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Maddox (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 4)

Page 14

by Callie Rhodes


  The air caught in her throat. Her belly contracted, but no air filled her lungs. Cassidy mentally cursed the attraction she felt toward Samson. The one she couldn't control.

  And the one she absolutely could not act on.

  "What are you doing here?" he asked.

  She cast her gaze toward the floor, a show of submission she would have made instinctively when asked a direct question by any other alpha—but with Samson, she had to force herself to look away.

  The truth was that Cassidy didn't want to give up even a second of looking at him. She saw him so rarely—only a couple of days every two or three months. Any time he was in front of her, she didn't want to look away.

  But she had to.

  Not just so she could breathe and find her words, but to behave professionally and avoid drawing any negative attention to herself. Dr. Cheung insisted that all of his students show the utmost respect when out in the field. Only perfect behavior from the outsiders would allow the researchers to continue their good relationship with the Boundaryland community and be welcomed back.

  "I'm here to conduct more research for my dissertation," she said, finally finding her voice.

  "Tonight? But you know what happens on Friday nights."

  "Of course," Cassidy said. "That's why I had to come. I'm researching all kinds of relationships between the alpha and beta cultures, and tonight is a chance to gain some key insights into the more intimate interactions."

  Samson let out a low rumbling sound that spread through the whole bar. A few gazes shot their way, and Cassidy found herself shifting nervously under the scrutiny.

  "I don't like the idea of some of my brothers thinking you're a whore," Samson muttered.

  Cassidy felt a sharp stab of disappointment at his words—not because he meant any insult by the word 'whore', but at the reminder of why he was here tonight. She did not judge the commerce between the alphas and the beta woman who willingly earned a living servicing them—but it was different with Samson.

  Samson had always been polite to her, even protective at times. Still, there always came a time during each visit when Cassidy had to remind herself that the attraction she felt was one-sided.

  Cassidy was a confirmed beta. Samson's touch—when he'd shaken her hand, or politely touched her arm to guide her to a table, or even accidentally grazed her knee when they were seated—always ignited a sizzle of heat that started deep in her belly and landed between her legs…but nothing else.

  And their brief interactions certainly didn't cause a visible reaction in him.

  It wasn't surprising. Alphas were meant to be with omegas. That was the natural order of things. Sure, they could have flings with betas, sate a few carnal needs. Friday nights in Evander's Bar were proof of that. But that was it. There could never be anything more.

  "I'll be fine," Cassidy said lightly. "Mia personally invited me, so technically, I'm a guest under Ty's protection."

  Cassidy glanced up and saw that Samson's mouth was still flattened in a hard line. Obviously, her words didn't reassure him as much as she'd hoped, though she had no idea why.

  Though Boundaryland laws were considered cruel and violent by most betas, they were sacred and unbreakable among alphas. Being under the bar owner's protection all but guaranteed Cassidy safety.

  "Who's the man you drove in with?" Samson asked, changing the subject.

  A royal pain in her ass.

  "Ian Wilkerson," she said. "He's another of Dr. Cheung's students. This is his first visit to the Pacific Northwest Boundarylands. He has only been to the Southern Atlantic before."

  Samson stared assessingly at Ian across the room. "You don't like him," he said after a moment.

  That was the understatement of the year. Cassidy took a deep breath and focused on calming her pulse. She'd forgotten how easily an alpha's sharp senses detected and interpreted every emotional cue.

  "He's my peer," she said. "We don't have to like each other. We just need to work together."

  Samson ignored her diplomatic words.

  "You don't trust him," he went on, his expression hardening into a terrifying glower. He leaned in a little closer, seemingly taking up all the air around her. "Why are you afraid of him? Has he hurt you?"

  "What? No." Without thinking, Cassidy reached out and wrapped her hand around Samson's wrist. She could feel the tension radiating out from him—the coiled strength of his muscles, the surge of his hot blood, the fury pulsing through his body. It was almost overwhelming. "Ian's just a garden-variety asshole. He thinks he's better than me, and he likes to make my life difficult."

  Just like every other misogynistic bastard Cassidy had ever met.

  Samson kept his eyes on Ian for another long moment before letting his gaze slowly drift down to his wrist…to the spot where Cassidy's hand still rested.

  The moment she realized what she was doing, Cassidy snatched her hand away and bent her head toward the floor.

  "Please accept my apology. I wasn't thinking," she said, her voice trembling. "I hope you enjoy your night, Mr. Turner."

  Before she could make another mistake—or worse, spark a brawl—Cassidy turned and headed toward the bar.

  Start Reading Samson Now

  Also by Callie Rhodes

  Book 1: KIAN: Available Now

  Book 2: TY: Available Now

  Book 3: SAMSON: Available Now

  Book 4: MADDOX: Available Now

  Book 5: TROY: Available May 26th, 2020

  Book 6: ZEKE: Coming Soon

  About the Author

  Ever since she was little, Callie Rhodes’ imagination has been landing her in trouble. From daydreaming about far off worlds in class, to escaping into the made up stories of her mind in the meeting room, she’s been creating tales to take her away from the real world for as long as she can remember. Now she lives among the tall trees of Northern California, and has found a way to make a living off her fantasies.




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