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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 214

by Theodore Daniels

  Svetlana remembered how John was cautious as he has been consistent in its relations with it, a person of another culture. Maybe the British and cold, but it's just conventional wisdom - she herself is quite a long time lacked the fire of those relationships that do not involve sex. And it is not because it was originally totally cool or totally indifferent to the prospect of detovynashivaniya and childbirth. John realized it at a level at which it does not understand even a single man from the set, trying to take it, the Rock and Impatiens, starvation, attack, siege or attack. It turned out that they did not work. He took her, Svetlana Streltsov, tenderness and understanding. He saw her as a person, not the body. Man, not female. Just be sure that it is not fog, it's not a wraith that this is not a smokescreen, Svetlana thawed. AND, quite naturally I decided ... to force the situation. I decided that it makes children and bear without going to the reserve from active military imperial service. I decided that to cope with all the stresses that will be added to loads army and navy. Because John deserved it because she believed him, believed in earnest.

  Now Svetlana felt that all this may come ready Liara. Yes, asari also changed, matured, pomudrela, settled down, became successful in their work. But what does all this have to do with the attitude, John? Well, she likes to Shepard in the distance - and let love at a distance. But no ... Liara is in full swing at the conclusion of the Agreement. Good thing intragalactic laws do not allow so simply installing high-regulated relations between the races without the signing of this document. Kissing and hugging can be any number, but when it comes to sharing household and progeny - then it is all right to conclude the contract, indicating the level of their relationship quite openly in front of everyone, so to speak, honest people. It's her, Svetlana Strel'tsova permissible to dispense with the Treaty, Although John and did it quickly and completely, so much so made that it is not found at all desire, what could find fault with this extremely complex and multi-page document. But asari Liara will pore over the Treaty for a long time ... John is not a simple man, he and the position corresponding to, not something that Liara.

  Now, if John and his wife wished to be Benešov ... Then there is no question - the situation in Benešov, even now, after the scandal with illegal financing means Matriarchy daughter arheoraskopok not just equalize, but even more strengthened. And it would Benešov approached the problem and issue accurate and complete, not so - Romper-Burum. Yet eight years - not one hundred percent. And experience - totally different, much higher level. Svetlana herself would not say a word - it is still not asari-lapwing, and asari matriarch. And at the age appropriate Benešov - two hundred years she would have lived with John beside one soul and Svetlana would not find any objection or controversy would not have arisen. And Liara ... No, John Liara ... Few things can happen. Benešov was right when pronouncing Svetlana, when angry, indignant and pouted at her hut, imperku and humans. She is the matriarch, first fell in love with John, because he saved her. Christ is not only the body but the soul. And this - the basis for love is much stronger than just "want". In Liara is respectful basis, or even close to it simply does not exist. Yes, and can not be like her foundation! From what is known about the most Svetlana its behavior on the former, the first "Normandy" then after Terumi ... Not pleasant, that somehow positively characterize Liara.

  The farther Svetlana went into meditation, going to his commander's cabin cruiser, the less she wanted to give vent to this centenary upstart. And when he reached the cabin door, she decided everything for himself: let Liara marrying that other earthling, even giving birth to him at least five asari, though. But John it in the foreseeable future can not see ten as her husband, not to see.

  Only now, having entered into the hall of his cabin, she realized that her Zord and gray all the time accompanied by the endless corridors of the cruiser. A Zirda not strays from the cabin again, even loach spun around and still trying to understand what happened with the hostess if she still does not absolve itself psihokokon service. She'd like to his cabin came ...

  Squatting, Svetlana enabled Zirda sniff and lick her face, she hugged Zorda and Gray, a few tens of seconds each ovcharona detained in their open arms. In fact, it is in front of the three of them apologized. Silently he apologized. They liked this, they calmed down and Svetlana went to the kitchen, took bags with food, pour into a bowl and a few minutes looked like it sobachatami with dignity knead bread. Calm down, Shepherd went to sleep on their mats, and Svetlana sat down at the desk. It was necessary to see novopostupivshie reports and other documents - commander's job is not going away, did not disappear without leaving.

  After listening to her, she realized that the solution always - it does not give John Liara. Do not give up in the foreseeable future. Let Liara try yourself in the role of wife and friends with someone else, but not with John. Of course, everything can change in one way or another, when everything will change, then it Svetlana Streltsov and think, how to act in a changed environment. And while she did so.

  - Commander. - Anderson reported to the officer of the watch. - "Volga" - on the way. Before arriving in the drift region - thirty minutes.

  - It is, thank you. - Anderson switched channels mentioned in the diary instrumentrona that ninety percent Azariyskogo space at least temporarily, but for a few days came under the almost complete control of the asari. Reformatted with the active participation of "Volga" VKS Azariyskoy fleets of partially spent on the repair and re-equipment, partially - to refuel and recharge partially - on alert. Imperial Navy took the key points Azariyskogo space surrounded himself with two hundred ships of the Earth countries that formed the Reserve Fleet. If we Alliance fleets and fleets of the Empire played a major role, support them in any way does not hurt.

