Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 200

by Theodore Daniels

  Liara doubt that she is worthy of love Shepard. Such love John. Maybe she just gives wishful thinking? Maybe she gives a good attitude, and earthling man to her, alien, asari for love? For love, for all its similarity is always different and the human and asari. A different and can not be. Maybe she hammered a certain postulate that Shepard loves her, but in reality he was just good to her concerns, and nothing more?

  Such thoughts always made Liara strain. She often thought about this state of affairs, I sat on the bed and tried every possible way to get to the truth, as, of course, it was possible. For some reason she did not want to believe that something that felt for her, perhaps, Captain Shepard was just a good attitude a reasonable organic being to another organic substance. Even reasonable.

  Liara never forgot that Azarov presented to mankind as an asexual being, for which gender issues did not matter at all. So, Shepard, a man earthling quite traditional sexual orientation, could never bother any attractive young asari for him en-sevens and XO razvedfregata. Who it really for him? What makes it different, for example, of the same eight hundred Loak? We have to because she remembered that first loved Shepard is not it, Liara, and her mother, who, incidentally, is much more reason for the high level of reciprocity in the relationship with Shepard - he's rescued her. Christ in a way that is inconceivable without unity. He risked his essence, his personality, in order to save d'Avignon, is now owes him life and integrity. I took a chance and saved. Whatever anyone says, but even normandovtsy be perceived much more relaxed marriage Shepard on Benešov than marriage Shepard on the same Liara. Yet asari matriarch - much more valuable and beneficial in many ways, the party for such a prominent and important personalities, which was always the captain Shepard. And Svetlana, it is likely many advantages for themselves would find, in cooperation with the wife, which could be for John d'Avignon. Eight hundred years of life - it is a great experience, it is wisdom, it is the balance ... And Liara ... yet a quarter of it. many advantages for themselves would find, in cooperation with the wife, which could be for John d'Avignon. Eight hundred years of life - it is a great experience, it is wisdom, it is the balance ... And Liara ... yet a quarter of it. many advantages for themselves would find, in cooperation with the wife, which could be for John d'Avignon. Eight hundred years of life - it is a great experience, it is wisdom, it is the balance ... And Liara ... yet a quarter of it.

  Listening to the voice of reason cold, tense as a string Liara, who was sitting on his bed, he tried to oppose his belief that Shepard loves younger T'Soni, love tenderly, softly, easily and deeply. He loves because he believes it. She believes in the best of all that is best in Liara, in that one is able to help her survive and endure, to contribute to the victory over the Reapers and their accomplices.

  Perhaps it was true. Shepard is very much reasonable given the opportunity to believe in their personal, their own ability to punish the aggressors, to punish them effectively and permanently. Even if it means to fight and to fight in complete isolation in a hostile environment full. Fight and fight each inhabitant of the Milky Way. So, including Liara T'Soni, wanting so badly to get a second name - Shepard.

  Liara soothing and relaxing, just thinking about it, in spite of its acute love for John, still free, still it alone determines his own destiny, still Shepard to take any of its choice, without claiming any some exceptional attitude towards him with her Liara parties. Yes, everything, or almost everything in this relationship have to be postponed if not in the postwar period, then just the final war. Where is he this finale and when it will do, and whether it will invest in the scope and terms of John's life, physically incapable to live more than three hundred years. Yes, he is a unique personality possessing zagalakticheskimi capability and capacity, but it is unlikely he will use these opportunities and the ability to do a better job myself. Rather, he uses them for the benefit of other sentient organics and Synthetic, but he never uses them for their own personal interests. Oh, he was always so, and there will be. It is always there.

  Liara clearly felt - between her and Shepard are Reapers - an enemy whose strangeness felt all the inhabitants of the galaxy. It was the enemy, targeting well only in the complete destruction of all reasonable within the galaxy. Every single one. It was impossible even to hope even in the slightest degree, that someone will be able to survive. The enemies did everything to destroy the once flourishing and highly developed inhabited worlds. For their fleets were shattered planet, destroyed cities, collapsed infrastructure, last colony. Clean up the local population, leaving transports and ships indoctrination, and the fire devoured everything else - the Reapers do not stand on ceremony, and did not leave a reasonable organics and Synthetic Milky Way's ability to quickly come back to recover and to gain a foothold. Pictures of the devastation and the sacrifices made every day of the war filled the heart Liara T'Soni fire, and mind - cold. It worked, fought and fought. The decade of the decade. Fought, knowing that the same, if not stronger, and better than she, struggling and John, and Svetlana and all otryadovtsy.

