Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 202

by Theodore Daniels

  Miracles did not have this time in the Supreme Powers available because Liara knew immediately when he saw where it had brought the mail flyer that will it's not very pleasant. Counterintelligence Counterintelligence it everywhere - unloved nor their or other people's institution, it is absolutely necessary for at least some sort, even if imaginary security.

  Released in foster matriarch of a colonel, he waved in response to a hasty jumping Liara from the bench, then simply taken aback arrived, saying that to be an expert to perform the function of the interrogation of the very caught tserberovtsa. And she added, apparently, to put everything in the most definite and exact position that the questioning will begin in a minute. Then she waved her hand toward the door, from which only a few minutes ago and she came out. When Liara entered through the door, she saw the corner of his eye, as the matriarch of almost leaving a gaping fist on the wall of the house, in which the counter-intelligence department and housed yet. Deep rear - can be placed on the surface, three sentries on either side bdyat building. Can not particularly afraid of attacks.

  Much of what is said on this tserberovets interrogation Liara has to some extent been known, and there were times when she did not understand why her around here invited to attend. Yes, by the order. Like as I ordered, but in a mild form, so - were invited. On her own and the interviewee did not pay much attention, although among the uniforms of troops and special forces asari, among several militia uniforms of its scientific overalls looked like a white spot on a black background.

  And then tserberovtsa pereklinilo. He said that Liara with all its softness and diplomacy tolerate in any way could not. He tried to insult those present matriarchs, matrons and maidens that said known stupid idea of predestination asari be ... in short, if it is said the man, and tserberovets this was, unfortunately for Liara, though almost the former, but the man then interrogated said would sound as a "prostitute". And it said poluhask caught red-handed while attempting to crack down on peaceful civil asari. In the second Liara I knew he was trying to provoke the audience, and then, the next moment I realized that she had to endure it can not. And if she is an expert, a person disinterested, and this gave poluhask all needs that needed special forces and counter Azariyskoy Republic and no one of those present in the room did not show interest in further conversation with the prisoner ... prisoner of war status to it, it's likely not be able to live - not for anything. If he is trying to provoke the asari, he must answer for the attempt. And Liara suddenly felt like her engulfing from the toes to the tips of the head appendages such a wave of anger in the next second she jumped up from his stool and turned her head sharply to the crucified on the "wall of interrogation" tserberovtsu. The pupils of her eyes were narrowed to the limit and right hand Liara - from wrist to shoulder - white flashed strong biotics. Tserberovets not even have time to breathe, his obyalo flames.

  Simmer howling and burning poluhaska did not.

  And then Liara had to endure a difficult conversation with counterintelligence. Yes, it did not interfere, a prisoner is already said everything he knew and everything I could. His counterintelligence gutted completely. And all those present knew that he his offensive to the entire race asari statement trying to prove his tormentors that he had not broken that he - Mr. and superior race, and all the usual organic - future slaves Reapers.

  And this conversation counterintelligence brought only because it is very fast, and even more - has become an unusual reaction to Liara is an insult. Although the younger T'Soni in that their reaction does not see anything special. I had, of course, listen to a few tens of minutes of clever statements of different experts: near the headquarters, providing a number of departments, including nauchnikov, which managed to gut what is left of the burnt poluhaska. Fast work because, when they want. Though some diversity in the rear boring life for specialists, at least something interesting.

  Overall Liara tried to convince that it has not quite normal abilities. It was only the fact that she barely recovered from severe injuries, after which, as authoritatively stated caused by the matriarch, the head physician of the nearby hospital, anything can happen, and the physical body asari and even more so with her mind and biotics, forced staff calm down and sign the movement order He testified thus that the task is completed and fighter Liara T'Soni can return to the location of the division could legitimately.

  Trembling in the back rattling mail flyers, going out into the location of the divisions, which included a group, where he served T'Soni, Liara thought about what had happened the first time and realized that maybe she really has something that is unique in the world the Milky Way. She was the thought and its content did not like, because she threw it in the farthest corner of consciousness and ordered to drown in the unconscious, isolate. Having calmed down a bit, I thought for Liara and decided that none of the current intelligent of organic does not know their full and exhaustive possibilities and abilities. Whatever the origin of this so inappropriately manifested abilities, it was at the disposal of Liara, probably, initially, from the very birth. And only from her, younger T'Soni depended on when and how to manifest this ability. Maybe it is too apparent, he signaled that apart from the standard, previously known possibilities and abilities, any current intelligent race of organic Milky Way has something incomprehensible and extremely new to the Reapers. May be. Because any such possibility increases the chance of winning over the inhabitants of the galaxy Reapers and their accomplices.

  I thought about the situation, said goodbye to Liara voditelnitsy flyers and went to his platoon, reported to the command, has handed over documents about the trip sekretchitse and to my satisfaction, I learned about the order, which obliged the group, which included T'Soni, to make another sortie for combat orders Reaper forces. So, thinking about its features, you can slide completely into the past. Now take a real life, real work. And do not think that will have to go back to just such a reflection, comes the turn of Konda research or work with information banks.

