Book Read Free

Witness to Hope

Page 171

by George Weigel


  charity and

  consecrated life and

  Eastern, see Orthodox Church

  humanism and

  icons controversy of

  Incarnation doctrine of

  inculturation and

  Judaism and

  in Korea

  liberation as theme of

  modernity contrasted with

  nationalism and

  role of papacy in

  spiritual unity and

  Trinity doctrine of

  in twentieth century

  Ut Unum Sint and unity of

  Christian Marxism

  Christifideles Laici (Christ’s Faithful Lay People) (John Paul II)

  Christodolous, Metropolitan of Dimitrias

  Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania

  Chrysostom, John

  Chudy, Wojciech

  Church, The

  Church: Charism and Power (Boff)

  Churchill, Winston

  Church of the Assumption of Our Lady

  Ciesielska, Danuta

  Ciesielska, Marysia

  Ciesielski, Jerzy

  death of

  Circle of Scholars of Polish Studies

  Ciuba, Kazimierz

  Civic Forum

  Civiltà Cattolica

  Clare of Assisi, Saint

  Clement XIV, Pope

  Clinton, Bill

  John Paul’s meeting with

  Clinton, Hillary Rodham

  Clinton administration

  Vatican’s Cairo Conference clash with

  Clovis, King of the Franks

  Clubs of the Catholic Intelligentsia (KIK)


  Coalition of Parties for Democracy, Chilean

  Code of Canon Law

  additions to

  Canon 1271 of

  revision of

  Code of Oriental Canon Law

  Coggan, Donald

  Colasuonno, Francesco

  College of Bishops, see Synod of Bishops

  College of Cardinals

  John Paul’s appointments to

  John Paul’s innovative use of

  Jubilee 2000 debate in

  papal election reform and



  Colorado Party, Paraguayan

  Commission of Cardinals

  Committee for the Great Jubilee of 2000

  Common Christological Declaration

  Common Declaration of Unity

  Common Market

  see also European Community


  in rift with Concilium


  collapse of

  crisis of modernity and

  family life and

  humanism and

  rule of law and

  Solzhenitsyn on culture of

  Communist Party:






  Polish (KPP)



  Comte, Auguste

  Comunione e Liberazione (Communion and Liberation)

  concentration camps

  see also specific camps


  Confalonieri, Carlo

  Conference of Religious in England and Wales

  Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)


  John Paul’s style in

  practice of

  Confessional (Grabski)

  Confessions (St. Augustine)

  Congar, Yves


  Congregation for Bishops

  Congregation for Catholic Education

  Congregation for Divine Worship

  Congregation for Oriental Churches

  Congregation for Religious

  Congregation for the Causes of Saints

  Congregation for the Clergy

  Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)

  Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: (cont.)

  ARCIC-I and

  Curran affair and

  CU’s ecumenical dispute with

  Instructions on liberation theology by

  Küng affair and

  “notification” on Boff by

  ordination of women and

  Ratzinger appointed Prefect of

  Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples

  Congress of People’s Deputies, Soviet

  Conrad-Martius, Hedwig

  Constance, Council of

  Constantinople, First Council of

  Cooke, Terence

  Copernicus, Nicolaus

  Coptic Orthodox Church

  Corinthians, First Book of

  Corpus Christi procession

  Corriere della Sera

  Cortés, Hernán

  Cossiga, Francesco

  Costa Rica

  Cottier, Georges

  “Council and the Work of Theologians, The” (Wojtyła)

  Council for Religious Affairs, Soviet

  Council of Cardinals to Study the Organizational and Economic Problems of the Holy See (Council of Fifteen)

  Council of Chalcedon

  Council of Constance

  Council of Ephesus

  Council of Europe

  Council of European Bishops’ Conferences

  Council of Nicaea, Second

  Council of the Laity

  Council of Trent

  Council to Help the Jews (“Zegota”)

  Courier from Warsaw (Nowak)

