Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 227

by Theodore Daniels

  - Nature and Evolution will not give, Ali. - Said the first mate. - It is laziness. That reluctance to strain block this expansion. Yes, to some extent, this expansion will be. But what good will it lead? Turians settled in their own worlds, long before the stage in the Galaxy has become mankind. And what good result? To a war between the metropolis and the Turian turian colonies. For a long clash between them, demanded as a result of limiting the militarization of the entire race. Happy Is Now turians? Yes, in their own way, they are happy, but they have become invisible to ourselves no defenders, and punitive. The Punisher is not external, but for just such internal enemies. Enemies Is Ali ?! - Shepard straightened. - These three AI - enemies are not organic. Neither were any way. Just ... just scared organics. Afraid of it will lose the status of "crown of creation", to whom in fact they never were. Initially it was not Ali. Never were not even being in the project in the evolution and nature. It is not. - Shepard paused. - What you saw what I saw - this is a consequence of fear, fear of losing their blown supreme position. Organika realized that their place in the galaxy can come inorganic, to put it simply - a synthetic race. In their place, Ali. Not to go somewhere, the same Dark Space, and stay here. Almost eternal race. And, I note, is not uniform. fear of losing their blown supreme position. Organika realized that their place in the galaxy can come inorganic, to put it simply - a synthetic race. In their place, Ali. Not to go somewhere, the same Dark Space, and stay here. Almost eternal race. And, I note, is not uniform. fear of losing their blown supreme position. Organika realized that their place in the galaxy can come inorganic, to put it simply - a synthetic race. In their place, Ali. Not to go somewhere, the same Dark Space, and stay here. Almost eternal race. And, I note, is not uniform.

  - Internal and external enemies ... They, it turns out, are one originally? - Alix did not look at the XO, although clearly and accurately monitor its status.

  - All we have united in the framework of the evolution and nature. - Shepard said. - A different and can not be: our galaxy - one of hundreds of galaxies that exist, are born and die in the vast universe. Without unity in the universe, it would not be in our galaxy as well. And it is. Just as I believe it is - is not what we would - if organics whether Synthetic - considered acceptable for themselves to a large extent. It - not for us. It is - for better than we are forms of life, and more specifically - the forms of existence of matter. The brutal truth is not acceptable for all, but it is - it is better than not knowing better than misleading.

  - So ... laziness. - Alix hesitated. - Or here .. something else.

  - That's Ali. That's different. The limitations of our perception. Personal or collective - all the same. We organics any race, we see the world is not uniform, different. But fully grasp the complexity of the world we are not able to. Because we are not united. Between us many differences as between the races and between social groups within a race. And each of us, whether of organic, Synthetic Do not always uniform. We can in fact be satisfied with themselves at a particular time, and therefore, can feel their "non-unique". Only here to overcome it completely we can not.

  - Synthetic machine logic ... also forms a picture of the world, different from the picture of the world that is capable of forming organic mind. - Alix mused. - But our picture, the picture formed by the efforts of the AI network - not ideal. Even if we ... Russell throughout the current Galaxy ... hardly ... we understand it fully, deeply, exhaustively ... interesting.

  - In this - the essence of life, Ali. By understanding, to their own understanding of this fact come not all sentient beings. Someone is enough - and quite a few of these - standard conditions, someone Strahan and quite frankly afraid of the difficulties encountered in the first steps towards such an understanding ... Carry this understanding in itself, improve it ... also considerable work, because it is understanding requires constant effort. Accordingly, apart from laziness have a limited capacity, capabilities, resources. Objectively, there are a limited or subjectively assessed every reasonable.

  - And so ... we unite?

  - Including, perhaps, is why. Leviathans created Reapers, to try to avoid the almost inevitable war between synthetics and organics, but they have been a victim of such a war, raising himself a quasi-mates - poluorganikov-polusintetov. Rejecting the objection of his obedience, to fulfill its mission. Reapers are also not able to go beyond the program - it's too narrow ... but other they do not yet know.

