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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 189

by Theodore Daniels

  - Frankly, John. ... This setting can be difficult perceived penny and Benešov. Yes, I too aware of our plans for the next flight. - Doctor cruiser briefly nodded, stood up, waved tried to get the spectrum. - I know that words are superfluous. I ask you only one thing - believe me, I'm not going to let his girlfriend and your wife even come close to danger. Believe me, as a man who understands Arrow somewhere deeper and better than you ... She will give birth to John, and believe again in your ability to love many people at once ... But now it ... believe it is extremely difficult. I know she's trying, but ... there is something that is higher than its rather big opportunities and abilities, John. Frankly, these children for her ... very important, even though they demanded from her tremendous efforts ...

  - She's in danger ...

  - Yes, at risk. But I believe, John, I believe and want to believe even more, sharper and deeper into that giving birth to a son and a daughter, she may not again become a mother ... It's ... it's Arrow, John ... Just try not focus ...

  - I'll try. I promise, Ala. - Shepard stood up, and this time Seleznev did not hold it. - Only ...

  - I will do everything to make it ... Donoso children up to the maximum period, John. - Alla said quietly. - And I will not allow her to danger ... I know, she is almost ready to to go to sickbay ... And I know that even when she did not stop to work, as it is possible under these conditions. - Seleznev opёrlas on the countertop, bowed her head. - On I sometimes find second bouts of weakness. - She paused, took a shelf reader. - Here all the information about Svetlana's condition. Sorry...

  Shepard took the reader, put it into the wells, nodded and walked quietly out of the room. He knew that Allah conceals even from him his now chronic fatigue, but operates on a daily basis, and advises sometimes sixteen hours a day, without denying any of reasonable assistance. And very afraid for the fate and life of Svetlana and her children.

  Having come to her apartment, Shepard did not lie down to sleep as long as all the files read from the reader. Putting the device, he got out of bed, went to the window, climbed bronezaslonkoy touched glasses forehead, felt its coolness and closed his eyes.

  Allah gave him all the information about Svetlana's health. All ... Not this time hid nothing of what was really important now, today and in the near future. To do something that could not do as a physician and a friend Arrows. I planted in the soul of Shepard's belief that Svetlana survive ... that faith, which could only sow it, knowing perfectly well Streltsov until she met Shepard and again to make sure that the relationship Svetlana and John - here to stay .

  For several minutes he stood there, pondering read. With difficulty, obviously reluctant to come unstuck from the window, he turned around, walked over to the bed. Tomorrow it will be necessary to come to the cruiser Svetlana. Pull impossible. At any given unit may be disrupted by combat alert in any of the areas of the Galaxy, and then ... a chance to talk and see will not be ...

  Obviously, Anderson is something felt, because instead of the shuttle on the apron volgovskih spetsdoka Shepard waited for the shuttle commander's "Normandy", piloted by Greg.

  At this time, Shepard just nodded to the driver, do without the usual verbal greetings. Climbing into the cabin, the captain sat down, buckled and turned instrumentron. Greg realized state XO correctly - after going to the cabin, he lifted the canoe smoothly and quickly put the car on the course and tried to route the cruiser took as little time as possible.

  - Good morning, Captain. - Watch a lieutenant saluted overlook the ladder Shepard. - The commander is waiting for you in your cabin.

  - Thank you, Lieutenant. I myself. - Shepard gesture and refused to support the watch, saluted and left behind.

  That's a familiar door. Half-closed, as always. Svetlana did not want to isolate itself from the crew even now ...

  - Come on, Joe. - I heard a soft voice and Shepard stung in the eyes. He shook his head almost imperceptibly, crossed the threshold, and immediately saw her sitting at the desk of the hall. Zirda lay at her feet, and Gray Zord lay on their mats on both sides of the table. - Good to see you. - Svetlana, leaning on the arms of stood up, wincing a little. Shepard noticed that her hands trembled with tension. - Here, you see ... to fall apart for parts. Allah has threatened to lock me in sickbay, and now I'm inclined to let her so. A few minutes of work with the documents, and then rises so weak ... that even cry. - She hugged approached her captain, looked into his eyes. - In front of a bad ... The most ashamed and uncomfortable, but how ...