  Coyne, George

  creation stories

  “Cristero” uprising


  Cromwell, Oliver

  Crooks, Thomas

  Crossing the Threshold of Hope (John Paul II)

  Crucitti, Francesco

  Cruz, Oscar


  U.S. economic embargo of

  Cuban Bishops’ Conference

  Cuban Missile Crisis

  Cuban pilgrimage of 1998

  communist regime’s opposition to

  media and

  Cuilapan address

  Cultural Union

  Culture of Tomorrow

  Cunningham, Lawrence

  Cuomo, Mario

  Curran, Charles

  Ćwikła, Maria Kotlarczyk

  Cyril, Saint

  Cywiński, Bohdan

  Czartoryski, Stanisław


  Church in

  overthrow of communism in

  papal pilgrimage of 1990 to

  religious freedom petitions in

  St. Agnes’s canonization and

  St. Methodius demonstrations in

  Czech Republic

  Czerny, Pavel

  Dąbrowski, Bronisław

  “Dąbrowski Mazurka,”

  Dachau concentration camp

  Dalai Lama

  D’Alema, Massimo

  Daly, Cahal

  Dana (pop singer)

  Daneels, Godfried

  Daniélou, Jean

  Dańkowski, Piotr

  Dante Alighieri

  D’Aubuisson, Robert

  David (Wojtyła)

  Davies, Norman

  Day of the Sick

  Dębowska, Irena

  Dębowska, Krystyna

  “Decision to Work Against the Policies of the Vatican in Relation with Socialist States” (Soviet Union)

  Declaration of Independence, U.S.

  Declaration on Religious Freedom, see Dignitatis Humanae

  Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate)


  Decree of Priestly Formation

  Decree on Ecumenism

  Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity

  De Fürstenberg, Maximilian

  de Gaulle, Charles

  de Lubac, Henr

  on humanism

  John Paul’s friendship with

  named cardinal

  “Deluge, the,”

  De Martino, Jane


  in Centesimus Annus

  in Chile

  human rights and

  moral law and

  in Paraguay

  in Poland

  and pontificate of John Paul II

  and right to life

  truth and

  Democratic Left Alliance, Polish

  Democratic Party of the Left, Italian

  Deng Xiaoping


  Denver, Colo.

  Descartes, René

  D’Escoto, Miguel

  Deskur, Andrzej

  Deskur, Joseph


  Deutsche Presse Agentur

  De Villa, Henrietta

  de Vries, Minke

  Dezza, Paolo

  Dherse, Jean-Loup

  “Dialogue for Peace, A” (pastoral letter)

  Diana, Princess of Wales

  Diego, Caridad

  Dies Domini (The Day of the Lord) (John Paul II)

  Dignitatis Humanae (Declaration on Religious Freedom)

  Dimitrios I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople

  death of

  Rome pilgrimage by

  Dionne, E. J., Jr.

  Directory for the Applications of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism

  Dives in Misericordia (Rich in Mercy) (John Paul II)

  Divine Comedy (Dante)

  Divine Revelation

  Divinus Perfectionis Magister (Master of Divine Perfection) (John Paul II)


  Djilas, Milovan

  Doctrina de fide apud S. Ioannem a Cruce (The Doctrine of Faith According to St. John of the Cross) (Wojtyła)

  Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium)

  Dogmatic Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Vatican II)

  Dominic, Saint

  Dominican Republic

  papal pilgrimage of 1992 to

  Dominum et Vivificantem (Lord and Giver of Life) (John Paul II)

  Döpfner, Julius

  dos Santos, Alexandre José Maria

  dos Santos, Lucia

  Drinan, Robert

  Duarte, José Napoleon

  Dubček, Alexander

  Dulles, Avery

  Dunajewski, Albin

  “Dutch Catechism,”

  Duvalier family

  Dylan, Bob

  Dzerzhínskii, Feliks

  Dziwisz, Stanisław

  John Paul’s relationship with

  John Paul’s UN address and

  named bishop

  East Timor

  Ebeling, Gerhard

  Ecce Homo (Chmielowski)

