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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 206

by Theodore Daniels

  The tour lasted for several long hours, was extremely rich and extremely interesting. Shepard and his colleagues much became clear, though normandovtsy and tried to avoid any judgments expressed by loud most of the time dispensing meditations and reflections. Falera treated it calmly, knowing that the guests do not wish to decipher the existence of such a powerful weapon.

  Former Ardath-yakshas retain all privileges granted affiliation to race asari, they no longer looked upon as fiends, Justiciary, regularly check the occupants of the city, over and over again convinced that they - the usual asari, simply owning a special gift that they were accustomed to use only in the most extreme and absolutely necessary cases. This, of course, was about mentalistike. Gift telepathy former Ardath-yakshas could be more freely, but also guided by strict frameworks.

  Rila came to normandovtsam as soon as she graduated from a class with a group of ex-yakshas Ardath. It was obvious that she was very pleased to see all in good health, and even more pleased with all the talk without the mediation of audio and video.

  Normandovtsy noted that Rila more reserved and more closed than before. Realizing puzzled guests Falera explained, when transmitted to them in one of the rooms sufficiently isolated that not only Rila already married, but she was pregnant and very soon she will have a daughter. Older sister and embarrassed at the same time listened contentedly rely congratulations and wishes from normandovtsev, saying that for Ardath-yakshas it very quickly become a regular yavleniem- they are programmed to grow up very quickly and do not depend on the standard azariyskogo division by virgins, matrons and matriarchs.

  Husband Rila - Ivdilis matron, was mentor younger Ardath-yakshas who still fall into the field of view of the Corps of Justiciary and, accordingly, became pupils of isolated monasteries, which became centers of retraining. So what exactly Rila decided to get pregnant was not surprising - work Ivdilis was more dangerous and have an heir for her was crucial.

  A conversation with the sisters dragged on well past midnight, Rila and Falera have shown a lot of videos and documents in detail and responded fully to the many questions. On the next day was scheduled visits to several Retraining units, as long as the clock of the underground city figures showed three in the morning, it was decided to suspend for a few hours chat and catch up on sleep before nine in the morning.

  The tour, which began at ten in the morning the next day ended late in the evening, then Rila and Falera several hours answering guests' questions. Only in the second half of the night, guests and the hosts went to the living rooms of the underground complex.

  Shepard received the latest data from the board of frigates and cruisers, systematized in his instrumentrone this information. The inhabitants of Galaxy received a new, psychotronic weapons, which, when intelligently applied, is able to get the Reapers retreat. Since the aggressors retreat was not a sufficient result, Ardath-yakshas were now ready to contribute to the almost complete destruction of the Reapers and their minions, of course, in collaboration with all the resistance.

  Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning was coming departure is normandovtsev with Lessusa. Ahead as Shepard already knew the words of Anderson, was Tess. Rila and Falera about the future path Squad did not know - and Titov and Anderson recommended that members of the landing party did not apply to this topic.

  Sisters performed shlyuzkameram guests to the underground city, waited until shutter closes and normandovtsy gateway will not be able to see two young asari, who stood at the head of a powerful system to counter the invaders. Shuttles leave one by one gateway and dramatically spryamlёnnym path went up into orbit, where the frigate, cruiser has hospitably opened flap hangar gateway.

  Priority - Tess. Reapers attack on the mother planet Azari

  - John, come to me. - Anderson, in his usual manner, turned to Shepard, he met with the First Lieutenant in the cafeteria at lunchtime. The commander of the frigate did not sit down at a table, where dined spectrum, he only stopped for a few seconds, going from the dining room back to CIC.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard dabbed his lips with a napkin, Gardner nodded and went behind Anderson. - Let me guess?

  - I'm used to your exact guesses, John. - Anderson said softly. - So - I allow.

  - Tess.

  - You're right, John. - Anderson filed XO reader. - Preliminary information.

