Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 212

by Theodore Daniels

  - John, I ... well, you do not think ... - Liara looked around a hunted look, afraid to meet his eyes with a pass and overtake it normandovtsami. - No, do not shove me in sickbay.

  - Alas, Liara, late. - Shepard opened the familiar heavy door. - Karin!

  - Nice to see you in good health, John. - A doctor of the frigate stood up from her desk chair and looked at Liara. - Yes-ah. It is not the same person, John. What happened? - She pressed the key of the door sickbay and Liara knew it exactly from here, nobody will release in the near future.

  - He offered her a ride on a frigate in the shuttle, it has already started ... um, strain, and then here ... as soon as brought here. In the cabin lead afraid it may fall on the road.

  - Maybe. - The doctor came up to Liara, took her by the hand. - Go on, John. I'll deal with it myself. Watch, speak, treat.

  - No doubt, Karin. - Shepard turned and left the sickbay, and Liara as in a dream, was a doctor of the frigate and did not have even the strength to be glad that she is still in a state like this, on its own feet move on the frigate, cause she is now frightened, if not fear .

  Azari and did not notice that Chakwas sat her on a hospital bed, took off her armor, disarmed, shot placement. Very soon Liara felt that her lips to the charge of any cup, from which emanates the aroma of something very tasty.

  After a few sips, she did not notice how drained the cup to the dregs, he felt just as warm stream warms up her insides, leaving to the stomach ... At this point, she really wanted to do everything to her from John had children. She was amazed at the thought, because John, she is constantly reminded himself, is married and already have children, and she told him, almost no one, well, if the girlfriend.

  - Come in. If you are already the children of John thought, my dear, you are still far from exhausted. - I heard a quiet voice Chakwas. The cup had disappeared from sight, and asari Liara lifted goggle at the doctor, who was standing next to her.

  - How?! How did you find out?! - I muttered guest.

  - What to learn something here ?! - A little gruffly replied Chakwas. - All of us, the women are the same. If there is a good and solid guy, then we have to give birth to his children. And - nothing else! Nature, my dear, so wanted. And against nature - not trample, even if you really want!

  - But I ... I can not ... I hate John and Svetlana Svetlana ... curse me ... And well even if you leave alive ...

  - You're right, dear. - Filling a cup from a thermos, Chakwas filed her Liara, but her hands were shaking so that the doctor was forced to hold a cup with your hand until Liara small sips swallowed the contents. - Svetlana - she is. His family, his children, it will defend by all means. I understand what you're afraid of. Svetlana will arrive to the frigate, to meet with John she preminёt. Enough time has passed, she's thrashing in the cruiser, fought, shot, bombed, pursued, organized, mollify, forced. - Listed small ship doctor basting activities Strel'tsova away from Tess. - And here it is - a woman, a mother, a wife. And John for her - the highest value. I do not know, either before or after the ship and crew, can be - and along with them. So I understand why you're shaking and so feared. A few hours left. - Doctor put her cup on the table. - I know that you do not want to intrude in their relationships, in their family. I know. But you love John ?! Do you like! Do you like so that you light, just barely think about it ...

  - It's ... so much ?! - Amazed Liara. She certainly knew and understood that her parents and co-workers and colleagues about the company and the laboratory can see it long enough and therefore perforce learned to track the tiniest nuances of her condition, but that it is seen as accurately and acutely felt the dugout, the ship's doctor, who and saw something close to it is good if the second time in my life ... - Goddess, I was gone!

  - Perhaps, perhaps. - Muttered Chakwas. If there was anything else to you, John ... You would be really lost, and this love ... more excuses.

  - P-n-true? - Liara, saying it is the first time looked around: it turns out, her bed was surrounded on all sides by a screen, so that no reasonable could not see her, except, of course, Chakwas.

  - True. - Seriously he replied ship doctor, including instrumentron. - Hmm ... - Chakwas few seconds caught the essence of the testimony, issued smart device on the small screen is. - You're working at the limit, Liara.

  - Ugum. - Confirmed the younger T'Soni, knowing that locked, to deny and to be brave Karin useless. - In another way - I can not. I was told that if I'm lazy - that will quickly and permanently disabled .... That has to reach ....

  - I see. Azariyskie doctors sometimes hold this thesis. - Chakwas nodded. - Workable options. - The doctor looked critically issued on new notation line screen, understandable only to her. - It seems that love you is vital.

