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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 269

by Theodore Daniels

  Charr was a mere technician. A qualified technician. Had a good chance to stay on Illiume and continue to work in the civilian sector. But he was a krogan and krogan, no matter what the profession and specialty, even the most that neither is a civilian, were soldiers. And Charr became a warrior, a warrior army kroganskoy intelligence. And as a warrior, as a scout, the soldier had done his duty to the end. His last thoughts were of Erebus, that he Croghan technician Charr did not contest the decision taken by Erebus. He still loves her, wants her to be happy.

  Gryunt spoke at length with Shepard as they flew from the frigate on station. He talked about whether or not to give the reader only Erebus Charro. He knew that you can pass Asari and other reader - with information about how and where he died Charr. It was decided that only the reader will get Erebus Charro. Only his reader. And the rest of it will be able to learn. If he wants to, if it considers it necessary. Charr died, so she was happy. Shepard was convinced - she will remember Charro. It will be good to remember. She still remembers him. Occasionally he recalls. Miral is confirmed - otryadovtsy made a special request and asari telepath answered quickly, accurately and completely.

  Next to Shepard Gryunt appeared in his gray-white spacesuit. Behind came two kiborgessy. Croghan opened the shop door, making sure that now the trading floor, and no one Erebus sits on a chair behind the counter. Sitting deep in thought about something. Maybe on the charr. May be.

  Gryunt first crossed the threshold, followed included kiborgessy and last - Shepard, closing the door behind him. Erebus, will see the entrance of potential buyers stood.

  - Captain Shepard? - Look asari I concentrated on the face Exec.

  - Yes, Erebus. - I nodded spectrum. - He is.

  - I heard that the squad returned to the Citadel. - Erebus smiled professional smile, but quickly extinguished it by reading the mood came reasonable. - You ...

  - Gryunt. - Shepard looked at the counter of the frozen krogan. He roused himself, pulled out laying on the counter and put the included reader. - Read this, Erebus. We will wait.

  - From ... - I started to ask Erebus, picking up the unit and turning it to the screen itself. - Oh Blue Rose Illiuma when these words reach your ears, I will join their ancestors. I wanted to be close to you, bask beside your beauty, bask in the sun Tuchanka. - Asari in a low voice, without even noticing, reading a text written badly injured krogan. - Goddess ... This .... This Charr ?! - Erebus's voice faltered. Shepard knew - she knew the style of the most krogan who Illiume on for a few hours reading her poetry. - Even though you prefer the freedom of my fence, I will remember your scent and gentle touch of petals. Once my heart can not conceal you from troubles, let my shattered bones erected a palisade around your garden that you blossomed into safety. - Erebus stopped, after reading the message to the end. Gryunt and Shepard felt as she suppressed her fallen down on the news, and the main thing - understanding the whole essence of what happened. - Is he...

  - He died with honor. - Rokotnul Gryunt looked at Erebus. - His last words, his last thoughts were of you, Erebus. This reader we have found in his hand .... - commander "Arallaha" did not speak out more than anything, seeing and feeling that she knew all the asari. Without voiced words. Perhaps intuitively, perhaps sensibly, it may be more like.

  A few minutes Erebus stood behind the counter silent and motionless. Lexie lit on the VI front door screen store gave a red signal and short message about the technical break.

  - Charr ... - I breathed asari. - You will not refuse ... to remember him, Captain?

  Shepard shook his head. Erebus came out from behind the counter, closed the door, crossed the trading room, opened the door:

  - Not far from here there is a cafe. I often dine there .... - She said in a low voice asari, going out and locking the door of the store.

  In the small hall of the cafe was not crowded. After talking with the hostess - matron-Asari, Erebus came up to the table where sat Shepard and both kiborgessy. Gryunt departed to the bar to order, took trays of dishes and food, suffered on the table, spread out. Shepard opened a bottle of wine - almost the only type of wine that was acceptable for the krogan and asari and humans, poured by the glass. Gryunt lit a candle, placed it in the center of the table. Looks otryadovtsev Erebus and inadvertently crossed over a flame.

