Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 201

by Theodore Daniels

  Often younger T'Soni spent day and night in the labs. Work often it seemed endless, viscous and enveloping the body and mind. Barely able to stand, dabbing a handkerchief Liara tired of reading texts on screen readers and instrumentronov eyes, always at the same time reminding myself that so many intelligent organics is now much heavier than her. She always remembered himself on crutches: the helpless and weak.

  She was tired, because she was not a robot or a cyber or cyborg. She was alive. She sometimes fell shoulders sloped forward head and eyes against his will and against the will began to look for something on the floor slabs. Creeping lethargy, drowsiness enveloped the mind.

  Liara tracked those moments. Let's imagine if there was a possibility the smallest rest and forced herself to return to the interrupted work.

  It is good to remember that Kai Leng was destroyed without her participation. This is her little annoyed, even angered. She is very willing to personally deal with this villain, but what to do - did not happen. I do not hit it to the Citadel at the time when this phantom avenger mongrel Otryadovtsy destroyed. Again Otryadovtsy. However, Liara does not lose sight of the simple fact that Kai Leng - is not the only culprit of the pack, called "Cerberus". And because she was barely dressed volunteer form, he took a special, personal war with the "Cerberus" agents which, as you might expect, penetrated and Tess tried to harm the asari in their own world, their own parent planet.

  Allow it could not even in the slightest degree Liara physically, not only because it is morally and daily paid attention to their particular, personal war with the servants three-headed dog. Wow them somehow be called - she told herself - well, even if they have chosen is not too easy and successful designation. The main thing - not an organization, the main thing - the idea, and the idea is standard - a few have to manage many. Once again. Though the development of normative rejects this version of events - either survive and prosper all, or die and suffer all.

  As a militiaman, Liara figured agents "Cerberus" and sought to destroy them by force of arms. As information intermediary - she used the smallest possible shoveling mountains of data to indicate azariyskomu - and not only azariyskomu - Resistance to where you can find singles accomplices or entire groups of supporters three-headed dog. Even outwardly it changes, becomes like a statue, when it came to counter the "Cerberus", which gave birth to a monster, almost sent her Liara T'Soni in irrevocable journey for Edge.

  Few reasonable organic matter, very few people could say that I saw Liara as she cried. Few people understand the reason why she was crying. And she was crying because all the time, day and night felt weak, I felt bruised. This injury is too much ... it has changed in the essence of a young asari, so you can find a simple hospital stay and recovery period of heavy guarantee for the full treatment. She really got the opportunity and the ability to walk without crutches, even without a stick, but always felt - now, for such a war - it is not enough. And because her almost became disabled, you can not stop, can not reduce the burden on the mind and on the body, although it is tired. Very tired because it is not in one direction and in four directions. Liara tired and still spent a lot of effort on it,

  She did not appear to be weak, but he knew that it was, is and will be a simple asari. Without there zagalakticheskih usual features and abilities asari. Which, of course, can love and such prominent people as John Shepard. And maybe not love, but simply, in his usual manner, be good to her. Without matrimonalnyh expectations and aspirations. Perhaps only to him Liara wanted to show this, weak and bruised, but always feared that this show forever turn away from it Shepard. He does not need the asari, striving to hang on him their problems and questions. He needed ally, associate.

  And if so - will Liara and companion and associate Otryadovtsev. This wound, which, as well as the consequences of which it seems doomed to live all, of course, the rest of life will affect not the best way to its capabilities, but if she did not shine in azariyskom assault and azariyskih videoconferencing, in militia it will be able to express themselves to the fullest extent, because there are no military standards and there is no set of requirements, without which compliance can not just wear a uniform.

  As always, the army fought somewhere, far away, but the Reapers was beaten by a much more sedentary and much more numerous civilians, which, ultimately, had to find ways to protect themselves by the incessant bombings, attacks subversives and saboteurs, as well as the picking up the shaft propaganda carried out by associates of the Reapers. And it was not even in the fact that these collaborators were few, but the fact that these supporters were behind the Reapers with their millions of years of experience of suppression and destruction of organic reasonable. Even Asari, seemingly innate diplomats and negotiators, aware that agree with such an opponent of something other than its unconditional surrender azariyskoy racial impossible in principle.

  Very quickly, the front and the war came to a hitherto peaceful towns and villages Tess. And shooting ranges and smoothly moved first to the very real streets of settlements, and then, due to destruction of the latter - and beyond, to where the family settled some or all asari solitary by nature and life. Liara is now rarely able to return to his parents in their apartment, even in his apartment in the underground residential center she returned, not every day and every decade. Their division on the machines, and often threw foot from district to district, from region to region. "All are fighting." - As stated in one of the Extranet site. And Liara, sitting in the back of the next freighter with the emblem of the militia on board knew that now really fighting all reasonable organics.

