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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 258

by Theodore Daniels

  Path to kroganskomu freighter. part 2

  Too much has changed. Shepard is feeling and feeling, knowing that the same feel and normandovtsy. XO goes to the commander's cabin, the corridors and passages in which he walked and ran hundreds of times - when in a relaxed atmosphere, and when the alarm. Much has happened during this time. Much has happened since then, both hands to his hit reader with the order to arrive at the "Arcturus". Maybe he really is a unique destiny, a unique life.

  Anderson gets up from his chair, greeting his colleague and friend. Welcoming his pupil. He gaze indicates chair, leisure chair, but Shepard realizes that it is - the protocol and ritual, and most importantly - that the commander of the frigate, cruiser gets out of your desk, takes a few steps toward him, the captain and chief mate and extends his hand for a handshake. The special handshake. Shepard feels like a commander's cabin door closes properly and knows that on the outer side of the leaf is already lit up the red warning signal.

  Strong male handshake joined Anderson and Shepard. Men hugged each other, a lot to say to each other silently. Including these meager open arms. Detained in the ring of his hands for a few seconds Shepard, Anderson told him much more.

  - Sit down, John. - Anderson did not return to his seat behind her desk and pulled the second chair and sat down next to the XO. - I'm happy for you. I am glad. - He paused. - At another time ... I could give you a long vacation, but now ...

  - David, I just want to work and serve, not to relax. - Shepard said quietly.

  - I know. - Anderson said. Well. Let's wait for the arrival of other members of the team managers and discuss what we should do and how we should do it. - Anderson got up, went to his desk chair, but did not sit down, he heard the sound of the door. - Come on, Karen.

  - Good to see you, John. - Chakwas came to have risen from his chair exec quietly accepted the way he courteously and sincerely kisses her hand. - Congratulations. - She sat on its rightful place and opened instrumentron. The commander's cabin includes turians. Saren exchanged a firm handshake with Shepard, the same gesture exchanged with the captain and Nihlus. The cabin came Adams followed Alenko came after him. A few minutes later all were placed at a table and Anderson customary verbal formula opened the meeting of team managers frigate, cruiser.

  Shepard heard that David says that the captain informed the other officers, he reported to the pre-generated text messages, answered dozens of questions. Work continued. Yes, now the frigate pilots working hard, perform navigational guidance CIC group, led by Pressley. Troop ships will avoid encounters with any significant divisions of troops of the Reapers and their henchmen. I'd like to believe that they will have time to reach the freighter kroganskogo until such time as those in the deserted ship repeater interested scouts Reapers. I'd like to believe. Shepard realizes that the desire to believe in it - very natural, normal, habitual. For all normandovtsev for all volgovtsev - necessary.

  The meeting was long - now, while ships go through the tunnel between the repeaters is more you can afford. When the "Volga" and "Normandy" will come from the repeater to normal space - they must be ready to fight, and to speed progress towards the next repeater.

  - John. shuttle schedule. - Anderson gesture dismissed the remaining officers, ending the meeting. - Review and confirm.

  Shepard nodded, took the reader got a grasp.

