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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 208

by Theodore Daniels

  - Confirm. - Shepard nodded. - Close contact with Troop - only a small impact Imperial fleet. Around it has concentrated a fleet of ships Azariyskogo space, there is a rearrangement, the purpose of which - formed around Tess sphere inaccessible to the invaders.

  - This means that there will be more such devastating bombing ... - said Aela.

  - Equally devastating - will not. - Confirmed the captain. - But the bombing will not be stopped completely. Reapers - not the enemy that can be handled easily, simply and quickly. Diversions and landings will continue, but not on the same scale as before.

  - So ...

  - So Tess will be able to effectively help the other planets and their populations in Azariyskom space. - Alix said. - The war is not over, and over ... not soon. - Pause, kiborgessa stood. - Okay. John. - She looked at Shepard. - I'll go, you have to finish an inspection role to its logical conclusion. So abruptly here, I see, and then ...

  - Then you will find the way and the opportunity to be close to us, Ali. - Said the captain. Kiborgessa nodded and left.

  - Well, cut me, never would have thought that she - a cyborg. - Aela said. - Even to touch it - the usual organic. No plastic and metal signs in inappropriate places.

  - But Alix - on our side. - Liara noticed with satisfaction. - And it becomes and Tess true legend. Come on, fast recharge time our setup, so have time to take readings from the front. - She got up and left the shelter first. Shepard followed her last room left Aela.

  Alix revolves around the installation, does questioning about her work calculating commander. Installing worked normally and stably, it was not obvious that a few hours once it enters standby mode, or recharge mode. Sergeant asari liked business setting unfamiliar opolchenki, possessed powers of inspection and liked her grip, showed far theoretical knowledge of details of military life.

  - Ivella, meet Captain Shepard. - Liara kept grin, skipping ahead of John himself.

  - Goddess ... I never thought I'd see you so close. - Sergeant coped with the excitement and the captain exchanged greetings military charter. - Here I come from the body of Staff Inspector. - She pointed look at Alix already zalezshego under control so that from his body were visible only in the landing legs bots. - I rarely saw the inspectors, but such I see exactly the first time.

  - What inspections are also needed. Upstairs you need to know how real things on the ground. - Shepard noticed seriously. - Tell us briefly your experience, Ivella.

  - To be honest, I ... delighted. So many hours of work and no one even warning, not to mention the ban on the remote signals ... the highest reliability. The efficiency - prohibitive. - Ivella said. But if more detail ... - she said a few minutes, noting that Liara opened instrumentron and makes notes on the small screen in the course of the conversation, and just listening to Shepard, scanning setting their tenacious gaze. - Sorry, minutes before switching off.

  - We understand. - Liara saw kiborgessa climbed out of the installation and brushed herself off, not paying much attention to the remnants of the land on the uniform fabric. - Well. We will go.

  Alix as his manner was left of the captain and clicking on the audio channel starpomovskogo speaker, shared his impressions of the survey was working installation.

  Reaching the flyer with beacon-pass to the cockpit windshield glass kiborgessa exchanged with the penny and the captain of the statutory greetings, he entered the cabin and the driver nodded.

  Flyer sped - Alix finish the role of the inspection to its logical conclusion. A minute on the table Command Militia Corps will fall report on the work of several installations in real combat conditions, equipped with all the necessary additions and clarifications. A kiborgessa imperceptibly back on board the frigate, where will continue its work to ensure the Group Command Squad with everything necessary.

  Drawing attention to piliknuvshy instrumentron, Liara included audio channel. Went news release Tessiyskoy Broadcasting Corporation. The main story, of course, was an attack on installations fleets of the Reapers and their henchmen. The journalists managed to squeeze in a few minutes maximum information to all residents of the capital planet asari seen: they had a reliable protection, there was a weapon against which the Reapers and their accomplices is no antidote.

