Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 216

by Theodore Daniels

  - Thank you, John. - Alix said quietly, standing up. - You ... give me a chance to think about many things. I appreciate it very much. - She went to the door, turned a tender gaze slid across the face XO, is coming to your desktop. - Thank you. - She quietly walked out the door, closing it behind him.

  Shepard sat down at the table. He did not know whether the answer to the question posed Alix completely. He replied so they thought was right. Do you think this question comprehensively answer ?! At the same time, XO knew that Alix was not interested in a comprehensive response. She was interested in the answer given it to them, Captain John Shepard videoconferencing. Well Alix loves it, loves. This is clear, though, probably read about robot love for reasonable organic, to a person, nicer and safer than to feel this love daily and continuously. What to do, the world has changed, become more complex and hardened. Now and get up close not only with people but also with reasonable organics other races, Synthetic, armed artificial and not just virtual intelligence ,. New intelligent race. For Yavika, maybe it's familiar, but for them, the inhabitants of the galaxy in this series, risking once again be the last for many races ... not too familiar. Too little time to reflect on vrabatyvanie. Too few. And at the same time - too much. Try it, then try to understand how to proceed.

  Slightly shaking his head as if to disperse surging thought Shepard was strengthened in his chair, pulled up to his instrumentron, I began to type text notes about the read materials on the instruments "Cerberus". The problem should be solved - whether the response Rex full or not - does not matter. Detachment should also work in this direction was to give to the officer that BRP. Yes, Garrus, of course, will control the situation, not without it, of course, but as long as there is a time and need to work.

  Work on "Notes on" took almost the whole day. Only nine o'clock Shepard set aside the pile readers, turned instrumentron table, got up, walked across the cabin, stretching almost zatёkshie muscles of the body. Out of the cabin, he stood in the dining room.

  Gardner brought a full meal. Yes, the night did not seem to be load at night, but ... the war. It should be possible, fed and ready at any time to take action of any complexity. Yes, the squadron followed by the Station, the route is known, the end point of the route is determined. And at any moment it may be necessary to get off the route to solve the problem of sudden or problem. So, maybe the landing. And even if the landing will not be, the senior assistant captain must be in a form sufficient for an adequate response to the situation of any degree of unpredictability. Any conceivable degree.

  Nodding going into the room teammate, Shepard calmly and steadily absorbed first, second, third dishes, then he carried the tray of dishes and devices in and desk-washer machine, returned to his desk, sat down, turned on the wrist instrumentron, I began to read his notes, make corrections . During the time spent on board the two versions of "Normandy" He was used to that in the dining room of his colleagues do not go just for a meal, but also to work and at the same time - talk, as the service, and the off-duty topics. Kind of the club, which, of course, there were some, at times - harsh rule, but still it was a place where ... normandovtsy communicated less formally, that is.

  And now a few otryadovtsev plunged into work on their instrumentronah, small groups normandovtsev something in a low voice to discuss at separate tables. Gardner glad he was pleased that his canteen humans and aliens come not only to eat, and not only in the established routines for receiving the clock food. Anderson also looking at a small violation of the rules and regulations with the understanding, it is not going to stop this communication and that use the dining room. The ship is to be a home for those who live on it, working, working.

  The second task was the problem, as indicated by C-Sec officer turian named Dellk. In a conversation with the duty officer of the headquarters of Detachment Dellk complained that he had no samples of the latest ciphers, heavily used "Cerberus". Synthetic contacting Dellkom through buoys Communicators Network, to keep the location a secret squadron, we found that we are talking about ciphers, which managed to get otryadovtsam while defending against an attack of the Reapers and their associates of the Center of Communication. Pass codes for channels even sverhzashifrovannym Synthetic considered unsustainable and unsafe, so with the consent of Anderson, they have prepared all the materials for Shepard handed and codes and supporting documentation upon arrival at the Citadel Corps.

  The third objective, which was to find out, provides for the transfer to the hospital Guerta venom sample developed "Cerberus" and providing targeted killing Turian. This poison was discovered Resistance special group that visited the planet of Arran, which took the former squad scientists "Cerberus" and voluntary guard - Jacob Taylor. It would seem that the case of bygone days, but checking ... ruins, the group came across a container next to the skeleton of an optical microscope. The sample on the slide, of course, was hopelessly flawed, but the contents of the container ...

  In general, the task force of the Resistance tried to check thoroughly the ruins, found something else, it gave something for toiletries, but the detachment got information about this poison for Turian - whatever you say, and "Cerberus" its work to counter the reasonable organikam- settlers in the Galaxy did not stop for a minute. And this poison ... was new. Whether on the planet after the center was destroyed, he was sent to the cell "Cerberus", or more like a situation.

  venom sample from the container, but in fact - the whole container with all its contents - special group promised to pass on board the frigate tomorrow in the afternoon on one of the freighters coming, as usual, in the same direction - not the Citadel, of course, but to a certain colony. So tomorrow night, consider occupied.

