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Lucie's Two Step-Brothers

Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2012 Jenika Snow

  ISBN: 978-1-927368-37-4

  Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston

  Editor: JC Chute


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Don't be afraid to go after what you want.


  Wickedly Taboo

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Lucie was pissed. She watched as the movers came in and out of the house, boxes in hand, their sweat dripping off in rivulets. She couldn’t even stand to look at them, knowing that their very presence was ruining her life. It wasn’t theoretically their fault, but they weren’t helping the situation. Here she was, an eighteen-year-old about to start her senior year, and the worst thing imaginable was happening. Lucie should have been thrilled she only had one more year and then would never have to look back, but that wasn’t how she felt.

  Three months ago, her mother had made the announcement she would remarry. That wasn’t even the problem. The real problem was that Lucie hadn’t even known her mother was in a relationship that serious. Sure, her mom liked to date, but Lucie remembered the time when her mother said she would never marry again. That had been so many years ago, it was a distant memory. But still, she had said it.

  The other major problem was that Edward, the groom-to-be, had some baggage of his own. Not only was he moving into the house that Lucie and her mother called home, he was also bringing his two sons.

  Sick of watching their boxes cluttering up the living room, Lucie headed up to her room. Shutting the door with a little more force than necessary, she walked over to her window and held the curtain aside. Her mom, Melanie, stood by the moving van, hands on hips and voice raised as she barked orders for things to be moved gently. Rolling her eyes, Lucie moved her gaze to Edward. He was a pretty imposing man, and not just because he seemed to wear a perpetual scowl. He was tall and muscular, like a construction worker, not one of those steroid-injecting weightlifters. Next to him stood his two sons, the guys that were ruining her life. She was an only child, so why should she have to share her mother, house, and life with these assholes? Maybe I’m being too harsh. As if reading her mind, the brothers, Emery and Quentin, looked up at her, their smiles big and smug. Lucie narrowed her gaze. She wanted nothing more than to raise her hand and give them the one-finger salute.

  This wasn’t the first time she had met them, and unfortunately it wouldn’t be the last. When her mom had announced she was getting married, she’d planned a big dinner so Lucie could meet Edward and his two sons. That had been a few months ago, but Lucie remembered it as if it were yesterday.


  The first meeting

  “Lucie, come down honey, our guests are here.” Our guests? The sooner this was over with, the better. Her mother had just made the announcement a week ago that she would be getting married. This was hell, pure and simple, and Lucie was stuck right in the middle of it. She would be turning eighteen in a month, and when her senior year was over, she would be out of this shitty little town. There was no way she was living under the same roof with a virtual stranger and his two kids.

  Oh yes, Lucie wouldn’t just have to live with one man, she would have to share her house with three.

  Stopping at the bottom of the staircase, Lucie stood partially hidden behind the wall. She watched as her mother opened the front door and let in Edward, her soon-to-be step-father. Anger welled inside of her. His two sons, Quentin and Emery stepped in behind him. This was the first time Lucie had seen any of them, and she had to grudgingly admit that Edwards’s two sons weren’t bad looking. A little on the muscle-head side for her taste, but easy on the eyes.

  Mentally kicking herself, Lucie knew she shouldn’t even be thinking about stuff like that. They were the enemy, no matter how nice––or good-looking––they appeared to be.

  They stepped off the landing and into view. Lucie crossed her arms, glaring. Her mother turned toward her, a big smile on her face as she pointed to the three men.

  “Lucie, honey, I’d like you to meet Edward, Emery and Quentin.”

  Edward stepped forward and extended his hand in greeting. “Why, it is an honor to finally meet you, Lucie.” Edward’s voice was a rough growl that instantly set her on edge.

  Lucie flicked a glance toward her mother and saw the narrowed glare in her direction, as if to say, ‘You’re acting like a bitch, Lucie. Give them a chance.’ Lucie turned back toward Edward and took his offered hand. The shake was firm and hard and had Lucie gritting her teeth in pain. He let go and her hand fell limply to her side, circulation temporarily gone.

  “These are my boys, Quen and Em. Don’t let them give you a hard time, now.”

  Doubtful. The two took a step forward and she shook their hands.

  “Everyone hungry? Come on, dinner’s ready.” Her mother ushered everyone into the dining room.

  Lucie took a seat across from Quentin and Emery, trying not to hold their gazes, though it was hard not to. There was definitely something about them that intrigued and infuriated her. Shifting in her seat, she took the offered dish and scooped out a ladle full of mashed potatoes onto her plate before passing it to the next person.

  “So, Lucie, your mom tells me you’ll be graduating next year. Emery just graduated,” Edward said.

  Lucie glanced between Edward and Emery, but didn’t respond.

  “Quentin graduated last year and is taking a year off before starting college.”

  Lucie really didn’t care either way, so instead of making some snide remark and seeming like an even bigger bitch, she took in a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

  “You can really handle a mouthful, can’t you?”