  Tess turned into a battlefield, where never had stability. And the vast expanses of land and small areas of land such as a city block passed from hand to hand asari Reapers supporters several times for one day only. Pay for any, even the smallest victory had too high a price: they have taught myself not to leave anyone behind live - neither enemies nor his. The war against the Huskies turned into a war with the machines, and therefore became increasingly fierce and uncertainty.

  Reid Group in battle formations accomplices Reapers took three days. When he returned, the group has received an order for daily rest. Just come to his underground shelter, but seeing his bed, Liara allowed herself to relax and immediately felt how much she was tired these days. Still, she has spent the habit too much energy when burned this poluhaska biotics. For three days she was acting on the machine, but now it has covered.

  Liara collapsed on the bed face down, without removing even the armor, and when she awoke a few hours later, I saw a number of vessels with food and water, felt like it bears a warm blanket or warm blanket, which enabled her to spend those hours in deep sleep without nightmares.

  This has already happened more than once - came from militia raids were surrounded by care of those colleagues who remained in position. But today, it left a lot of unusual food and drink. And she realized that one of the witnesses of burning already blabbed about what happened there in the counterintelligence department. Someone realized that she was operated on three days alone, parole and on the bare desire to return alive and relatively healthy for his. Such costs demanded compensation corresponding to the size and the compensation was provided Liara nameless colleagues.

  Liara brought myself up, to back up and returned to the service, and then - to the scientific and informational work.

  Accumulation of Exodus. The study of the wreckage "destroyer" Reaper. Betrayal counselor Tevosov

  - Frankly, John - Anderson said, rising from his desk chair and familiar pacing the perimeter of the commander's cabin. - I was against this depart
ure. But the circumstances are such that we, the entire squad is extremely important information that can be obtained in the study of the Reaper. You are well aware that these shrimp are constantly improving their ships. Command of the Resistance Forces believe that our participation in the work on the study of the latest modifications of the Reaper ships may give rise to a deeper understanding of their technologies. Stanislav agree with this position of command, I - not very. Consent to carry out departure of the frigate I gave only taking into account the circumstances of our folding around the second problem, tsitadelskoy. - Anderson did not specify aloud, and only Shepard nodded. - I hope, that our absence from the stations will be temporary and short-lived. So, John, get ready for the flight.

  - Reaper ... class "destroyer". - Said the first mate, getting up from his chair.

  - Yes. According to the old classification - "the destroyer." - Anderson confirmed. - Mess with us in this classification scheme has been observed for a long time and this work is to clarify the characteristics of the downed Reaper ... maybe it would eliminate many nesoglasovki. I really hope so, John. Highly. The enemy must know thoroughly and Reapers ... it seems that they are trying to continuously upgrade their basic ships something to be able to oppose us, the Resistance, at a sufficiently long-term basis.

  - It is clear, Commander. - Captain saluted, got a mirrored response stopped at the desktop frigate commander, Cruiser and left the cabin, heading to the hangar. He flew on the "Normandy" tsitadelskim early morning call Anderson, now had to go back.

  - John, I'm already on the "Volga". - I heard in the voice of the speaker PHONES Svetlana. - My troopers tried. So do not worry - I'm on the ground, and I - okay.

  - Glad to hear it, the Light ... But - do not drive and do not overexert. - Shepard said, ducking the gateway connecting the main room of the ship to the hall of the hangar. - I now also look in to the apartment, and then come back to the frigate.

  - Okay, John. Before connection. - Svetlana switched channels.

  Having visited the Citadel in the headquarters location, Shepard has collected all necessary and went on board the frigate, cruiser one of the last shuttle. At the set time dispatchers Stations squad has gone beyond the outer road. According to calculations made by the pilots frigates and cruisers, the path to the Asgard system was supposed to take at least two days, and the path directly to Borrego planet - at least another day. Such delays and the inability to take advantage of all the power engines of ships otryadovtsy already begun to slowly get used to, sadly noting how it would be difficult to wean from such forced slowness.

  While the squad overcame the distance to the Asgard, Shepard has repeatedly thought about how he had to participate in decision X-57 asteroid problem. Events seemed to him so far away that he was surprised how clearly and precisely, he still remembers all the circumstances of the work.

  Accumulation of the Exodus took squadron by wartime regulations: had to constantly evade darting here and there Reaper squadrons and their accomplices, to choose the most secure way and be in constant readiness for accession to the fire contact.

  In his cabin Shepard read from the reader the information that researchers managed to make a half-ruined destroyer-destroyer. It was found that, as in the case of Mnemosyne Reaper in this destroyer was not completely immobilized was not disabled and any reliably. Therefore, to eliminate the possibility of indoctrination of organic and Synthetic, working with the "object", it was decided to use only remote-controlled and therefore quite primitive robots. Robots have already completed the preliminary work and are now able to proceed with the penetration of the outer shell of the destroyer, and the connection of internal subsystem Reaper. This ideally should lead to more information about the changes made in the design of the ship Reapers. The researchers suggest

  A few hours later, Mark for general ship frigate broadcast-cruiser reported that detachment approached the place where the drifted under the protection of several scientific Resistance frigates cruisers.