  - Yavik wants to work with the contents of the "obelisks". - Anderson said. - And I'm inclined to let him stay on the "Volga". Is that not enough. It will help Alla and Svetlana. Helps Titov. - Commander of the frigate, cruiser did not continue to voice that was well understood not only him, but Shepard. - Know - Anderson included on the outside of the door to the cabin red signal by pressing a few sensors on his instrumentrone. - I'm surprised, amazed and at the same time ... very pleased that Alix ... first confessed his love to you. During the time that has passed since then, yet two of you have spent a few days in the Archives of the Citadel, I had the opportunity to think about it ... And I will say this. Looks like John, did you get something that hardly could anyone else. It is very much built on the recognition of the situation in terms of Leviathan, Synthetic and organic matter that must always, everywhere and in any case always at war with each other. Destroy each other. Most often, of course, for obvious reasons, the victory will win, maybe Synthetic. And now, while we are slowly but, I hope, steadily moving to a victory over the product of Leviathans - Reapers, we are able to lay the foundations of a normal, acceptable postwar galaxy. Our common home, which is now with us, reasonable organics more than a dozen races, stand at least two races Synthetic reasonable. First - geth generated by quarians now gained their right to independent development, its own history, and the independence of the value of freedom, of course ... and the second - a race generated by us, the people, to escape from the influence of "Cerberus" and out of the inferiority complex. - Anderson did not specify aloud that this - the use of VI - Alix ancestor at the site as a weapon control system and the use of Eliza - the first intelligent artificial intelligence paramerov for calculations of global catastrophes and processes of mass destruction, so familiar to earthlings. - Probably, we would still groping a long way to regulatory co-existence, but it looks like John, that this path is not found, but you've mastered - you and Alix. - Anderson paused. - I probably will not say anything new, John, but I just accept it as a possibility, not as foresight, it seems that Alix wants to be your lawful wife. And somehow I'm sure even convinced that Svetlana would not mind. And you, John, there will be special children - Synthetic, which, if and will not be exactly like in appearance to you,

  Shepard listened to Anderson and pondered what he said. Where is he and agree that Anderson did not voice out loud. I listened and realized that Anderson once again right. Just right, he was right when said that Svetlana has chosen him, John Shepard as a candidate for a husband, to wife. And because he was not mistaken then. Perhaps, and here, now he is not wrong in saying that Alix kiborgessa Alix, not only will it, John Shepard's lawful wife, but also be the mother of the children who do inherit many internal, it is not necessary - only the external features of his personality . And Svetlana really will not mind. She agreed to become a member of the family Alix Shepard Streltsov and what could be more natural, if it will be the young kiborgessa, John Shepard, his wife? For the majority of organic reasonable it would be the most acceptable explanation, understandably silent on the level of perception.

  The fact that Anderson told him on, Shepard remembered. Remembered to then, a little later, to think. Very good think.

  - Commander, we come out of the tunnel. - Moreau reported. - Everything is okay.

  - It is, Jeff. As usual - the course to the next relay route. And the shuttle exchange program - in operation.

  - Yes, commander. - Pilot switched channels.

  - Yavik fly to the "Volga", John. - Anderson said. - Pobudet cruiser, will help insure. - The captain got up, walked across the cabin as usual stopped at the closed window bronezaslonkoy. - You know, I'm starting to dream about the time when the ships will not need to keep the windows closed bronezaslonkami ... Yes there bronezaslonkami - just shutters.

  Shepard nodded. He, too, very much like. See rows windows frigate, cruiser, light, not the harsh rectangles armor plates closed shutters. But up to this point had yet to live. The road to such a spectacle was through war. A large and complex war, which is now published in the strip solution. The one band that begins to solve the main question - who will win and who will lose and disappear.

  - Commander, the shuttle was launched. On board only Yavik. - Moreau reported. - I changed from the watch.

  - Welcome. - Anderson did not look up to the ceiling. - There is information?

  - Yes, commander. The return flight - only kiborgessa Alix. Information from vahtsluzhby "Volga". - Said the chief pilot.

  - Clear. Before connection.

  - So long, Captain. - The speakers hardly audible clicks rustled change channels.

  - It seems that the
situation is starting to develop faster than expected. - The commander said thoughtfully razvedfregata.

  - Maybe. - Shepard moved to the instrumentrona screen tabs. - Allow me to begin the next part of the schedule?

  - Permission granted. - Anderson's brief gesture and let his assistant commander Shepard left the cabin.

  The schedule starpomovskoy work had to be done in any case. It is a duty, not a right, and Shepard had to shuttle arriving at the hangar frigate, cruiser to visit several compartments of the ship, talk to the office theme with many colleagues.

  - The shuttle arrived in the hangar with "Volga". - Reported by the Speaker of the officer of the watch. - On board - kiborgessa Alix. Departure of the shuttle for the return flight - in fifteen minutes.

