Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 211

by Theodore Daniels

  - John, shake-a-luysta. You just yesterday made a lasting impression on my colleague. She is a simple technician, gained thanks to you the opportunity to do important scientific and practical theme, which, incidentally, has unanimously approved and assigned to it. If it is to cope with this detector - it will wear on your hands! It will save thousands of lives! And this - the youngest T'Soni looked at the table - the whole day, not just for breakfast.

  - I hope you will not be torn to work?

  - I will, John. I will. Because so much and ready. You eat, then go to my company, where I'll work her watch five, along with the rise of it all, or almost all - as it will. - Liara podpёrla head in his hands, watching as John puts his plate portion. - Eat full.

  - Ugum. - Shepard quickly drank juice from a glass, stood up. - Bring containers, Lee!

  - Yes, sir! - Humorously saluted, Liara darted to the pantry, and soon the two of them imposed food in different size envelope. - Dishes ...

  - My I. And you're going to and dress so that you feel comfortable and convenient to operate.

  - Well-at, John!

  - There are no "well". I know it. Fifty-screens, are you grow thin, if you do not take care of the comfort of advance. So - the march to change clothes!

  Domyv dishes, Shepard looked around with satisfaction Liara, dressed in comfortable jumpsuit:

  - It is quite another matter.

  - Only the agreement, John. - Liara went to the XO, stopped a step away from him.

  - What sort of deal?

  - It is - not a laboratory. Because...

  - I will not, I will not. - Shepard knew what tends asari. - Not what I will not touch and no one will interfere.

  - Exactly. Remember, John, you - promised.

  - I do remember.

  Before they reached the firm after forty minutes of slow walking speed. The next day lull and people were just beginning to surface was a little. It was noticeable how the locals enjoyed the peace and relative calm. Faces brightened a little, disappeared almost universal tension and a certain gloom.

  Shepard fulfilled his promise. He sat in a corner of the hall, where she worked as Liara, pulled up to her a few containers and immersed himself in the study svezheprislannyh from the ship Troop files. Younger T'Soni repeatedly looked back at him, convinced that he was on the ground that he was here, that he is working again immersed in the data flow, feeling the support of John and enjoying his presence here and now.

  The hours flew by. He sat down next to John, she opened several containers, snack, hardly taking his eyes off the next few, "alarm" screen and returned to the center of the room, where the whole screen wall has been viewed well.

  Shepard worked to his instrumentron constantly coming more and more files, was working off the information obtained in the course of sweeps Space Azari from ships Reapers and their accomplices. Imperial Navy cleaned orbits of the planets of the fleets and individual groups of vehicles invaders, in this process, attended by more than two hundred ships of the Earth countries previously little-known in more space and now had the opportunity to get a real multi-level wealth of practical experience.

  Late at night, saying goodbye to the employees of the firm, to remain on the evening and night duty, Liara and Shepard returned to the apartment.

  - John, you have that day, sitting next to me, when I sleep? - Liara asked, having finished the contents of the last container.

  - I do not remember, to be honest. Maybe - the second, and perhaps - the third.

  - And the law "three days," you know? - She stopped in front of my room door.

  - Liara ... - reproachfully said Shepard. - You're not too hurry-hurry?

  - John. - Asari approached, bowed, touching his forehead against forehead XO, he froze. - You will soon come away still in flight, we meet with you, well, if for video Extranet, as well - only emails, audio ... Whether you'll blame me ...?

  - No, I will not judge, Lee. But...

  - Do not hint, I know. Tali from the gate turn gave her fiance, doubting his qualities, and yet love-it is still you, John. Our green-Asari, the Minister of Defense of the human colony on Feros refused to let their tribeswoman as they begged her no, and I know she still loves you. You are what I, too, this "destiny free" cooked?

  - Uh? - Shepard looked at Liara's eyes. - Lie to me your freedom and your destiny - are inviolable.

  - I understand. - Sighed the youngest T'Soni. - I see. Because I can not blame you for this attitude towards me. But hard for me ... It is very hard - to love and to be free.

  - Liara ...