  - Light, do not be silly. - Shepard said quietly, kissing his wife on the lips and thwarting her attempts to finish the sentence. - You're fine as far as never before! - He said it, touching his forehead Svetlana forehead and looking soft tender look in her eyes. - And thou shalt be even more beautiful when give birth!

  - Do you believe that, John? In fact, I'll be able ... ?!

  - I believe Svetlan. - Shepard hugged her friend gently and firmly. - I believe. - He kissed her on the forehead, made it possible for his wife priniknut against his chest, hiding her face in the folds of the jacket suit. - All you can do it wrong, all you will be fine.

  Svetlana did not answer, only stronger pressed against him, hugged, but fortunately, not hung. A few minutes later, she was silent, then parted hug and stepped back, he said:

  - John ... Do not leave me ... please ...

  Shepard stepped forward, put his arm around Svetlana, hugged her. As she was afraid that seeing her so ... podurnevshuyu, distributes, unfold it and go away ... go away, to do the work, to engage in endless chores. Being away from her again ...

  They sat on the couch in the lobby, and Svetlana, calming down, leaned her head on his shoulder Shepard, closing his eyes and used to the idea that John did not leave it, either now or in the future. She is very afraid of losing him, she did not understand why believe that he can get away from it now ... I got it into his head that he was accustomed to seeing her in the glow of an officer and commander of Fame and invariable business zahlopotannosti not be able to take it a ... I put in the first plan for the children and not work and service.

  They talked for a long time, softly, softly. Sheepdogs, calmed, slept even Zirda returned to her mat, only occasionally opened her eyes and casts an intelligent, all knowing look of her mistress and master other.

  Shepard Svetlana cooked her favorite tea, handed her a large mug and felt the fingers of her hands lie on top of his hands, saw them trembling while holding a mug of his lips, like a fine shot barely audible tapping teeth of ceramic cups. Minute, second, third and Svetlana calmed down, disappeared tremors in the hands and the cup is no longer heaving. After kissing her friend, Shepard put down the cup on the table and sat down next to Svetlana, hugged her. Words at this time, was not required - only the views and feelings. Silence was not painful, it was necessary.

  Quite a bit, they talked about the future endeavors of the upcoming sorties Troop ships. Shepard was convinced that, despite the clear weakening, Svetlana still fully aware of the smallest nuances of the situation. It is assumed that due to the center and in the area of fuel reactors squad waiting clash. It was known to her, and of the difficulties on the Citadel, which otryadovtsam also had to try to deal in the near future.

  - I'm afraid I, John, what ... one of the counselors ... already on the other side of the front. - Svetlana said, for a few seconds stared at the scoreboard to cabin information. - She has perform tasks more or less standard, but ...

  - For check ... - Shepard said quietly. - Information given to all ... structures. - He added.

  - But that's a betrayal ... has already taken place. And we catch only the tail ...

  - We will try to not only catch, but also to keep the situation under the Svetlana. - Said the captain. - Do not. It is still not the time to cut straight from the shoulder ...

  - How late it was not, John ...

  - Svetlana ... please ... do not cheat yourself. You're not alone, we - the squad, I will always be next to you and the children. You - a
great first mate, he will cope with the situation well. You he certainly help, but he himself is a lot of ...

  - I really want to believe, John, that it will be so, but ... Sooner we tear into space. Medley, all the earth, and measure our solnechnosistemnymi yardstick ... And then, as the slap in the face - such a war ... with zagalakticheskim enemy. Who repeatedly manifests among us ... wimps ... - Svetlana did not raise her eyes, feeling great and feeling her husband and her friend in a clear integrity. - Pobudesh with me today?

  - Yes Svetlana. How much - so much, and I will.

  - Thanks, John. - She looked up at him. - You know, sometimes it rolled forward ... I'm afraid to make some stupid things. And more and more often tend to think that Allah is not so wrong in his desire to lock me up in sickbay. Terribly frustrating to feel so weak, vulnerable, and most importantly - the nervous and seeing every trifle giant serious problem ...