  Ecclesia Dei (The Church of God) (John Paul II)

  Ecclesia Dei Commission

  Ecclesia in Africa (The Church in Africa) (John Paul II)

  Ecclesiam Suam (Paul VI)


  capitalism and

  state and


  ecumenism, ecumenical movement

  Balamand Document and

  CDF-CU controversy

  John Paul’s accomplishments on

  Joint Declaration and

  1983 Holy Year and

  Polish Church and

  Roman Catholic Outreach and

  Ut Unum Sint on

  see also specific churches and denominations

  Edinburgh Missionary Conference of 1910

  Egeria (pilgrim)

  Egregiae Virtutis (Men of Extraordinary Virtue) (John Paul II)


  Ehrlich, Emilia

  Einstein, Albert

  Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint

  Elizabeth of the Trinity

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England

  Ellacuría, Ignacio

  El Salvador

  Enigma coding machine

  Enrile, Juan Ponce

  Ephesians, Book of

  Ephesus, Council of

  Escrivá de Balaguer, Josemaría

  Estermann, Alois

  Esther, Book of


  Estonian Supreme Soviet

  Estíu, Pedro Meurice

  Etchegaray, Roger

  Etchegaray, Roger: (cont.)

  “parallel diplomacy” missions of


  Ethiopian Orthodox Church

  Etsou-Nzabi-Bamungwabi, Frédéric

  Eugene III, Pope


  Euntes in Mundum Universum (Going Out into the Whole World) (John Paul II)

  Europe, Council of

  European Commission

  European Community (EC)

  European Council of Ministers

  European Council of the Laity

  European Court of Human Rights

  European Ecumenical Assembly, Second (1997)

  European history, God and

  European Parliament

  John Paul’s address to

  European spiritual unity, Roman Catholic Church and

  European Synod of Bishops of 1991

  Christianity and history in

  East-West conflict in

  media and

  Rome-Orthodox relations and

  European Union (EU)


  Evaluation of the Possibility of Constructing a Christian Ethics on the Basis of the System of Max Scheler, An (Wojtyła)

  Evangelical Church, German

  “Evangelicals and Catholics Together,”

  Evangelii Nuntiandi (Paul VI)

  Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) (John Paul II)

  abortion issue in

  capital punishment in

  criticism of

  draft process of

  euthanasia in

  infallibility question and

  Lumen Gentium cited in

  moral law vs. democratic pluralism in

  response to

  Ex Corde Ecclesiae (From the Heart of the Church) (John Paul II)

  Expected Guest, The (play)

  Extraordinary Synod

  Final Report of

  Ratzinger Report and

  faith, reason and

  Falaise Pocket, Battle of the

  Falklands/Malvinas War

  Familiaris Consortio (The Community of the Family)

  family, family life:

  in Cairo Conference

  communism and

  religious freedom and

  sexuality and

  Synod on

  work and

  family planning, see birth control

  Fanini, Nilson

  Faribundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN)

  Felici, Pericle

  feminism, see women

  Feng Lizhi

  Feuerbach, Ludwig

  Fidei Depositum (The Deposit of Faith) (John Paul II)

  Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason) (John Paul II)

  Fifth Lateran Council

  Figlewicz, Kazimierz

  Figueiredo, João Batista

  Fiji Islands

  Filaret, Metropolitan of Kiev

  Final Report (Extraordinary Synod of 1985)

  Final Revolution, The (Weigel)

  Final Solution

  see also Holocaust

  Finite and Eternal Being (Stein)


  1st Armored Division, Polish

  First Council of Constantinople

  First Jewish War

  First Vatican Council

  Fisher, John

  Fitzpatrick, Ruth

  Florek, Józefa

  Florensky, Pavel

  Florovsky, Georges

  Flynn, Raymond

  Focolare movement

  Foley, John

  Food and Agricultural Organization (UN)


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