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Lucie's Two Step-Brothers

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “Look at how wet you are for us, baby. Does it feel good to have my cock in this tight little cunt?” She couldn’t find her voice to answer Quentin, so she nodded instead. “Does it feel good to have my brother’s mouth on those pretty little red nipples?”

  “Oh, God.” She found her voice again. An explosive orgasm came to the surface and she bit her lip, hard. Pleasure mixed with pain as Emery continued to roll the turgid tips between his teeth. The simultaneous stimulation was her undoing and it seemed to be Quentin’s as well.

  Giving a loud and long cry of ecstasy, Lucie let her climax wash through her. Quentin’s hands tightened on her hips and he pushed into her three more times before stilling. He let out a deep groan as he came. When she was able to pry her eyes open, she watched as Quentin pulled out of her, an almost pained expression marring his face. Emery dipped his head and ran his tongue over her lips.

  “My turn.”

  Quentin disappeared into the bathroom and she could hear water running. Before she realized what was happening, Emery flipped her onto her belly and placed two pillows under her hips. No doubt her ass was thrust high in the air, but as she felt him run his hands over the twin mounds, she knew that had been the point.

  “I’m more of an ass man, and let me tell you, baby,” he covered her back with his chest and whispered against her ear, “Never have I seen an ass as lovely as yours.” He lifted up and she made a small noise when his hand landed on the side of her ass cheek.

  The bed dipped beside her and Quentin came into her view. His cock was semi-hard, and when he knelt in front of her face, she knew what he wanted. These men were insatiable. Already she had come so hard that blackness had swarmed her vision, yet feeling Emery’s hands move over her ass caused her to heat up all over again.

  Her pussy became wet once more and her entire body tingled. Several more smacks against her ass rang throughout the room and she admitted she liked the pain, because once that subsided a pleasurable warmth took its place.

  “You’re going to suck Quentin’s cock and get him hard again while I fuck this cunt.” As if to emphasize his brother’s point, Quentin brought the tip of his cock to her lips.

  “Come on, Lucie. Wrap those red pouty lips around my dick and suck me dry.”

  She opened her mouth wide and sucked on the head of Quentin’s shaft. Already she could taste pre-cum. It was salty yet potent, and she grew addicted to the taste. Just as she really started sucking Quentin’s dick, she felt the tip of Emery’s shaft become poised at the entrance of her cunt. He didn’t push slowly into her as Quentin did. He didn’t give her body time to adjust to his wide girth. No, Emery shoved all those thick, steely inches into her body so hard that she was pushed forward. The cock in her mouth slid all the way back to her throat and her eyes watered. Quentin groaned, no doubt from the feeling, and wrapped his hands around the back of her head.

  “Holy. Fucking. Shit!” The obscene statement made from behind had her involuntarily clenching her pussy around his cock. “God, baby. Your cunt is so fucking tight and wet. I won’t last long.” Emery started pulling out and pushing back into her hard and quick.

  Over and over he did this, bringing her closer to another mind-blowing orgasm. The sheets were bunched tight in her fists, and sweat covered her body. Just when her climax was about to peak she felt Emery run a slicked finger over her anus. The shock was instantaneous, but not as much as when he pushed that lubed digit inside. Never had anything been in that hole, and as he kept pounding away at her cunt with his finger in her ass, she came. Her moans must have started off a chain reaction, because as she moaned around Quentin’s cock, he came in her mouth. His semen was hot and salty, and she sucked him so hard he pulled away and panted for breath.

  Emery was the next to come. He grunted loudly, pulled his finger from her anus, and started spanking her ass cheeks in rapid succession until several more smaller orgasms peaked within her. When Lucie was too exhausted to keep her upper body elevated any longer, she slumped forward and breathed heavily. A small cry left her lips when Emery pulled out of her sensitive pussy. She was vaguely aware of the pillows being removed from under her and two bodies sandwiching her in. Deep murmurs sounded beside her, but she was too tired to pay attention to what they were saying. She fell asleep feeling safe, warm, and completely satisfied.

