Drinking Water
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cyber attacks, 146
Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation, 250–51
Dasani, 175, 176, 178, 182
Dassault, 232
Daughton, Christian, 122
DDT, 121
de León, Juan Ponce, 25–28
de Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernández, 28
Deer Park, 171
Del Posto, 188
DeNileon, Gay Porter, 152
Department of Homeland Security, 148
desalination, 233–36
Deuteronomy, 85
Diamonds Are Forever, 170
diarrhea, in American Civil War, 78;
and Bangladesh, 114, 117;
and cholera, 87;
in Ethiopia, 197;
and military, 237;
in Milwaukee, 110;
and POU treatments, 214;
and Safe Drinking Water Act, 154;
and travelers, 76;
and WaterGuard, 213
Dickens, Charles, 94
dicofol, 121
diesel, 237
Dimock, 128–29, 130
Dinkins, David, 248
Disraeli, Benjamin, 94
distillation, 233–34
distribution system, 143, 144, 146;
and backflows, 150, 177;
and Croton, 68;
and privatization, 201;
Roman, 54, 210;
safe water challenge, 76, 102–4;
and security, 149, 157;
Tea Water, 60;
and water pipes, 108
Dixie Cups, 73
dowsing, 223
Dr. Strangelove, 160
Dragseth, Doris, 16, 17, 257
drinking fountains, and bottled water, 180;
demise of, 23, 162, 180;
and segregation, 82;
rise of, 104–8;
and University of Central Florida stadium, 161
Drystal Geyser, 138
Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development, 194
E. coli, 76, 110
Earth Liberation Front, 18, 22
East Jersey Water Company, 101
Eco-Fina bottle, 186
ecosystem services, 249–50
Eley, Susannah, 89
Elisha, 97–98
“emergent contaminants,” 122
Emu Downs Wind Farm, 234
endocrine disruptors, 119–21, 125
Environmental Protection Agency, and arsenic, 115–16;
and Bioterrorism Act, 152–53;
and brine, 235;
and Dimock, 130;
“emergent contaminants,” 122;
and current infrastructure, 245;
and the Safe Drinking Water Act, 124–25, 183;
and testing, 74, 83;
and WaterISAC, 153
Equitable Payment for Water Services, 250–51
Ereshkigal, 29
Evian, 176, 179, 180
Farnelli, Pat, 128
Fels, Bill, 177
Ferrarelle, 169, 172–73
ferric sulfate, 213
Fiji Water, 181–84, 187
filtration, 147, 148, 149, 212;
and sand, 98, 99;
and John Snow, 133
Finn, 31
Fishman, Charles, 198, 240
Fixx, Jim, 174
fluoridation, 159–60
fluorine, 159–60
Food & Water Watch, 48, 203
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 175, 183, 185
Fortescue, John, 79
Fountain of Youth, 26–28
Fox, Josh, 129
fracking, See hydraulic fracturing.
Franklin, Benjamin, 61–62, 171, 251
Free Basic Water, 208–9
Free Drinking Water Association, 105
French Academy of Sciences, 98
Frontinus, 55, 71
Gaia, 38
Ganges, 35, 207
Garg, Shri S. K., 206–7
Gasland, 129
GATT, 227
General Comment 15, 204–5, 206
Geological Survey (2006), 121
germ theory of disease, 74, 87, 91, 97, 133
“Ghost Map,” 89
giardia, 76, 213
Gihon Spring, 102–3
Gleick, Peter, 96, 179, 236
Glennon, Robert, 203
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 165
Goodwin, George, 87, 96
Google Earth, 221
Government Accountability Office, 149
Graham, Jim, 246
Granier, Alphonse, 172
gray water, 243–44
Great Conduit, 67, 104
Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact, 229
Great Sanitation Awakening (Awakening), 87, 94, 98
“Great Stink, The,” 87
Greenspan, Alan, 128
H2O for ME, 257
H2O, 225, 227, 228
H2Ocean, 235
Halliburton Corporation, 127, 129, 130–31
“Halliburton Loophole,” 131
Halsey Taylor Company, 106
Hamilton, Alexander, 62–63
Hannibal, 171
Harmsworth, St. John, 172
Harrison, Scott, 216, 217–22
Harry Potter series, 29
Hawkins, George, 246
Haws Sanitary Drinking Faucet Company, 106
Haws, Luther, 106–7
healing powers, 36–37, 41, 164
Helicobacter pylori, 83
Hezekiah, 102–3
Hippocrates, 70, 80, 81
holy water, 23, 33, 36–43, 166–70
Hone, Philip, 68
Hoover, J. Edgar, 142
Hotel Online Special Report, 177
Huaiz-nan Tzu, 31
humors, 84
Hunt, Elizabeth, 141
“hydraulic civilization,” 78
hydraulic fracturing, 127–31
hyponatremia, 138–39
icebergs, 232–33,
“Ideomotor Effect,” 224
India Pale Ale, 80
Indian Constitution, 206