  Azari was silent, barely coping with anxiety. Zara and Lexie sitting next to her took over Erebus discreet patronage. The silence lengthened, but no one wanted it prudent not to interrupt.

  - Leaving the army Charr ... ... sent me a message. He gave me the address of the Center for Medical Center ... ... and I decided that now ... Now I will answer the question ... Charro - Erebus hesitated. - I will be his children ... At least two. He ... he is the best of those I only knew ...

  Gryunt nodded first, tacitly agreeing and endorsing the decision of Erebus. Azari saw almost simultaneously nodded Spectrum and kiborgessy. She knew that it was - the daughter of the captain. And I was glad of their presence there.

  They drank wine. Silently staring at a candle flame.

  - How did he ... - asked Erebus. Gryunt looking at Shepard, he tabled the second reader. Azari took it into his hands, turned ... And by viewing files in a voice burst into tears.

  Zara and Lexie barely restrained her when she tried to stand up. A few minutes Erebus crying, his face buried in his chest Zara. Shepard and Gryunt avoided looking at her, silent, staring at the candle flame.

  - Thank you. - Forced a Erebus. - Children will know what their father. I'm ... I'm very grateful to you ... for the memory and for the fact that you shared with me ... my sorrow - she coped with excitement, brought himself up. - I have to go ... I would be better to work ...

  - John. - Zara entered the audio channel speaker PHONES Shepard so that Erebus heard nothing. - I called her smenschitsa. Let them finalize together today, one can not leave Erebus.

  - We provide you Erebus. - Gryunt also heard a message of Zara. - Both the reader - on your right. And ... Squad to help you. Krogan Tuchanka help you. You - not alone. - Firmly said the commander "Arallaha", rising to his feet. - Charr will be remembered in the unit, where he served as ... - he held the door until Erebus came out of the cafe.

  Azari slowly walking on the sidewalk, supported kiborgessami. Gryunt and Shepard went behind. When Erebus came into the store, it was already there smenschitsa - asari Taiko. She embraced Erebus, held behind the counter, seated, something in a low voice telling her.

  - Thank you ... - Erebus awake. - I'll work ... to sneak me home ... We Remember Charro ... I will do what I decided. Charr will live in his children as well as he lives in me ... now ...

  Shepard and Gryunt nodded, turned and left the store. Followed a few minutes later came Zara and Lexie.

  - I have to go back to Tuchanka, John. - Gryunt said. In the evening, back in nineteen fifteen freighter goes spectrum. On it, I'll get well. And now I have to go to the Community krogan. We Remember where all the dead scouts.

  - Well, Gryunt. Tell that to my mother.

  - Absolutely. - He growled Croghan, opening salon arrived wage flyer. - I'll meet you.

  - Absolutely. - Shepard spent soar stare car. - Come on, we need to go back to Headquarters Troop. - He looked back at the shop, he saw through the glass windows Erebus, to explain something turian-buyer. - We are waiting for.

  The three of them went to the bridge, is displayed on the street, which in a few minutes you could walk to the avenue on which the campus headquarters Troop. Shepard wanted to believe that the children of Erebus necessarily see a peaceful, free from Galaxy Reapers. Erebus sure to tell them about how their father died. And for that he was killed - they understand themselves. Krogan and asari live long. And Erebus is a good mother to the children Charro. She made her choice. And this choice is perfect.

  Liara. The path through the 7 war. Return to Tess. Awareness of internal personality changes

  Benešov looked at the sleeping child. Late in the evening, after working hard, a complete change in the t
own Adviser on Tess, having taken about thirty visitors filling out a few hundred documents to endure a dozen of difficult talks on communication with officials of the Citadel and advisors - turian and salariankoy, Liara still had time to visit at Grazyna M 'Weiss, learn the latest news Militia, to take information on the problems and difficulties.