  - Somehow I convinced of this, Karin. - She replied quietly younger T'Soni. - I can not, no matter how I try, John tear from the heart and soul. I understand that I can become a threat to his relationship with Svetlana but do with him can not do anything. So ... I come here and understand what happened that - it would be easier in the gateway without a spacesuit ...

  - Well well well. Do not be so apocalyptic, Liara.

  - What am I supposed to do ?! I am thrilled when John, melting and feel such happiness, for which ready to jump on the Reaper, and then ... then I realize that I steal from Svetlana it all. Steal! I like John, he loves me, and I understand its very essence, what I am doing something very wrong, but I can not help myself! Something will not let me, I myself break with him this link! I myself do not understand, but without John, I can not ... - asari lowered her head. - I came here, came to the frigate realizing that I can not get out of here alive ... Because if I understand, and I see that I - a threat to John and Svetlana for their union ... I would be only one way - to die. .. And I am still keenly felt, that I - a threat.

  - Ek you stuck, Liara. - Chakwas said, sitting down next to the bed. - Capital jammed.

  - Ugum. - Asari nodded. - Jammed. So ... if you think I am - a threat to Svetlana, John and their children ... Then ...

  - And think about it forget, Liara. - Strictly said once poserёznevshaya Chakwas.

  - But ... even John handed me over to you ... Conducted would like a cabin and brought ... in sickbay ... - said softly younger T'Soni. - I understand that he would not have to stuff my preparations, but you - is another matter.

  - It is quite another, Liara. - Confirmed Chakwas. - I prefer to solve problems, not create them. And in my sickbay problems die rather than multiply. - Firmly stated the doctor.

  - But that's my problem in a different way does not seem to handle. - I whispered Liara. - Apparently, I'm spoiled what. With Protheans could not find a common language, they represent completely different than they were in reality. He quarreled with his mother at the age of fifty. With his father, the rebellious matriarch relations in general, as I realize now, do not support almost any. I fell in love with an earthling, in man, are not intended for me. And now I'm trying to survive, using this as a guarantee of love ... ... I climb everywhere and in a penny do not put the authorities ... refuse the award, by honor - hide. Rather than focus on one direction - work once in four and change them several times a day ... As soon as John tolerates me ... Another would be beaten or have ran to the edge of the light like me ..?! . And John ... he's not just tolerate me, he loves me, consumes itself and its supreme feeling on this, as I do! Nedodaёt this feeling and everything connected with it, my Svetlana ... his children ... Well, who I am, but to a thief ?! Karin, can ... can I give Justiciary?! ... Let them find it in their code of any article, a more or less describes the scope of my transgressions across ... Words do not say give up and sit in the smallest camera for all , the depth of the worst ... But would not harm John and Svetlana ... and say that we must die - die. Because I do not want to suffer and suffer, Svetlana and her children, John, John to suffer! Let them find it in their code of any article, a more or less describes the scope of my transgressions across ... Words do not say give up and sit in the smallest ca
mera for all, the worst depths ... But would not hurt to John and Svetlana. .. And I say that we must die - die. Because I do not want to suffer and suffer, Svetlana and her children, John, John to suffer! Let them find it in their code of any article, a more or less describes the scope of my transgressions across ... Words do not say give up and sit in the smallest camera for all, the worst depths ... But would not hurt to John and Svetlana. .. And I say that we must die - die. Because I do not want to suffer and suffer, Svetlana and her children, John, John to suffer!

  - Justiciary here, Liara, nothing you can not do. Their Code there is nothing even close to suitable for your situation. - Chakwas said quietly, trying not even hugged sitting next asari.