  For her, there was never anything more than Tess, the parent planet asari and her Liara, the birthplace. Because younger T'Soni fought and fought above all for the liberation from the invaders of his native planet. She knew, understood, and remembered her different planet. And wanted this diversity has been saved. No variety of war, suffering and pain, and a variety of peace, freedom and development. Because she was balancing between the possible and the necessary, often forget that the consequences of severe injuries will affect her all her life, all guaranteed a thousand years of life. Is doing everything to these limitations, these consequences retreated somewhere away again. Among other militia took the full course of training for combat biotics under the guidance of their parents, once a reservation for yourself the maximum, the highest level of requirements.

  Heavy then turned the conversation. Etita kept silent, but Benešov raged. She laid out in front of a fan of the penny readers with medical information, lit five wallboards and showed them videos of the period, when Liara lie flat on his back on the bed and was very similar to the body. Benešov Liara remembered that she had to stop at Terrume shooting from the fighting army weapons in the legs, and then - to save on krogan and geth ...

  Much has been said and then Liara in those hours are not just thinking about what she actually wants a quick death itself. Explicit congestion combat biotic preparation could realistically as soon as possible to put a big fat cross on the reduced level of health of a young asari are not included even in the age of the matrons, and of life itself Liara. There is not even a smell of a disability, there is the smell of instant death. And where - good to battle with the enemy, and that in fact - in training or on the range. It is ridiculous.

  But Liara was not funny. She did not want to be behind someone else, I did not want it to be seen as a civil right through. She wanted to wear their awards, three awards from the full, with the full right and, to be honest, I wanted to get even more awards, because I was sure - any reasonable need recognition surrounding tribesmen, it helps to live a full and vibrant life. But she wanted to live a full and vibrant life to shine, sparkle, and be visible in the first place - the valuable and important to John. Even if he does not love her, but just nice to her concerns, she Liara wants to shine and sparkle to the most love it. Love, no matter what, no longer youthful, impulsive reckless love, mature, mature, deep, smooth and strong.

  She assured parents that sustain the full course of combat biotic training. And she had stood, making it one of the best graduates, received a gold badge klassnosti training among the very few tribeswoman.

  Mindful of the fact that not all powerful biotic parallel Liara has paid great attention to marksmanship, becoming a regular at the shooting range and small landfill. I had to very quickly see that in view of the restrictions imposed by the effects of injury, it will never be given the full grenade launchers and sniper rifles. Realizing this, Liara is completely switched to assault rifles and pistols all, includin
g submachine guns, and very soon she realized it - its weapon. In her training with guns came running to see crowds of militia came and Asari-desantnitsy. And look at what: quite heavy assault rifles and pistols all fluttered in the hands of a young asari, as if weighed ten grams. At the same time they razili any target spot. Maximum Liara spent on each target two charges. Very rarely, when - three. But then, for greater certainty in the result, and for greater severity of the target. Not to over and over again to improve the situation with the hits.

  Realizing and mastering only a portion of its power, Liara became ruthless to itself, to its own shortcomings, their problems to their weaknesses. She almost continuously improve their biotics and his small skill at every opportunity to take a few minutes the next and the next training exercise, almost around the clock wore a headlamp eyebrow biotic energy hubs.

  Because she was not wearing a helmet is almost never - a maximum of a helmet and oxygen mask. It is believed that soon, very soon the war will come a turning point in favor of the Resistance and the Reapers begin to recede. According to another and could not be - because every day in war with the occupiers and invaders entered more and more sensible of organic community, for which the Galaxy was the single, common and only home.

  Now in this house were destroyed villages and entire planets, but increasingly appeared fleets resistance of tens and hundreds of heavy and medium-sized ships, boldly attacking fleets and ships Reapers and succeed during the hottest hours of fighting. Achieve victory who sought weakening shrimp and their accomplices. For the victory had to pay the lives of tens and hundreds of organic reasonable, but each such victory brought nearer the time of release of the Galaxy.