  - That is ... - Shepard attentive gaze touched the face Anderson. - In addition, we throw away the remains of the Reapers from the space ... Tessa

  - A squad for a few days will be able to stay on the mother planet asari. - He confirmed Anderson opened the door of his cabin. - Come on, John, sit down. - The commander went to their workplace in the head of the table, sat down, I turned instrumentron. - And of course you will be given the most complete opportunity to be close to the penny, and her parents. Well, see Tess as fully as you want it. - Anderson grinned his somewhat tired, but sincere smile. - But first ... first, "Normandy" and "Volga" with the support of the Imperial Fleet Strike help azariyskim videoconferencing and azariyskomu Resistance forces destroyed most of the Reapers, who took Tess to a total blockade. In fact, John, our squad and "Normandy" in particular put at the forefront of retaliation. We must do everything that at least for a short time parent planet, and then - and all Azariyskoe space came under the full control of the asari. And now we have to do enough resources, John. Russia and more than two hundred countries of the Earth, which until now has almost never taken seriously, as the ability to conduct space battles, help us. And once again receive a real combat experience.

  - It is clear, Commander. - Shepard nodded. - I am glad.

  - I'm also very happy, John. I am glad that we are now very much help another key race of the Milky Way space. - Anderson filed a second reader. - This is a preliminary plan for our part of the work.

  - Hmm. - Shepard reader acquainted with the files. - I agree that he should land on Tess before, but ...

  - Do not you just will land before, John. You will help the local resistance to attack from the planet blockade fleets of the Reapers with weapons created by the idea of Liara. I, frankly, did not know where she had such an idea and such accuracy and completeness of its presentation, but very glad that the younger T'Soni once again proved: three high race awards awarded to her for a reason. And because you and do everything possible to blow compounds armed these "units" was extremely rezultativen and strong.

  - Commander ... - Shepard said quietly. - Is that ... so much the part?

  - Very much, John. - Anderson confirmed. - We live in a world where such high-level feeling - quite rare guests. And if they are already there, then talk about stealth ... is not necessary. Liara love you mature love, John. Not youth not teenage, not too emotional girlish. She loves you fully love a mature woman who knows what is real, real life in all its severity and diversity. - Anderson paused. - As far as I'm concerned, it is very hard on myself when it comes to this love, John.

  - Yeah. - Shepard said quietly, looking down at the tabletop.

  - And this is good. - Anderson looked at the screen saver on instrumentrona. - She fights for his home planet, he loves the most complete self-sacrificing love. And we can help her to release Tess from the blockade, and then - from the majority of threats. At the same time she has done a lot and will do in the present and in the future to complete the liberation of their native planet. So one-sided aid will not. If we, the residents of the Milky Way, will be able to put on the flow of production of these "settings" ... and saturate the army and the key is not very key races them as soon as possible ... Liara waiting galactic fame.

  - It is from this famous hide again. - Shepard said quietly.

  - Yes, John, it's so. - As quietly said Anderson. - I can even say that she would write in his report the same words that we write and we otryadovtsy.

  - "Before the victory" ... - Shepard said.

  - That's right - to win. - Anderson confirmed. Nevertheless, its galactic fame this does not diminish. It now protects the company against an
y trouble azariyskogo special forces, and it took a whole guard company in the category of the elite fighting unit. Perhaps she felt that desantnitsy asari want to fight in a real war, and not to be blunt guard their tribeswoman. Let a very valuable and well-known, by the way. And now almost every of desantnits - considerable iconostasis icons and medals. Sometimes the order receive. - Anderson smiled. - Liara definitely well done. And her guards are fully satisfied and pleased, and his life and his destiny. And therefore even more quality to protect and defend Liara.

  - I agree, David. - Shepard confirmed quietly.

  - John, I would like to further our conversation at present Yavik. And the conversation will address known to you Tevosov betrayal.

  - Good. - Exec suppressed disgruntled sigh. Proteanin originated in the commander's cabin like from the air, once again confirming its high class training. Nodding Anderson and Shepard, a warrior of the ancient race was arranged in one of the armchairs and all kind witnessed a willingness to continue the conversation.

