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40 Explicit Adult Stories

Page 6

by Heather Hearts

  Lars was almost upon her, she could feel the fetid air around her grow stifling. His hands reaching out for the object of his desire. The coarseness of his fingers clearly visible, without even being handled by them. She heard him laugh – a deep throaty thing.

  “Oho, lookee here, boys.” He sneered. “We are blessed this day. This one is in heat… she wants a good pounding alright.”

  “No, please…” Esmeralda found her voice, though it was small and inaudible. She hated the sight of these vile dogs. The way they saw her as a piece of meat, ready to be shared among the pack. It was vile, putrid!

  “Go on boss, go on!” Kirk grunted. “And then we can…”

  But then… the young man’s grip on her ankle loosened with a sudden jerk as the ground shook violently under them. It happened again, and then again. The three men holding her down let her go and fell to the ground, losing their balance.

  Lars looked frantically left and right. “It can’t be… this isn’t…”

  He couldn’t finish his sentence as Esmeralda’s left foot struck him hard in the face, throwing him off balance. He fell backward as she scrambled to her feet. Confused as to how she did that, the slim young woman let her instincts take over and leapt to her feet. But before she could get away, Lars was upon her in a flash. She felt his hot breath on her neck as he weighed her down, his hands grasping to catch hold of her soft skin.

  Then, a dark shadow loomed over them and she felt Lars’ weight suddenly lift off her. When she turned over on her back, her mind reeled. Facing away with its back turned to her, a creature almost twice the height of a man stood upright, holding a struggling Lars in its massive claw-like hands. The creature moved with amazing speed that beguiled the enormity of its size and hurled the gangly man into his three cowering companions. Lars jumped to his feet instantly, red faced and seething. His eyes had a blood-mad glow in them.

  For the next few minutes, Esmeralda thought she had gone mad or was in the strangest dream she ever had. Before her blurry eyes, the four men who were about to rape her changed into huge hairy wolfish looking creatures, their eyes red as blood and huge mouths lined with teeth that could tear flesh off a horse with ease. Her head swam, she couldn’t focus. The huge shadow between her and the four wolf-creatures let out an ear splitting roar and lunged at the four of them.

  She crawled backwards, trying to get as much distance between her and the savage beasts fighting before her terrified eyes. She turned and her heart almost leapt out of her mouth. Another huge creature loomed beside her. It had soft, dark brown fur all over and looked just like a giant grizzly bear. Its dark eyes regarded her intently with a gleam of feral intelligence that almost reached her soul. Her knees trembled and she fell again, turning away to look at the first bear clawing and clubbing away at the four wolves. She shivered violently as, like a sudden rush of wind, the bear standing next to her moved away and joined the fight. She saw the wolves beginning to back off, her head felt heavy and her exhausted body gave in. The ground rushed up to meet her and everything went black.

  The musical chime of water running downhill and the soft chirping of evening birds filled her senses as she opened her eyes to a star filled twilight sky. She sighed deeply at the beauty that surrounded her. A full moon cast a pale, comforting light all around the serene meadow and Esmeralda stretched her refreshed body. She felt good, strangely invigorated and a little hungry. She sat up and looked around her. She was still in the meadow though the sun had set and a pleasant chill in the air drifted over her body. She gasped softly, realizing that she was naked. Then the memories of her ordeal during the day came flooding back.

  She stood up quickly, still a little light headed. Her eyes darted from left to right and up and all around her. She didn’t see anyone near, no lanky men, no wolves and no bears. She sighed and leaned against a tree. The sound of the nearby stream reminded her that she was thirsty; she gingerly walked up to it, washed her face and drank deeply. As she peered at her reflection in the water, a face loomed up from behind her with dark intense eyes gleaming in the moonlight. Esmeralda turned around quickly and lost her balance. A strong hand grabbed her arm, keeping her from falling into the stream.

  She looked up at the huge shadow that towered over her, her mind racing once again. The grip on her arm was hurting her and she winced. Her rescuer pulled her close; she felt the hard muscular body against hers. It felt like the body of a human, of a man. She looked up but it was too dark under the tree to see the face.

  “Who are you?” She asked, reaching up to touch his face.

  “I am Adam.” He said, in a clear accent. “And you?”

  “Oh, er… I am Esmeralda, from the east.” She answered, pressing closer to him, feeling strangely safe in his embrace.

  “Why are you here… on our ancestral land?” He moved away from the bubbling stream, leading her along with him.

  “I… I was brought here by those… men… those things?” She stammered, as they moved into the moon lit meadow again.

  She could see him now. He was taller than anyone she had ever met, almost close to seven feet and his heavily muscled body looked like a force of nature. She eyed him curiously and then gasped. He too was as naked as she, but he didn’t seem to care.