  - Do not say anything. Maybe you're right. It may, indeed, our relationships, and their design should be postponed until "after the victory," John, but when you ...

  - Liar, I do not mind, I understand how it is at all possible for me. But do not force, I ask. For you Tess - the main thing. And you have to stay here, stay capable to fight, to work, to investigate. By then I'll be, you esly for you in the end you will have to give up everything ...

  - And can it be, John?

  - Alas, he can. We humans do not always think about it, but actually we are committed to being everywhere and nowhere to be one and the same time.

  - Field form of life? Beings of Light?

  - May be. Maybe - something else. Evolution rarely repeats his experiments to the full. Because Liar, no need to hurry.

  - It would be better to do everything as quickly as possible to the war was over, John. To do this, it has a lot of work. And there's really - you can do everything sharper and clearer. Maybe you're right. - Liara palm covered her mouth with a yawn. - A relaxing holiday.

  - Quiet, Liar. - Shepard waited for younger T'Soni closed the door and walked into the hall. Sleeping in a chair he used more soldiers with youth, because they rarely, recruits were waiting for the usual beds and deckchairs. Most - bare ground or rock, because most of the time I had to spend at the sites.

  The next two days they were again conducted in the laboratory and in the information and mediation firm. All this time, Shepard noted as Liara about something very hard muses.

  In the evening of the second day everything was explained. When John already comfortable to sleep in a chair, wrapped a blanket, he was approached by Liara. The time was very late - on the clock arrow points to the first hour after midnight. Because Shepard started up:

  - Liar?

  - I'm sorry, John. I can not fall asleep. That's what you want to do, and I like this a decade-free service ...

  - I'd like you to please, Liar, but nothing. After two days maximum we detachment, decreasing the Citadel. They formed great complexity. And at the station and on the pre-planned planets, where we still had to go in the near future.

  - So ...

  - So, we still have these two days, Li. I'm sorry.

  - As soon as you fly away - I will return to service in the militia, John. I ... - Liara faltered. - bad feeling. Reapers can also wait for the squad will leave from Tess. They are not stupid, understand that while you are here - they Tess ...

  - They Tess did not take in any case, Liar. As long as people like you are - Tess will remain free.

  - John, I told you ...

  - Liar, it is not slogans. This is the bitter truth.

  - Then I'll ask you directly, John. Do you think me worthy to appear on the "Normandy" But in these last two days?

  - Yes.

  - Maybe you say why?

  - Could explain to his position, but I will say easier - you've changed, Liar. The better change. Mordin and Alix have convinced me of this. And they think I used to trust.

  - Then ...

  - Do not worry. Tomorrow morning, the shuttle will come right here, out of the complex. And we'll fly away on the "Normandy". Only bargain ...

  - What, John?

  - Do not cheat yourself. You fly to those who know you well and treat you properly.

  - I would like to believe John. But - fear.

  - Do you believe me, try it. - Shepard turned to the other side. - O
kay, Lee, let's sleep. The morning is wiser than the evening. Remember - the shuttle will come at nine. Will there or will not be breakfast - Gardner still you feed. Before the blade. I know him - he will do it anyway. I do not want to - eat all the supplements and ask.

  - Quiet rest, John.

  - Quiet, Liara.

  Liara. Two days on the "Normandy"

  The next morning, Liara got the very first. In their rooms and slept Etita d'Avignon, in a chair asleep, John Hall, and she was busy in the kitchen and tried to tidy up the senses and nerves. Today will have to happen what she was waiting for all these decades. I waited and was afraid, because too respected Svetlana and did not want to give her extra excitement at such a crucial moment. For her, working with professional information, it was not a secret that in the prenatal period, a woman is especially vulnerable, and therefore highly undesirable specific neural and mental overload. Mind younger T'Soni knew that Svetlana will not make the issue or problem from the very fact Liara stay on board the squadron, because ultimately it was not going to stay there for long. Otryadovtsam was well known as it is bound to its Tess

  Well remember the words of John that the chef "Normandy" Gardner still feed the guests breakfast, with feed to satiety, Liara, however, tried to prepare breakfast for the whole family here and now. Nervously glancing at the clock, it flickers in the kitchen as usual, trying not to rattle dishes and particularly cabinet door.