  - Jeff, how the arrival of the Citadel. - Shepard pressed to the ear speaker.

  - I think half of the third day will be busy maneuvering. - Said the chief pilot. - More precise - I can not. Maybe it will be clear by tomorrow night. By the late. - Said Moro.

  - Welcome. - Shepard switched channels. So, the third day, too busy. And not only Jeff - the entire Corps. And that means - and he, XO "Normandy".

  Defending starpomovskuyu three hour watch at the Star Maps, Shepard spent several hours trying to get around the ship, and then returned to him. With barely distracted from thinking about Liara and d'Avignon, he forced himself to go back to work with documents. Desire to delve into the contents of the file reader enough for exactly two hours, after which Shepard told himself to dismantle the bed and go to sleep. I disable it immediately, as soon as his head touched the pillow skinny.

  At eleven o'clock in the morning the next day running on the phone again, Rex, passed all the necessary information on the guns "Cerberus". Receiving the encrypted package took a few hours, then Alix and Olivia, who continued to work on the contents of the library in Asha and therefore again taken off aboard the "Volga", asked at least two hours to decrypt the packet. None of otryadovtsev did not even think to object - all well aware of how busy with both kiborgessy, seriously bent upon the arrival of the Citadel complete transcript library in Asha. All otryadovtsy seen in videos and on individual frames, the number of pictures of crystals, are all familiar with the technical characteristics of these media - engineers "Normandy" and "Volga" tried.

  Some of the information from these crystals are regularly in anonymous form went over the set of addresses and channels - kiborgessy coordinated the sending of packages with only Anderson, Titov and Strel'tsova but otryadovtsy understand - now, while Troop ships in motion, can be much easier to reach the necessary buoys communications than it can be done with the Citadel - there are several other possibilities and even more so - conditions.

  On the part of the results of kiborgess Shepard knew personally - the same detector, which became the subject of research asari-laboratory assistant. Alix acquainted with a part of Shepard's content library before arriving at Tess. And it continues to introduce so far. It is likely plans to do so until the arrival at the Citadel. Her choice. After reading the next data packet ex
tracted from the crystal library, Shepard looked obёmistoe "content" already decrypted crystals.

  Starpomovskaya three-hour watch Shepard distracted and allowed to concentrate fully on service issues and problems. Then there was lunch - the captain decided to have lunch at Gardner, especially as the watch was completed just in time for that date, which was just selected for a lunch break in the daily routine of the crew and command of the frigate.

  Lunch was held as usual, crowded dining hall, knocking on the dishes devices, conversations, merging into a continuous hum. Somewhere noted screens instrumentronov - normandovtsy basically did not want to save time and often combined with work lunch. Shepard also familiarized with obschegalakticheskimi bulletins, and read a summary of the two headquarters - with the Citadel and "Omega." Forcing himself not particularly hung up on thinking about maloradostnyh news, Shepard set the tray with appliances and utensils to the table Car washing and nodded Gardner returned to his cabin.

  At five o'clock in the evening to lёgshim in short nervous drift squadron arrived freighter that brought samples of Arran. Short talks with members of the crew of the truck, an open exchange of correspondence, the traditional wishes - and the ship disappears into the twilight of the cosmos. A few minutes were seen decreasing and weakening, only to feed the parking lights and twinkling navigation "beacons".

  The sample taken for analysis and Mordin Chakwas. Who, if not they do it. But the arrival of the Citadel Corps will have a much more complete information about this creation gloomy tserberovskogo scientific genius. Actually, that tserberovtsy as helpers and servants of the Reapers, continued endeavor ultimately weaken it Turian, it was nothing special. Not for nothing because it asari turians salarians and formed the basis of the Citadel Council, no wonder these three races have always carried the brunt of the work to maintain the desired degree of obedinёnnosti races in what was called the usual Citadel space. Yes, there was Travers was Terminus, where the Council has sought to influence the full and final ratings, and then - to zero, but ... Anyway, loosening Turian, tserberovtsy Reapers gave the opportunity to amplify,

  Before arriving at the Citadel on the calculations of pilots and navigators Troop was a little less than a day. After discussing with Anderson, Alenko, Chakwas Adams and preliminary work plan to the Citadel, Shepard returned to his cabin. We had to plan their meetings with customers, and these meetings Shepard planned to spend immediately on arrival at the Citadel.

  Svetlana said that she is to remain on board the "Volga" - Alla once again forbade her to rush between the station and the shuttles to the cruiser. While agreeing with the choice of a wife, Shepard knew in apartments headquarters this time it is likely to be one that could cheer him very much, but ... pregnant girlfriend's assumed such a situation, because the special irritation and discontent Mate experienced. It must be so Allais was recommend - recommended. She is a doctor and her friend Svetlana, know better.

  In the afternoon of the third day the squadron frozen in place in the outer roads stations. Anderson brought to the attention of normandovtsev watches schedule and duty, as well as work that will require the presence of certain members of the crew of the frigate, cruiser on board the ship and then allowed all normandovtsam be free for the next few days and advised to be in readiness for an immediate departure on board ship.

