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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 204

by Theodore Daniels

  - We are getting ready, I'm here and what I know about, David. - Shepard did not turn to face the commander of the frigate.

  - Preparing. - Anderson confirmed. - Moreover, it should begin Retribution is from Earth. And be the beginning of a coordinated struggle of all races for the total destruction of the occupiers and invaders. Totality. - Anderson's hand, lying on the table low table, clenched into a fist and Shepard felt keenly wanted commander with all his strength zhahnut on top. But after the first god of the ship "Normandie" restrained. - We must not just to inflict retribution, but retribution complete. - Anderson stood. - And we have made, John.

  - Without a doubt. Uchino, David. - Shepard turned to the senior officer, straightened. - How should inflict. And now...

  - Now we will prepare. All that we are doing now - anyway nothing but a preparation for revenge. And it is retribution, will be complete and terrible. - Having said that, Anderson came out of the cabin starpomovskoy, habitually tight shut the door behind him.

  Shepard was back in his desk chair. The fact that the work of the library in Asha will primarily asari, he never doubted before. Now the blue-skinned virgin umnel easy on the eyes, if not the hurricane pace, then - quite decent and not ostentatious. And because the Reapers have been proven received groups from many different data sources, planned in the near future attack on Tess. The fall of the parent of the world, the mother planet race like this very often, even too often in the history of reasonable organic beings, in most cases entailed a sharp drop in morale and the level of resistance of the defenders - military and civilian - belonging to the same race that almost automatically drawn to the elimination races as such - that is sharpened Reapers for total elimination of race, none of the current inhabitants of the Galaxy has, in general, and especially no doubt. And then ... then as soon as possible on the hunt will be released next class Reaper "Lord", cobbled together out of all the asari. Perhaps the most extensive, the heaviest armed. Given the large number of blue-skinned beauties it would be entirely predictable outcome of that ... which also had to be taken into account.

  Shepard knew that, and Azariah were preparing for this outcome, as, of course, was possible in their situation. And such training attended Liara T'Soni. If we are in the Library of Asha became the farewell, the last gift of reasonable self-destruct organic race, the same gift would be a beacon to Tess with rich information about it, today's captain Cycle. About the details of the project, of course, Number One little known fact and the fact that he was already known to be impressive. So to prepare for his possible end could only be strong, smart and a great race without the slightest exaggeration. Something in this direction, as it was known, did many of the other races. Not all, but many.

  Now there was Prothean empire capable to keep under its control and management of huge areas of the galaxy. Now each race had to prepare for war and to OCCUPIERS, and its end almost single-handedly. Not everywhere and not always it was possible to overcome the distance between worlds, avoiding cut out Reapers repeaters. Because the future retribution, to which, as hoped Shepard did not have much time - well, a maximum of a few months, maybe - one and a half years, two years ... The fact that the war could drag on for three years, Shepard had feared, no, not afraid but I was afraid to even think.

  While the squadron went to the accumulation of Nimba, Tess fully realized the seriousness of the threat of attack. Ground-based military forces and navies videoconferencing quickly replenish ammunition and conducted become truly endless drills and exercises that in the near future to somehow try to reduce losses. The fact that during the attack on the mother planet asari loss will be particularly significant, no doubt already most of the blue-skinned beauties, regardless of the fact of belonging to the official armed groups.

  Attack waiting, preparing for it. So many asari, and not only they had a clear understanding that if Tess falls, the race will fall asari fact the nearest future. Council matriarch sat almost continuously under the gun puts all who just somehow able to cope with the standard weapons and equipment. About to continue to indulge in idleness and the rest had to forget the vast majority of the asari, despite the fact that recently, not every blue-skinned maiden had any great desire to join the ranks of desantnits asari, or go to a mercenary. Detachments of the local civil defense doctrine carried out one after the other, urgently cleared and put in order the previously abandoned due to lack of resources or covered with half-buried by bombing tunnels. It was difficult to list all the areas, which were thrown and the forces and means for ensuring the least likely possibility to survive and persist after the impact. "Blow" - so simple and at the same time terribly started calling asari future general offensive Reapers on Tess. However, there is little doubt that the impact will be truly terrible.