  First, it is sharp and clearly felt awake and stood Shepard. Willed himself not to interrupt the preparation of breakfast, Liara missed the moment when, dressed in his usual suit, Shepard stood in the kitchen doorway. He gently and tenderly looked at Liara and fussed by this look younger T'Soni increasingly felt that she flies through the small room, and in the hands of it all and flies off. At heart Liara raised another wave of full happiness, which she did not want and was not able to resist - stood next to a feeling of separation close for several decades.

  - John, sit down, everything is ready. - Liara put on a plate portions of the pots. - Mom, Dad, to the table!

  Matriarchs decorously housed in their seats, quietly reacted to the bustling Liara.

  - Lee, you also sit down, but you see ... - I said softly d'Avignon.

  - Nope. Hungry I will not stay. - Younger T'Soni sat on his stool and grabbed a spoon. - I do not want to keep up with John.

  - Well, he does not want you to keep up. Not so fast, there is still time.

  - Well, I do not. I know that Greg is subject to the accuracy of the arrival of the computer. I do not want to keep him waiting.

  - I am sure that it will arrive, Greg? - Podnachila daughter Etita.

  - For some reason, it seems to me that it was he arrives. After all, the machine command is most often piloted by Greg. Why should this time be any different?

  - Who knows who knows. - Etita finished her tea and dabbed his lips with a napkin, standing up. - Ben, we have a morning training cycle. So go ahead, get ready.

  - I have not forgotten, Etian. - Benešov folded her napkin and stood. - We go, Walk on foot to the center. And then everything had to roam the tunnels or wade across the surface, endlessly hiding from shelling.

  Shepard and Liara nodded, realizing that not only is this reason forced matriarchs quickly finish breakfast and get away from the apartment. Left together, asari and the man looked at each other and suddenly smiled almost simultaneously.

  - Calmed down? - Shepard asked softly.

  Liara nodded. She did not want to specify aloud that she is not calmed down until the end and not completely. It is as always afraid to see and feel the negative reaction to his appearance and stay by Svetlana and acutely aware that such a reaction could be. Hiding emotion, Liara almost in one gulp drank a glass of herbal infusion with vitamin supplements, dabbed his lips and stood up, heading to his room. We had to be clothed in its stowed position, who knows how the case will turn.

  When she came to the surface, Shepard has a few minutes talking with Greg, who was sitting in the cabin doorway and prevent attempts of several small asari crawl under the car or get inside. Parents and grandparents, is located on a freshly installed pootdal shops, with an understanding look at the attempts of his heirs to receive a new portion of impressions and respectfully looked at the sign and the sign of the Troop "Normandy" on the sides of the shuttle arrived.

  This time Liara did not wear their awards with ribbons or pads, considering it unnecessary. After welcoming Greg, she opёrlas about Shepard's hand, climbed into the cabin and settled in an armchair, buttoned automatic seatbelts.

  - Flew, Greg. - Shepard sat side by side on the bench, felt Liara reluctance to say anything now because just closed parlor door, waiting for the turn indicator tightness.

  - Yes captain. - The driver disappeared into the cockpit and the shuttle gently soared into the sky Tess.

  Liara was trying to hold back, but it started pounding thrill. She was afraid. Very afraid. I was afraid, because I felt - it invades wherever should not, can not, has no right to interfere. The shuttle approached the frigate, and she felt all the more acutely - will not work and a few hours, as the return "Volga", and then, on board the frigate Svetlana come. Dating avoid Liara does not work well with it. To be not an easy explanation, perhaps even scandal, quarrel. How many such stories Liara knew from the experience of their tribeswoman - do not count. Too little has been hope that Svetlana keep: pregnancy gave her the right too sharp and harsh reaction - it protects your family, your nest from the threat of destruction, and their relationship - from the part of the invasion.