  Having a visa Commander Shepard at the regular "shuttle," shuttle moved to headquarters - now shuttles Troop could directly deliver and cargo and passengers directly into the perimeter of the complex of buildings and structures - occupied apartments located and took the duty of the containers, called wage-flyer , which flew to the pre-agreed meetings with customers.

  C-Sec officer, interested in obtaining documentation of the instruments "Cerberus", he found in the Community Bureau on the landing leading down to the office of BRP. Coming from the elevator down a long corridor to the wide wall advertising bar "Purgatory" and turning to the left, Shepard easily identified among scurrying reasonable very tall figure, clad in lightly-suit.

  Turian greeted the captain, they moved to the corner of the site, where Shepard and handed the officer BRP containers documentation. After listening to the usual in general assurances that it will greatly help the fight against "Cerberus," Shepard said goodbye to officer hurried to BRP's office and went to the embassy district, where he was one of the crossroads waiting turian Dellk.

  - At last, I have them there, Captain. - Dellk happy.

  - Yeah. - Agreed Shepard. - Your complaints known to so many. Harnessed there your colleagues, let them think about where can still climb tserberovtsy to perfect codes.

  - Head to head?! - I asked Dellk, hiding in laying received from readers Exec. - It seems so.

  - In general, it is. We must try to be with the enemy on equal terms. Especially now. - Shepard said thoughtfully. - Good luck.

  - You too. - Dellk saluted, turned and disappeared into the crowd. Shepard laughed - it was difficult to imagine how tall turian can get lost among the many reasonable, but Dellku succeeded.

  Now, should visit the doctor at the hospital-salarian Guerta.

  In the hospital at this time there were plenty of patients, so Shepard with great difficulty managed to break into the laboratory fixed wing. Salarian erupted flow doxology, almost sniffing container, but still trying to hold back his emotions and therefore did not really managed to attract the attention of patients and colleagues. Besides that otryadovtsy regularly appear in the walls of the famous Citadel to the hospital, reasonable already become accustomed, so Shepard quickly said goodbye to the doctor and left the hospital in one of the side exits.

  Here he found an audio call from Anderson.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard has sat for the management hired flyer, closed the door. - I'm at the hospital Guerta.

  - Well, you're out there, John. - Anderson more relaxed. - We have the need to transfer to a hospital Guerta what we found in the Reach Ismar. Well, remember, Aquila system, planet Metaponto.

  - Components of the prototype biotic gain? - I remembered the XO. - So in fact they ...

  - Exactly. I sent you to instrumentron code key from storage enclosures of the spectrum. Flies back to pick up your container, then back to the hospital and pass our discovery doctor. He - a leading scientist, we asked him to wait for you to come to the examination wing.

  - All right, David. - Shepard lifted the car into the air. - I perform.

  - How to pass, to stop ringing. It seems that there is one problem that requires discussion, John.

  - There is. - Shepard switched channels and the car went to the lobe, which has a well-protected warehouses Corps spectrum.

  Presenting Officer Service Protection Corps strip code key, Shepard went inside one of the warehouses, quickly found the right container and took him by the arm, walked to the car. The path back to the hospital did not take more than ten minutes.

  - I'm glad, very glad. - Leading scientist - a middle-aged Earthman was really pleased and visit the well-known member of the squad and the fact that it was he who brought the necessary components of the prototype biotic amplification. - You are always attentive to the needs of the inhabitants of the station, and not only the inhabitants of the station. Maybe, you tell us how you found them?

  - Yes, in fact, a doctor, and there is nothing to tell - especially in the world we have identified abandoned canoe, discovered a container containing these components in its cargo bay. Data source and destination was not there. The probes have allowed us to safely and freely open the compartment and move the container into the hold. Our experts praised the prototype capabilities, and the rest ... well, a matter of technique. Accessing a database found that it is you need.

  - It is very good. - Awakening from meditation, a scientist said. - This technology will save many lives of organic reasonable, especially, of course, those with biotic abilities. - Earthling put the container in a safe. - I thank you and your colleagues, Captain. I immediately sent an email to the address of the headquarters.
br />   - We were happy to help. - Shepard saluted, turned and walked out of the Examination wing, already thinking about the fact that Anderson had in mind when he asked him to stop ringing for the implementation of this order. Not again I was coming any crash related to planting?

  Everything was much simpler. Without leaving the hospital perimeter, Shepard has contacted Anderson.

  - Well, that phone call, John. - Said the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - Be sent to you once a strip code. Alun Rings. Previously, they could not pass, alas, even though the information was placed on the discovery, as you know, in a publicly available database for specialists-tsitadeltsev.

  - Well, I have not left the hospital Guerta. - Shepard sighed. - Okay. Strip code I got David.

  - Well. We asked you to wait asari near the main entrance. You just missed it, again came through the side.


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