  Where she found the strength after all this and more to come to them in an underground town - Benešov not know. In half asleep late dinner snack and change all the dishes - also said that it helps her to think and calms, Liara collapsed on the bed in his little room and forgotten heavy dreamless sleep. As she always said in such cases - "disconnected." Now, an hour later, she was a little, quite a bit relaxed, and yet when crossed the threshold of the apartment, with a nod to the commander of a platoon of security, it was like the string. Although in her mind it was very noticeable how much she is tired.

  Departing from Ilos, Liara stared at the glass window, closed bronezaslonkoy. What she had seen there - no Benešov nor Etita not know. But acutely aware - next to them is now - a little different daughter. Protheans learned a lot from her. And she now knows more about Protheans understands, knows. The only pity is that before the war there was nothing she would not be able to talk about them to anyone of reasonable of organic or Synthetic. Mystery Protheans colonies surviving Protheans, should be maintained. And because Liara suffered. Very hard she was given this understanding it is impossible to open Ilos other inhabitants of the galaxy. No less difficult was given to her comprehension impossible to publish several dozen scientific articles on actual, recorded history and complex culture Prothean race.

  It was clear that one such article appears in the Extranet - and mystery Prothean colony no longer exists. So Liara regretfully removed crystals encrypted in your personal styling. Other same encrypted crystals referred to it Yavikom, taels, and many other Protheans. So many friends and girlfriends now have to Ilos have wings ... They Liara support, help, remaining in obscurity. The war continues. The standoff continues. Liara Protheans help, they will help her, and together they try to survive. Survive - and win. How taels said in an interview with the penny, now Protheans - and not only Protheans - is something that was not in the last war with the Reapers - they have hope.

  In his travels around the Ilos and Benešov and Etita seen too many useful and unusual. And we understand, without a doubt, and even more. None of Protheans not limited matriarchs. No way. We show all, talking about everything. We believed asari Matriarch Protheans. It is believed. And, as understood Benešov, they further believe Liara. Younger T'Soni came to my parents completely exhausted, but very happy and satisfied.

  What cost Liara these trips Benešov saw only when Liara left open the trunk with the scientific spacesuit. Thus, that irrepressible Yavik hidden special flight "Blade of Fury" delivered to Ilos Tess thus that Liara often used by participating in clashes with the Reapers and their henchmen. In breast and dorsal plates were breastplates plate, the purpose of which Benešov initially could not identify immediately and precisely. A determining stunned - explosives. I do all sorts of things, and it Benešov remember exactly - Liara never wore much explosives on themselves, it is on the chest and back. Grenades were firecrackers were, they are most often fastened to his belt, but nothing like the plates never was.

  The same plate of explosives appeared as found matriarch and shoulder sections and breastplates d'Avignon, who had found a perfect unit combat level suits, stunned again, Liara was determined to live in captivity does not fall. Undermining these plates almost guaranteed spraying body of a young asari into tiny pieces so that henchmen Reaper - big fans of revival and forced interrogation of prisoners - have been able to learn anything from Liara. The plates were equipped with a complex system of activation, performed by Prothean technology and very cleverly disguised as a standard subversive scheme.

  Realizing that discourage a daughter from wearing itself on these plates useless matriarch did not say anything Liara. But a young asari had yet to solve large and complex personal problem - to prepare themselves to become the wife of another man, another earthling. Not John Shepard. In that Liara retain the love and loyalty to Shepard, Benešov and Etita never doubted, but how will be able to combine two of their daughters ... love this question response in matriarchs are still not there.

  Liara knew that Shepard became the second wife kiborgessa Alix. I learned, as this information came to her out of turn - her assistant know that it is closely connected with the detachment. I learn and experience the complex, ambiguous feelings. On the one hand - it is a normative situation: Shepard became husband kiborgessy that in all conceivable grounds become extremely close to organics, learned to understand them, and most importantly - to take, as they have. In turn, Shepard and his colleagues took Alix into the carriage, the team, in the squad, but almost family and Alix simply and clearly, as befits a cyborg, fulfilled its obligations. It is to protect and promote those who have become for her family. Protect and ensure those who believed her and acknowledged her right to autonomy, independence and otherness. For her kiborgessa Olivia Liara knew how, very quickly became not receiving and native mum has taught young kiborgessu, birth and formation of which occurred on the moon within the parent system of mankind, next to their parent planet - Earth. Probably for Liara, this circumstance outweighed by its significance and importance of many other facts, so it is more or less calmly reacted to the fact that Alix was married Shepard, and - officially, as a member of the Troop.