  Liara hardly cut out for several hours per day, to again and again to see how the work is carried out under the project "Lighthouse". Yes, the very same project, which was supposed to bring to the future of intelligent races of the Galaxy truth about how struggled, fought and killed many intelligent races of the cycle. Although the project was called "Lighthouse", in fact, these lighthouses alone Tess planned to install properly camouflaged, a few dozen. Similar beacons were delivered to other colonized Asari planet, that is staged for conservation and should have been included on the receipt of the complete set of data, which clearly showed only one - intelligent life in the galaxy completely and utterly destroyed.

  Younger T'Soni cursed myself last words for the levity with which she once Mood said he hopes to see more as the Reapers will quickly and easily defeated in the coming war. Now, she knew only too well that the Reapers - a smart, serious and incredibly professional enemy, against which stand as a long period of time - can already be considered a great victory. Yes, the loss was equivalent to the defeat of organic life in the galaxy, but now in front of the penny was an example Protheans, now she knew enough about innusanontsah and knew that sooner or later, even in the event of the death of organic intelligent life in this cycle, there will in future cycles of race or more races, which will be able to take advantage of all the accumulated information received from just such beacons and find a means to defeat the Reapers. It was not panic, it was not defeatism, it was a job for a possible future. Confronting one way or another could last for a long time and should not lose sight of the possibility of defeat, the possibility of loss.

  Standing at the dilapidated temple complex Atama and looking at a miracle to keep the figure of the goddess, Liara knew her very touched Edge, only slid on her usual blue-skinned maiden-Asari, who had a whirlwind pace and smarter pomudret. It is well-understood that works, lives and works at the limit of their strength and abilities, the only way it can survive and do what is required of it. A required of her now very much.

  Tess was preparing to repel the attack, to repel the attack, to fight the massive bombardment, the massive assault troops of the Reapers and their henchmen. The fact that the parent planet asari undergo unprecedented strength and destructive bombing she passed the harsh school of militia, have no doubt, as well as the fact that the bombing will necessarily aligned with the dropping of the mass assault husks. Beating have for each metropolis, for each urban area, per quarter, for every house, for every underground shelter. For Reapers in their general attack on Tess will throw all the forces that they only have the time to be free. All these shrimp will be subject to a single goal - to destroy the population of Tess, Tess cause jaws to capitulate.

  Now Liara sincerely doubted that her "installations" can somehow so very seriously affect the situation when the time comes and Tess come Reaper armada of ships and their henchmen. I doubt it, because I was careful, I wanted to avoid unnecessary emotions, excessive confidence in certainly a positive outcome as a massive use of combat "units". While that work was going on to saturate the ground forces Tess these complexes, only ten compounds were armed with very large number of "units", but Liara did not hurry to rejoice or a delusion. The enemy was is too serious and too profession
al, guessed him the corpses of entire civilizations and asari risked very risked becoming another civilization-corpse. And because the younger T '

  Rarely when she could calm down and often only do so while remaining in solitude. Even before the parents she did not want to appear as a relaxed and serene. They know well that it is only a virgin, she would have fun and look for adventure, and she ... she sticks sticks ... like ... like they said in a news releases Extranet, in his imperial, earth sector? As digger how damn digger. Work hard, work and finds this strange satisfaction, acting in several directions and often even forgetting to eat, let alone sleep.

  She knew that reforming the asari military is already well under way, however, from the very fact that no one has done any secret. Reapers ... they probably did not care, they believed, could be considered, to believe that victory over the asari have already almost reached. And because relax Liara does not allow for more than a few minutes, rarely - a few tens of minutes before you forget.

