Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 228

by Theodore Daniels

  Metakon war could well be a prelude to war against the Reapers. According to some reports those AIs faced Protheans, had a network organization and were responsible for the death of a number of advanced organic civilization, geographically very far from the limits of the empire Protheans. In the fight against AIs Protheans we had to go to extremes never before until the explosions of stars star systems.

  At around forty eight thousand years BC Protheans faced with Reapers. Quite nekantselyarskoe, non-bureaucratic expression committed by the originator of one of the official documents it is "taken by surprise" Shepard explained a lot about the created situation then. Because of course, a very long and costly war - conflict with a race of artificial intelligences - Protheans could not give sufficient attention to monitoring issues its borderland, near and far space formed at the border of the empire. Many viewed Shepard and Alix video archive documents clearly showed that Protheans somehow still be realized imperial script of their own development - there was little factors that can radically change the essence of this scenario. Losses,

  It is possible that spending huge resources to the war Metakon, Protheans much less attention was paid to the study of heritage inusannontsev, including their warnings about coming with alarming regularity in the galaxy giant polumashinah be tailored to the total elimination of organic intelligent life. Protheans also did not take into account the harm of placing the capital of his empire at the station "Citadel" and not counted in advance a negative impact on the fate of their civilization isolation of space exploration in the system of mass relays. As argued in the Archives of the available documents, work on the creation of ships and propulsion systems, capable of overcoming great distances in a reasonable time without the support of a giant catapult, were suspended suspiciously quickly and in a very comprehensive, even exhaustive least.

  At around six thousand years before our era, that is, after the death of civilization Protheans and related civilizations reasonable organics has been shown very few documents, one alien race, who wished to avoid death as a result of the imminent explosion of the sun, build a spaceship, controlled by artificial intelligence and equipped with supercomputers, forming a very detailed and well-developed, but the virtual world, in which his consciousness transferred to a billion extraterrestrials. According to data contained in the other is very small, but interrelated documents, the ship seen many races with the sides of their ships, but any attempt to contact "Noah's Ark" Only answered swift departure - engines have this monster was first class.

  On this giant even tried to shoot, but as it turned out, even this to anything positive has not led - the ship over and over again skillfully left iz-pod fire, proving that on board, it is possible not only to high-end supercomputers, but also all other equipment far outstripped the level that was available at the time of the meeting with the ship of any of the races of the future Citadel space. The two documents, even to calculate the probability of further meetings with the "Noah's Ark" - it turned out that these meetings can take place within the next few hundred years, with frightening regularity.

  Introduction Shepard and Alix array with all relevant documents, including those that are kept in other video archives and were only available on the links take time just before the lunch break for the usual people. Alix waited for the captain to eat priberёt containers and a little a rest - she was well aware of the "hour rule" for which in normal conditions after a meal Hour forbidden even in the military structures of severe physical and mental overload, and then stood next to the captain in remote video archive management, and continued to get acquainted with its contents.

  Links to documents clearly showed - the attitude toward robots, cyber, machines being formed in Citadel space, in forming his races was enough reasonable of organic mixed. There were evidence that some of the information on the "Noah's Ark" and conflicts of organic reasonable reasonable Synthetic like "War Metakon" brought to the attention of the majority of races Citadel space in one form or another on the principle of "smart - enough." Unfortunately, even in the smart structure of the government of many races and advisory support organizations to indecent small and voice specialists were drowned in the chorus of fools and opportunists.

  Against this background, in thousand eight hundred ninety-sixth year of our era Citadel Council makes a mistake - introduces some restrictions on the creation of artificial intelligence in the galactic community. Viewed Shepard and Alix reconstruction undoubtedly had on the thinking of its creators arouse viewers other, completely different feelings and emotions. Probably, operators, directors and programmers want virtual reality to viewers - voluntary and involuntary - this reconstructive crafts blazed with righteous anger towards a blunt piece of iron, armed with very limited AI.

  Yeah, Shepard, and even more so - Alix well remembered and well knew what was to a large extent is caused by such a hasty ban on AI issued "on the mountain" by the Council of the Citadel. In thousand eight hundred fifty-eighth year on the new chronology quarians created the geth, positioned as a robot assistants as cheap labor. In the period since nineteen eight hundred and eightieth year one thousand eight hundred and ninety fifth year geta develop to such an extent that they became self-aware. Rightly fearing almost inevitable rebellion, had tried to quarians geth mass "disable", but they unexpectedly reasonable organikov- "skafandrikov" became defensive. And defend, as numerous specialized documents, is very effective. So effectively, that fifteen years of conflict quarians repeatedly asked for help from the Citadel Council, which is the same amount of time quarians refused to provide any effective assistance, most often referring to the domestic nature of the problem. Geta series with thousand eight hundred ninety-five, moving to the expansion - Charum capture first, then - Hestra, then purged quarians from their home worlds, but they do not leave the limits quarians star systems, but rather isolate themselves from the galactic community of Perseus Veil.

