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Witness to Hope

Page 177

by George Weigel

  Poland occupied by

  Solidarity movement opposed by

  Wojtyła’s election as pope and


  canonizations in

  Spanish Civil War

  Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops, see European Synod of Bishops of 1991

  Spiritus Domini (The Spirit of the Lord) (John Paul II)

  Spyridon (Papagheorghiu)

  Sri Lanka


  origin of

  themes of

  Wojtyła’s paternal relationship with

  Stafford, J. Francis

  Stalin, Joseph

  Stanisław, Saint

  “Stanisław” (Wojtyła)

  Stark, Rodney

  Starowieyski, Stanisław

  State Department, U.S.

  Stefan Batory, Kind of Poland

  Stein, Auguste

  Stein, Edith (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

  beatification of

  canonization of

  Christian feminism of

  Stein, Rosa

  Stein, Siegfried

  Steinberg, Elan

  Steinfels, Peter

  Sterzinsky, Georg

  Stomma, Stanisław

  Stone Tablets (Żukrowski)

  Strasbourg, John Paul’s address at

  Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

  Stroessner, Alfredo

  Students’ Fraternal Aid Society

  “Studio 39,”

  Stwosz, Wit

  Styczeń, Tadeusz


  Christians persecuted in

  Suder, Kazimierz

  Suenens, Leo-Jozef



  Suhard, Emmanuel

  Suharto, Mohammed

  Summa Theologiae (Aquinas)

  Sunday Times (London)

  Supreme Court, Polish

  Supreme Court, U.S.

  Supreme Soviet, Estonian

  Supreme Soviet, Lithuanian

  Suslov, Mikhail


  Świątek, Kazimierz

  Świerc, Jan

  Swiezawska, Maria

  Swiezawski, Stefan

  Swiss Federation of Protestant Churches

  Swiss Guards


  papal pilgrimage of 1984 to

  Synagogue of Rome


  Synod for Asia of 1995

  Synod of Bishops

  Africa Synod

  Assembly for Lebanon

  birth control debate and

  collegiality of

  consecrated life discussions in

  European Synod, see European Synod of Bishops of 1991

  evangelization debate in

  Extraordinary Synod of, see Extraordinary Synod

  first general assembly of

  penitential practice and

  Synod on evangelization

  Synod on Family

  Synod of Greek Catholic Bishops

  Synod of Kraków

  closing of

  Synod on the Laity (1987)


  Syrian Orthodox Church

  Szajkowski, Bogdan

  Szczpak, Wanda

  Szkocka, Irena

  Szoka, Edmund

  Szostek, Andrzej

  Taban, Giacomo


  Taegocaron;n, Andrew Kim



  Tauran, Jean-Louis

  Taylor, Charles

  “Te Deum” (Haydn)

  Tehran Conference (1943)

  Ten Commandments

  as theme of 1991 pilgrimage

  Teoctist, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

  Teresa, Mother, see Mother Teresa of Calcutta

  Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Saint, see Stein, Edith

  Teresa of Avila, Saint

  Teresa of Jesus “of the Andes,”


  Muslim bomb plots and

  Tertio Millennio Adveniente (The Coming Third Millennium) (John Paul II)


  liberation, see liberation theology

  of messianic liberation

  moral, see moral theology

  philosophy and

  priesthood and

  science and

  Theology-History Commission

  Theology of Marriage and Celibacy, The (John Paul II)

  Theology of the Body (John Paul II)

  assessment of

  Blessed Are the Pure of Heart addresses in

  Michelangelo’s Sistine artworks and

  Original Unity of Man and Woman addresses on

  Reflections on Humanae Vitae in

  Theology of Marriage and Celibacy addresses in

  Thérèse of Lisieux, Saint

  Thessalonians, First Book of

  Third World

  Cairo Conference and

  debt question and

  social encyclical on

  Thomas Aquinas, Saint

  Thomas the Apostle, Saint



  Timerman, Jacobo

  Tischner, Józef

  Tito (Josip Broz)

  Toaff, Elio

  Todea, Alexandru


  Tokarz, Franciszek

  Tomášek, František

  Tomko, Jozef

  Tornay, Cedric

  To Rot, Peter

  Torpigliani, Bruno

  Torre Giovanni

  To the Youth of the World (John Paul II)

  “Tree of Faith and Peace, The” (hymn)

  Trent, Council of

  Trias, Miguel

  Trinh vacaron;n-Cacaron;n, Joseph-Marie

  Trinidad and Tobago

  Trinity, doctrine of

  Trochta, Stefan

  Trótsky, Leon

  Tucci, Roberto

  Tudjman, Franjo

  Tumi, Christian Wiyghan


  Turabi, Hassan


  Turowicz, Jerzy

  Turowska, Bozena

  Turowski, Gabriel

  Tygodnik Powszechny (Universal Weekly)

  communist regime’s harassment of

  Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa

  Tyranowski, Jan

  Tzadua, Paulos

  Ubi Primum (Benedict XIV)



  Greek Catholic Church in

  Ukrainian Catholic Church

  Ukrainian Synod of 1980

  Unbroken Prince, The (Słowacki)

  Undivine Comedy, The (Krasiński)

  UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)

  UNIA (Union)


  “Uniatism: Method of Union in the Past, and the Present Search for Full Communion,”

  Union of Brest (1596)