  Reforming azariyskih armed forces are well masked distribution "systems" to the troops. Legendirovalis them as ordinary artillery system. They are, in fact, few reasonably seen without covers and without protective casings, so they apparently gave the impression of a completely conventional artillery systems, in a variety coming from the underground military factories Tess in troops to replace subject to repair or upgrade. Counterintelligence, of course, rampant, legendirovanie work, security of these installations had been established quite serious. Conventional standard military security measures. Nothing extraordinary, nothing that would be able to attract the attention of the Reapers. Perhaps these polumashiny can not doubt in his overwhelming superiority. Perhaps this is why they do not particularly seek deep "digging"

  However, to try to counteract the Reapers even in such a severe situation for the race Asari was not just a duty. It was the right and duty of a highly developed race. What can I say - one of the best and strongest races of the current cycle. Silly, of course, to measure the time of its development so that's racial segments established polumashinami, but it could be recognized as generally acceptable for regulatory orientation. And Liara, believing that Tess will survive even during such a powerful general offensive of the Reapers and their henchmen continued to work. Do not try to work, namely work, because only work she could crush a fear and dread, owned by so many of its tribeswoman. Asking to help his race and their planet do not just survive, but in the near future - and defeat the Reapers, and all who stood in their way.

  Entering the cluster Nimbus, squadron moved directly to Agaiu. Resistance Exploration has done everything possible to frigate and cruiser arrived at the planet in the most peaceful period, being at least temporarily out of the collision threat from any major cosmic forces Reapers and their henchmen.

  - Slowly rotate this planet. - Anderson said, looking at the screen the most basic data table. - Five and three-tenths of an Earth year.

  - Atmospheric pressure - nearly four atmosphere. - Said one of the specialists who worked at that time for the remote control in the CIC.

  - Machinery and tailored suits. Inspections have been completed. - I reported one approached the Star Map engineers. Anderson just nodded - it was well known how many nights had no sleep for the employees of engineering compartment to during the evacuation operation in the city Asha landing team had a good chance not only to complete the task, but without loss and other problems come back on board the frigate. This time, of course, volgovtsy also take part, first of all - its much more numerous drones, probes, shuttles and human resources - everything had to be done very quickly and accurately. And then ... then on board the cruiser, which, as previously planned, shuttles will deliver the main part of the library, to begin extensive work on deciphering it.

  For the success of this work is temporarily on board the cruiser will move both kiborgessy. However, Olivia there still has her personal cabin, which no one took all this time, so that both will kiborgessam where to retire.

  They, like Anderson was sure, be sure to communicate and Titov, and Selezneva and with Strel'tsova. Women's meetings - both kiborgessy were professionals in intelligence work - is also a part of their lives - to maintain the level of skill we had the time. And just chat for kiborgess ever there was something connected with the work. Here, Anderson remembered fondly refers Alix Shepard. Well, she loves him. Of course, not as organic, but also so love many ordinary people are rarely raised in his being.

  - Temperaturka there quite tropical. - Watch officer allowed himself to relax a few. At other times he would answer annoyed glance Anderson, reputed to better and more efficiently as a reminder that he was an officer, is still not at rest, and is directly in the line of duty, but this time the captain only nodded and continued to watch. - Sixty-seven degrees.

  - Nearly three million years. Well let pundits were wrong in a million in one direction or another. Anyway, this civilization could be one of the first destroyed by the Reapers. - Said one of lokatorschikov professionals. - We begin scanning the surface of the commander.

  - Welcome. - Anderson settled himself in a chair in front of the star chart. - Take your time, check out everything carefully. - He leaned over to the console. - Shepard, readiness.

  - There is a willingness. - XO responded, ducking inside the shuttle commander. Behind him in the boat dived inside both of Turian and Mordin. This time the doctor and expert fighter MOUNTAINS decided to take a direct part in the landing - had in the shortest time to gather as much relevant information as possible. It is not known what will be left of the world in just a few days - the Reapers zvereli in its desire to multiply by zero intelligent organic life in the galaxy.