  Half an hour later came confirmation from CIC frigate, cruiser that "Volga" hove. A quarter of an hour - and the new message - please take the shuttle to the commander of the cruiser. Tapped resolution, Anderson ordered in a low voice to Shepard, Chakwas, Yavik were ready to come to the commander's quarters. Shepard minute later said that he will meet his wife in the hangar. Anderson did not mind - it's his right to the point.

  Having seen descending the ladder Svetlana, Shepard felt that it is cocked.

  - You're right, John. - Svetlana nodded to the watch, retractable ladder and walked over to her husband. - I really am now cocked. I'm not going to give opportunities Liara pinch you more than is permissible for the current difficult situation.

  - Svetlana ...

  - I understand, John. - Streltsov crossed the threshold of the hangar and they walked down the hallway toward the CIC. - You look at it a little differently. But I also have to look at this situation so that then not be excruciatingly painful for their shortsightedness. Can we assume that you now I will start to talk about the fact that she is very worried that it batters willies.

  - But it's true. It seems that she is afraid of you, Svetlana. Afraid, though very much afraid.

  - And rightly afraid, John. - Svetlana stopped, turned to her husband, sat up. - I have six months to go here Taken belly why? Because I like it a lot? Did I catch a buzz from the fact that I have not corny enough strength to perform duties of a commander of the set? People depend on me, John. Depends on me, my ship, which I saw back in the project documentation. From me it depends on how Russia will meet the Reaper attack on its territory rather big, which is so convenient for all other omissions ushehlopskih bombardment from space - to aim something special on such a huge area is not necessary! - She looked around. - Do not be here at all it's all talk. We go into the meeting room, there will be more convenient.

  A few minutes - and doors of the hall got red prohibiting entry signals. Svetlana did not sit down, it does not even come close to the table - just went to the chair, opёrlas his hands back and looked at the man standing next to John:

  - I do not mind, when everyone who loved you and love among the asari and quarians, were far enough, John. I do not mind when you danced a deadly dance on Rannoch before Reaper for you
. Because it was important not to Tali Zora personally, and for all Rannoch, Amenities like quarians and geth. Quarians had to be saved and had to be forced to quickly understand something very, very deeply. So this dance was acceptable. Dangerous, I do not argue, but let's say. And what sense do you dance in front of the penny, John? Well currently lives saved on Terumi from Geth asari and lives. She has a mother, father, have a job. There is service in the militia. Still, the war and the need to fight against the enemies in arms. Especially with such enemies as the Reapers. You yourself know that his severe wound received by Liara own stupidity. I will remind you, These wounds inflicted to her man, Earthman. Yes, a Korean with Sino-Japanese back in the pedigree and partly Slavic. I will not deny - Slavic roots and he also has. And this man has managed to almost send to the light the asari, killing two passing-asari scientists. Frankly, a crime is a crime and the murder and attempted murder of one of the reasonable does not paint an attractive color. But to have access to such information storage and show a ushehlopstvo ... You recall that Yaviku had to shoot in the legs to Liara somehow realized that the situation will be control the other, and is not she? You remind slap that gave Benešov Liara in the presence of almost all the important officers of your ship? Do you recall - she took reader and shows only the first page - the content,

  - Liara wanted to wear a veil ...

  - This is John. Finally, you began to speak on the case. The point is not veiled, John. The fact that it willy-nilly, calculates how much will be able to integrate into the life of the Troop, and then, John, in our family life with you. Her desire to stand next to me, to stand in the rank of your wife is viewed as an island on the horizon in the ocean in complete calm - on full automatic. Sorry, maybe it's harsh, but I'm not used to risk just because I like to take risks. Any risk should be acquitted, John. Your risk on Rannoch was acquitted, but your appearance on Tess now, in the past few days - is not justified. Admit it, that the working logic you could never appear on Tess does.

  - Could. Here, you're right.

  - Here. And I suspect, John, forgive me that my pre-programmed female, and that she had a question about the children from you ponder. Well, it can not asari differently in this line of thought, can not! Hundreds of examples of this can lead not moving from this place. They need genetic diversity, and they can give birth only asari. You forget who this Liara? She - a purebred asari, the daughter of two asari matriarchs. She does not understand at this level that is representative of the children of a different race, John. Does not understand! She thinks it's all very easy and simple. For the simple reason that Etita it did not explain what is necessary asari close contact, for example with the krogan. Liara And if you forget, John, a quarter - Croghan, if it is absolutely in the details to climb, and you know that I occasionally like to get into details. Such zalezanie life and can save a lot of problems reliably deliver. You forgot that Liara - not only daughter these matriarchs, and the fate of all other subsidiaries of their parents still have to Liara - murky mystery. You do not seem worthy of alarming mark, John?

  - I think.

