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Lucie's Two Step-Brothers

Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  “Like what?” She said it softly, seductively.

  “Like how hard you make me.” His murmured words whispered across her ear as he made his way closer to her mouth. He moved his hand lower, across her belly and between her thighs until he was cupping her pussy. “Or how about we talk about how wet this pussy is for me?” His mouth was now a centimeter from hers. Her whole body came alive.

  “Emery,” his name was the only thing she could say. That was all he needed, though. He slanted his mouth on hers and pressed his tongue in her mouth. She met his kiss with just as much enthusiasm. His hand still cupped her pussy, pressing the material of her nightgown into the crease and teasing her clit.

  He started to grind his hard cock into her and she felt her knees threatening to give out. He used his bigger body to push her back until she felt the shelf behind her. As their kiss continued, he moved his hands behind her until he had the hem of her nightgown bunched in his fists. Ever-so-slowly, he pulled the material up her thighs, until it was over her hips. She had her panties off in the next second. Cool air wafted across her saturated slit. Before she knew what was happening, Emery had her turned around and bent over the shelf.

  Her breasts pressed against a bag of rice. The rough texture inflamed her arousal even further. When Lucie felt the hot, hard length of Emery’s cock press against her pussy, she closed her eyes and waited for bliss to consume her. A suspended moment passed and still he didn’t penetrate her. He didn’t make her wait much longer, though. He covered her back with his and she felt his hot, humid breath skate across the nape of her neck. He smelled like wintergreen and cinnamon, a strange combination but arousing nonetheless.

  “I’m going to fuck this sweet little pussy until you come all over my cock, and then I’m going to fuck your ass.” His words, deep, heated, and filled with intent, caused a surge of desire to slam into her. “I wasn’t lying when I said this was the most gorgeous ass I’ve ever seen.”

  Never had Lucie thought hearing something like that would turn her on so much, but cream literally dripped down her inner thigh as anticipation settled in.

  When Emery finally shoved his cock into her, it was bittersweet. The pain from his erection stretching her, coupled with the intense pleasure that followed, left her breathless. He pounded into her hard and fast until she was forced to hold onto the shelf for support, pistoning in and out of her juicy pussy with such force her breasts shook. The sound of her cunt sucking at his cock rang throughout the confined pantry and brought her to a swift orgasm.

  Right as her lips parted and a moan of pleasure threatened to come out, Emery placed his hand over her mouth to muffle the sound. It reminded her of her time with Quentin. The thought of Quentin standing there, watching, as his brother fucked her turned Lucie on so much a series of smaller orgasms fired off inside her.

  The wave that went through her was like a hurricane of pleasure. And he didn’t stop there. Emery pulled out of her cunt and she felt her inner muscles twitching in protest. She wanted more, wanted to see how far he would go. She felt him run his fingers over her still-quivering pussy and bring the fluid to her anus. She wanted this so bad she could taste it. That one orgasm wasn’t nearly enough.

  When her ass was good and lubed she felt him place his cock head at the entrance of her asshole. It was a slick and smooth transition when he pushed his erection into her anus. The muscles stretched to the point of pain as her body was forced to accommodate his huge shaft. When he was fully embedded inside of her, he stilled for a second. Lucie didn’t want to wait, didn’t want him to go slow. She wanted to feel him pumping in and out of her ass hard and fast. She wanted to feel his cum filling her up and hear his moan of completion.

  “Do it, Emery. Fuck my ass.” Where the words had come from she had no idea. It was not like her to speak in so brash a way, but she was finding out that when she was with Emery and Quentin, a foreign part of her came to the surface, more wicked and wanton than her usual self.

  He didn’t make her wait for what she really wanted.

  Emery placed both of his hands on the shelf by her head and started pounding into her willing body. Lucie’s climax seemed weak compared to the orgasm that was building inside of her.

  “The only thing that would make this moment better was if Quen was here watching me fuck your ass.” Emery’s breathless words left her speechless. “I want you to imagine my brother here. He would be in the corner, watching as you sucked in air because it felt so good.”

  Lucie pictured just that, but to the extreme. She could see Quentin holding his hard cock, stroking it as Emery fucked her. The closer she got to coming, the faster he pumped his fist across his shaft. She closed her eyes tightly as her orgasm crested.

  “Oh, God, Emery.” Quentin was still in her mind, his cum shooting out of the tip of his dick as his brother filled her ass with his spunk.

  When Emery’s shaft started to soften and he pulled out of her, Lucie rested fully against the shelf. Intense and extreme pleasure washed over her.

  She was tired, but not tired enough to realize Emery was pulling her panties up her thighs and pulling her nightgown down.

  “Next time we fuck, I’m going to be buried in your ass while my brother is fucking your tight little cunt.”

  Oh God. That was something she was definitely looking forward to.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lucie shot up in bed. Sweat dripped from her forehead and ran down the valley between her breasts. She couldn’t catch her breath, couldn’t draw in enough air. The dream had been so real, so horrifyingly real. She threw the blanket off and rested her arms on her thighs.

  She had been at her mother’s funeral in the dream. Dressed all in black, Emery and Quentin stood on either side of her, trying to comfort and console her. It had been so realistic, right down to the smell of the roses laid on her mother’s coffin.