  Not being able, or rather has been proven numerous documents, the desire to effectively influence the situation by employing the necessary powers and resources, the Citadel Council appoints quarians responsible for the appearance of the galactic problems - as punishment for creating quarians geth Council closes embassy quarians on the Citadel and a lump sum imposes restrictions the creation of artificial intelligence in the galactic community.

  The appearance of more space earthlings matters worse - mankind does not want to assume the constraints in the development and application of artificial intelligence systems - Shepard and had already read original documents showing that the Citadel Council spectra, in particular, he Saren Arterius, revealed the involvement of the Alliance to the illegal development and skusstvennyh intellects at Sidon. Then the Citadel Council, perhaps first used in relation to the Alliance some sanctions.

  In two thousand one hundred and seventy-second year at the station "Gagarin" reaches "reasonable" state of AI "Eliza", which becomes the first stable artificial intelligence, developed with the official support of the Alliance System. Thus, a hasty prohibition of AI, AI entered, was completely ignored by mankind. On the reluctance of people to stop pioneering developments in this area are not affected and had taken place in two thousand one hundred and fifty-seventh year of the new era of the First Contact War.

  - Alix. - Looking at the clock instrumentrona, Mate said. - Time later, we reviewed a mountain of documents. I propose to suspend until the morning.

  - I agree, John. - Kiborgessa nodded. - I still walk through the archives, see what's what.

  - I do not mind. - Shepard nodded, taking containers with provisions. - I'll eat and go to bed immediately. The subconscious mind will cope better with the shaft information. Not everything is clear, you have to think about many things. And ... tomorrow is another day.

  - Okay, John. I'm not going for a long time and a lot of wandering around, so I'll soon be with you.

  The XO nodded, unpacking the first container, and armed with a knife and fork - termoobolochka quickly warmed up mashed potatoes with two
cutlets. Carried away by their meal, Shepard did not notice kiborgessa receded into the darkness surrounding the light emitter hardly-circle video archive.

  After eating, Shepard cleaned containers and packaging used, went to bytsektor Archives returned, sat down in a corner and habitually leaned back against one of the blocks containing video projection equipment. A few minutes later he was asleep.

  Day three

  Alix returning a few hours later was convinced that Shepard fast asleep, sat down and turned on some of its systems for processing information received in these days. She was glad that I could, was able, decided to open, clear, clear, loud Shepard admit that she loves him. He likes his own way, but acceptable, sincerely, totally. Kiborgessa glad that John understood it correctly, I accepted her confession properly, took not only the text, but the subtext. Yes, it is now next to John. She does not sleep as a cyborg in a dream, necessary for the majority of organic, it does not need.

  Alix sat down on the floor beside the sleeping John. She was good enough to sit like this with him. She knew that Svetlana comfortable with the fact that John kiborgessa loves her, loves it, and not just very good to him belongs, known and therefore not necessarily sought to hug and kiss with John, though, and was ready for it. John is so nice and surprisingly reacted to its recognition that these hugs her, Alix, enough for very long. It is pleased that this way can still spend almost a day next to John, to speak with him on many topics, view the most interesting archival documents, inaccessible and generally inaccessible to many of the remaining organics. I'm glad that all this time John will be next only to her, because in the archives in these few days and has not missed any organic.

  She had known that her mother is very partial to Jeff Moreau. And the chief pilot "Normandy" normally refers to the fact that it takes a complicated interest is not any organic girl or woman, and synthetics-kiborgessa. It turns out that in its very normative respect and understanding Synthetic Shepard truly is not alone, though, and does not seek to keep for themselves any championship. If we created the Reapers Leviathans, trying to prevent the almost inevitable conflict between rational and reasonable synthetic organics, the Shepard and the Moro seek to prevent conflict by making Synthetic its partners, and many - and friends. And even - more than friends.

  Shepard's rights in many ways. And they are right it does not impose on others. It recognizes the right of others to think and to consider differently. Just because it is possible and even it is possible to do. Another. He chose his path. Own way. In which there is a very close and no one forcibly holds. And, nevertheless, he is not alone. Next to him, a lot of people and not only people, but also many of the aliens feel comfortable, flourish, evolve, grow, building up their business, and not only business potential to transcendent values. He knows and loves to work intensely with full dedication. And, as it turns out, can parallel or, more precisely, at the same time not only to work but also to live. To live a full multi-faceted life, in which there is a place of beauty, there is room reflections, reflection is a place, has a place of their own and others' pain, which he,

  He knows how to motivate other reasonable to believe in himself. Not to him, John Shepard, no. In himself. Believe - and change. I believe - and the rise and the body and spirit. Even the fact that she, Alix kiborgessa-Synthetic first confessed her love for him, he did not find anything wrong, recognizing her, explicitly inorganics, right of the first to express his feelings about his attitude to it. And she was glad to be in his open arms, which feel protected and happy. As happy as was possible for all Synthet, by fate gained their perfect female body. She always knew since she - beauty. She - a worthy daughter of her mother. Not waiting room and home. One who was able to first believe organics is so that of their enemy to become a loyal and true friend,

  Behind kiborgessoy Olivia allegiance organics swore silently and she - kiborgessa Alix. Because it felt like a secure, to feel at home. She knew that her very indifferent Mark - accurate and almost complete copy of Shepard. He is mighty and powerful cyborg understood it correctly: she made a choice in favor of Shepard-organics. And he swore loyalty to the particular. Fidelity in love. At the same time she knew and Mark Shepard will not leave, do not leave her, Alix, do not leave Olivia. He will protect them both. He will defend and protect Shepard normandovtsev other, and if that - and then volgovtsev.

