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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 233

by Theodore Daniels

  - Let's try. If I understand correctly, the other device - now Korlake. And it is in the suit, and hence can respond without interference. - Shepard activated the speaker. - Ambassador Korlak?

  - You're right. - Zaid nodded, listening to the sounds coming from the speaker of the beads. - It can be seen by treasure hunters until he ... - he eloquently holds edge of his hand on her neck.

  - On what I'm counting. - Shepard paused, then repeated. - Ambassador Korlak. Where are you?

  - I am ... close to the Presidency. If the information about my loss will reach the C-Sec ... they will check all the places where I was. Including - and the gun shop ... Selkisha.

  Volusia conversation, or rather its murmur heard by those who took the ambassador:

  - Of course, check. As soon realize that you're gone.

  - Moving. - Shepard looked at his wrist instrumentron, which was highlighted on the screen Citadel scheme with a bright point - the system worked DF signal. - As long as they do not beat him there ... again.

  Masani nodded and they left outside the premises set aside for the part of units volus Embassy. Rambling through the streets of the Citadel, strained looks on the screen DF.

  - Some protective measures, these kidnappers nevertheless taken, Captain. - Zaid pushed the locked door, which indicates the point on the map screen instrumentrona. - I have encountered such a thing - perebroschik signal.

  - We go to where he throws signal. - Shepard checked their pistols. Masani checked his rifle and they almost ran went to the opposite end of the corridor. In hurrying about their business residents of the Citadel and a mercenary captain paid little attention. The door closer.

  The bead Speaker heard the talks of people who seized the ambassador:

  - Watering it should be. Why stand on ceremony with him. - Said the other man's voice.

  - Yeah. It explodes with a loud bang ... Here around - not the open field, around the room, full of tenants ... and lodger. Heard. Noise will. - I cut a third, previously silent invader.

  - Credits come at the expense of. Kill him. - I ordered first. At this moment the door opened and Shepard from the doorway opened fire on a fit man. He tried to pick up a gun, but did not. Masani shot from a rifle killed the second treasure hunter, and Shepard, catching the movement of the left, the third robber forced howl of pain shot through his leg. Masani navёl him the sight of his rifle, and he raised his hand, indicating that he would not oppose or interfere.

  - Ambassador? - Shepard saw coming out of the Volusia chair.

  - You saved my life. - Korlak said. - I almost died because of that ... that turians turians thought that I keep more contact with the "Cerberus".

  - Could apply to the BRP. - The captain looked around the room. - They are just doing the neutralization of threats to your reasonable level.

  - I would have ended up in prison, BRP. And then ... then I would get to my spectrum and they certainly would not regret it ... Because ... I could do.

  - What information about turian colony you passed "Cerberus"? - Shepard decided not to waste time on empty talk and immediately went to work.

  - Data on the planetary system Turian protection. Soon tserberovtsy strike ... - killed Korlak voice said. - If I'm the captain, I will say what kind of planet is in danger ... they very quickly understand exactly who gave them ... - Korlak faltered.

  - It looks like "bun" is not understood until now fairly complete, you saved his life. - Easy to hold a rifle in one hand, Masani pulled out a gun and holster belt navёl it on groaning treasure hunter. - I advise you, Ambassador, telling the truth, the whole truth. - Barrel rifle Zayed was looking straight at his head Volusia. - I, too, have seen a lot ... And you navorochat such that step less pitch more - already anyway. Kolites!

  - Here's the deal. - Ambassador, apparently fully regained consciousness, and it leaped commercialism. - Our fleet of bombers. Tactically, it is - more turian colony.

  - You are now and will give us information about how the colony threatened by attack "Cerberus" and the right to use your fleet of bombers. - Shepard lowered his gun, put it in a belt holster and stood up, never taking Volusia heavy look. "The Gingerbread Man" is clearly nervous.

  - Turian Warn of an impending attack, Captain. It is not enough ... for reasonable suspicion. - Korlak struhnul, but nevertheless I tried to retain the right choice.