  A few hours they spent together in the bedroom half black. Shepard felt as reluctant, difficult, difficult to leave girlfriend tension and fear. Alla was right when she wrote that such a state will not leave Svetlana a very long time. Probably just another wave has rolled on the boom and now retreats to return at any moment. And then ... then again retreat. And so - many times ... exhausting, depriving the peace and stability of ...

  The next morning, Shepard flew to the station. And, while Svetlana did not go to see him in the hangar, he felt loud and clear - it's a little calmed down and recovered. And in her position is - is very important and necessary. At night, she hugged Shepard so that the captain clearly knew - she was very afraid that he will leave, leave her ... Words - words and actions are the things ... people are so unexpected and difficult to predict. Of course, while Svetlana did not give birth, mood swings and psihonastroykoy problems persist. And before birth as Shepard was able to convince Alla, more far - at least several decades.

  Going "Normandy" in the dock on prevention. Thermal pipe

  At headquarters, Shepard spent exactly three days. On the fourth day of its audio channel called Anderson and ordered to appear at the frigate. Technicians, as the commander of the ship said, completed the preliminary work and are now starting the main work phase, which according to the standards and protocols require the presence on board of senior assistant captain. Shepard sent a receipt in making an order for execution on instrumentron Anderson and half an hour later was on the docks, where the shuttle came to the "Normandy".

  Greg quickly brought on board and exec Shepard, giving relying report on Anderson arriving, dressed in a light suit in his cabin, then went to the dock accompanied by engineers to bypass the ship. A few hours later he had fully mastered all the necessary information and plan their personal involvement in dock work, that should have been completed in a few days. His status Senior Assistant required to confirm and the next few days Shepard refused thoughts return to the headquarters of the Citadel. Of course, if you do not there will be something really quite extraordinary.

  - We have a problem, John. And the problem is this - in the propulsion system. - Anderson said when Shepard with engineer Adams bent over the table Wirth in engineering frigate, cruiser. The commander went into the engineering compartment instrumentronom already activated, the screen in the middle of which shone a diagram of the propulsion system. - I'm afraid, I will have to do things that would not normally do.

  - I suppose that it will be necessary to send someone into the bay thermal tubes, commander. - Shepard said. - Engineer Adams of the same opinion, and I believe that the direction of escape in this compartment can not be human.

  - I beg your permission. - The officers approached Kenneth Donnelly. - I am ready to fix the damaged pipes in this compartment.

  - Kenneth ... - reproachfully said Adams.

  - I insist. - Said the young man. - I know what the problem is ... and understand the degree of risk. But ... the risk to the ship ... much more. I ... I ask you not to deny me this right ....

  - We will decide, Kenneth. While - free. - Anderson said.

  - Yes, commander. - Donnelly turned in place around, left the compartment. Adams closed the door on the latch, he returned to the table.

  - He and Gabriela - seriously ... - no one in addressing personally, said the chief engineer. - It is a question for the wedding, colleagues. And he...

  - Well, that Gabriela on the Citadel, but not here. - Anderson said. - It is unlikely that she would have taken it ... normal.

  - Commander - from vahtsluzhby. - Revived speaker.

  - In connection. - Anderson did not turn off the speakerphone - in a compartment other than the ship's officers, there was no one - only slightly muffled sound.

  - Daniels - on board, Commander. - Said the watchman.

  - Clear. Before connection. - Anderson pressed the button, interrupting communication with the remote control. - Learn the same. - He did not even turn around to colleagues.

  - My heart told. - Adams sighed.

  The compartment door knocked urgently.

  - It Gabriela commander. - Confidently said the chief engineer.

  - Open. - Said Anderson. - Does not matter I'm not calm.

  - There is. - Adams disabled latch, opened the door. The compartment stepped Daniels.

  - Commander, let me speak frankly? - She asked to stay a few steps from Anderson. Adams closed the door on the latch, turned the lock.

  - Permission granted. - Anderson nodded.