  - Then - what do I do, Karin? I'm afraid to hurt Svetlana and her children, afraid of causing unnecessary suffering to John. He does not want me to act in the usual way, he does not want me to talk sharpness, roughness, does not want to beat me. He did not want to leave ... No, of course, me, I understand that detachment came to Tess, not for me alone, but still Jon threw everything landed on Tess and came to me ... I was happy, I was happy, I was proud at that moment, when I saw him in his room, but at the same time ... I realized that I steal it from Svetlana. Especially sharply realized, though ... I understand it before. And then ... I understand, but could not do anything, could not push him away, could not return to Svetlana, I'm not even able to distance themselves from him. He came to see me, come unnoticed for all. He has not been seen from the militia ... The combat order, he went absolutely invisible, and only seemed to me ... I spent a few days with him ... perhaps the happiest days in my life. Days of silence ... And now ... now I have to pay for these days of happiness and joy ... What then. I'm ready ... I guess, Svetlana will not accept my apology and explanation ... It - it right. The right of the wife, the wife's rights, the right of children of John's mother. Who am I? His infant asari, barely recovered from the wound, which is received by the nonsense and stupidity. If I had been a little smarter ... then everything would be different. And it happened like this. John I regret, I suspect that I regret and Svetlana, but I hardly deserve pity ... I am moving around between science, militia and information moving around and realize that I am moving around stupid, ineffective, even counterproductive. I am moving around and I feel that if I do not rush, I will die ... I understand that if I see Svetlana and John close now, the frigate ... this is unlikely to be pleasant and helpful to me ... I'm afraid, Karin. Now I doubt very much, I doubt deeply and fully. I received a Star of Hero instead of many other asari, who made a story out of my semi-literate sketch ... I guard the landing as the company kakogo-nibud general, and I do not feel worthy of such protection ... I almost barged forward John bomb on the beach. .. Now I realize that he would have rushed after me and I could ... could have died because of my stupidity and dullness. As soon as I look at instrumentron ?! And I do not look! And - almost caused the death of John. I know that Svetlana in the same second would curse me for what I made the death of her husband and the other chief, father of her children! I would not be forgiveness. If not for John ... I now understand that I was blinded, Karin. Blinded by love. This blinded by love, blinded by my nearly cost me my life - John! For myself, I do not say ... But as soon as he appears next - I'm stupid, toupee and going blind, Karin! I do not know, do not understand and may not even try to understand the crime that is happening to me, when he's around. Part of me protests, says part of me that I must keep a cool head and a clean clear mind ... But I can not ... I honestly tried, but I can not. If they brought me now, "Volga" and locked up in a prison cell ... I guess I would be more happy because even tried to pay for the happiness, what struck me, almost to Tessa John appeared a few days ago. If Svetlana its power to threw me back on Tess - I do not care how, even in a suit, I would be happy, because I would realize sharper and deeper than her pain and frustration. It would help me get rid of this darkness ... probably would have helped me to get rid of, but I'm not so sure, Karin. I feel that I do not manage this situation that I, through inaction was harming other intelligent ... - She paused. - And ... I guess I'll say it out loud for the first time ... I, Karin must try to love another earthling. Another person ... I understand that I will most likely doomed his entire life to love, John is very sharp and full of ... But now, when there is a war, when John is married and has children, is a matter that requires it just ... I can not ask him more and love me. Better to let the love for me, he transforms into a force that will help him to better manage the best fight, to become the best father for their children and a better husband for my Svetlana ... I understand and I guess that even in this case, I'm not just coming close to this other person, this Earthman. I can understand that John ... so perfect and strong that he will still be at least kak-to love me, even though I do not feel like the one who deserves the love of his ... I do not want to get between him and Svetlana, but I still feel that I have something to make stand between them and the causes and Svetlana and John at a time when both of them were full of other, more important issues, make choices and more about me ... - Liara hunched, head down lower. - Karin ... I beg you ... I can understand that John ... so perfect and strong that he will still somehow love me, even though I do not feel like the one who deserves the love of his ... I do not want to get between him and Svetlana, but I still feel that I have something to make stand between them and the causes and Svetlana and John at a time when both of them were full of other, more important issues, make choices and more about me ... - Liara hunched, head down lower. - Karin ... I beg you ... I can understand that John ... so perfect and strong that he will still somehow love me, even though I do not feel like the one who deserves the love of his ... I do not want to get between him and Svetlana, but I still feel that I chto-to forces stand between them and the causes and Svetlana and John at a time when both of them were full of other, more important issues to make a choice also about me ... - Liara hunched, head down lower. - Karin ... I beg you ... make a choice and more about me ... - Liara hunched, his head still lower. - Karin ... I beg you ... make a choice and more about me ... - Liara hunched, his head still lower. - Karin ... I beg you ...

  - Now, Liara, I will be surveyed. I want to know the state of your health. - Chakwas said, standing up. - Then you have a rest here, get some sleep ...

  - But ... a few hours before ... - said Liara.