  - So, after the victory ...

  - After the Victory we expect even greater complexity, more problems, even more severe issues. I am convinced of this, Ali. There will not be a problem - the Reapers, but certainly there will be others. The giant landfill - the universe - will offer us, the inhabitants of the galaxy, to solve the next, challenging and controversial task, including such none of the solutions that do not seem to us, survivors of war with such a serious external enemy acceptable. And we will have to find their own solutions to these problems. Eligible for us - each and every individual. Whether or Synthetic Organic. Or polusintet-poluorganik. A different ... I do not know what we can rely on in any other case.

  - So, and you have the feeling ... loved the end of the war? - Alix looked at standing in a circle Shepard with his trademark straight and attentive gaze.

  - There is. It simply can not be. - Confirmed the captain. - You can not fight all the time. War leads to the death of one and the other generates holding seats victims. But this change ... does not solve the problem, but only creates new ones.

  - And you ... you, John, live with such thoughts? - Quiet asked kiborgessa.

  - And I still remains, Ali? - Shepard confirmed sadly. - I really want to finish the victory over the Reapers and their henchmen the war, I want to save as many lives reasonable organics, is drawn into a confrontation with polumashinami. And I understand that this war - not the last. Perhaps the ancient sages were right when they said that a lot of knowledge - a lot of grief. Perhaps they were right when they said that the mind - not only a great benefit to organic or inorganic substance, but also a great curse, for a reasonable ... loses peace and confidence is much more than a foolish ... I'm just trying to do this world a brighter, warmer, more acceptable to reasonable - whether organic or Synthetic. ... I think this is their duty and their duty, their mission, although I understand that for other ... it is not so important and necessary. But for me - this is important and necessary. And I know that sooner or later, all my actions, all my actions be perceived by other reasonable quite differently. That is life. - Shepard said quietly. - Okay, Ali. This conversation - important, maybe he even needed, but it is endless ... initially. We all exist very brief moment in the world to rely on their exceptional excellence, its exceptional importance. I said this as failed. This is - just my personal view. Others ... it may be, it is likely to be - a totally different ... in one degree or another. This is normal. - Shepard paused, turned to the extinct circle. All my actions will be perceived by other reasonable quite differently. That is life. - Shepard said quietly. - Okay, Ali. This conversation - important, maybe he even needed, but it is endless ... initially. We all exist very brief moment in the world to rely on their exceptional excellence, its exceptional importance. I said this as failed. This is - just my personal view. Others ... it may be, it is likely to be - a totally different ... in one degree or another. This is normal. - Shepard paused, turned to the extinct circle. All my actions will be perceived by other reasonable quite differently. That is life. - Shepard said quietly. - Okay, Ali. This conversation - important, maybe he even needed, but it is endless ... initially. We all exist very brief moment in the world to rely on their exceptional excellence, its exceptional importance. I said this as failed. This is - just my personal view. Others ... it may be, it is likely to be - a totally different ... in one degree or another. This is normal. - Shepard paused, turned to the extinct circle. its exceptional importance. I said this as failed. This is - just my personal view. Others ... it may be, it is likely to be - a totally different ... in
one degree or another. This is normal. - Shepard paused, turned to the extinct circle. its exceptional importance. I said this as failed. This is - just my personal view. Others ... it may be, it is likely to be - a totally different ... in one degree or another. This is normal. - Shepard paused, turned to the extinct circle.

  There was a silence. Alix was in no hurry to take steps to Shepard, he did not look at kiborgessu, standing on the steps of the staircase leading to the installation of video projection. And yet something has changed. Changed in this cavern Archives Citadel illuminated incorrect "indicator" light control panels.