Indian Supreme Court, 206
Indirect Potable Reuse project, 242
International Bottled Water Association, 184
International Conference on Water and the Environment, 194
International Epidemiology Association, 90
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 192, 202
International Space Station, 239
Irving, Washington, 25, 27
Ishtar, 29
isotopic analysis, 130
Jackman, Hugh, 221
Jackson, Lisa, 126
Jay-Z, 238
Jeffery, Kim, 173, 256
Jeremiah, 33
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 44
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142–43
Judah, 102–3
Julius Caesar, 165
K9 Quencher, 177
Kacharis of Assam, 35
Kalch-Hook, 58
Kalm, Peter, 59
Ka-ne, 38
Katju, Markandey, 207–8
Ka-Wai-a-ke-Akua, 38
Keep America Committee, 160
Kingsley, Charles, 94
Knight, Curtis, 18
Kobert, Rudolf, 70
Koch, Robert, 91
Kohler Company, 106
Koran, 50–51
lacus, 54, 56, 69, 104, 210
Lantau Island, 73
Las Vegas Valley Water District, 229
Lawrence of Arabia, 46–47, 51
lead, 70–71, 74, 109, 185
Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van, 90
Lethe, 34
Levinson, Marc, 247
LifeStraw, 237
Lister, Joseph, 91
Lister, Martin, 76
lithium, 37
“locavore” restaurants, 187
London Medical Gazette, 91
London, and water management, 67, 87–94
Lourdes, spring of, 39–43
M*A*S*H, 146
M. C. Mehta v. Union of India, 207
Machu Picchu, 49, 78
Maclean’s, 228
Macrobius, 81
Maich, Steve, 228
Malott, Matthew, 56
Mandeville, John, 30
mangroves, 233
Manhattan Company, 63–66
Marcellus Shale, 128
Marketplace, 187
maximum contaminant level (MCL), 124
maximum contaminant level goals (MCLGs), 124
McCloud Watershed Council, 18, 255–57
McFarland, Richard, 17, 18
Memorandum of Agreement (New York), 248–49
Mercy Ship Anastasis, 218
methane, 127, 129–30, 131
“methane faucet fire,” 128
Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association, 105
Metropolitan Free Drinking Fountain Association, 104
miasma theory, 85, 89, 91, 94, 133
Michelangelo, 165
Mill, John Stuart, 91
Millennium Development Goal, 198, 222
Minuit, Peter, 57
miracle standards, 40–43
Morning Rave, 138
Moses, 38
Mother Jones, 181
Mougin, Georges, 232
MTBE, 17
Muggeridge, Malcolm, 41
Muldoon, Paul, 231
Mullinix, Ralph, 141, 154
Mulroy, Patricia, 229
Namatianus, Rutilius, 57
Napoleon III, 172
Napoleon, 78, 113
National Coalition of American Nuns, 187
National Research Council, 115
Nestlé Waters North America, 16–18, 174–80, 255–57
“NEWater,” 241
New River, 67
New York City, and water management, 57–69
New York Commercial Advertiser, 65
New York Committee on Fire and Water, 210
New York Evening Journal, 65
Nicholson, Jack, 181
Nightingale, Florence, 94
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 226
Nova Group, 226, 228
NRDC, 185, 187
O’Toole, Peter, 46
Odin, 31
Oremus, Will, 254
Parekh, Pankaj, 125
Pasteur, Louis, 91, 171, 176
Paul the Deacon, 79
Payne, Richard and Thelma, 129
PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls), 120
Pepsi. See Aquafina
peroxide, 124
Perrier, 18, 171–76, 178, 182
Perrier, Louis, 172
PET bottles, 180, 186
Pet Refresh, 177
Philadelphia, and yellow fever, 61–62
Phlegethon, 34
Pickens, T. Boone, 231–32
“pixie dust,” 178
Planetary Resources, 252–54
PlayPump, 238–39
Pliny the Elder, 81, 169
“plumbarii,” 70
Po Lin Monastery, 72
Poggio, 188
Poland Spring, 17, 171, 179, 183
Polumbum, 30
Polyethylene terephthalate, 180
Poor Law Commission, 91–92
Poseidon, 38
POU, 212–16, 217, 222
pozzali, 111
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 130
Procter & Gamble, 213
ProPublica, 131
PSI, 216, 217
Public Health Acts, 94
Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. See Bioterrorism Act
Punch, 104
“puncturing,” 55
Pur, 213
Quakers, 104
Quest for Pure Water, The, 98
Quito water fund, 250
R-1 Water, 244
Randi, James, 224
Registration Act, 89
reverse osmosis, 124, 178, 212, 233, 235, 244
Right of Thirst, 50–52
Rinne, Eva-Marita, 133
RO Water. See reverse osmosis
Rolls, Barbara, 44–45
Rome, and water management, 53–57