  Lucie nearly choked on her food. She lifted a shocked gaze at Quentin before snapping her eyes toward her mother. Melanie just stared at Edward, a look of clear surprise on her face.

  “Quentin Charles Michaels. That kind of talk is completely inappropriate at the dinner table.” Edward’s booming voice was so loud that Lucie thought the glasses might shatter.

  “Oh, honey, boys will be boys. Heaven knows Lucie has said far worse.”

  Eyes wide, Lucie stared at her mom. What the hell? It was like something out of a Twilight movie. Lucie chanced another glance at Quentin. The ever-present smile remained on his lips, but he never once looked up at her.

  Once dinner was finished everyone made their way into the living room. As her mother and Edward started talking about the wedding, Lucie excused herself and snuck out back. The air was cool and a slight breeze ruffled her hair. She stepped onto the landing of the deck and leaned over to stare out at the immaculate yard. As her thoughts drifted, she heard the back door slide open and shut. Her jaw clenched almost involuntarily. If her mother thought she would come out here and see what she thought about Edward and his sons, Lucie had no intention of sugar coating it. This had “bad” written all over it.

  Before her mom could utter a word, Lucie turned around and said, “Mom, list––” The words dried up in her throat as she stared at Quentin, no more than a few feet from her. Quentin stood like a good little solider. His posture was pin straight and his arms were clasped behind his back. She snapped her mo
uth closed and craned her neck to stare into his face. Heat filled her, along with a good dose of anger.

  “You have a lot of fucking nerve coming into my house and spouting off that shit at the table.” Lucie had to admit that with him standing so close she couldn’t think straight. He held up his hands in surrender and leaned against the railing.

  “Whoa, I just came out here to apologize. It was completely inappropriate for me to say that.” He turned his attention to the yard.

  “What, did your dad tell you to come out here and say that?” He chuckled and she hated the way her body seemed to tingle.

  “Or something like that.” He turned to look at her and her breath became lodged in her throat. “But really, I was only half joking.” He lifted the side of his mouth in a smirk.

  His hair, the color of mahogany, seemed almost inky black under the moon. His eyes were a deep green, but the dark around them reminded her of the wilderness, raw and untamed.

  “Yeah, well…” She had no retort. He chuckled.

  “Listen, I don’t like this anymore than you do.”

  Surprise filled her at his statement. “You don’t?”

  He shook his head and his expression turned serious. “No. My dad’s in the military, so us moving a lot isn’t too much of a surprise. I was starting to get comfortable in the last place. Then he announces that he’s found the love of his life and is getting married and that we’re moving in with her.” He ran a hand through his hair and Lucie couldn’t help but stare at his biceps. The muscles flexed and protruded beneath the skin, and she found it hard to believe that a nineteen-year-old could possess a body like that.

  “You’re graduated and over legal age. Why did you come?” He was quiet for so long Lucie thought he wouldn’t answer.

  “There were a lot of reasons, but I guess I didn’t want to leave Em. He’s my little brother and all.”

  Lucie thought about that a moment. Little? Emery was only about an inch shorter than Quentin, and he was over six feet tall.

  “Listen, I will stay out of your way and won’t bother you. I’ve been dragging my feet about college, but I won’t be able to for too much longer. When Emery graduates we plan on starting college together.”

  She knew she should have been relieved by his admission, but she couldn’t help the way the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Something wasn’t right.

  “Does your dad usually propose to a woman after only just meeting her?”

  His face stayed serious. He turned and looked at her.

  “I wish this wasn’t happening, but there isn’t anything I can do about it.” He sighed heavily. “Do you know anything about military men?”

  Lucie shook her head. She didn’t know where he was going with this.

  “Well, let me fill you in. They like things done their way. If it isn’t, well, watch out because all hell breaks loose.”

  “What are you trying to say?” Lucie could feel a sick kind of dread rise in her stomach.

  “All I’m saying is that Em and I have learned to stay on his good side, but there are still times when we manage to piss him off.”

  “Are you saying my mom is in danger?”

  Quentin shook his head before she even finished. “No, I am just saying he likes what he likes and won’t be persuaded differently.”

  Lucie didn’t have a good feeling about this, but what could she do? She didn’t know Edward, or Quentin for that matter. For all she knew, Quentin could just be filling her head with nonsense. She could go to her mom, tell her what Quentin had just said––but what if he was lying? She thought about her mom, who she knew was really happy, but still, could she risk not saying something?

  When Edward and his sons finally left, Lucie went into the kitchen to help her mom.

  “Hi, honey. I thought tonight went pretty well, although you seemed like you had a bit of an attitude. Do you not like Edward or the boys?”

  Lucie didn’t comment. Her mind was filled with how she would go about bringing up what Quentin said. “I don’t know, mom. This just seems so sudden. Um, so… Mom, how well do you know Edward?”

  The dishes clanked together as Melanie washed and rinsed them. “I know, honey. Believe me, I know, But the connection was there from the first time I spoke with him. He’s in the military, a General.”