  Almost left those who managed to stay out of the war. As there said people in these situations? "It never rains - it pours" ?! Yes, it says. But people have always fought each other, not knowing the rest of the war has never in its own history, it has been proved to be better prepared for the fact that almost any asari would call nightmarish conditions. And now these conditions have become a common reality, a normal life. The usual, because the war flowed smoothly from the initial phase of the main warring parties and now had to spend enormous resources to ensure that in no case do not give up the slack and do not roll back an opponent punches too far and too fast.

  Liara as other asari, had to learn to survive in such dreadful conditions. She remained militias, but she had very quickly and deeply understand: the army of the militia on a war does not differ greatly, and not always in a very good way. Younger T'Soni quickly learned that the levy on such a war is fast becoming conventional army, so much of a difference between the life and the life of a militiaman desantnitsy asari not celebrated for a long time. Militiamen fired, crawling on their bellies, masked, dug trenches, stormed the steep walls and rock ledges, swimming and diving, unless that military necessity arose.

  Increasingly on the faces of militiamen asari stiffened mask of hatred focused increasingly overalls and suits covered with layers of stubborn dirt and blood are increasingly conscious pounded only one thought: "This is - a war of annihilation This is not a war for survival..."

  Information resources earthlings, information resources of mankind were extremely close and clear to Asari is in such a critical moment. They talked with their viewers and listeners in simple words, no beautiful, no ornate. They said everyone who wanted to listen to them and understand regardless of race or gender. And on their tranquil tone of their confidence in the future victory over the reapers many reasonable organics it is truly lighter and quieter. Liara is already accustomed to this effect due to its work with the information, she saw that many others of its compatriots and contemporaries imbued with faith in the death of the Reapers and their inglorious and the imminent end.

  Parent asari planet suffering under incessant bombing and assault Reapers and their henchmen. I suffer, but do not give up, not surrendered, not retreating. War may well no longer be an easy matter, even for the Reapers, for all their sverhavtomatizirovannosti, mehanizirovannosti and relying on the AI and VI. However, to win as T'Soni felt younger, it was stil
l very, very far away. That is why it was necessary to fight and work. To fight and work, forgetting about food and about the rest. Liara thought it enough to sleep off and lie down in the hospital, it came out of his coma and when healing, as it was at all possible, from the effects of the injury.

  Replacing rifle stylus Liara ordered himself to turn around and go on the attack on the set of data in mixed by slender, neproshibaemye hurriedly calculations and formulas - whether it's information or scientific results and source code. The head swell, eyes tired, but Asari gave themselves the right to only a few minutes of rest, forcing himself over and over again to go back to work and constantly mindful of the fact that the war continues, the scientific center or data room can be at any time attacked by saboteurs or commandos Reapers can be fired, may be subject to bombings.

  Why in moments of weakness Liara very serious, even vividly imagined how her face, head touch the hands of John, he hugs her waist, shoulders as presses gently to itself. She was embarrassed and ashamed of the pictures here, but something hidden in the depths of her personal essence repeatedly indicated she has a right, because she loves this John, the true, full of love, and this love is capable of much. In a lot. Yes, among the militias were people were salarians were turians were quarians. But they were not interested in Liara as interested in John Shepard. She was free in her life and could fall in love with anyone, but yet she loved only one person - earthling Shepard and was happy and proud that keeps this love for many months and ten days in the integrity and the immutability,

  The military brotherhood, mutual aid, mutual long ago ceased to be theoretical abstractions Liara - she could see it every day and not just seen - and she took herself to provide the necessary and sufficient support.

  The hardest she was during the forced departures. She was not used to retreat and even more so - to give up. Because left position is almost always one of the latest, barely losing to the insistence of the other fighters. She still learned to share the retreat and cowardice - a very long time, these two concepts for it had a single negative sense.

  True to its interest and love for the wide range of information, Liara sought much to remember - what I saw, what I heard, that felt. She loved to look around at every conceivable opportunity to memorize the terrain parts to fix in memory images of the most intelligent of all conceivable different races. For some reason, she believed that the time will come when she will tell about it, as a witness. Either aloud or in the pages of a large book. She weakly believe that it comes to books, because she very much hoped that she would have children. As a minimum - three pretty young asari. It is, of course, will tell them - and not just for the night - a fairy tale, but above all it will tell them how to live a reasonable organics present in the life of this terrible complex and very heavy war.