Rommel, Erwin, 78
Royte, Elizabeth, 78
Sabba, Steve, 219
Safe Drinking Water Act, 74, 83, 183;
amendment to, 247;
and contaminants 125;
focus of, 134;
and fracking, 131;
and nonpoint source pollution, 126;
and public perceptions of safety, 137;
structure of 124;
testing, 154;
violations of, 125
Saint Bernadette, 39–40
Saks, 220
Salmon of Knowledge, 31
San Pellegrino, 17, 174
Sanitary Acts, 94
santi jal, 35
sapa, 71
Save Our Groundwater, 257
SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), 146
Schmidhauser, Max, 219
Schnermann, Jurgen, 44
Schultz, Harvey, 146
Sennacherib, 102–3
Sextant Capital Management, 233
Sharia, 50
Sharif, Omar, 46
shigella, 76
Sikorsky helicopter plant, 150
Smith, Adam, 21–22, 134
Snow, John, 87–91, 94, 133
sodium hypochlorite, 154, 216
solar disinfection, 213
Solon of Athens, 141–42
Soltner, André, 175
Soubirous, Bernadette, 39–40
South African constitution, 208–9
Southern Nevada Water Authority, 229
spas, 23, 97, 169–72
Spork, Otto, 233
Squaw Valley Creek Watershed, 256
Stewart, R. J., 38
“Story of Bottled Water, The,” 180
Strange, Jennifer Lea, 138
Stuyvesant, Peter, 58
Styx, 34
Sullivan, John, 150
Sunstein, Cass, 118
Super Bowl, 146
Tahoe, Lake, 17
“Take Back the Tap,” 188
Talmud, 50, 85
Tammuz, 29
Tan, Khaiting, 241
Tantalus, 35–36
TARP, 109
Tea Water Pump, 59, 61
Tea Water, 60, 65
Technical World Magazine, 72
Thompson, Jim, 227
Tian Tan Buddha fountain, 72, 73, 132
“toilet-to-tap,” 240–43
Toowoomba Water Futures Project, 241
trihalomethanes, 119
Tring Dayak people, 35
trout, 154
tubewells, 114–18
Tuxedo, The, 143
typhoid, 83, 87, 95, 97, 100, 131
Uhlmann, David, 125
ultraviolet light, 124, 154, 213
UN General Assembly, 48, 205
United Church of Canada, 187
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 114
United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 204
United Nations Human Development Index, 216
United Nations, and resolution on drinking water, 48
University of Central Florida stadium, 189
V for Vendetta, 143
Valencia, Pablo, 77
vectigal, 54, 56, 69, 71, 210
Vegetius, 78
Venice, 111–112
Veolia Environnement, 203
vestal virgins, 33
Vichy, 23, 165, 170, 171
Virgin Galactic, 252
Vitruvius, 70–71
Vittel, 170, 171
Wachusett Reservoir, 147
Wai-ni-dula (Water of Solace), 34
Walcot, William, 98
Wales, temple complex, 36
Water 1st,
Water Acts, 94
water attacks, 145
water hammer, 146
Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center (WaterISAC), 153
Water Services Act, 209
Water Standard, 235
water, aversion to, 78–80;
chilled, 107;
and developing countries, 196–99;
geological influences, 164–65;
infrastructure, 109;
poisoning of in wartime, 141–42;
prescription drugs, 121–22;
and terrorism, 142;
and war, 78
WaterAid, 239
“water deprivation,” 198
WaterGuard, 213
WaterMill, 238
Waters, Alice, 187–88
“Water Works Money,” 60
Weather Underground, 142
Webster, Noah, 95
Well of Youth, 30
Welles, Orson, 174
Wellington, Susan, 183
wells, 49–51, in Bangladesh, 114–17;
and bottled water, 170;
and Civil War, 142;
and Cochabamba, 211;
and Coke, 246;
and the drinking fountain, 104;
explosion of, 128;
and Lawrence of Arabia, 46;
in London, 67;
in New Amsterdam/New York, 57–62;
in Old Testament, 77–78;
and pharmaceuticals, 121;
and POU, 214, 216;
in Rome, 69;
sacred, 33, 36–39, 170;
spiritual nature of, 164, 166–67;
and Babylonian Talmud, 85
Wiesenberger, Arthur von, 181
Windram, Ken, 244
Wittfogel, Karl, 78
Woof Water, 177
World Bank Development Marketplace Award, 238
World Bank, 114, 192
World Health Organization, and arsenic, 115–16, 134
World Wildlife Fund, 250–51
Yggdrasil, 31, 36
Yorubaland, 81, 133, 134, 135
Zakarian, Geoffrey, 188
Zeus, 38
Zimbabwe, and water, 51, 85
JAMES SALZMAN holds the Samuel Mordecai chair in the School of Law and the Nicholas Institute Professor chair in the School of the Environment at Duke University. He has written extensively on the topics of environmental conservation, population growth, and climate change. He lives in Durham, North Carolina.