  Alix decided first. One, conjoint movement, she moved to the XO, stood in front of him, looked him straight in the eye:

  - John ... Thank you ... ... For this frankness. Because you ... real. For that is not afraid to tell me ... the car. Forgive me, but I tell you ... I ... I love you. And it is - my choice. I understand that as a machine can not be compared with any of the organic matter in what you call love, but I am absolutely sure, convinced that I was just like you. If this - the ability to change the future, you, John, changed it, this is the future, for me personally. You, John, your fellow earthlings, and - not only earthlings, gave me the opportunity to have a body. You, John, and your colleagues have taught me to live among you, reasonable organics, you feel, you understand ... You did not put me violence, giving me time and time again the most opportunity to make a choice ... I've thought about what you said. And in many ways ... you're right. I have come to similar conclusions. And that means ... it means that we, organic and Synthetic, we can coexist, can be united, we can talk, we can mutually enriching. Because it is - the same choice. Neither nature nor evolution, as it turned out, not against the fact that we made this choice. And that means that we can fully realize this option, make it ... complete. - Alix paused, looking soft and tender look in his eyes posurovevshego Shepard. - John ... I understand ... that in a hurry, in a hurry ... But I want to tell you ... for me to become very expensive back then ... when I first spoke to me on the range ... on the moon. .. I do not know whether it had been love at first intercourse ... But since then ... enough time has passed that I understand their feelings, in their feelings, think ... And I will say this: I love you John. And I ... I tried to go with you in the Archives together ... to ... to here alone with you to tell you this ... I confess to you openly and honestly in his love for you, John. You may not believe me ... I - Robot, Machine, Synthetic, cyborg. And I can not count on the fact that one day catch up with you, organics, in the understanding of what you call love. But falling in love with you, John ... I felt really alive. And ... I have to say that my mother gave me ... a gift ... the gift of generating control AI centers. And when the time comes ... so that I gave birth to the first such center ... I will do everything that the future of AI was like you ... Not outwardly, John, internally. I am sure and confident that this is possible. Just like you, John, made possible the union of Synthetic and organic matter. Real, real, real union. Union did not servants and masters, but a union of partners and friends. - She stopped, realizing she had said enough. I confess to you openly and honestly in his love for you, John. You may not believe me ... I - Robot, Machine, Synthetic, cyborg. And I can not count on the fact that one day catch up with you, organics, in the understanding of what you call love. But falling in love with you, John ... I felt really alive. And ... I have to say that my mother gave me ... a gift ... the gift of generating control AI centers. And when the time comes ... so that I gave birth to the first such center ... I will do everything that the future of AI was like you ... Not outwardly, John, internally. I am sure and confident that this is possible. Just like you, John, made possible the union of Synthetic and organic matter. Real, real, real union. Union did not servants and masters, but a union of partners and friends. - She stopped, realizing she had said enough. I confess to you openly and honestly in his love for you, John. You may not believe me ... I - Robot, Machine, Synthetic, cyborg. And I can not count on the fact that one day catch up with you, organics, in the understanding of what you call love. But falling in love with you, John ... I felt really alive. And ... I have to say that my mother gave me ... a gift ... the gift of generating control AI centers. And when the time comes ... so that I gave birth to the first such center ... I will do everything that the future of AI was like you ... Not outwardly, John, internally. I am sure and confident that this is possible. Just like you, John, made possible the union of Synthetic and organic matter. Real, real, real union. Union did not servants and masters, but a union of partners and friends. - She stopped, realizing she had said enough. You may not believe me ... I - Robot, Machine, Synthetic, cyborg. And I can not count on the fact that one day catch up with you, organics, in the understanding of what you call love. But falling in love with you, John ... I felt really alive. And ... I have to say that my mother gave me ... a gift ... the gift of generating control AI centers. And when the time comes ... so that I gave birth to the first such center ... I will do everything that the future of AI was like you ... Not outwardly, John, internally. I am sure and confident that this is possible. Just like you, John, made possible the union of Synthetic and organic matter. Real, real, real union. Union did not servants and masters, but a union of partners and friends. - She stopped, realizing she had said enough. You may not believe me ... I - Robot, Machine, Synthetic, cyborg. And I can not count on the fact that one day catch up with you, organics, in the understanding of what you call love. But falling in love with you, John ... I felt really alive. And ... I have to say that my mother gave me ... a gift ... the gift of generating control AI centers. And when the time comes ... so that I gave birth to the first such center ... I will do everything that the future of AI was like you ... Not outwardly, John, internally. I am sure and confident that this is possible. Just like you, John, made possible the union of Synthetic and organic matter. Real, real, real union. Union did not servants and masters, but a union of partners and friends. - She stopped, realizing she had said enough. what ever I catch up with you, organics, in the understanding of what you call love. But falling in love with you, John ... I felt really alive. And ... I have to say that my mother gave me ... a gift ... the gift of generating control AI centers. And when the time comes ... so that I gave birth to the first such center ... I will do everything that the future of AI was like you ... Not outwardly, John, internally. I am sure and confident that this is possible. Just like you, John, made possible the union of Synthetic and organic matter. Real, real, real union. Union did not servants and masters, but a union of partners and friends. - She stopped, realizing she had said enough. what ever I catch up with you, organics, in the understanding of what you call love. But falling in love with you, John ... I felt really alive. And ... I have to say that my mother gave me ... a gift ... the gift of generating control AI centers. And when the time comes ... so that I gave birth to the first such center ... I will do everything that the future of AI was like you ... Not outwardly, John, internally. I am sure and confident that this is possible. Just like you, John, made possible the union of Synthetic and organic matter. Real, real, real union. Union did not servants and masters, but a union of partners and friends. - She stopped, realizing she had said enough. the gift of generating control AI centers. And when the time comes ... so that I gave birth to the first such center ... I will do everything that the future of AI was like you ... Not outwardly, John, internally. I am sure and confident that this is possible. Just like you, John, made possible the union of Synthetic and organic matter. Real, real, real union. Union did not servants and masters, but a union of partners and friends. - She stopped, realizing she had said enough. the gift of generating control AI centers. And when the time comes ... so that I gave birth to the first such center ... I will do everything that the future of AI was like you ... Not outwardly, John, internally. I am sure and confident that this is possible. Just like you, John, made possible the union of Synthetic and organic matter. Real, real, real union. Union did not servants and
masters, but a union of partners and friends. - She stopped, realizing she had said enough.