  - Joke if you please, Ambassador? - Shepard boil. - I - The range of the Citadel, and I have immediately arrested and put in jail spectrum. Immediately. Passing proceedings BRP. According to the laws of war.

  - Looks like I will not have to talk to esbetseshnikami about this ... - Ambassador looked around the room, stopping to view the corpse of one of the treasure hunters.

  - You're right. If you do not say - did not have to.

  - Ugh. Good. - Korlak called colony and sent to Captain instrumentron file with access to a fleet control system bombers. - I...

  - Unfortunately no. - First mate said. The room includes three Turian - esbetseshnikov. - It is yours. The usual procedure of inquiry and investigation. Then - according to the law. Go Korlak. For his indiscretions to be answered. - Captain watched uvodimogo security officers Volusia and looked at Masani, flexing his rifle at the head sitting on the floor of treasure hunter. - You scared him half to death, Zaid.

  - Let. It is useful. - I hissed assassin, seeing others coming up a little later than the patrol officers BRP pick up a wounded criminal under the arms and dragged out of the room. - At least ... this stuff is on the loose ... smaller.

  - There you are right. - Shepard went into the corridor. - I think you yourself ureguliruesh this issue with the Primarch?

  - Yes. - Zaid captain exchanged a firm handshake. - And be sure to tell him in detail how you helped me.

  - Okay. Not particularly zhivoopisuy in detail. Primarch - occupied by a reasonable and had little time for, say, unimportant information.

  - Your part, Shepard - this is not unimportant information. - Zaid nodded farewell. - I'll meet you.

  - No doubt. - Captain watched the retiring a mercenary and left the building, returning to jogging. - Though some diversity. - A few minutes later piliknuvshy instrumentron attracted his attention and, without stopping the run, Shepard read a tiny screen that was repulsed an attempt squadron of ships "Cerberus" to attack the planet Efus that housed docks and shipyards kosmokorabley Resistance. The attack managed to repulse without loss by the inhabitants of the colony, but tserberovtsy lost three cruisers and several dozen amphibious vehicles. On the number of destroyed haskotserbov were reported.

  A little to please the efficiency with which was transferred from Korlaka turians received information about the threat of attack, Shepard returned to the familiar route and continued to run, tuning in normal operation - had yet to spend one day in the Hall of crisis management.

  Svetlana Streltsov. The birth of the firstborn

  Waking up in the morning, Svetlana was in no hurry to get out of the hospital bed. Again Alla it stuck in sickbay, saying that if she decided to give birth in the near future - it is best to stay within the medical unit of the cruiser. While the squad did not go to solve the problem with the second queen rachni ... could safely lie down in sickbay. ... Then later, when you hear the signal of departure, Svetlana, and she knew - her little hold in the commander's cabin, and the House of sickbay. She will try by all means go back to the control room of the ship. In another way, it can not, can not and does not want to do. And yet ...

  Approached Zirda stroked and patted gently on the nape and Zorda Gray Streltsov rose cautiously visited sankomnatu and sat down at the table, unpacking Meal packing. Though Alla and looked askance at these snacks, but not prohibited, not prevented.

  After eating, she spread ground sobachatami in a bowl of breakfast, I watched as they slowly knead their portions fall down and sleep on mats in the corners of the chamber. Restless. Even Zirda refused to stay in the commander's cabin, himself in his teeth dragging his mat into the chamber, where A
llah has placed Svetlana. What could I do Zordu and Gray - are also dragged mats here just did not want to leave the lady alone.

  - They have a great appetite. - Alla joined the Chamber as always quickly and quietly. - Oh, I see...

  - Yes, Al. - Streltsov turned, briefly interrupting their activity - it just went over in the closet things made it for the kids. - I decided. I'll give birth. Most likely - tonight.

  - Well done. - Seleznev smiled approvingly. - Let me see you, and then decide clearer and fuller.

  - But why decide something ?! - Svetlana asked. - Do you and so everything is ready, I even available within the sickbay. At least - do not have me on a gurney with a siren to drive from the center or the commander's cabin.

  - That's what you say is true, the Light. - Alla continued to inspect her friend, referring to the testimony of his tricked instrumentrona. - I managed to convince you to stay longer in sickbay. But I need accurate information. You - the first-born and the risk you have no right.