  Remembering that led to the invasion of the Reapers, Liara rarely smiled, rarely relaxed and rarely rested. She faintly remembered the days when the world was, and knew - it was her essence, her mind pushed those pictures far into the depths. But come the world - and the picture of the world will return, but the picture of the war, though very close, just ended, recede into the background. So always happens in the life of a reasonable Organics - is replaced by another one, gravity is replaced easily, peace replaced war. Younger T'Soni was happy that she was fighting with weapons in hand, can afford to do and information science and business, believe that someday the war against the Reapers will be history, and peace and quiet - a reality. And then she, too, will be different, then for it will be enough only scientific overalls without bronenakladok and cuirasses, then its luxurious sharp eyebrows are not hidden under the headlamp hubs armor and then she will appear before Shepard, John before simple ordinary peaceful civil asari, not militias with assault rifle and pistols on his belt. John, of course, also be replaced with a bright sign broneskafandr "Al-Seven" on the cuirass for something more decent time. For example, so unloved and so they rarely dress up the front black coat with studs instead of the usual buttons and buckles. And she would try to persuade him to wear the suit, because in it, John looks simply divine and delicious. In Liara was old amateur photos showing Shepard in the tailcoat. It was difficult to determine, he put it on any occasion, but he was in it almost irresistible. Liara it was clear from the first look at this photograph,

  She knew she was aware, knew that Shepard - an officer, a warrior, and he fights where only professionals can fight. To fight and not just survive. He fights out there in the most difficult areas of confrontation. Her to shiver in the hands wanted to believe that not only she loves him, but he loves her, still love her. She felt this love, felt. And she knew that very few reasonable organic feel love Captain Shepard, making its invisible, incomprehensible to many military work and does not want to talk about the rewards, merits and titles. So someone who, as she was well aware of how many times he refused to increase proposed by the Staff of the Alliance System. And looking at the XO, refused to increase in rank and other normandovtsy. With the same wording in the response reports - "until victory". Younger T'Soni knew why this is so: because Anderson also refuses to increase in rank, and he - the commander of the frigate and the head of the crew and command frigate Intelligence shock-cruiser. Normandovtsy continued to fight, continued to fight and fight the Reapers, not paying much attention to rank and position.

  Maybe she sought in vain to somehow catch up with Shepard - and it is closer to its level for good reason can never, but it is obliged to fight and defend your planet, home planet asari maternal race. And she will fight. It will cross through diplomacy, through humanity, through the softness, even after understanding the acute and complete understanding of the pre-programmed general and particular situation. Because with such an enemy, what are the Reapers and their indoctrinated, brainwashed and reprogrammed accomplices, no even the minimal slack can not be tolerated. Such an enemy deserves and will deserve only one thing - total destruction. No ... No prisoners of war status for the husks and their owners simply can not be.

  It turned out - maybe. It turned out that it is that militia tries to play by certain rules of warfare, if war Azariyskaya Republic, for example, with the same Turian Hierarchy and the war is not to destroy the conditions of one of the parties. Although most Liara is to follow certain rules in this case did not like, she knew that her knowledge, her experience does not have to lie dead weight.

  During one of the visits of her group managed to catch the saboteur-tserberovtsa, to catch him red-handed while attempting to destroy the few peaceful civilian asari on one of the farms. Of course, Liara would be ready to shoot myself this tserberovtsa, like many of her colleagues, but ... Came the order for encrypted channels with three confirmations - tserberovtsa grasp, but not to destroy or even beat. Moreover - withdraw to the rear, and there will talk to him and sort out what's what, and why.

  Okay, captured, immobilized, they withdrew and did not even hit once. Though many would like. Too many. Gave Command and Liara felt that this fuss of her group with the saboteur is over and the group can return to the fighting. from professional militias Affairs in contact with the enemy band was enough.

  But no - the order came to second Liara T'Soni in the rear, where most recently sent this tserberovtsa. And address the dislocation coincides up to the settlement. Younger T'Soni to the last hoped that the call to the rear unit was not connected with this monster - the militia had time, when he swung viboronozhom over the crib with the baby-Asari. Liara Sama then only by a miracle did not open fire on - her mind rezanulo memory of those two helpless baby-Asari and something very sick in the chest. Colleagues who were present at the same time, too, and then said that they were willing to shoot this saboteur in place.

  Do not shot, they were sent to the rear, previously searched, disarmed and immobilized. Order on secondment came, it was necessary to carry out and Liara changed its paramilitary militia-polugrazhdanskuyu form "a la partisans" on its scientific overalls. I did not want to and in the rear it was seen as a warrior, she is sti
ll a good, but goes deep into the rear. Yes, in the order and dress otherwise stated. So that liberty could muster. Here Liara and it showed, moreover, that she was, as it turned out, this suit was calmer and more convenient and comfortable. Whether biotics took on the role of armor and locator danger, or something else - the very youngest T'Soni on this not really thinking, or even tried to think about it.


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