  A glance at the clock told her it was past ten in the morning. How did I sleep so late?

  Lucie stood and headed toward the window. Both vehicles were gone, which probably meant she was home alone. A hot shower sounded nice, and she hoped it would be powerful enough to wash away the horrible remnants of her dream.

  Grabbing a clean set of clothes, Lucie headed out of her room and went to the top of the stairs. “Hello? Anyone home?” When silence greeted her, she went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  After a few minutes, steam filled the small room. As the water cascaded over her, Lucie closed her eyes. Again she pictured that coffin, dark and ominous. The water didn’t help wash away the dream, but it did relax her, somewhat.

  Once her shower was over and she was dressed, Lucie headed into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. She was indeed alone. Cup in hand, she stared out the window at the empty driveway. A plan formed in her mind.

  It was risky, but if she found what she was looking for it would be well worth it. Lucie headed upstairs and gripped the doorknob to her mother and Edward’s room. The brass was cold and unyielding, just like the man her mother had married. She pushed the door open but didn’t cross the threshold. Her heart thundered in her chest and her palms became clammy. Where was she even supposed to start?

  She knew Edward had to have documents somewhere. This may just be a wild goose chase, but Lucie had a feeling Edward was hiding something, and if she could find proof maybe she could do something to stop him. The closet seemed like the most logical place to start.

  Lucie opened the closet door and switched on the light. The large walk-in closet was perfectly organized, right down to the shoes lined up according to color and style. Edward’s clothes were color-coordinated and grouped into shirts, jackets, and slacks.

  She looked at the shelf above, trying to see anything that resembled a container where he might keep personal items, but nothing seemed remotely close to what she was looking for.

  Getting on her hands and knees, Lucie pushed aside the bottom of Edward’s clothing. Although she hoped she would have found something, th
ere was nothing out of the ordinary lying around. Standing back up, a sense of defeat washed through her. She turned to leave, but just as her hand was on the light switch, she remembered the hidden crawl space in the corner of the closet.

  Heart starting to pound fiercely all over again, Lucie went over to the corner and pushed away several large containers filled with clothing. There it was, right in front of her. The door was small and nearly hidden. The miniscule latch was broken, as it had been years ago, but Lucie knew the trick to opening it.

  Hooking her pinky finger in the small hole that used to house the latch, Lucie twisted the digit until a burn started to settle in. Her finger wasn’t as small as it used to be, but the door finally opened nonetheless. The smell of musty oldness slammed into her. It was pitch black, but she soon found the hanging cord that was attached to the single light bulb. Clicking it on, she crawled inside and looked around. The crawlspace wasn’t high enough for her to stand completely erect, but it didn’t matter. Lucie instantly spied what she hoped was the item she was looking for.

  An old, tattered box rested against the farthest wall with several smaller boxes blocking most of it from view. She quickly moved toward it and pushed the other boxes aside. Lucie removed the top of the lid and was greeted with several manila folders. They were stained and discolored, but the distinct red lettering of “confidential” was stamped across each one. As she continued to remove them, the weight of their contents startled her. As she lifted the last out of the box several pictures fell from a folder and landed beside her leg.

  The first one she picked up showed two very young versions of Emery and Quentin. They couldn’t have been more than five or six, but it wasn’t hard for her to see it was them. Their expressions seemed almost distant and hollow. The next photo showed a woman who resembled Emery and Quentin. It was a black and white photo, and it wasn’t hard to guess that she was their mother. She wore a long white gown and her dark hair was scattered around her head. Her eyes seemed devoid of any emotion. Lucie flipped the photo over and saw “Crandall Mental Institute” stamped across the back along with the date.

  Setting the photos aside, Lucie opened the first folder and started flipping through the contents. Page after page she read, each one more horrifying than the next. According to the documents, their mother, Kathryn, had gone insane shortly after her husband returned from active duty. They diagnosed her with Post Partum Depression along with PTSD stemming from being abused as a child by a neighbor.

  There were dictated transcripts of psychological counseling. In the documents, Kathryn stated over and over again that it was because of him that she was like this. That she couldn’t handle the punishment any longer. It was never specified who “he” was. As she read through the other folders, it was clear that Kathryn had been suffering with her disability for far too many years. She always spoke of “him”, though a name was never given. The doctors labeled her as mentally insane.

  Although there was documented proof of some kind of abuse going on at home, no one ever said Edward was to blame, that is, not until she got to the last paper. The paper was a sworn testimony from Kathryn, dated just days before she committed suicide. In it, she had stated that her husband Edward was the cause of all her anguish. She went into great detail about the physical and sexual abuse and the sadistic punishments he would make her endure.

  Even though she had sworn to these facts, it was clear from how the documents portrayed Edward that he was known as a war hero, and therefore any accusations toward him were considered false. There were photos of bruises around her wrists, abdomen, and even neck, but those were documented as “self-inflicted” despite what Kathryn had said. Lucie flipped through the pictures, each one more disturbing than the next. Kathryn was shown slowly wasting away in each photo until she was nothing more than a shell of a woman. The last photo Lucie found was a family picture of Emery, Quentin and their parents. Emery was just an infant and was held by his mother, while Quentin couldn’t have been more than a year old and stood by his father. Edward wore his military garb, and his face held an emotionless expression. Lucie stared at Kathryn. Although she smiled, someone would have to be blind not to see the pain and anguish in her eyes.