  - John, here it is. - Anderson exchanged glances with Yavikom. - Do you remember the words Yavika that in place Tevosov must stand one whom you know well ...

  - Liara? - Surprised and even a little amazement Shepard asked. - But it is in life does not agree to leave Tess! Especially now, when there is a war! And her planet - in direct danger.

  - Liara becomes belligerent Advisor, John. - Prostrekotal Yavik. - It is already know many asari and believe it, as a god and as a leader, so there will be no difficulties.

  - But the paper work, with asylum ... This is the fifth area ... - Shepard all acutely aware that waiting Liara if she would agree to such a post. Nightmare load that can break it and not so strong and powerful health.

  - She will not be alone. - Prostrekotal Yavik. - I'm using our Synthetic scanned data on the state of the Adviser of the Administration. It will be necessary to spend a certain cleaning and re: someone to put up against the wall, someone put in jail spectrum, and someone hit in the rights, but overall the unit counselor Tevosov appeared healthy and sane than she Councilor. So Liara will not have to collect the state from scratch. As for the fifth direction, then it really will be the fourth since almost the installation will be sent convoys to address maternal fifteen planets space Citadel races, this trend will cease to be the main Liara. His work she did best: Now all the fleets of the Reapers and their henchmen will be greeted volleys of these installations and chafing into oblivion faster than the invaders will be able to open fire on the colonies and planets or a landing. Liara really waiting galactic fame. I can also say that it is sure to be awarded the highest medals of many races, even confident, that most races. Turians already delighted with the efficiency of plants, and are willing to give it a salarians admiralty flag Commander for the excellent development, and not least the excellent implementation of real Weapons of Victory. The rest of the races have not yet as a distinct information on these settings - we tried to comply with the maximum privacy. So Reapers waiting for a big surprise. Turians already delighted with the efficiency of plants, and are willing to give it a salarians admiralty flag Commander for the excellent development, and not least the excellent implementation of real Weapons of Victory. The rest of the races have not yet as a distinct information on these settings - we tried to comply with the maximum privacy. So Reapers waiting for a big surprise. Turians already delighted with the efficiency of plants, and are willing to give it a salarians admiralty flag Commander for the excellent development, and not least the excellent implementation of real Weapons of Victory. The rest of the races have not yet as a distinct information on these settings - we tried to comply with the maximum privacy. So Reapers waiting for a big surprise.

  - As far as I know, she is constantly improving the project. - Shepard said. - So I doubt that it will cease to be the fourth destination of its work. We should still be ahead of the Reapers. At least here.

  - Yes, you're right, John. She really has stipulated the right to the continuous improvement of the project. - Anderson confirmed. - But now it is not working alone, and she had many fine and qualified assistants. So the fourth line did not require her complete and most comprehensive return, which means that it will be able to pay attention to the belligerent Advisor Citadel and once again confirm that his high and significant position it received a silver platter, and earned labor and suffering. - Commander stood up, walked across the cabin and returned to the table and sat down. - Frankly, John. These days - the maximum that we can afford to park on Tess. Once again we'll have to leave you on the known routes. The plan of our work, we can not change - it is not warranted.

  - I have no doubt that it will not stay in this position. She never considered Tevosov worthy of this post, but also never thought the Citadel Advisors capable of solving their tasks. - Shepard leaned back in his chair, folded his arms across his chest. - In such a war for this post ... it will be temporary.

  - Let. - Yavik said. - Even if it is very quickly find a replacement as the adviser of the Citadel, I will offer her something more valuable and better than this bureaucratic post.

  - What do you mean, Yaw? - He turned to Shepard proteaninu.

  - Work on Ilos. Then she returns to Tess. And the next place it will work the Earth. - Proteanin said strёkot died in his voice to a minimum.

  - Yavik ... - Shepard gasped in surprise. - But she...