  - Well, I'm at least going to give birth at the ship. Almost home. - Streltsov said quietly, watching the actions of friends, completely absorbed the implementation of medical debt.

  - You're not nearly at home, light. Are you at home. All around her, you're in complete safety. Even John nearby.

  - Eta-te-te-te, Ala. Only...

  - Light, do not be stupid and do not ask the impossible. - Alla glanced sideways at her friend. - He - your husband, boyfriend and father of your children. I can not keep him in the dark. And Anderson released. I think we have a few more days to ...

  - You want to know if I want to see him next? - Svetlana looked at her friend with his trademark attentive gaze. - Really want to. So that he can be near all the time.

  - I'll be glad to see him and to convey. It is now no locks and the door will not keep, I'm sure. - Smiled Selezneva. - He will sustain you. Both physically and above all psychologically.

  - No doubt, Al. - She replied quietly Streltsov. He told me ... will be much needed in this moment .... This long?

  - Just as the Light. - Alla did not glance at her friend, while continuing to carry out the survey. - Sometimes - up to ten hours comes.

  - And ... I do? - Timidly asked the commander of the cruiser.

  - I think at least a few hours. - Honestly answered the doctor. - And because you will have the presence of John is extremely necessary and very useful.

  - You're right, Al. I begin to fear again ... Without it, I would be difficult to sustain ... the clock.

  - He will be there. I have no doubt this niskolechko. - Svetlana switch the mode of its instrumentrona, he took "a" sensor. - Now let's see if your children are ready to enter into the light. - She looked at the small screen. - Ready. In this there is no doubt. - The doctor gave his mother to see both on the screen - a son and a daughter. - See itself.

  - I see Al. Thank you. - Svetlana calming breath. - You're right. I'm afraid ... very afraid. I understand that I like and a woman, and like nature intended for delivery ... but scary - in the extreme. For the first time...

  - Do not cheat yourself, Svetlana. John will be there. Give birth - and she did not notice how. - Seleznev said. - You're going to give birth in a familiar place you close to the beloved and dear man. But my colleagues and I will be happy to do everything to no complications and had no problems. So - do not cheat.

  - I'll try. You then set up almost homely feeling. - Svetlana looked around the room. - I believe that I can do without the usual posture?

  - I'm sure in this light. - Alla removed the sensor in case, disconnect the cable from instrumentrona, switched modes. - Is that ... you have to take a comfortable position on the table ... so that we can help you. Take the children well, and everything else. - Realizing that Svetlana podnabrat profile information from multiple sources, the doctor of the cruiser did not voice many details.

  - Al ... promise that each ... each child will take in the first place, John. - Svetlana paused to catch his breath, then continued. And he knows how. Well he can. Entrust it to him, Al, please.

  - John will take the first of your children, of Light. In another simply can not be. I will provide it.

  - I believe you, Al. Thank you.

  - Thank you will when you see John with twins in her arms. - Smiled Selezneva. - Although ... then you thanked him silently. And he ... mutually thank you ... Or maybe not silent. Okay, allowing you both ... a lot that goes beyond protocol. You denunciations children to term, they Kripen'ka, is healthy.

  - A different and can not be. They - the children, John, Al. - Mouthed grin Streltsov. - I promise I will face them healthy and I'll do it.

  - I and my colleagues will help you with that. - Seleznev folded instrumentrona screen. - Sit down.

  - All right, Al. Well, you could combine a home environment and health protection.

  - Well ... something we also know how good. - The doctor smiled cruiser. - Calm down. No problem, and you do not have your children. Everything will be fine, childbirth will be completely natural. Well, except that we will help you a bit. And so ... you yourself deal with all. Together with John, of course, as without it.

  - You know, Al. Every day I think about it, and I thank all and any higher power for what they brought me with him. He is the best.

  - I know the Light. It really is the best. - Alla quietly confirmed. - You just blossomed as began to meet with him and talk outside of official protocol.

  - Admit it, Al, what we did ... very slowly. Well ... going beyond the scope of the protocol. He is such a gentle ...

