - Let examining them as he wants - he'll have plenty of time, if we consider the possibility of our participation in the next combat operation. - Commander looked up to the ceiling. - Jeff, are allowed to base a blast and takes the ship farther returns squad on the way to the station.

  - Yes, commander. And I have already stagnated in the orbit of the planet holodnyuchey. - I heard the voice of the chief pilot. - I perform.

  - What about the scientists ... It was possible to assume that they will not leave without his family. This only proves that they are - for the most part - were ordinary people.

  - No, commander. - Shepard took reader. - It's - my thoughts and analysis, which proves - the active part of the scientists already haskizirovana. The list of suspects - in the same place. I would like to Solus and Chakwas denied or confirmed my assumption. As well as Alla and her colleagues. Huskies will h
ave to destroy. Pre proving their families that there is no alternative. The rest will have to transfer to the Quarantine Station Unit. Not sure they are not infected.

  - Reasonable precaution. - Anderson acquainted with the contents of the reader. - You are right, the signs listed by you correspond to the scheme of indoctrination. Fast or long - it is another question. Good. - A few keystrokes, the commander of the frigate, cruiser files sent to heads of the Medical Service Corps ships. - Well, that Jacob is not infected. The quarantine it, of course, sit. As for Cole ... I'm not sure, but it'll have to check thoroughly, especially if it is confirmed that it is - in the "position". Who knows what tricks can still resort Reapers. And by themselves former tserberovskie clever - too little faith they have me.

  - Materials seized from their support - those geeks tried to sneak into the kitchen Ghost designs. Killed Dr. Horace Armstrong, but even his death, the most famous fugitives, did not give them the opportunity to go beyond too emotional perception of Harper's activities. - Shepard said, handing Anderson another reader.

  - Scientists are strikingly emotional. - David muttered. - It's amazing. They are even ready to use on a large scale black market services, without considering the consequences. It's good that they showed commendable unity in the escape from the station.

  - They are scared obscure death of their colleagues, finalizing individual parts unknown in the whole project. And horrified callousness Ghost, which simply said that the contract with the disappeared scientist was terminated. No further explanation of these clever people, of course, did not receive. - Shepard said quietly. - Yes, Macheda, Scott, Daniel. Chun Hei, Amikka. All of them were killed, including to those pundits finally realized that the smell of fried and it's time to escape before it is too late.

  - Okay, John. As we go around another area of activity of the Reapers and their henchmen - rest. If there is a feeling that the front - planting - all the more necessary to have a good rest.


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