  Lucie couldn’t stomach any more, especially when the picture of Kathryn’s lifeless corpse flittered to the ground. How anyone could get away with murder stunned Lucie. Lucie didn’t know if the documents would hold any ground now, not after so many years had passed, but she was sure as hell going to try.

  The sound of her mother’s bedroom door shutting made Lucie’s heart stop.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Acting on pure instinct, Lucie turned off the light and cracked the crawlspace door. She stayed beside it, still able to see through the miniscule opening. A moment passed and then the closet light came on. Lucie’s mouth went dry and fear slammed into her when she spotted Edward’s ever-present combat boots stepping inside the tight confines. He started rifling through the hanging clothes. The closer he moved toward the crawlspace door, the more fear coursed through her. Adrenaline pumped in her veins and she started to sweat. When his boots were mere inches from where she hid and the sound of ruffling clothes ceased, Lucie thought for sure he had found her.

  As a suspended moment passed, Lucie’s heart pounded harder and faster behind her ribs. How could she explain why she was in the crawlspace with his personal documents scattered around her? The seconds turned into minutes, and just when Lucie thought he would bust her at any moment, he turned and left her in darkness.

  She waited several minutes before cleaning up the papers. Right as she was about to close the box, she grabbed the folder that held Kathryn’s sworn testimony along with the photos of her bruises and stuffed it under her shirt. It wasn’t too thick and would not be noticeable––at least, that’s what she kept telling herself. Climbing out of the crawlspace swiftly yet quietly, Lucie cracked the closet door and peered outside. Her mother’s room was empty. She slipped out and walked briskly toward the door.

  With sweaty hands, she gripped the doorknob, but couldn’t get a good grip on it. When she finally got it open, Lucie stuck only her head out and looked down the hallway. The house seemed quiet, too quiet. She didn’t know where Edward had gone, but she didn’t want to wait around to find out. When her mother’s door was shut behind her she took off toward her room. Right before she stepped inside, pain sliced through her skull. Someone had a chunk of her hair in their fist. Lucie was thrown off-balance and fell backward. The folder slipped from under her shirt and fell to the ground. Her head slammed against the floor and stars danced before her eyes.

  “You stupid fucking bitch.” Edward’s words were dark and ominous. “Did you really think I wouldn’t know you had been in my shit?”

  Where were her mom, Emery and Quentin? Before Lucie could get away from him, Edward had her hair in his fist again and was dragging her backward. The pain was immense and she couldn’t help but yell out. She clawed desperately at his hands, trying to pry them off, but to no avail.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Edward chuckled. He continued, “You know, you and I could have had a little something going on the side. I mean, you have a tight little body that I’m sure can handle a big dick, but you’re too nosy for your own good.” He pulled her back into his bedroom and tossed her into the middle of the floor. His strength was immense and she felt like a ragdoll being thrown about.

  He slammed the door shut and Lucie scrambled backward. She looked around, and panic settled in as she realized the only way out was through the door he was blocking or out the window, two stories high. She doubted she could make it to the window and open it enough to get out before Edward caught her. Even if she managed to escape out the window, the likelihood that she would break something on the way down was a good possibility.

  Oh, God. Where is everyone else? She had no idea what Edward had planned, but the dark and thunderous look in his eyes spoke volumes. He held the manila envelope so tightly in his hand that hi
s knuckles were white. She didn’t know when he had time to pick it up because to her, everything had seemed to go so fast.

  Edward’s chuckle was sardonic. He lifted the folder and eyed it before turning his evil stare back at her. “If you would have just kept to yourself, this could have been a sweet relationship. I don’t even mind that you fucked my boys.”

  Shock reverberated through Lucie’s body. He had known what she, Emery, and Quentin had done. Her face felt like it was on fire. Edward laughed again and took a step closer.

  “Did you really think I wouldn’t have known? I was in the military, for fuck’s sake. I spied on some of the world’s most dangerous men. Your little tryst was nothing compared to what I’ve seen.” He took another step toward her. “It’s just a shame we didn’t have a little alone time earlier, and on better terms.” The folder fell from his grasp. When he went for the buttons of his shirt and started undoing them, horror accelerated inside of her. When his shirt was fully undone he started unbuckling his belt.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t be too rough with you.” Grin as big and wide as the Cheshire cat’s, Edward walked toward her. Lucie felt the wall against her back and realized she was trapped. He reached for her and out of pure instinct Lucie made a fist and aimed it right toward his crotch. Edward’s eyes widened a moment before a groan left his lips and he fell to his knees.

  Lucie took that opportunity to go for the door, but before she made it she felt Edward grasp her ankle. She fell onto her belly and the air left her. His grip was painful and unyielding, and when he pulled her back toward him she screamed out. It was clear they were alone in the house, but still, she prayed someone would find her before it was too late.


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