  - I know, John, that she wants to return to the study Protheans. And it taels ready to provide such an opportunity. Yes, at the time of Liara and her parents disappear from the galaxy - is what we provide. The war will continue - Reapers are strong and ready to fight a few more years. Plants, of course, will play a role poztivnuyu, but their participation in the war is an episode, it will be necessary to improve the protection, defense and military resistance and videoconferencing constantly and steadily. Liara will be able to work for several months near Protheans, and then she can go back to Tess, and a few weeks go down to the Earth.

  - Are you suggesting that ... - Shepard's amazement grew in leaps and bounds.

  - I guess not, John. - Yavik lifted up his eyes XO four eyes. - I am convinced that the war should be ended as soon as possible our victory. And this victory will be born on Earth. Because the Reapers take Earth in the siege - that I and my fellow no doubt. With the failure of the siege of the Earth attempts to begin the phase of Reckoning.

  - But ... - Shepard tried to find grounds for objection to the statements of the ancient warrior race, and today it is particularly poorly managed.

  - Taels send me one document, John. - Yavik took out map-reader, put it on the table in front of XO. - Liara does not feel tied to the earth or to Tess. Review.

  - Hmm. - Shepard ran his gaze rather short text. - Agent Shadow Broker with high levels of regulatory powers? It turns out ...

  - So, John, what Liara work in the field of information intermediation appreciated by the largest and most powerful information broker Galaxy. And Liara will have the right and opportunity to fundamental training and "Grey Throne" and the world Jagow. And be able to feel that it has not only military, but also civilian purpose. It's important, John. And work with Gray mediator will allow it to organize Retribution at the information level. Organize, maintain and secure.

  - Reapers will resist fiercely ... - thinking, Shepard said.

  - Of course. - Prostrekotal Yavik. - They have never been ready sooner and are not ready right now to ensure that their time is over. Yes, John, all of us, the inhabitants of the galaxy, waiting for the heavy, very heavy fighting. Yes, we will be a time when we are on the verge of death. Yes, we need all of our fleets, all available forces of organic and Synthetic reasonable to endure a terrible, desperate push Reapers and their henchmen. I am afraid that the repeated ...

  - Dark Space ... - Anderson said.

  - Yes, commander. - Confirmed Yavik. - And this - also a big problem, the solution of which we will need all the available resources better. Because the best shots should be eligible for the maximum reali
zation. And Liara - in the first place. She now does not fly and does not go on long patrols, we have the command of the armed forces Azariyskih giving such an order, but it works in other many areas and needs to get the right and opportunity to fully realize themselves and to information and scientific spheres. The war should end with our victory and information and science will play a key role here by reducing our losses - both material and reasonably-organic.

  - Well, you have drawn perspective, Yaw. - A few minutes Shepard silent, comprehending subtext proteaninom said. - If so ... I think I know now much better how to proceed. The main thing - to see the future.

  - The prospect indeed very real. - Confirmed Anderson proteanina not interrupted even once, and listen carefully to everything that spoke of ancient warrior race. - We really need to finish this fight with the Reapers and end only in our complete victory. I agree, it will be very difficult, very difficult, there will be losses and loss, but I have the feeling that the war will be delayed more than a few years. When we ... fought with turians ... I had a feeling that they will play with us, the people, like a cat with mice strangled her. For a long time, will be a very long time to play, taking advantage of our weakness. Now I do not have this feeling. I really want to believe that this is the feeling I will not, and we did a few years to finish the fight against the Reapers our full and unconditional victory. Liara made the first step by creating the first real weapon of victory.

  - It is likely to guess that the closest analogue of this weapon is the very weapon which stopped it from Mnemosyne ... Reaper - prostrekotal Yavik.

  - Could well be. - Anderson confirmed. Shepard just nodded, agreeing with the opinion of the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - Well. We will prepare. Thank you, colleagues. You can go. - He turned on the keyboard instrumentrona.

  - Liara, wake up. - Aela shook his girlfriend and his partner's shoulder. - Wake up, I understand that you're tired, but ... a message from the Resistance Headquarters. It comes to you!


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