  - I agree. Where will I go, Light. It really protects you. And because you have children - some of the best, who I just had to meet at the entrance to our world. And in many respects - they are simply unique. So, mother, if we decide to give birth tonight - everything should be OK. And everything will be OK. I promise you that.

  - I believe you, Al. Next to John, I stand still. - Streltsov said softly. - Next to it - I always strong. He supports me ... I used to think that he would try to do everything that I ... had retired and took care of the household, went to some civil work. You know yourself as I do not want this ... and he ... he was so deeply and completely misunderstood me ... I did not say anything to him, he dug up a lot. It is, I know, paid dearly, but he still got to the bottom. And I realized that the army - my life. And when he said that, I'm sure the Admiral ... I realized that I was happy. I understand that he was not then very strong in our imperial ranking, because I shine only the rank of general and admiral not as I - no navy, as he said it, I just ... I just melted. And then I decided, I not go - that supply maternity. I will give birth here on the ship.

  - Here and bear. - A little grumpily said Selezneva, sitting down beside him and priobnimaya girlfriend's shoulders. - Make it your John happy.

  - A...

  - Synthetic certainly zasnimut the whole process, but will give you entry only - you and John. The most complete record. And get ready to take the sea of congratulations and gifts ...

  - Well ... congratulations, I, of course, accept, someone does not like when his congratulations, and here presents ... Is it possible to somehow without it, Al? Well explanatory held there, and if necessary - educational work, so ... without gifts.

  - Sveta. - Reproachfully said Seleznyov. - Do you, is bad you know your crew and your team. Yes, they smash sickbay if I at least zaiknus that you do not want to accept their gifts. And without sickbay, she know, no one will let go in flight. The headquarters will stand on its hind legs. Protocol rules, requirements ... The car and small truck reason to leave the cruiser at the station. Until that moment, until the rebuilt sickbay. So if you please meet the situation.

  - Have to. - Sighed contritely Streltsov, privalivayas back to the wall chamber and a little relaxing. - I guess I'm a little ... zaraportovalas.

  - It is - closer to the truth, light. - Alla looked into the eyes of girlfriend soft look. - You yourself know how deeply and completely love you and respect your there without any exagge
ration and conventions volgovtsy. Because, if you are their leader, their mother will give birth - they will stop at nothing to congratulate you on this momentous occasion. This does not happen every day. And so I tell you, my friend. They think John also volgovtsem. Yes, I know, we have not raised the issue of the appropriate ritual and protocol prior to the Astros Imperial Intelligence Headquarters, but it has long been informally - volgovets. And, methinks, that you already know about it, as befits a commander.

  - I know, Al. - Nodded Streltsov. - I know. But I'm very, very glad that you did this ... reminded today. John - unique. But he - only mine.

  - Thy Light. Is yours. Only yours. - He nodded the doctor. - You checked ...

  - Yes. And once again I made sure that did not forget anything. It's ... soothing. - Streltsov looked at the half-open closet. - Breathe easy ...

  - The uterus has fallen. This is normal. - Clarified Selezneva. - In a small, possibly running today often will. Not for long.

  - Then ... fight? - Svetlana looked at her friend and Alla realized that it is ready to accept a purely medical information.

  - Not always. But there may be. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Then - the plug is highlighted and the process will go.

  - Well. - Svetlana deep, but with an effort sighed. - I would be prepared ... The moral, of course. Physically, I like think, with your help ... for a long time to prepare.

  - Bustler you, Light. Stiffened so many, I decided to give birth in an accelerated mode. - Without a smile said Seleznyov. - But pre-prepared all the necessary, and most importantly - correctly configure itself.

  - And then I was forced to wait almost a standard term. I do not know how it affected children. I want to believe that there is no problem, but the confidence ... I do about it.

  - From a medical point of view, the Light you and your children - everything is normal. So do not cheat yourself. - Seleznyov got. - Come on, lie, many today do not go. If you decided to give birth today - already convinced herself appropriately tuned. So try not to interfere with the running program. I think it will be soon, and labor pains. Can...


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