  Work settings delighted militias asari. And although one of the other cars passed in the charge mode, and then - in the alert mode, all remember how a few hours of these units effectively cleaned out the orbit and the sky from any Tess ships Reapers and their accomplices. On instrumentron Shepard has already received a message from Mark that the "Volga" has organized the surviving ships Azariyskogo videoconferencing space and has already started the process of reformatting the final fleets. At the same time it is a message from Olivia and informed the XO that to start with spaceports Tess is preparing the first trucks in the holds which are sets of units, designed for above-ground parts of weapons videoconferencing Azariyskoy republic, placed on other planets Azariyskogo space. Industrial enterprises,

  - Well, why is that ?! - Liara assumed a pout, after reading the next received by an instrumentron its message. - What am I, for the awards work ?! It is important that the asari have survived, so they survived to Tess was free, and I here again ... It's good that the closed list. It's a shame - in the extreme. - She slammed the small screen. - Again Synthetic Corps overdone, John!

  - They are not overdone, Lee. - Shepard said softly. - All Tessa could see how these settings. Understand simple thing - if they do not ... The scale of the devastation and the victims would have been simply enormous. - He put his arm around Liara. - And only you could avoid all that is waiting for the planet, not whether she had you and your Lee created by you, your mind and your heart plants! You and no one else - their author and creator! And you defended her Tess safely! Do not let your tribeswoman and compatriots who remained alive and healthy and whole, even in such a small repay thee good for predobreyshee?

  - John ... I do not know ... It's so little ... I have to make them a lot more ...

  - Make, Lee. But every act must be not only the result but also the assessment. So thank you to let daughters Tess.

  - What am I going to do with you, John ?! - Timidly I looked into the eyes of XO Liara. - You're a stone statue can convince what you want in three seconds! What could I ... - she paused. - Okay. In the end - it is a standard solution, but I do not deserve such a title and is now such a status. It was after a victory - albeit reward, then I, if it is within reason - I will not say the word across, and now ... it's only draw unnecessary attention to me and distort the purity of the relationship.

  - Do not distort, Lee. - Shepard gently took asari head in his hands, turned to him. - Do not distort. Because everyone knows the real you. So they know how much you are allowed to learn it. They know that the more Tess and her inhabitants do not have anything for you.

  - Hope, John. - Liara closed her eyes, savoring the moment. - You know how many times I dreamed that you took over my head just like that.

  - No, Lee. I do not know. - Shepard answered honestly.

  - Many times, John. A lot of. - Said the younger T'Soni. - It helps me a lot when I was getting weaker and slow-witted ... Kiss me, huh ?!

  Their lips met and Liara first time in many decades felt myself completely happy. Yes, hear sweet words good to see John next - well, a kiss is still the best! Especially if her kisses John and she feels that he really loves her! He loves, and not just good to her!

  How many minutes are in this time kissing - no two of them were probably not identified. Liara regretfully pulled away from John, do it gently, almost imperceptibly:

  - I'm sorry, John, but I have a feeling ... or feeling like you want to say, but we raided the command shell. Personally commander Grazyna M'Vays. - Younger T'Soni hurriedly corrected form, he looked around. - It's good that I've been tidied up before we left.

  - You're right, Liara. - Okay matriarch in the form of Militia, does not issue commanding the status of its bearer, he came into the room, answerin
g the statutory greeting T'Soni. - I came to tell you personally: I am grateful to you for what you have created such a weapon. And on behalf of Board of Tess I present you Star of the Hero.

  - But ... closed list ... No one will believe ... - faltered Liara, feeling the sign takes place by statute intended it to her fast fingers and formёnke matriarch fixed buckle.

  - You know all too well, Liara is very honest and clean asari. - Seriously argued matriarch, passing younger T'Soni folder with a diploma and a box with a ribbon. - Because no one there is not the slightest suspicion. And in this regard, - she looked at who was standing a little pootdal Shepard - you given the ten-day vacation that you have the right to spend as you wish.

  - Holidays in time of war ... - Liara clearly could not cope with the excitement, but still tried to argue.

  - You have kept their weapons, health and integrity of the tens of thousands of tribeswoman, Liara. So what can we do that, as a reward and leave you have earned and deserve. And I think you know how to spend it. - With these words she embraced and kissed utterly bewildered Liara. - Thank you. From all militias - thank you. - Disconnecting hug, matriarch took two steps back. - And - not only on the militia. - She turned and left the room.