  Chapter Eight

  The next several days after her intimate encounter with Emery and Quentin weren’t nearly as uncomfortable as Lucie initially thought they would be. Each night she found herself finding pleasure with one or both of her stepbrothers. Although there was still guilt that what she was doing was wrong, Lucie found herself caring for Quentin and Emery more than she knew she should.

  Her mother and stepfather were due back at the house in the next few days, and although Lucie missed her mom, she was enjoying her time alone with Emery and Quentin.

  One unusually warm afternoon Lucie decided it was the perfect weather to do a little sunbathing. Emery and Quentin had left early that morning for work, and Lucie couldn’t deny that the silence in the house was a little unnerving. She had grown so used to having the two of them around. Despite their time together having been short, she couldn’t help but feel a connection with them.

  Eyes closed and sunglasses in place, the warm sun washed over her skin. She could feel beads of sweat starting to form in the valley between her breasts. It was an almost erotic sensation. Would you have thought that before Emery and Quentin had come along? No, definitely not. Lucie blindly reached for her iPod and slipped the ear buds in. As music started to play, she reached up and undid the string of her bikini. No sense in having tan lines. No one was around anyway, and the fence was far too high for her neighbors to notice. If she wanted to, she could go completely topless and no one would be the wiser.

  A cool breeze played across her slick skin. As one song ended and another began, Lucie felt her eyelids grow heavy with drowsiness. Either it was about to rain or someone had just stepped in front of her and blocked the sun, because a shadow descended over her. She wanted to smile but she feigned sleep. She knew it was either Quentin or Emery and she was curious to see what they planned on doing when they thought she was unaware. Lucie licked her lips slowly. She knew the sight of her in the miniscule string bikini had to be arousing them. Hell, she had felt sexy when she put it on.

  The small triangles of white barely covered her nipples and pussy. As the seconds turned into minutes and still they hadn’t touched her, she grew impatient. Lucie turned her head and slipped down her glasses. Despite the towering figure in front of her that blocked the sun, it was still bright outside and took her a moment to clear her vision. When she finally saw who stood in front of her she sat up quickly. The fact that she had untied her bikini top was momentarily forgotten, that is until Edward’s cold eyes dropped down to her exposed breasts. A smile tugged at his lips.

  Hands immediately going to cover her breasts, she watched in shock as he said nothing and turned and went back into the house. Heart pounding so fast she thought for sure it would break through her sternum, Lucie fixed her top and turned off her iPod. Where the hell was her mother? The door slammed shut behind Edward and Lucie finally stood after several prolonged moments. She grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her body before heading inside. Her peaceful sunbathing afternoon had just turned into the most awkward moment of her life.

  As she gripped the handle to the backdoor, Lucie prayed it didn’t creak and inform Edward she was coming in. The last thing she wanted right now was to see him again. The image of his cold eyes, ones that had skimmed her naked breasts like he was starving and they were his last meal, replayed in her mind over and over again. Once she was inside and realized he was nowhere to be found, Lucie darted upstairs. Before she made it to her room, Edward stepped out from behind an open door, blocking her way.

  “Where are the boys?” Edward’s voice was devoid of any emotions. The same went for his unrelenting eyes.

  “Probably at wo
rk.” She couldn’t help the sarcasm in that laced her words. “They should be back soon, though.” Lucie had no idea when they would be back, but she didn’t want Edward to know that. She stepped to the left and he mimicked her move. “Where’s my mom?”

  “She dropped me off and went to the grocery store. She assumed the three of you devoured everything in the house.”

  This was getting weirder and weirder by the moment. “You guys are home early.”

  His smile widened. “We missed you kids.”

  Lucie stepped to the right. Edward did the same. It wasn’t hard to tell he had been drinking, not if the stench of liquor coming from him was anything to go by.

  “Well, glad you guys are home but if you don’t mind I’d like to change.” Edward’s eyes traveled down the length of her body before returning to her face. After a suspended moment he moved to the side and let her pass.