  Because it is tightly bound Shepard normandovtsev with volgovtsami, becoming their commander husband - Svetlana Strel'tsova. Began to Svetlana man, which, according to scientists and how claims statistics, every woman wants to, whether an alien or dugout. I began to Svetlana not only her husband, but mostly a friend, the father of her children. He was able to give Svetlana that she had always wanted to experience - a comprehensive stability and at the same time - complete freedom. Responsible freedom, for Svetlana defends its alliance with John with determination and perseverance, with all certainty that evidence - such relations is interrupted on their own will never be, because it is equal to John in this relationship. They can be said to have found each other and slowly, carefully, carefully lined up his alliance. Children, they actually exist, even if not yet born children - the next step in their relationship, the next stage of development of their union. Svetlana believes John, and he believes Svetlana. And because Svetlana quietly let go of John in the Citadel Archives, accompanied by Alyx. Because I knew - everything that happens between John and Alix - this is very serious. And precisely because of the seriousness of the threat does not carry it, Svetlana, an alliance with John.

  John Shepard. Where are you, Dana?

  Returning from the Archives of the Citadel, Shepard few days doing the usual chores - Hall of crisis management, BRP headquarters, headquarters of the spectrum. Plus a few dozen places where needed to drive, walk, talk to a variety of reasonable. Twice he flew on the "Normandy" once - in the "Volga", where not only worked, but also a few hours devoted completely to Svetlana. Allah did not let her out of sickbay, let slip once that forced partly to involve "conservation" mode. She knows better - he is little in this sense, both in general and in detail.

  Arriving at the station and went into the apartment, he went to the table. Somehow, in these days running he recalled how he was assigned to the "Normandy". Dana remembered. During the long months of separation, they communicated only through text messages. So she wanted to Dana and he did not insist on expanding and changing the format.

  Yes, it was the first love for him, she agreed to be with him, and then, when they left the orphanage walls. He was grateful to her for everything .... Since then, as the last time he felt her eyes when travelator descended to the platform in the shuttle spaceport, she wrote him a letter. Rarely, but wrote. And now ... now for several decades it was not from her letters. He came to your desk in the lobby, somehow hoping that it will lie with the ordinary reader, who came in his name the letters.

  Ryder really lying, but that's in the letters from Dana was not there. And in the soul of Shepard's rising anxiety. Even if you do not consider the gift of foresight, it is not always a blessing. And right now Shepard thought that Dana could not just here to take and to give him to write a letter. Take not write another letter.

  Maybe she could do it - do not write him a letter, but ... as far as he knew her ... she would not go for it unless absolutely necessary. Yes, she knew that now he is married, he has children will be very soon. For her, it was not a problem - she continued to love him, and he felt it. The tone and content of her letters have not changed since then, he told her about his marriage to Svetlana.

  Was he afraid that she will change the attitude towards it after receiving such news? Yes, a little afraid. Not without this, of course. Too road was Dana for him. To some extent it was she who taught him to love as he loved very few. Yes, she was his first love, but as it turned out, was able to become not only the first but also important basic love.

  She followed him into the army she waited for him to Akuzy, she was with him all these years in the reserve command videoco
nferencing Systems Alliance. She calmly reacted to the fact that now he is officially married, he has children by another woman. Foreign women, imperki. For her, this was not an obstacle to her love for him.

  Everything happened once together, but ... the last letter of Dana came when Tessa was attacked. Simple, short, but very warm letter. And since then - how to cut.

  Days went for days and Shepard could not help thinking that Dana something bad happened. Then he had to escape to solve a number of problems on the Citadel, and then followed a few days in the Archives and now it has once again rolled forward. Well, that detachment is not gone from the Citadel. Good thing it is not rolled forward in flight, not on the landing. Yes, I conceal from it he could. With consequences, of course, where do without them, but they are, these same effects would be later, but then would have to be distracted by more pressing and important matters. Now these important cases, fortunately or maybe unfortunately, was not and he was able to somehow manage to keep within the limits. Just a thought, but I thought only of thinking. And yet - memories. Somehow, he recalled the day by day all the time that is spent with Dana. All those hours add up to a completely transparent day. All events associated with the Dana way or another, even the seemingly most insignificant. I do not want to think about the very poor, but Shepard was forced to think about it.

  If he knew then that Alix watching him too closely. If he had known about it a bit sharper and better ... Yes, he knew that Alix, provides security of commands Troop, climbs into the details and the little things, but who knows where it ends the space of these details and the details for such a perfect and powerful cyborg? So Shepard knew that Alix, it is likely there was no end to this space details and trifles.


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