  - And add, John, you're not saved Liara. You saved d'Avignon. Matriarch d'Avignon, whose age has passed for eight years. Liara And how much? One hundred-plus. She - a virgin, John! The fact that she's more successful in science and information - it's all clear, but it's - violence, John. It runs, it tries to comply with an adult, but it is - not an adult, John! And because it is guided by the standard scenario, helping to gain a foothold in the higher positions well before reaching the appropriate age. In Russia we say, John, a cruel sentence: each vegetable - its time. You do not take into account, John, what Liara even in the militia took creaked, she almost died on the obstacle course at an introductory certification. You know perfectly well that the children are not forced through any adult standards, but does not require them to fight well, as it should do adult warriors. And Liara may jump over your head why ... Because it is struggling to meet the standards of adult asari. And it continues to objectively not match, John. I'll also remind you that she has a guaranteed lifetime - a thousand years. Thousand, John. Three hundred of your life and on top under the most favorable conditions. What is it meaning so invest in you if you will live less than half than it is in any case, John? You're not funny about this circumstance completely forget yourself? And I remind you one more thing, John. Your children - the people, earthlings. And not asari. Because you do not and I do not asari asari. We - I and Liara - different, John. Different. And she, asari, wants to come to our family, stand on a par with me, the man John. It's very different situation. It is one thing - to live in a different star systems,

  - Svetlana, you forgot one more thing. - Shepard said.

  - Yes, I have not forgotten anything, John. - He shrugged Streltsov with a purely feminine contempt. - She loves you. So I know and remember and take into consideration this fact and the reality. So what? From her you need a little bit - the genetic diversity of their race. For her, John. But not for our human. And love has always been a mercantile asari - I Foreign Intelligence Service still delivers information proving this situation every day. Nothing in Asari is not changed, no-thing in this direction is not changed, even if the beginning and joined his medial phase of the war against the Reapers. - She paused, then continued. - I do not blame you, John. I understand. Heart you have a large, you can love so many reasonable, in whatever form they may be obrjazhaja. And I have nothing against that of your love for them. But until John these reasonable attempt to use our bases, the foundations of human civilization. Until then, John, as long as they do not try to get into our family and become our relatives in droves. If we do protect our families, John, they protect them, no less. None of the people will not mind if we help them in science, engineering, technology, culture and art. But we must not lose our identity, we can not with impunity try to dissolve in this cocktail. If you forget, John, the same turians almost rolled-mankind to the Stone Age. And we, mankind, for the same asari long thirty years, until the war started with the Reapers have been a misunderstanding. Only now they are a little bit, but try to move away from such an understanding, but the one thousand years of life does not allow them to do it quickly and reliably. They do not want me, John. Do not want. They want us to change. Because we live in three times less than the same asari and two times less than the same turians.

  - And that ... So, for you ...

  - John. Do not. I beg. Do not talk to me about the value of feelings, emotions and other things. I myself who want to can a one-year course of lectures to head off to roll in their own performance on this subject.

  - And her willingness to ...

  - And that's about it, John, should talk too much. Let it is looking for a less loaded earthling. Let. I will not mind, as it will be the choice of Liara and that Earthman. They were together and deal with this problem. I repeat, John, she - a virgin, she was a child, trying to play adult games. Yes, in this war on children mature early, but she has long-playing wounded in an asset transaction. Alla general in its recorded disabilities and rightly refuses to recognize healthy. Perhaps, it may very well be that something will change after the war. There were such cases, I do not argue. I do not need to elaborate. But let Liara powders brains to someone else, not you. She's a virgin, is guided by emotions, feelings, and her logic in these moments fails completely, simply weakens to zero seconds. That's all - age, John. The age. Under normal circumstances, should pass the century, it is smarter to up your level at least approximately. Yes, I admit, sometimes it is simply a sample of high quality and high-level understanding of life, but basically Liara is still a child, John. As a child! I understand that it is to give love you can not. I see. I understand that it is ready to love someone else. Let love. No it can not prohibit it and so do I. I can not. But try to be integrated into our lives with you on such grounds, I will not let her. I'm sorry, but I will not allow her now to come between you and me. she refuse to love you can not. I see. I understand that it is ready to love someone else.
Let love. No it can not prohibit it and so do I. I can not. But try to be integrated into our lives with you on such grounds, I will not let her. I'm sorry, but I will not allow her now to come between you and me. she refuse to love you can not. I see. I understand that it is ready to love someone else. Let love. No it can not prohibit it and so do I. I can not. But try to be integrated into our lives with you on such grounds, I will not let her. I'm sorry, but I will not allow her now to come between you and me.

  - And what is your decision?

  - Let acts as decided. He falls in love with another earthling, marries him, bears him children. Let him try what it is - a real life with a man. In the video, but in reality. It is unlikely that she would like it. But next to you and next to you, I do not see it, John. And so to get up close in the near future, I will not let her. Sorry, but you have forgotten. You - in me, and I - you. And I just will not allow anyone to divide you into two parts according to the principle - one to me and one to someone else. It is one thing - love. Another thing - to live together and maintain a common household. I did not specify many details out loud, John, but I hope that you will understand - in the case of the penny now it is impossible. If she wants to work - she is convinced she will be plenty of work. But playing with the feelings of others, I will not let her. Go to Anderson, it is necessary to form a unified position,


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