  - So much the better for you. In my sickbay with you nothing bad will happen. Here I am - the owner, rather than David and John and Svetlana. Even if the "Volga" will return to the "Normandy" in a few hours - Svetlana still there exists something to do during the drift near the frigate, cruiser, and she did not immediately hurry to the "Normandy" to John. So these hours, add a few more. And not the fact that John did not go to her own cruiser. So it should come to the man. So a few more hours. All this time you will have a rest here. And then, if you need to talk - everyone will be talking with you only here in sickbay, and nowhere else.

  - I was here until ... - timidly muttered younger T'Soni.

  - Yes, you are right, Liara. - Continued Chakwas. - Relationship to you and your relationship with John ... the crew and command frigate, cruiser ... to say the least - ambiguous. Especially need to talk with John and Svetlana, here and now, and not anywhere else in the frigate HMS.

  - Or on the cruiser. - Said asari.

  - Or - on the cruiser. - Karin confirmed. - So, let's expose the full. Inspect the full program will not be hard. It is necessary for you and me ...

  - And John and Svetlana. - Liara's voice was heard questioning, bordered by indecision.

  - May be so. - Chakwas waited Liara completely naked and making sure that she had folded her clothes as wished, proceeded to survey his new patient.

  - Well, as you feared. - Chakwas said, pulling on a blanket lying on his back on a cot younger T'Soni. - Now you need to sleep.

  - You rolled me ... sleeping pills. - Pozёvyvaya, muttered bombarded with the asari.

  - Without it, you would and would not have s
lept. And it will help you relax and forget. Sleep. And remember - a strong sedative, move you still can not, get out of sickbay, too, you do not get. So, setting yourself up for a long deep sleep. Calm sleep. - Chakwas repaid insecticide-treated bed spotlights and went out, closing the screen, from the "ward" of the sickbay.

  Survey data it has already scanned several times as they become available and they did not like it. Liara held only by the love of John and due to the desire to protect Tess of the Reapers. The third anchor, holding it in a more or less capable and efficient condition, was the love of parents and the desire to give them a feeling of family, of which they were deprived of for half a century.

  Chakwas did not even sit down at the desk - it is too much it was clear even at the time of the survey. Mind reasonable organic, of course, still - dark wood, and love as the supreme feeling - all malopoznavaemo in principle, and then - a cocktail. Sitting at your desk right now and try to add up these data is something digestible - would not be worth trying, because Karin came out of sickbay and headed to David.

  He, fortunately, there was one and, apparently, in the near future no urgent meetings and he had not planned.

  - What's with the penny, Kari? - He asked, barely crossed the threshold of the doctor of the frigate commander's cabin and closed the door on the latch, including prohibiting signal to the door panel VI.

  - It is difficult all this, David. - Chakwas sat in a chair, placed in front of a reader, where the pre-pumped the most common final conclusion without any medical gymnastics. - Complicated. Now I more fully and clearly understand how risks and risked John, agreeing to bring her here, to the frigate. She lives, like a string ... and no love for John ... it can not survive. Nevertheless, she tries. I am quite frankly amazed at her own strength: she wants to fall in love with another man, another earthling ... at a time, until the end of the war ... Give your heart to another temporarily reasonable ... believe it deeply and fully, while maintaining the integrity of their faith and their love for John. - Chakwas paused for a few minutes, pushing the reader to David on top. - I do not know how to do it, I have no real-world examples of such experience, but somehow I'm sure that Liara is able to do. Will, because she ... she does not want to be a burden for Svetlana, does not want to be a burden for John. She does not want to get between them, be a threat to their union for their mutual relations. The threat to their children, finally. - Again a few minutes of silence. Anderson knew how difficult it is to formulate Karin verbally, because in no way hurried her and Chakwas continued. - I can only guess, David, that she remain faithful to this other man, not John, a very long time, maybe she will not return to John after the war, as being free from the bonds of marriage and the woman of the contract. May be. Maybe so, she comes back, if he could explain it to another man, she will always be true, and John will always love him. I understand, she rips it is very unusual act itself from the hopelessness of the situation, simply because it is very fond of John and does not want to be a problem for him ..., that is. You see, I was the most difficult to define it in sufficient detail, although I would like, as a woman, must be more than this figure, understand and more in this deal than the same John. But I can not. Mind and feelings I understand, but how it is formulated in writing or orally - I do not know. Nope I have these words, David. and here is how to formulate it in writing or orally - I do not know. Nope I have these words, David. and here is how to formulate it in writing or orally - I do not know. Nope I have these words, David.


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