  Shepard, without getting up, turned on the wall screens - the picture he explained everything. Yes, it was a destroyer - a ship, a length-height more than one hundred and sixty meters, much less than the Lord or the more Harbinger. According to data collected Synthetic Corps, these are the ships were particularly numerous and in fact the backbone of the Reaper fleet. In the battles they usually groups attacked the cruiser Resistance and smaller ships, and planets - communication centers and command centers. The documents received on board the ship contained Troop, Shepard knew assumptions made by some researchers that the creation of the destroyers of the race allowed the Reapers, who for various reasons could not be used to create shrimp larger ships. The researchers also calculated

  Looking more closely at the screens, Shepard stifled a nervous jerk. It was a ship like two peas in a pod similar to the reapers, he, Captain John Shepard spectrum of the Citadel Council had the opportunity to attack the person, in a few cases - almost single-handedly. Immediately remembered Tuchanka, Rannoch, slipped on the edge of consciousness the idea that gun Destroyer vulnerable before the shot. It came to mind as the data obtained by Synthetic: in the "head" in the destroyer is the protective system, similar to the system in kosmokorabley SEARCH inhabitants of the galaxy. Destroyers bossed this system is truly a virtuoso, and not every ship had a lot of chances to avoid critical damage.

  Yes, Tuchanka a destroyer-destroyer was destroyed by the legendary mother of threshers - Kalros on Rannoch - irreversibly damaged by heavy fire "Normandy" and quarian Navy. And now, when new data is received on suspicion of entering into the construction and filling of this class of ships Reapers significant changes dramatically improve the performance, the Resistance Forces Command has decided that the need to tackle these new products seriously. It seems that the Reapers still found some reserves, and intends in the very near future to take revenge, to turn the tide in the war in their favor.

  - Detachment of ships to heave. - Heard the order Titov on speakerphone. - Observe a safe distance from the destroyer immobilized Reapers.

  A safe distance from the ... Whoever reasonable of organic knew what she was - a safe distance before half-dead corpse. Shepard turned the image of the destroyer itself to the big screen desktop instrumentrona, peered. Good car. But - the enemy. Subject to study and then - liquidation. We must hurry, fleets can not long engaged in the study of this swatch, and the squad was not here to inspect and help.

  Ninety natural satellites Borra allow relatively easy to force the destroyer extremely slow - to maneuver with a cruising speed among such a number of randomly moving debris even Reaper AI was unable to. Therefore, the task to knock out the destroyer was carried out by local gunners with acceptable accuracy. If the issue was solved so easily ... But always, even paralyzed, the Reaper was dangerous.

  Borrego - a huge gas giant with a hydrogen-helium atmosphere, around which treated more than 90 natural satellites. Its unusual color is due to ionized hydrogen, sodium passing through the clouds. ionisation source is not set, but the mass of Borra (equal to the weight of six-Jupiter) and fever suggest that the planet may well be a small brown dwarf - a gas giant, standing on the threshold of becoming a star.

  Strong gravity Borra difficult resource extraction, but this is the only gas giant in the system. The hydrogen requirements for the local production of fuel elements, and helium-3 used as a fuel for fusion engines economically justify development of the planet.

  - Attention. Squadron further away from the destroyer on three astroedinitsy. - Donёssya for general ship broadcast voice Titov.

  Shepard listening XO "Volga", understood that without the agreement with Anderson Stanislav hardly would be here so freely and confidently in command. Otryadovtsy understood this well, so there is no objection from anyone in any form was not followed so far and is unlikely to be followed in the future.

  The captain knew that Titov voluntarily or involuntarily protects against possible problems of their commander, a state that does not allow her no
w to fully take command of the cruiser. Something Wise physicians - Svetlana completed the program, the children endured, but none Chakwas nor Seleznev not want to take the time to childbirth, children recommended to inform the established minimum term nature. Somehow, Shepard was sure that in any case his son and daughter born even slightly, but early.

  - Proceed to the fence information from robotic explorers. - This is the voice of the watch officer, "Normandy." Officer of the watch "Volga" now, this very second gives the same command crew razvedkreysera. It is clear that information will go into isolated and protected server, which will work even Synthetic across multiple hardware and software locking systems.

  Simultaneously with the unfolding of antenna systems Troop ships nominated guns in firing position. All twelve trunks "Taniksov" watched from aboard the destroyer "Normandy". Shepard felt Jeff Moreau completes the alignment orientation of the sights as transfers control to the primary and secondary artillery calculations as to activate additional missile and laser systems, that in no case do not allow the destroyer poluobezdvizhennomu show disobedience or aggression. In the same gunners and pilots engaged in "Volga" - the screen was perfectly visible, as razvedkreyser bristled trunks and radiators. For both combat cruiser nauchnikov razvedkorablyami located, surrounded by a part of the fleet gives them security, consisting of the frigates.


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