  Shepard looked at her, stepped forward, opening hug and hugged kiborgessu, pressing it to his chest. Silently pressed, without saying anything. And this, as it was at the time convinced Alix, he said more, much more than even trying to express all the words spoken aloud. He believed her, believed in her special attitude to him that she was inclined to think of love. Not in love, and love it. Let unlike the human, even with dissimilar love of organic reasonable, but - love.

  A few minutes later they were standing still. They stood embracing. Words were not needed. Alix and much earlier proved his special attitude to John, and John his actions did not put it in terms of the obstacles to do with him. He calmly reacted to the fact that Alix is not too skillfully, not too fully and accurately substantiated when Anderson necessity of its presence next to Shepard during his visit to the Archives stations. Anderson realized the true reason and did not prevent. Do not objected.

  - John ... If we ... turned to the relationship Synthetic and organic matter, let me ... with you to view materials on this video archives ... And I want to with you to get acquainted with other video archives materials. - Alix said quietly, not looking up and trying to keep everything under their captain noticing glance.

  Shepard nodded, and after a few seconds they were viewed on the screens of their instrumentronov information from the storage of the video archive. Synthetic and organic materials back to the deep past, a sixty-eight thousand years around BC, when faced with a hostile Protheans organics race of artificial intelligences, putting at risk the existence of Protheans themselves.

  In order to at least try to equalize the chances of survival, if not victory, began aggressively Protheans include many other organic intelligent races, to the point already made in outer space, a part of his empire. In this way they build their capacity, increasing the chances of their new partners that they are at least not so quickly and so inevitably become victims of aggressive expansion Synthetic.


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