  Answer to the message was not required. Knowing how fast can Alix, Shepard did not doubt - it has received information, which is now one of normandovtsev is. What to do - that is the feature of the perception of the world in Synthetic. For them, a plan, a map, a diagram, with constantly updated - and the need for routine. And if Svetlana said that she is willing to take in members of the family Alix Shepard Streltsov, the youngest kiborgessa undoubtedly try in the near future to meet with him, John Shepard.

  New first meeting was somewhat unusual crumpled state kiborgessy. At the first moment he saw her, Shepard thought she was still extremely assembled and ready for any eventuality, but when she hesitated for a few seconds - for him, al-Seven it was quite clear - the situation has become very much unusual. Alix is clearly at a loss, which also did not escape from watching her Shepard. Quite possibly, it was a simple information overload, because until that detachment was under fire, was not in the battle, there was no obvious danger kiborgessa and abideth not in the combat mode, because it is unable to use their abilities to the fullest extent ... And yet it looked very confused ... organically. Yes, naturally, since Synthetic cyborgs usually do not show anything like the confusion - they act as

  Alix asked Shepard about the meeting and, realizing that this meeting will be most likely to wear a private character, Shepard said kiborgesse that will be waiting for her in his cabin starpomovskoy. He really was a need in the near future to work on a variety of documents - even if not of paper, electronic, but still demanded his attention. Because he said kiborgesse and that he will wait for her in the cabin and that he will be there in the next few hours.

  Alix heard and understood him, but apparently she wanted to disregard the official protocol and ritual approach and greet Shepard less formal, less dry. Hearing the response the captain, she hesitated, her first step gave her insecurities - Shepard, leaving, stopped with just a few steps ... I think, two or three, and then turned and looked after care kiborgesse. Yes. Now, no doubt remained. She hesitated, making a difficult choice between the standard protocol official and informal communication protocol. Apparently, it is considered that in such an open place is not admissible to prove the possibility of a free behavior. Maybe this was her choice and the right.

  Shepard Way lay in technical hangar - with the procurement officer, quartermaster had to address several core issues. What can be transferred to a truck krogan, who was returning to the mother kroganskoe space, and what should be left on board the frigate, cruiser.

  Returning from the hangar and going into his cabin, Shepard learned from the watch that Alix visited in engineering and spoke with Adams. So, most likely, it is a few minutes later comes to him, XO frigate, cruiser. Putting on instrumentrone complex documents in a separate folder, Shepard took up reading and answering simple message. This helped pass the time and not too deeply immersed in work.

  Ajar door starpomovskoy cabin was clear Alix. And not just her, all otryadovtsam. Saluting was incorporated kiborgessu, Shepard knew that Alix is strained more than usual. What happened then, on the one hand it was quite predictable and normal, but on the other - rather unconventionally. Alix told him a man in love, and now handed him a box with wedding rings, developing and securing the passage of the next stage of the relationship.

  Its a reminder of what happened in the Archives and that Svetlana took her kiborgessu of the Shepard family Streltsov, Number One took legal. And this sense of normativity helped him to quickly take a very important and unique, it may be acceptable to Alix decision when she reached him on his palm open case with rings. He was very well understood that Alix had miscalculated the situation in detail, she miscalculated the options of the situation. He was also clear that for Alix, formally - machines, robots, cyborg, Synthet, and in fact - a deep, full and multiple personality, has full consciousness of its possible failure will be a strong, injuring and crippling blow.

  Alix was standing in front of him, holding his palm open the case and was not going to leave without getting a response.

  As she was happy and pleased when he took the ring out of the case, and he put it on his finger. It is, perhaps, waited for exactly this - a double confirmation of John consent. Double, not a single! How readily she held out her right hand, so he put on her finger the second ring! She did not hesitate, did not pause, did not show confusion. Yes, she Synthetic, cyborg, able to take into account many parameters in a very short period of time. But still, she acted reasonably and very nice for him, John Shepard. Acting, performing protocol and ritual known on a subconscious level to any person, any Earthman.

