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Witness to Hope

Page 180

by George Weigel

  Egeria (pilgrim)

  Egregiae Virtutis (Men of Extraordinary Virtue) (John Paul II)


  Ehrlich, Emilia

  Einstein, Albert

  Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint

  Elizabeth of the Trinity

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England

  Ellacuría, Ignacio

  El Salvador

  Enigma coding machine

  Enrile, Juan Ponce

  Ephesians, Book of

  Ephesus, Council of

  Escrivá de Balaguer, Josemaría

  Estermann, Alois

  Esther, Book of


  Estonian Supreme Soviet

  Estíu, Pedro Meurice

  Etchegaray, Roger

  Etchegaray, Roger: (cont.)

  “parallel diplomacy” missions of


  Ethiopian Orthodox Church

  Etsou-Nzabi-Bamungwabi, Frédéric

  Eugene III, Pope


  Euntes in Mundum Universum (Going Out into the Whole World) (John Paul II)

  Europe, Council of

  European Commission

  European Community (EC)

  European Council of Ministers

  European Council of the Laity

  European Court of Human Rights

  European Ecumenical Assembly, Second (1997)

  European history, God and

  European Parliament

  John Paul’s address to

  European spiritual unity, Roman Catholic Church and

  European Synod of Bishops of 1991

  Christianity and history in

  East-West conflict in

  media and

  Rome-Orthodox relations and

  European Union (EU)


  Evaluation of the Possibility of Constructing a Christian Ethics on the Basis of the System of Max Scheler, An (Wojtyła)

  Evangelical Church, German

  “Evangelicals and Catholics Together,”

  Evangelii Nuntiandi (Paul VI)

  Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) (John Paul II)

  abortion issue in

  capital punishment in

  criticism of

  draft process of

  euthanasia in

  infallibility question and

  Lumen Gentium cited in

  moral law vs. democratic pluralism in

  response to

  Ex Corde Ecclesiae (From the Heart of the Church) (John Paul II)

  Expected Guest, The (play)

  Extraordinary Synod

  Final Report of

  Ratzinger Report and

  faith, reason and

  Falaise Pocket, Battle of the

  Falklands/Malvinas War

  Familiaris Consortio (The Community of the Family)

  family, family life:

  in Cairo Conference

  communism and

  religious freedom and

  sexuality and

  Synod on

  work and

  family planning, see birth control

  Fanini, Nilson

  Faribundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN)

  Felici, Pericle

  feminism, see women

  Feng Lizhi

  Feuerbach, Ludwig

  Fidei Depositum (The Deposit of Faith) (John Paul II)

  Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason) (John Paul II)

  Fifth Lateran Council

  Figlewicz, Kazimierz

  Figueiredo, João Batista

  Fiji Islands

  Filaret, Metropolitan of Kiev

  Final Report (Extraordinary Synod of 1985)

  Final Revolution, The (Weigel)

  Final Solution

  see also Holocaust

  Finite and Eternal Being (Stein)


  1st Armored Division, Polish

  First Council of Constantinople

  First Jewish War

  First Vatican Council

  Fisher, John

  Fitzpatrick, Ruth

  Florek, Józefa

  Florensky, Pavel

  Florovsky, Georges

  Flynn, Raymond

  Focolare movement

  Foley, John

  Food and Agricultural Organization (UN)

  Forefathers’ Eve (Mickiewicz)

  “Forefathers’ Eve and the Twentieth Anniversary” (Wojtyła)

  Foreign Press Association of Italy

  Fossanuova, Abbey of

  “Foundations of the Church’s Doctrine on the Principles of Conjugal Life, The,”

  Fourth World Conference on Women, see Beijing Women’s Conference


  Catechism sales in

  Catholicism in

  John Paul’s UNESCO speech in

  Lustiger and

  papal pilgrimage of 1996 to

  papal pilgrimage of 1997 to

  Taizé monastery of

  worker-priests in

  World Youth Day in

  France: A Mission Country? (Godin)

  Francis of Assisi, Saint

  Franco, Francisco

  Frank, Hans

  Frank, Simon


  family life as true school of

  as giving vs. taking

  humanism and

  Instructions on

  love and

  martyrdom and

  modernity and

  moral theology and


  in Our God’s Brother

  in Person and Act

  religious, see religious freedom

  and role of workers

  sexuality and

  sin and

  transnational organizations and

  truth and

  Vatican II debate on

  in Veritatis Splendor

  free will, human condition and

  French Revolution

  Fresno Larraín, Juan Francisco

  Fries, Heinrich

  Frings, Joseph

  Fritsch (Auschwitz commandant)

  From a Far Country (film)

  Frossard, André

  Fundamental Agreement

  aftermath of

  agenda for

  bilateral commission and

  and definition of Church

  diplomatic relations question and

  follow-on negotiations in

  framework for negotiations of

  Holy See-Vatican issue in

  Jaeger-Gur back channel in

  John Paul’s role in

  “Legal Personality Agreement” and

  Madrid peace conference and

  negotiations in

  Orthodox Church’s approval of

  prelude to

  religious freedom article of

  signing of

  U.S. diplomacy and


  Gadamer, Hans-Georg

  Gajowniczek, Franciszek

  Galatians, Book of

  Galen, Clemens August von

  Galileo Galilei

  Gałkowska, Maria Braun

  Gałkowski, Jerzy

  Ganaka, Gabriel

  Gandhi, Indira

  Gandhi, Mohandas

  Gantin, Bernardin

  Garcia, Dennis

  Garrigou-Lagrange, Reginald

  Garrone, Gabriel-Marie

  Gatti, Luigi

  “Gaude Mater Polonia” (Rejoice, Mother Poland)

  Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World) (Schema XIII)

  Gdańsk Accords (1980)

  Gdańsk Shipyard Massacre

  Gebhardt (teacher)

  Genesis, Book of

  George, Francis

  Georgetown University

  German Bishops’ Conference

  Germany, Democratic Republic of (East)

  mass emigration from

  Germany, Federal Republic of (West)

  and beatification of Stein

  Catholicism in

  Cologne mass of 1987 in

  papal pilgrimage of 1980 to

  papal pilgrimage of 1987 to

  Vatican II and

  Germany, Imperial

  Germany, Nazi

  Germany, Reunified

  new evangelism in

  papal pilgrimage of 1996 to

  Germany, Weimar

  Gettysburg Address

  Geyer, Georgie Anne


  Gielgud, John

  Gierek, Edward

  ouster of

  Gift and Mystery (John Paul II)

  Gigot, Paul

  Gilboa, Moshe

  Gilson, Etienne

  Giscard d’Estaing, Valery

  Giudici, Piervincenzo

  Giussani, Luigi


  Glemp, Józef

  Glendon, Mary Ann

  Głos Narodu (The Voice of the People)


  atheistic humanism and

  creation stories and

  European history and

  the future and

  history and

  human love and

  love of

  marriage and

  mercy of

  Michelangelo’s depiction of

  modern culture and

  mystical encounter with

  and nature of work

  original sin and communion with

  papacy as bridge to

  revelation of

  saint making and

  self-giving and

  sexual love and

  as source of Christian unity

  Trinity doctrine and

  in Wojtyła’s doctoral dissertation

  work and creativity of

  Godin, Abbé

  Gomułka, Władysław

  Gong Pin-mei, Ignatius

  “Good Friday of Bratislava,”

  Good Samaritan, parable of

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  August 1991 coup against

  Casaroli’s praise of

  John Paul’s correspondence with

  Nobel Peace Prize awarded to

  perestroika policy of

  as providential man

  Sakharov and

  Vatican visits by

  Gorbachev, Raisa

  Gore, Al

  Górecki, Henryk

  Grabski, Władysław

  Graça Guedes Sales Henriques, Maria da

  Graham, Billy

  Grammont, Dom Paul

  Great Britain

  Falklands War and

  papal pilgrimage of 1982 to

  Great Jubilee of the Year 2000

  “Great Novena,”

  Greek Catholic Church (GCC):

  in Romania

  Russian Orthodox Church and

  St. Teresa’s Church controversy and

  in Ukraine

  and Union of Brest

  Greene, Graham

  Gregory I (the Great), Pope

  Gregory VII, Pope

  Gregory XI, Pope

  Gregory XVI, Pope

  Greinacher, Norbert

  Grillmeier, Alois

  Groblicki, Juliusz

  Groër, Hans Hermann

  Gromyko, Andrei

  John Paul’s meetings with

  Grósz, Károly

  Grünwald, Battle of

  Grzybowski, Wacław



  Guevara, Che

  Guinea Bissau

  Gulag Archipelago

  Gulbinowicz, Henryk

  Gulf War

  Vatican’s role in

  Gur, Shlomo

  Gutiérrez, Gustavo

  Gutiu, Gheorghe


  Halifax, Edward Wood, Lord

  “Hallelujah Chorus” (Handel)

  Hallier, Hans-Joachim

  Hamao, Stephen Fumio

  Hamer, Jerome

  Hartford Appeal for Theological Affirmation

  Harvey, James

  Hasang, Paul Chocaron;ng

  Hassan II, King of Morocco

  Havel, Václav

  Hays, Joe

  Hegel, G. W. F.

  Heidegger, Martin

  Heim, Bruno

  “Helpful Love” (newsletter)

  Helsinki Final Act (1975)

  Casaroli on

  Madrid review conference for

  Solidarity crisis and

  Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor


  Hertzberg, Arthur

  Herzl, Theodore

  Herzog, Roman

  Heschel, Abraham Joshua

  Heydel, Teresa, see Życzkowska, Teresa Heydel

  Heydel, Zdzisław

  Hickey, James

  Hildebrand, Dietrich von

  Hirohito, Emperor of Japan

  Hiroshima Peace Memorial

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hlond, Augustyn

  Höffner, Joseph


  Catholic remembrance of

  Christian anti-Judaism and

  and Jews of Italy

  see also anti-Semitism; Jews, Judaism

  Holocaust Memorial Concert

  Holy Land

  Church policy in

  Holy Roman Empire

  Holy See Press Office (Sala Stampa)

  Holy Year of the Redemption (1983-84)

  Homo Dei (Man of God)


  Honecker, Erich

  Hong Kong

  Hoomkamp, Kathryn Hawa

  House of Representatives, U.S.

  Hoxha, Enver

  Humanae Vitae (Paul VI)

  Humani Generis (Pius XII)




  crisis in

  freedom and

  Marxist reduction of

  and reality of sin

  Vatican II and

  “humanitarian intervention,”

  human rights

  in Argentina

  Charter 77 movement for

  Chilean abuses of

  El Salvador civil war and

  in Indonesia

  in 1979 UN address

  in 1995 UN address

  religious freedom and

  U.S. bishops and

  in Washington Monument talk

  Hume, Basil

  Hungarian Revolution of 1956


  Church in

  papal visit of 1991 to

  Vatican establishment of diplomatic relations with

  Hurley, Francis T.

  Hus, Jan

  Husák, Gustav

  Hussein, Saddam

  Husserl, Edmund

  Huxley, Aldous

  Hyde, Henry

  Hymns (Kasprowicz)


  Ignatius IV Hazim, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch

  Ignatius Loyola, Saint


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