  - Shepard ... - Liara sat down on a stool, opёrlas elbow on the table. - Tell me what I do not shirnulas not drank too much and did not sleep.

  - Neither one nor the other, nor the third. - Said the captain. - Congratulations, Lee. You really deserve and reward and leave. Thanks to you and your weapons, tens of thousands asari maintained their life and integrity.

  - John, why so ?! Why is it so unfair, huh ?! Thousands asari worked around the clock to make my sketch anything worthwhile, it - nothing, and I - Star of the Hero! Yes, what I heroine ?! I did not do anything special!

  - Liara. - Shepard came to sitting at the table asari. - Do not slander yourself! Without your sketch - nothing would have happened. No win, no ships destroyed by the Reapers ... You saved thousands of lives, think better of it and believe that you deserve and reward and leave. Over-SLN Madame la!

  Liara knew that Shepard could tell and if necessary, it would be with Tess, if not for these ten compounds with the latest settings to stop massive, the most powerful, one might say - a decisive attack on the mother planet asari. He said the captain aloud loud and clear. At least in order to bring her, utterly bewildered Liara, in a sense. Quickly and accurately.

  - John ... I'm sorry. I to this - she squinted a look at the Star - not used. This - the award is not mine. This - the award of the thousands of Asari, who created the weapon on the basis of poorly understood my sketch ...

  - And well, that was not used, Lee. - Shepard said quietly. - And about rewarding everyone who participated in the creation of these weapons Council Tess care in the near future.

  - You promise? - Liara, calming down, looked at Shepard's direct questioning look, although she was absolutely sure that detachment really do everything to all tribeswoman younger T'Soni were awarded for this feat. - Right ?!

  - Similarly, Liara. - Seriously and strictly Shepard said.

  - Ugh. Okay. - Liara, as if waking up, looked around the room. - If given leave ... - she hesitated - then the rights of the commander - I do know how it should be carried out. Come on, John.

  Liara. The path through the war-4. Near Squad

  Aela as undisputed workmate and best friend Liara, carried them both to where the waiting flyer. Younger T'Soni seen with what admiration and adoration Aela looking at Shepard, but treated it calmly - she knew and felt that John loved her, Liara, and refers to the Aele simply as a good friend, nothing more.

  Sitting in the driver's seat, the captain switched the automatic to manual control.

  - Where to Lee?

  - Goddess, and why I am sure that you know the coordinates of all the places where I used to dwell and work?

  - I know, Lee. So you should only call. - Shepard including screen navigational maps.

  - Fly to the parents. I doubt that after such a "concert" our militia will today the mood to practice combat biotics. - Said Liara, pristёgivayas to the chair.

  - Flew. - Briefly Shepard said, lifting the car into the air.

  For the first time in many decades, they were flying at a great height, not hugging the ground without using permanent relief to get away from a possible attack from orbit. Liara almost looked down, she looked over at John, who ruled the flyer.

  - Arrived. - Captain flyer dropped on a platform at the entrance to the underground residential center. - Come on, Lee.

  - Come on, John. - Opёrshis on his hand, younger T'Soni jumped out of the cabin. - You're right, my parents house. - She threw a glance at the indicators instrumentrona. - It seems that training they do today will not be. What pleases.

  A few minutes - and they go into the apartment.

  - Mom, Dad. - Liara did not deviate from tradition demands. - It is I, along with John!

  - Finally. - Said a little grumpily Etita, appearing in the kitchen doorway. - Good to see you, John.

  - Mutually, Etita. - Shepard matriarch nodded.

  - Come into the kitchen. - He ordered, looking out into the hallway, Benešov. - John, glad to see you!

  - I also. - Shepard washed his hands, wiped them on a clean towel, went to the kitchen. - Umm. Aroma - first class!

  - I hope that you enjoy the taste. - I said d'Avignon. - You his appearance today staged a day throughout Tess. The first peaceful day off for many decades.