  - I know enough about the problem. I request permission to correct the problem.

  - What do you mean both conspired to do it ?! - Adams broke, not had time to take a step on the compartment door. - First, Kenneth, now you Gabriela!

  - Places to work in the standard version there is not enough .... If ultimately facilitate spacesuits, only I and Kenneth will there to do something. Others just do not turn around there. - The engineer said. - So ... it turns out that besides the two of us - no one. - She tried to speak calmly, but it was evident that this calm her expensive. - One of Kenneth, I will not let go. Either with me - or I will go there alone!

  - Yes ... - Adams broke out, but stopped short under the gaze dramatically unfolded to him the employee.

  - I repeat. Either we're going to get together, or I'm going to get one! You do not have to remind me that I'm a woman! - Almost cried Gabriel.

  A few seconds of silence reigning in the compartment, Shepard seemed like an eternity. The captain was looking for a way out of the situation. Involve someone else not from the engineering compartment - it is impossible for several reasons. Too thin is the work and the bay too important - there need a specialist, rather than simply the repairman.

  - Gabriela. - Shepard said. - Please, wait ... is our solution compartment.

  - Kapi-tan ?! - Girl ozhgla Shepard hate this look, which seemed to him - a gust heat of a blast furnace.

  - Please ... - Shepard repeated.

  Daniels slowly turned and headed for the door.

  Adams made a sign, Shepard turned to Anderson:

  - Commander ... I should go. More nobody. Both of them and all of them ... Let go ... you can not. There would be enough room for me alone.

  - John ... - said Anderson.

  - No, commander. Do not, David. You know, there is no one besides me.

  - Svetlana ... - Anderson did not look at his assistant, he stared at the display modes.

  - She will understand me ... - Shepard said quietly. - Understand. - He repeated.

  - But ... - Anderson tried to find the reason for the leave-taking banning order.

  - David. - To share the wounds Shepard said. - It's - a war. And fight - everything. As long as you can - they are young, you need to take care of .... No matter that when ... you understand.

  - I see. - Anderson stepped to Shepard stopped. - Engineer Adams.

  - Yes, commander. - Adams slumped.

  - Prepare all necessary. I warn ... Chakwas.

  - Yes, commander. - The engineer went to the desk, then stepped to the closet where he kept the
suits are designed to work in the compartments of the propulsion system. His hands began to routinely check and adjustment of the shell. Shepard stepped to the closet and began to help Adams. Anderson withdrew from the console, heading for the exit door. Quiet door slam.

  - It is not easy to have to right now commander. - Adams said, helping Shepard put on the suit. - These two ...

  - They must live. And they must have healthy children. - Shepard said, checking the helmet. - A commander ... will find that they have to say. I find, I'm sure. - Captain snapped the visor, lowered filter, lifted him and checked for leaks. - All right, Greg. Let's set of tools, and I'll go. A few hours ... and the problem will be solved.

  Chief Engineer Captain silently filed a case with tools and Shepard went to the technological ladder, leading to a steel door that started compartments propulsion.

  - How will enter ... - Adams tried to remind Shepard on the strings, but he waved it.

  - Do not. I remember. - Shepard took the rail, put his foot on the second step. - Do not Pori fever, if I'm late. You know ... ... fine work there.

  - Be careful out there ... - quietly said the chief engineer.

  - I will. - Shepard countered, rising. - You, importantly, control parameters. - He stopped at the container, fortified on the wall next to the door, he gently pulled out a tube with a pipe.

  Chavknuv insulated door into place, cutting off from Shepard low noise mechanisms. Here, in the process passing it was much quieter. No wonder - the propulsion system is muted. Reminding ourselves of the need to go into a state of Strings Shepard did not have - a condition he was seized automatically, almost instinctively.

  It has become a little easier. Bluish light, penetrating the space of technological passage connecting sections of the propulsion system, reminded that circle - risk. Glancing at the clock display, Shepard started the countdown. Maximum - a half hour. Maximum security. There will have problems. Not with the technique - with his health that has taken alone for half an hour to repair what is usually repaired together for about the same time.


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