  Once in her room with the door was closed behind her, Lucie couldn’t help the shiver that skated down her spine. What in the hell was that about? She had always felt a little strange around Edward, what with his probing eyes and dark demeanor, but today put him at a whole different level.


  Three hours later and Lucie was still in her room. Her mother hadn’t come home yet and neither had Quentin and Emery. The house felt different without them around: cold, dark, and intense. Thankfully, Edward had stayed downstairs and hadn’t bothered her. Since their little run-in, Lucie couldn’t shake the feeling that there was just something not quite right about him.

  Book in front of her, Lucie pushed her thoughts away and focused on the story. Before she could get immersed in the world of shape shifters and witches, the sound of a car door slamming shut drew her attention. Through the window Lucie could see her mother getting out of the car. Oversized black sunglasses covered her eyes and Lucie couldn’t help but feel a little confused by the sight. Her mother didn’t even own a pair of sunglasses, especially ones that looked liked they belonged to “Jackie O”.

  Despite the weird sight, Lucie headed downstairs, excited to see her mother after several weeks. Before she even made it downstairs she could hear low, heated murmurs coming from the kitchen. It was clear they were trying to be quiet, but curiosity stole over Lucie and she crept closer until she could hear what was said.

  “You look fucking ridiculous with those damn glasses on.” The sound of ice clinking in a glass preceded Edward’s harsh words.

  “I didn’t want anyone to see the bruise.” Lucie was shocked by the timid, mousy quality of her mother’s words. Her mom had always been a rock, emotionally strong and not willing to put up with anyone’s crap. The woman that spoke now seemed frightened and submissive.

  “Well, whose fault is that?” Edward chuckled and the sound that came forth reminded Lucie of the devil himself.

  Not wanting to listen to any more, Lucie rounded the corner. Her mother stood at the table and unloaded her paper bags. Edward was leaned against the counter, square-cut glass in his hand filled with amber-colored liquid. It didn’t take a genius to realize that alcohol filled that cup. Edward was the first to spot Lucie, and when he smiled broadly a sense of disgust filled her.

  “Hey there, pretty little thing.”

  Her mother turned around and smiled almost weakly. “Hi, honey.” Melanie walked up to her and embraced her. “I hope you didn’t get lonely by yourself.”

  Lucie stared into those big, dark frames. Whereas they might have seemed glamorous on any other occasion, Lucie couldn’t help but feel a dread settle in the pit of her stomach as she stared at them. Without thinking, she reached up and snatched them off her mother’s face. As if her mom had been anticipating the move, she stepped back, but Lucie already had a hold of the glasses. The sight that greeted her left her speechless.

  A nasty bruise marred her mother’s left eye and even snaked its way down to cover the top of her cheek. “What happened, mom?”

  Her mother reached up and made a tsking noise. “You know how clumsy I am. I tripped over a fallen log while hiking and landed right on a rock.”

  “You got that from hiking?” Lucie knew incredulity laced her voice. Melanie simply nodded and went back to unloading her bags. “Do you need to see a doctor?”

  Melanie was turned around and shaking her head before Lucie even finished asking the question. “No, no. I’m honestly fine, sweetie.”

  Lucie turned her stare to Edward and saw he wasn’t even paying attention. He had finished his liquor and was refilling his glass. Without even a second glance he topped off his glass and left the kitchen. When it was just her and her mother, Lucie moved closer and put her arm on her shoulder.

  “You sure you’re okay, mom?” The two of them were close, but were they close enough that her mom could confide something like this to her?

  Melanie turned around and smiled. “I’m honestly all right, dear. You know I have two left feet.”

  It wasn’t a lie. Her mother did knock into stuff on a daily basis, but a little voice inside told Lucie that tripping hadn’t caused the bruise. She wouldn’t push it, though. “Okay, mom.” Lucie would just have to keep a vigilant eye on Edward, because there was no fucking way she would let him hurt her mom. She didn’t care how big he was.

  Chapter Nine

  Lucie couldn’t sleep. She lay there, watching the lights from passing cars paint her ceiling, and pondered what the rest of her life would hold. She’d heard Quentin and Emery come home an hour ago and wondered what had taken them so long. She wished they’d been here so she could have confided in them.