  - Well, the author of this day ... - Shepard looked at the embarrassed and looked down Liara. - No one other than your daughter. And she certainly encrypt the full scheme.

  - There is some Alix has reported that communication with the penny channels are overloaded. - Apologetically said Etita. - And the answering machine doldonit the same thing - "The subscriber is unavailable." Without explaning the reason.

  - Mom, Dad. I want to decide for itself who should be available, and who does not. - Liara said. - Today, in the category of access only to get you and John.

  - Yes unless we are against, Lee? - Benešov asked, imposing on a plate salad daughter. - By the way, John, is that true?

  - True. Liara, where are you ... - think captain is not found in the younger formёnke T'Soni sign. - Here we go again ...

  - Mom, Dad. I am ashamed and terribly unpleasant. I was again awarded unfairly. - Liara opened her left hand fingers, letting the star shine. - I am not able to, and did not have time and could not refuse.

  - Liara ... - I breathed Etita. - What are you silent for something ?!

  - This award - not my parents. It belongs to all the asari, who had not slept for several days, making these machines and these settings. They are, and I do not need to be rewarded and recognized for the true achievements. Without them I would not be able to do anything, so would have remained illiterate with a sketch.

  - Do not say nonsense, Liara. - Firmly said d'Avignon. - To reward you and I know - in the matriarchy has decided to award all of your compatriots and tribeswoman, who worked on the project. Their reward - I am convinced - with dignity.

  - Mom ... - I broke Liara, but stumbled on a strict view of Benešov, embarrassed. - I am really...

  - You really helped his planet and his race, Liara. - All as rigidly and strictly said d'Avignon. - So go ahead, eat and get to your well-deserved vacation.

  - Ugum ... - Liara took up the spoon, picking up a salad. - Vacation. All the fighting and forced me to walk. Well, that does not make more and have fun.

  Continue the conversation at the table was the most common. Liara gradually thawed, get used to the fact of the ceremony, glanced sidelong at John, talked with Etitoy on a variety of issues and problems.

  - So. - Benešov cleaned up the dishes. - Whether you come in the room, decide what and how. And we are here poshepchemsya. - Matriarch looked at John.

  - Mom ... - Liara's voice sounded a plea for understanding ...

  - Fine, fine. Go. - Etita said.

p; Taking Shepard's hand, Liara slipped out of the kitchen. In a small room it led John to sit down on the bed, lay down herself, barely beating the pillow.

  - You know, John, I'm sorry that I do not like people lying on a bed like this, when the head is straight. Always because of the processes it is necessary to rotate it left or right. Terribly uncomfortable. - Liara said quietly, holding in his hands the hand of John. - Sit next to me, please.

  - Only if you sleep, Lee. - As Shepard said quietly.

  - I'll sleep soundly, I promise. Next to you - easily, John. - Whispered the youngest T'Soni closing his eyes and without the slightest resistance to falling asleep.

  Several tens of minutes Shepard sitting next to see how a person relaxes Liara, disappears tension in her body, the perfection and beauty of which could not even hide the militia uniform shape. Making sure that the asari really fast asleep, Shepard silently got up and left, heading for the kitchen.

  Etita faced with the appearance of Shepard, closed the door, and look Benešov pointed to loose stools:

  - Sleeping?

  - Spit. She was tired. Very tired. - Shepard said quietly.

  - John. - Etita said. - Only your appearance and the presence of Liara prompted to agree to accept such a high award.

  Shepard nodded without saying a word.

  - And I can say quite definitely, John. - Supported Etitu d'Avignon. - Liara would not have agreed to accept this award, if not for you. She loves you, John. He loves so that we Etian in great confusion. Her love, of course, if it can somehow be compared with anything relevant, very mature ... Not every matriarch can say that it is able so to love someone, and after Liara - only virgin.

  - That's the difficulty, John, what Liara ... running at the limit. It acts on the limit. And now that she's most definitely deeply and completely love you ... we do not know where it may lead in the future. - Honestly Etita. - I guess she will not agree to fall in love with someone else in the near future so much to become his wife.


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