  Lucie nodded and took the dish her mother handed her and started drying it. “I mean, he seems nice and all, but is he really? Like, when you guys are alone?” Her mother stopped what she was doing and stared back at her.

  “What are you getting at, Lucie?”

  “I just want to make sure he treats you right.”

  Her mother patted her on the cheek, water and soap suds clinging to her face. “He has. Don’t worry.”

  Lucie nodded again. “Don’t you remember when you and Dad divorced and you told me you would never get married again?” She hoped it wasn’t a mistake bringing up the past.

  Her mom breathed out roughly and went back to washing the dishes. “The relationship between me and your father was different. He cheated on me with his secretary. I didn’t want to get married again, but then I met Edward and everything changed. I know this is hard for you, but you have to understand where I’m coming from. I don’t want to be a lonely old woman.”

  “You wouldn’t be lonely, Mom, you have me.” Her mother smiled, but it was a sad kind of smile.

  “It isn’t the same and you know that, honey.”

  What could Lucie say to that? Her mother knew what she wanted, so who was Lucie to try and stop her? Not commenting to avoid further upsetting her mother, Lucie helped with cleanup and then headed to bed, hoping that this wouldn’t be the worst mistake her mother made.

  Chapter Two

  Several weeks had passed since Edward and his sons moved in and Lucie found herself sitting in the same spot, at the same time every day. It seemed Quentin and Emery worked out at five o’clock every evening, and after the first time Lucie saw them half-naked, she thanked the heavens they were so stringent in their routine.

  Leaning against her bedroom window, Lucie stared out at the backyard, and the sight she fixated on disturbed her somewhat. It wasn’t as if watching Emery and Quentin lift weights was the least bit off-putting, but the fact that technically they would be her stepbrothers and she was growing increasingly aroused every time she looked at them, made her feel uncomfortable.

  The sun was especially hot, and she could see their already bronzed skin glistening with perspiration. Their broad shoulders and muscular backs flexed every time they lifted those dumbbells. Those wide shoulders tapered off to narrow hips, and when they turned to face her she got a delicious front view, which was even more impressive. Six-packs lined their abdomens, and even from a distance she could see beads of sweat trail down the valley of hills and indents. It was a sight that left her transfixed and slightly dazed.

  Never had Lucie enjoyed watching two men wrestle before, but watching Emery and Quentin was a sight she could not tear herself away from, even if her life depended on it.

  Her pussy was so wet she could feel her panties soaked clean through. Her mother was gone, the boys were clearly working out in the backyard and were to be her inspiration, and Edward was fiddling around in the garage. No one would ever know, she kept telling herself. She cast a glance at her closed door, stood from her seat on the windowsill, and slipped her shorts and panties down. She might have worried about Emery or Quentin seeing what she was about to do, but she was in her room, on the second floor, and partially hidden behind her curtain. Even if they were to see her watching, they wouldn’t be able to tell what she was doing.

  She leaned back and slipped her hand between her thighs and touched her clit. Pleasure instantly washed through her and she bit the inside of her lip. The shorts they wore did nothing to hide the impressive bulges of their crotches. The need to close her eyes and absorb the feeling of ecstasy washing through her was too hard to resist. The first image that slammed into her mind was
what they looked like without the shorts on. She knew their dicks had to be as impressive and large as the rest of their bodies.

  Lucie rubbed her finger on her clit in slow circles and opened her eyes. God, she was so hot for them. It was sad, she could admit that. She shouldn’t be watching them work out, and she most definitely shouldn’t be masturbating to the images of her two almost stepbrothers. She was a dirty girl, but even after she thought that, she wondered if they liked dirty girls. Lucie ran her finger even faster on her clit until she felt her climax nearing.

  Every time she touched herself as she watched them, which to her embarrassment was starting to be an everyday kind of thing, it never took her very long to get off. She wasn’t big on masturbating, but it wasn’t like she could walk up to them and ask them for a good old-fashioned fuck. They were soon to be a part of the family, and would surely look at her as if she was crazy for expressing her desires. Hell, she thought that of herself lately.

  With her clit engorging even further the harder she rubbed it, she moved her finger down her cleft and rimmed the opening of her pussy. Her cunt clenched around the digit, as if trying to drag it inside. She bit her tongue to stem off her moan of pleasure and stared, mesmerized, as Quentin and Emery started wrestling. It wasn’t homosexual in any context, and when their slick, soaked skin rubbed together she closed her eyes and let her climax wash through her.

  When the pleasure ceased, Lucie opened her eyes again. To her shock, staring right at her were Emery and Quentin, both of whom wore knowing smirks. Had she moaned aloud and not even known it? Oh God. How mortifying. In her haste to escape, she fell off the windowsill and landed on the ground, hard. The air rushed out of her lungs. Lucie stood, pulled up her panties and shorts, and ran to the bedroom door. Just as she rushed out, she slammed into a hard, wide muscular chest.


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