  United Nations

  Gulf crisis and

  International Youth Year of

  John Paul’s 1979 address to

  John Paul’s 1995 address to

  Nicaragua-Church conflict and

  Palestine mandate and

  Resolution 181 of

  Somalia crisis and

  United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA)

  United States

  alleged Vatican conspiracy with

  Bartholomew I’s visit to

  Catechism reception in

  Church in

  diplomatic relations with Vatican established

  Gulf War and

  Jesuit universities in

  Philippine revolution and

  religious education issue in

  Solidarity and Soviet relations with

  Somalia crisis and

  Vatican-Israeli Fundamental Agreement and

  Vatican’s Cairo Conference clash with

  Vietnam and

  Wojtyła’s perception of

d Youth Day (1993) in

  United States, papal pilgrimages to:

  of 1979

  of 1987

  of 1995

  United States Bishops’ Conference

  United States Catholic Conference

  Unity of the Churches: An Actual Possibility (Rahner and Fries)

  Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  Universi Dominici Gregis (The Shepherd of the Lord’s Whole Flock) (John Paul II)

  Upper Silesia

  Upper Volta (Burkina Faso)

  Urban VIII, Pope

  Urbi et Orbi


  Usowicz, Aleksander

  Ustinov, Dimitri


  Ut Unum Sint (That They May Be One) (John Paul II)

  Vaivods, Julijanus

  Vachon, Louis-Albert

  Valentine, Jerry

  Vanier, Jean

  Varela, Félix

  Vasylyk, Pavlo


  Auschwitz convent controversy and

  Balkan conflict and

  Banco Ambrosiano affair and

  Bartholomew I’s visit to

  Croatia recognized by

  diplomacy of

  diplomatic relations with U.S. established

  finances of

  Gulf War and

  “House of Mercy” in

  house of prayer established in

  as international mediator

  international politics and

  Israel’s fundamental agreement with, see Fundamental Agreement

  Israel’s relations with

  Italy and

  John Paul’s daily routine in

  media office of

  Particular Synod for Holland of

  Philippine revolution and

  priest-diplomats of

  Recovered Territories and

  St. Martha’s House in

  Vatican: (cont.)

  secrecy and suspicion in

  Slovenia recognized by

  Society of Jesus and

  Soviet propaganda campaign against

  U.S. bishops’ conflict with

  use of encyclicals by

  Web site of

  Wojtyła’s clandestine ordinations and

  Vatican Bank

  Vatican Council, First

  Vatican Information Service

  Vatican Radio

  Vatican II (Second Vatican Council)

  Ante-Preparatory Commission of

  atheism issue in

  Catechism and

  and Church as communio

  Church’s basic mission and

  code of common law revisions and

  crisis of humanism and

  criticism of

  disputed meaning of

  documents produced by, see specific documents

  ecumenism and

  Extraordinary Synod and, see Extraordinary Synod

  freedom debate in

  Holy Land visit during

  humanism and

  implementation of

  Jesuits and

  Jewish-Catholic relations and

  John Paul and legacy of

  laity debate in

  Lefebvre schism and, see Lefebvre, Marcel

  liberal-conservative dichotomy and

  liberation theology and

  liturgy debate in

  Maritain’s influence on

  modernity debate in

  moral theology and

  Netherlands and implementation of

  opening of

  politicking in

  priesthood and

  primary effect of

  process of

  proposed agenda for

  Ratzinger at

  religious freedom debate in

  restorationist criticism of

  secular upheaval in aftermath of

  Synod of Kraków as implementation of

  Theological Commission of

  twentieth-anniversary assessment of

  Wojtyła’s broadcasts and articles during

  see also Person and Act

  Vaughan, Norman


  venial sin

  Ver, Fabian

  Veritatis Splendor (The Splendor of Truth) (John Paul II)

  media criticism of

  nature of freedom in

  theological criticism of

  see also moral theology

  Vetulani, Adam

  Vianney, Saint John Mary

  Vicariate of Solidarity

  Vidal, Ricardo

  Vienna, Battle of


  Catechism censored by

  Vatican’s negotiations with

  Vikström, John

  Villa, Henrietta de see De Villa, Henrietta

  Villot, Jean

  Virgin Mary

  as first disciple

  as mother of Church

  primacy of discipleship and

  in Vatican II

  Vistula, Battle of the (1920)

  Vita Consecrata (The Consecrated Life) (John Paul II)

  Vladimir, Prince of Kievan Rus’

  Vlk, Miloslav

  Volk, Hermann

  Voltaire Club

  Wadowice, Poland

  as center of literary culture

  Jews of

  John Paul’s 1979 pilgrimage to

  John Paul’s 1991 pilgrimage to

  Wais, Kazimierz

  Waldera, Romuald

  Waldheim, Kurt

  Walentynowicz, Anna

  Wałęsa, Lech

  elected president of Poland

  1993 election and

  Nobel Peace Prize awarded to

  Wall Street Journal

  War of Independence, Israeli

  Warsaw, Poland:

  1979 papal pilgrimage to

  1983 papal pilgrimage to

  Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

  Warsaw Pact

  Waschbüsch, Rita

  Washington Post

  Wawel Cathedral (Kraków)


  Way, The (Escrivá de Balaguer)

  “We Are One Body” (song)

  We Are the Church

  Weiss, Avraham

  Weizsäcker, Carl-Friedrich von

  Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of


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