  Having exhaustively accurate map, last nagging check Synthetic, Shepard and his teammate, who participated in the landing, and received permission to take off. At precisely the agreed point in time fifteen shuttles - almost all the available fleet ships at the disposal of the Troop, has gone beyond the protective fields and their ships headed to chёtkom ranks to the planet's surface. The cruiser pulled away to be able to better control the neighborhood Karkozy and frigate began to wind circles around the world, continuing to refine the scan data and performing continuous monitoring how the situation on the planet, and the situation on the near approaches to Karkoze.

  - It is not surprising that it is - a hot planet. - Nihlus said. Even almost seventy degrees for us - it is rather too hot.

  Saren as usual, just nodded, agreeing with the opinion of tribesmen, but he declined to comment. As usual, he sat down at the fire control panel and has already tested the work of automation and guidance systems and surveillance.

  Landing in the area designated for the operation have been impacted. Thanks to precise scanning of locating and was also able to quickly fly up - to go it would be much longer - to the cave complex, in one of which the branches and the library was found.

  - Once said the expulsion of forty-eight hours. - Said Alenka, distributing his men to carry out reconnaissance. - And then last night nearly forty hours. Situation...

  - The usual desert. - Shepard looked around, took pictures from on board the frigate, and information about the situation in the area on board the cruiser. - Acting colleagues, act.

  First Information drone ... it was even unusual ... landed right on the outstretched arm Shepard, when he, as the commander of the detachment, Kaidan just pointed at the entrance to a nearby cave and very popular explains that there is no need here especially shine the presence of terrestrial expedition Troop. Even if the Reapers and know anything about the arrival here Troop, they may linger for one reason or another, that will give the opportunity to calm detachment to fulfill its mission and to leave the limits and stellar systems and clusters.

  - Captain, this is ... kind of a sign. - Alenko have landed on the apparatus. - He chose you, and such information drones from all sources are as highly suspicious, of course, if they can be so characterized.

  - Looks that way. - Shepard gently flexed his hand, expectin
g a small drone will think again and fly away, but he continued to tenaciously hold all four tubular manipulators, it is able to replace the chassis and conventional grips, so characteristic of many systems of automatic flying ras.- Okay. I chose so chosen.

  At this point, let the drone of his soft hands gripping XO, rose to a height of several meters and flew just ahead. Then hung like waiting for the commanders will come to him.

  - Calls. And the call direction coincides with the direction of the library, the commander. - Alenko checked the map.

  - Persistently calls. - Shepard agreed, giving several dozen orders. - Well. Machines can wait. And if they chose us, ... must follow his invitation.

  When they entered the room ... then they stopped, as if bumping into the invisible barrier. Around as he could reach glance, the shelves were rows, each of which were thousands of different-sized crystals.

  - No, of course I have seen the results of locating and scanning. - Nihlus said. - But this ...

  Alenko only swallowed. He clearly felt that it was here, in the library of the city is concentrated all the wisdom Asha gone into oblivion, probably become one of the great ships of the Reapers and intelligent, not only intelligent race. Azari strategist, to be exact - a military instructor - well liked asari so called military trainers that, in principle, it was clear to earthlings - was not mistaken: this information should save these crystals as quickly as possible. Because one bombing - and Asha have silenced forever. And not only for good.

  Turians shocked silence a few minutes, looking and looking.

  - Adams, Mark. All cash probes - to work. - Shepard said activating audio channel speaker. - The picture gave themselves to vote. We can not give up.

  - Picture received. All cash sent probes. Get familiar with the local infozondami captain. - Adams suggested that the collision guests with automatic rifles host, though it is unlikely, but not impossible, and internally Shepard agreed with the suggestion of the chief engineer of the frigate.


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