  The fact that Alix gave birth to two AI control center using the practice kidnapped Olivia in "Cerberus" advanced technology, Liara also learned quickly from different sources. As well as the fact that due to the two otryadovtsam artificial intelligence, received an excellent training and complete training from Olivier and Alix have found a truly unique body, created through the efforts of otryadovtsev.

  It turned out that for some several decades Shepard married again, with Svetlana Streltsov does not oppose this by taking as an Alix and her children.

  If it had happened earlier, before Liara visited Ilos and was trained in Protheans, younger T'Soni critically acknowledged that it was unlikely she would have remained calm and indifferent to what occurred. Yes, it is already quite accustomed to the role and status of the Advisor for Citadel Azariyskomu space, yes, she already knows a lot and of course, including the fact that feelings and emotions are not always useful and acceptable in most of its manifestations.

  That it is now strict and inaccessible most of the day Councilor, after Ilos and to Ilos ... Before Ilos ... she was younger, dumber, and also more emotional. Yes, she rarely wears an official form Advisor, she used to work in casual clothes, familiar to most visitors and helpers, familiar militiamen and employees of intermediary information firms and research center, but, nevertheless, she had to give up and now her parents there is an official portrait of Liara's advisory in full vestments with appropriate facial and head makeup. Liara only insisted that the main color is blue robes with a white and blue that appeared to come to her very pale blue skin. When the portrait was created, it is, of course, it was on display in the gallery Glory Tess in galleries and Advisors on the Citadel. Benešov Etita and received copies of the portrait, and were very pleased with what he saw.

  Perhaps, indeed Liara on many issues rescues her desire to grow even more. Not only grow, but also pomudret. She is only a hundred-odd years, and it works just as rarely any matron working at the age of four hundred-odd years. It is not only the opinion of Etity and Benešov - many opinions Liara itself heard on this matter, and not just from their tribeswoman and countrywomen.

  Thanks to stay on Ilos, thanks to the work and communication in ssobschestve Protheans, Liara looked at much differently, more carefully, more deeply, more clearly. It is not only externally but also internally not resemble the asari-archaeologist who spent fifty years away from his mother. She herself now began seriously to think that it never will gain the same youthful lightness, former youth the ability to look a
t the world around vostorzhёnnymi big eyes and see first of all just perfect, just beautiful, just nice.

  When she was leaving Ilos, for the first time thought about it, it was very scary. Some big piece of life's journey she prolistnula to near-light speed, almost without noticing many details. After many asari, despite the ongoing war against the Reapers, still were familiar to the majority of young blue-skinned maidens lifestyle, and she? It is simply not working at full strength, and wear. She acted on limiting modes. And she could see that it does not already exist two hundred years of childhood and adolescence, there are no opportunities to become the majority of the former, carefree and frivolous asari, albeit having a doctorate in archeology of ancient and extinct races. Does not exist.

  Yes, she became an adviser to the Citadel, the warring Advisor, became an adviser at such a young age because of the circumstances. She almost always wears heavy armor, often wears a headlamp hubs biotic energy, for it has become customary to remain among the militias, and due to the status Advisor - not only among the militias, but also among warriors-Asari belonging to the main part of the armed forces of Space Azari. She is now gradually wean wear coveralls research, unless, of course, is not at home or at home with parents, if not working in a scientific laboratory. Increasingly she has to wear armored suits of different colors, different colors, all she has to frequently monitor the production of these suits - asari continue to fight and it is necessary that they have ceased to be killed in such large quantities.


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