  The sound of her door being opened a few moments later drew her attention, and for a brief moment she pictured Edward creeping in. When light from a car flashed across Quentin’s face, Lucie breathed out a sigh of relief. Despite his huge frame, Quentin moved across her room as stealthily as a thief in the night. Sitting up in bed, Lucie couldn’t help how her heart thundered in her chest.

  “Quentin?” Lucie said, voice so quiet she feared he might not even hear. Her pulse increased when he pushed the covers aside and slipped in.

  “Shh. I missed you today.” The smell of his freshly showered skin washed over her and Lucie immediately curled around him. His hair was still damp and his chest was bare.

  Already she was growing wet for him. His thick erection pressed against her thigh and had her arousal heightening. “I missed you, too. What took you so long? I wanted to talk to you about––”

  Quentin leaned in and silenced her with a kiss. He swept his tongue across her lips and she happily opened for him.

  He tasted so good, like spices and cinnamon. As the kiss deepened and her arousal heightened, Lucie couldn’t help but run her hands along his chest. Hot skin greeted her palms and she moved in closer, wanting to feel every square inch of him against her. It was clear Quentin wanted the same thing, because his hands moved all over her body. Soon they were both naked, and his heavy cock was pressed between her thighs.

  “God, I want you so fucking bad.” Quentin kissed a path along her neck as he murmured those heated words.

  For one second, Lucie had a moment of clarity. She pushed against his chest and looked into his shadowed face. “What if someone hears us?”

  He was already shaking his head and kissing the side of her neck again before she finished. “My dad is passed out cold in the living room, and your mom went to bed hours ago. Emery is asleep too.” He licked up her neck and Lucie shivered in response.

  Quentin gripped the back of her knee, lifted it, and placed it over his thigh. His hard cock slipped between the folds of her wet pussy and she moaned. A slow thrust of his hips was more of a tease than anything else. Lucie wanted to feel all those thick inches shoved deep within her, stretching her, filling her until she would scream out in ecstasy.

  She angled her hips just right so the tip of his shaft became lodged in her pussy. Quentin let out a deep, muffled groan. He gently bit the side of her throat and moved back up to her mouth, devouring her. Both
of them shifted until Lucie found herself on top of him, his dick slowly pushing into her saturated cunt.

  “Ride me, Lucie.”

  A hard breath left her. Lucie placed her hands on his pectoral muscles and braced her thighs wider apart. It felt so good having him inside her, but she wanted to feel the friction of his shaft moving in and out. She rose up slowly and closed her eyes as bliss washed through her. When just the tip was embedded in her pussy, she pushed back down, just as slowly as the first time. With her pussy flush with his groin, she rotated her hips, loving the feeling of being soaked. Her clit moved against the base of his cock.

  The curtains that covered the window above her bed remained open slightly, and the brightness from the full moon streamed in, painting both of them in a silvery glow. Lucie looked down at Quentin and saw his eyes at half-mast, his attention where their bodies were joined.

  “You know, the light from the moon is shining right on your pretty cunt.” He flicked his gaze up to hers. “Your pussy lips are spread around my cock so wide. It turns me the fuck on.” To emphasize his point, Quentin moved his fingers toward her vagina and started rubbing her lips. Lucie could feel them swell, could feel her arousal heighten. “Ride me, baby. I want to see this pretty cunt engulfing my cock.”

  Unable to keep her eyes open any longer. Lucie closed them and started to ride Quentin like a mad woman. She rested her hands behind her, right on his muscular thighs, and started pumping her hips up and down so hard her breasts shook.

  “Fuck, baby.” Quentin reached up and started massaging her breasts. He tweaked the nipples until she felt them stand hard and erect. “These are the most gorgeous tits I have ever seen.” Hands still on her chest, he rose up and took one hard bud into his mouth.

  Lucie didn’t stop her pumping hips, and couldn’t even if she wanted to. She was so close to climaxing that if he just bit on the sensitive tissue gently, she would go off like a bomb.


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