  Increasingly preserved Extranet server brought on instrumentron Liara news about the new people's victories over the Reapers and their accomplices. Increasingly, these victories of said news agencies and news channels set in the space of the Citadel races. People quietly but very effectively and efficiently combined so many different races of the Galaxy, who seemingly could not have five minutes to sit side by side at the same table. And now they are the race, fought shoulder to shoulder, even when separated by millions of kilometers of space. People rallied race Citadel space, without making any distinction of age, either in appearance or in the floor. If Reapers death wish all sentient organics - death awaits all the Reapers and all their accomplices, whoever they may be.

  The fleets of the Russian Empire helped fleets turians over and over again to knock out more and more fleets of the Reapers and their assistants in the space of the Hierarchy, and the fleet Hierarchy helped the rest of the races, remembering his main military purpose: to be on guard, to protect, safeguard and guarantee the safety of numerous slabovooruzhёnnyh civil. By the power of the Alliance fleets joined their strength Fleets of more than two hundred countries of the Earth and goggles before asari turians and salarians appeared full international of the human race, were able to accommodate a spectrum of stunning depth, breadth and variety of colors.

  Mankind came to the expanses of space in his battle dress - even slabovooruzhёnnye civil court with the identification marks of the Earth and the solar system carried the Reapers and their accomplices, only one - a guaranteed death. Number of ramming ships Reapers exceeded several tens of thousands, and captains after earthlings began to practice in the most desperate and difficult situations the pilots of spaceships many other races. Death for death. Only such a price was waiting for the Reaper, causing shrimp fleets over again retreat, as soon as the first high-speed boats appeared, heralding the arrival of its proximity arrival of the fleets of the Earth. Certain compounds of the squadron and the entire earth military and paramilitary vessels henchmen raided the Reapers in any of the investigated space areas. Figures loss shrimp vessels grow with each new day in tens of thousands of units. The war turned into war mode to the destruction of the occupiers and invaders. No reasonable of organic no longer wanted to take the Reapers or their minions captured. This was not necessary.

  Liara, tracking all of this on a daily basis in their information-brokering company and the staffs Militia, as well as in scientific laboratories, knew that if the people, humans, humanity, barely released into space, fighting desperately, and at the same time - effectively, it, Liara T'Soni, the daughter of two matriarchs asari, is obliged to fight at least not worse. Fighting, proving itself the right to love your John Shepard full, sacrificial love, faithfulness to one sweeping the essence of her feeling that she kept a deep and fed the best, only to find that. Love and loyalty require permanent, true, effective evidence - this motto has become part of a complex life motto, which was followed by younger T'Soni, as soon oklemalas from injury.

  She was glad that she need not always be uniformed. Yes, if she went to azariysky Troopers, special forces or videoconferencing Azariyskogo space - no questions, the form would become a second skin Liara, but now she realized and another truth: no matter what you're wearing, it is important that you do and to strive for. Because she rarely wore unnecessarily volunteer form, more and more fond of wearing white and blue coveralls, which can be easily hang armor.

  The Huskies were blunt. And maybe - they just were oriented to the destruction or capture of any and all asari, so much attention to the way their opponentka was wearing, did not pay, seeking only to achieve its goal - to destroy or capture. Because white-blue overalls, which loved to stay most of the day Liara fought on his home planet, often misled not husks Reapers and tserberovtsev. Yes, Liara remembered well that tserberovtsy fighting on the side of the Reapers, for which they are - simple consumables. Tserberovtsy a long time ago not people, and half people in the best case, to a greater extent - Huskies. Machines, machine. Nevertheless, it is that could be misleading and tserberovtsev, do not expect a young asari pitfalls and often had not seen her in any particular danger.

  Do not see - well, so relaxed, so - are not ready. Because Liara, paling in seconds - she could not bring herself not to wax pale grayness in such momenty- thrust to the head of another armored Hasco-tserberovtsa or poluhaska - who disassemble them there, sort something once all the same - three charges. Three charge from each of the two guns. And then - again and again three charge in the head. Only three of the charge, but in each and poluhaska Husk these charges fell guaranteed.

  Liara knew that the Reapers and their accomplices waiting on her that looked completely harmless civilian blue-skinned virgin zapoloshnoy firing bursts vain expenses carried ammunition. And again and again they could not wait for this by Liara. And not only by Liara - by the time the militia Tess joined most of the population of the parent planet, not only asari, but turians, salarians, quarians, most of the representatives of the other well-known in the area of the Citadel races.