  Well, that John knew put his arm around her and she was able to temper a little shiver. He said something to her gently and softly, and she with every minute more and more soothing. Power did not disappear, but it became less sharp, less and less comprehensive. Yes, now, "Volga" is still far away, she is busy reorganizing fleets asari, but only a few hours and Svetlana will be here next.

  Liara's eyes fell on the approaching "Normandy". Legendary cruiser frigate little resemblance to its prototype. Yes, parts, parts remained, indicating that younger T'Soni before - the same ship that rescued her on Terumi, but now in front of her was a military battle-cruiser frigate impact exploration has already visited these worlds, that most reasonable or it had a very rough and not accurate or no idea at all.

  Dim light aperture hangar gateway to Liara evoked a sense of hopelessness. There was a time when she compared it internally with the mouth of the unknown beast of prey. After all, if it crosses the boundary of the protective field, it will not be able to say that it happened to be on board, wrong address, and immediately fly back to Tessa. And this boundary of the protective field approaching with every second, every ten seconds. If not for the presence of a number of John, it jumped to the cabin, barely holding back, but next to John and she still finds the strength to just sit and watch as the shuttle pick up manipulators legs and sucked it inside, immediately steered to the ramp area. As soon as the boat stopped, pushing the brake absorbers, Liara felt her legs weakened sharply. It took a few tens of seconds to force myself to get up.

  In the brain of a young asari hammer pounded the thought: "This is not a prototype, this is a full ship can be assumed that it is - another ship, which took millions of kilometers and visited many worlds, known only by alphanumeric codes whether he will accept me now.. how to take then? ".

  - Lee? - Shepard stood up, leaned over the asari continued to sit.

  - John, I ... I'm scared. - I whispered Liara. - I ... I'm afraid that I will not accept ... Neither the ship nor the crew ... The last time ... I behaved no better ... I ... I can not get rid of these thoughts ...

  - Make a few steps, Liara. - Shepard gave her his hand and helped her to her feet. - Make a few steps and I am sure - all of your fears or most of them will disappear and cease to rule over you.

  - I ... I want to believe it, John. - Liara came to the threshold of the cabin, timidly looked at the ladder. On the top floor there was no one, and at the bottom ... the
bottom was only Captain Anderson. - Um ... I ask permission to step on board the ship, sir! - Said asari ritual, but this is now necessary to her sentence. Anderson Say "No" - and she was happy to remain in the shuttle. But the commander of the frigate, cruiser nodded and said:

  - Permission granted. I am glad to welcome you aboard "Normandy", Liara!

  And asari no choice left but to go to the site of the ladder.

  Rights have been John. Rights. Ten times right, a hundred times right. As soon as she was on the platform of the ladder as it was a quarter of a lighter. And then she went alone to Anderson.

  He looked at her, apparently, something felt, I felt, so I just stepped aside, opening a passage in the depths of the ship. Shepard, who was walking behind him, stopped near the commander, exchanged a few words for a few seconds - Liara did not even understand what they were saying. She looks around the hangar, learned and did not recognize him. Large a room, one can see, the convertible that can accommodate a lot of equipment, some shuttles, conveyors. Here they are, the wheel and flying machines. Fully dressed, ready for immediate use. To war, to clash, to the friendly assistance reasonable. Fussed around several machines technology did not pay the slightest attention to Liara. They may have known who she was and why arrives on the ship, but most of them are not interested. They went about their business.

  - Come on. - She said softly approached and risen slightly to the left and behind Shepard. - You isolated cabin, I spend.

  - John ... - whispered Liara. - If you could currently put on the hijab and the veil ... ... I would point agreed. I ... I'm so ashamed ... - Liara said, coming out of the hangar. - And I even doubt that the will is able to get out of the cabin, although I understand somewhere in the next few hours, which will arrive on the frigate Svetlana. It can not fail to arrive. And I have to see her ...

  - Uh-uh, Lee, you're all to pieces. - Shepard nodded was passing the watch, he nodded, handing XO reader with regular summary reports. - Okay. The cabin will wait, I'll take you to Chakwas. Karin looks you ...


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