  She was happy. I am happy that John has not refused to get engaged to her. I am happy that he did not offer her to wait until he makes other rings that he had the ring made as directed by Shepard determined it personally.

  She smiled her full smile that confirmed - she is happy, satisfied and happy. Alix is very rarely smiled a smile and never played it. If she smiles - so for that it has every conceivable base.

  Then there was a normal conversation. Alix was happy, Shepard felt this clearly and fully: happy, holding his hands in his hands and trying to remove them, not trying to go to the official position, the official protocol. Maybe she was enjoying the moment, as she could only enjoy it, tending as far as possible to understand them reasonable organics. She is a robot, a machine, cyber, Synthetic, sought to understand people is not so, as it would be common to most platforms with artificial intelligence. It sought to understand them deeper, fuller, clearer.

  A few minutes later she told Shepard that wants to generate more than one artificial intelligence, and more, at least two. And Shepard realized that hardly Alix said it lightly, under the influence of random excitations.

  And her desire to cuddle up to it, to feel it's so extremely close, says a lot. She was really ready for this next step. It is important for her turn. Yes, it could create new artificial intelligence and without consulting with John. Not putting it on notice not given its opinion. That would be her decision alone, the decision Synthet, cyborg, machine. He, organic, could not argue - it was clearly not his area, but Alix came to him and said that the first-born, her first-born will be like him, John Shepard, at least internally. And XO was it's very nice to hear.

  She even went on to weaken the protection of the head of processors. After her haircut, hairstyle usual standard - the same polushlem - was primarily a defense. A few minutes Alix showed him that her hair, unless, of course, this design can be called a hair in the usual sense of the people, does not really inferior in ductility and beauty of the natural human female hair - and this show was very enjoyable Shepard. Alix showed him that she trusts very trusted to him, John Shepard. Trusts, as befits the future spouse, wife and mother of his children. Trusts much more than just a friend, just a friend.

  Shepard remembered that Olivia gave Alix fully trained agent deep reconnaissance. Illegal, simply put. And Alix showed him a few seconds, it can really be virtually indistinguishable from the majority of organic-quite ordinary girls and young women.

  She is still very young, kiborgessa Alix. And, as almost every young woman, she is very attached to his mother. For Olivia Alix - native, not adoptive mother. Not everyone is able to recognize organic as fast as a high status fo
r the stepmother, because formally Alix - a product of the Earth's military-industrial complex. Error in code - and a newborn AI appears instead of the VI. Who tried to kill, to undermine and destroy. The standard response - something that is not clear, is destroyed as a priority by any means and means. Deep-law, sewn on the lower levels of the subconscious of most sentient organics.

  Alix has gone out of his cabin reassured. I went to see and to speak with his mother. What they said - no one knew normandovtsev. Even Mark, reported that kiborgessy used personal communication channel and deep encryption. Shepard knew that any cipher could be a hack, but now it was not necessary - the situation was normal, standard and understandable to most sentient organics. If he Alix, John Shepard, trusts - he will trust Alix. And that young kiborgessa he trusts in the exec had no reason to doubt. And not just because Alix promised to give him the opportunity to see the whole process of the birth and development of the first AI.

  Shepard knew that after a conversation with his mother Alix went to his cabin and, apparently, began seriously to prepare for the generation of the first-born. A few hours she kept fully immersed in the stillness of the dark cabin. Maybe it was necessary then most. May be.

  - Captain, you can go into engineering. - I came into the speaker PHONES Shepard's voice Adams. - The case concerns Alix.

  - Good. - Shepard turned instrumentron, returned readers in stacks, rose. - I'll be right.

  - Gabriela and Kenneth insist, John, on how to implement the option of twins. Alix, as I understand it, not against it. - Adams said, taking Shepard in his office. - Here, look. - He has brought to the screen image. - It - Alix offers itself, and this - he activated a few screens - offers our pair of technical magicians.

  - And we have the opportunities? - I asked cautiously First Mate, made a detailed examination of the sketches.


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