  Liara fought, surrendering war with passion and with all the ardor of youth, dreaming of the time when she would be able to deal exclusively peaceful work, peace work. The last thing that may have seen haskolyudy, she, the youngest T'Soni, killed, was the face of a young asari, distorted mask of hatred and contempt. Liara Sama was not looking for any new ways to express their rejection - she read a lot of similar situations in the case of other armed conflicts. She was a picture in the room, found it on one of the strangled Reapers server to which it is a miracle to reach out - young dugout, kolonistka girl in a light dress goes to gathered at the Colossus - modified getskogo haskolyudam tank. There is, and under her dress show through the bars of explosives. She goes to the enemies and keep one hand behind his back.

  Liara Sama had no doubt that if necessary, she will likely undermine the grenade himself than surrender prisoner or give the opportunity to direct the bell indoktrinatora. That-that, and feel the presence and direction of these weapons the Reapers each Asari studied very early and is now a priority. Because Liara always shoot first and always just a defeat. She did not want to just survive, she wanted to live a normal life, a full life. Let this wound inflicted Kai Leng, and it will prevail over a thousand years, but it will make this a thousand years in a ra
inbow of meanings and feelings and rainbow a rainbow of emotions. To this rainbow shine, it is necessary to defeat the Reaper and destroy their accomplices. It is necessary to fight.

  The guerrilla and militia war against the Reapers was not the only meaning of life T'Soni younger.

  War is always associated with deadweight losses - Liara is always understood. Always different. Basic understanding came to her just now, when Tess hit the Reapers, and she experienced the prior when the hospital came from medtransporty saved from the concentration camp at the Base of collectors.

  Now the death toll grew every minute. Grew imperceptibly, but steadily. War, not only the Reapers gathered its terrible harvest. I take your tribute to a charge for stupidity, stupidity, incompetence and laziness of organic reasonable. Torn pieces of fate, life worlds.

  Liara knew that even normandovtsy volgovtsy and do not last forever and are very afraid to find these lists very dear to her heart and soul family. Searched and relief to your daily, did not find.

  Who does not like her, barely recovered from severe injuries, to understand how it is weak to the ocean of information. Yes, it works in the information-brokering company may be much knows, understands and understands in this area and in this area. Yet the ocean of information for it is still too dangerous and strong. Well, if it can really do something to separate the sea of information, but not in the ocean. To counter the negative, which abound in the ocean, perhaps even more difficult than confront negativity during clashes on a real war against the Reapers. And if not for the possibility, at least temporarily go into science, to go into theoretical constructs and practical laboratory and proving ground work ... probably would not Liara stood and would not mind kept intact. Too much she had learned in recent months,

  It is very appreciated is the fullness of life, as always remember how hard and how slowly she recovered a valuable outside assistance voenmedikov asari from severe injuries regained the ability to not only relatively quickly, almost as soon as walking, but also fast enough to run and even jump. If not for the help Troop not help normandovtsev not help Yavika, she would have a deep and helpless invalid. Because it would be desirable to relax, forget the short sleep, almost nap, she found the strength to work in the lab, work out the next research question or research problem. A lot or a little she could - she did not dwell on this his attention and did not like to evaluate this too rosy. But something prompted her to internally: it is a scientific overalls and suit the scientific series is rightly and reasonably, and none of the sentient organic matter in most cases will not find arguments that will make her question, and in this his right, and in this foundation. So, civil militia and clothes for her - is not the only possible clothing. Fidelity science should confirm regularly and consistently, as well as loyalty to the militia, and information, and thus t, at any slightest opportunity Liara back to the scientific division of Space Azari and worked there with full dedication, believing that the war - the war, and science and research battles and fights to abolish can not. So, civil militia and clothes for her - is not the only possible clothing. Fidelity science should confirm regularly and consistently, as well as loyalty to the militia, and information, and thus t, at any slightest opportunity Liara back to the scientific division of Space Azari and worked there with full dedication, believing that the war - the war, and science and research battles and fights to abolish can not. So, civil militia and clothes for her - is not the only possible clothing. Fidelity science should confirm regularly and consistently, as well as loyalty to the militia, and information, and thus t, at any slightest opportunity Liara back to the scientific division of Space Azari and worked there with full dedication, believing that the war - the war, and science and research battles and fights to abolish can not.


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