  “They will not harm you now?” He said. “Their lives are forfeit for having broken their pact with us.”

  “Us?” She looked at him searchingly; a cold chill ran down her spine.

  “Yes, we are the keepers of this land,” He nodded, looking at her with cold eyes. “And they have desecrated it with their foul deed.”

  “But they were men who changed into something else… like wolves.” She ventured frightfully.

  “Yes, they are werewolves.”

  “Werewolf… oh, dear.” She sat down on an outcrop of rock, oblivious of her nudity and his. “And there was also these huge bear like things...”

  “Yes, we are werebears.”

  “What?” She panicked, holding up her hands in reflex. “You are one like them.”

  “Yes.” He nodded and looked in the direction of the bushes near them. “Kane, you can come out now.”

  The bushes rustled and twigs snapped as a huge bear, almost ten feet high lumbered out and roared softly at the full moon. Its great head turned downward and it looked at Esmeralda, licking its snout with a long, slavering tongue.

  “No, please… don’t hurt me.” She covered her head with her hands.

  “We will not hurt you, Esmer-Alda.” Adam said calmly. “Kane, shift to this form, please.”

  The huge bear looked down at him, brooding like a colossal force of aggression. Then it suddenly made a strange gurgling noise and began to recede in size. Esmeralda watched with disbelief as the huge bear slowly metamorphosed into a young man, as tall and muscular as Adam, with hair as black as night and steel hard bronzed skin. He too was naked and made no attempt to hide it.

  “This is my brother, Kane.” Adam looked at her. “He does not speak.”

  “Oh, I… pleased to meet you.” She answered in a trembling voice, her heart pounding in her breast loud enough to echo in her head.

  The one called Kane nodded at her and bowed slightly. His deep chest heaved as a rumbling sound emitted from this throat.

  “Kane is pleased to meet you too, as am I.” Adam went on. “You must be tired and famished; we have gathered some nourishment for you.”

  “Oh, I… but I…” She looked around her in surprise.

  Adam placed a few dozen fruits and nuts before her on a large leaf, beckoning her to sit with him. She was hungry and didn’t think much about how they got her the food; she just sat down and began eating the juicy peaches and rich walnuts.

  “When you have gathered your strength,” Adam smiled at her, “you will conjugate with Kane and me to keep this sacred land at peace with the spirits.”

  “Conjugate…” She almost choked on a cherry. “With the two of you… what in heaven…?”

  “The vile ones w
ho brought you here defiled this place with their intent to ravage and kill you here.” Adam went on. “We will not compel you, you may leave if you so choose. But the land will be forever tainted and we shall have to leave it behind.”

  Esmeralda looked up at the naked young man sitting on the moss beside her with a sense of bewilderment. His handsome face, chiseled and sharp, was framed by raven black hair that almost reached his broad, muscular shoulders. His deep chest, massive arms and thick, tree trunk like thighs emanated power she had never seen before. And then her eyes fell on the naked organ between his legs. She took in a sharp breath, her head spinning slightly. Her belly tightened and an unfamiliar pulsing sensation began between her naked legs. She felt strange, and a need to be touched filled her senses. Was it the food she ate, or was it this enchanting place, she couldn’t tell. All she seemed to desire then was the perverse need to be taken by this naked stranger before her.

  “I feel strangely drawn to you.” She said, looking at him. “I’ve never felt this way before… ever.”

  “Your instincts have come alive.” He said, his deep penetrating eyes gleaming in the moonlight. “The sequestered life that you left behind no longer inhibits your natural senses.”

  “But I came here to help the people of Shamrock Bells.” She said, almost desperately.

  “They are beyond helping.” Adam looked up at the full moon. “And you are here to save this land… and that will help them as well.”

  “How will that…” She searched his face.

  “You will know soon after.” He looked back at her. “Come, it is time.”

  “Time?” Her eyes went wide as he reached for her.

  He lifted her up in his muscular arms as if she was a little lamb, the sudden weightlessness made her giddy and she laughed nervously. She didn’t feel any revulsion at his touch, but instead she desired it. The urge to resist him flickered for an instant in her mind, but it was flooded out a carnal need overpowering her body.

  Adam laid her down on a soft, moss covered elevation near the stream and looked at her naked body intensely. She eyed him with trepidation, her heart beating hard against her chest. He gently lifted her ankles, spreading her legs apart and exposing her arousal to him. She took in a sharp breath, not knowing what to expect next. She recalled the brutal way the other men, the ones who were wolves, were about to rape her. But Adam was nothing like them, his touch was gentle, his caresses were caring, setting her skin on fire. She moaned as his hands lifted her buttocks up and he lowered his face to her throbbing pussy.

  She gasped and arched her back, her body going stiff at the sensation of his long tongue lashing over her pussy. Her chest heaved and fell, her belly quivered violently. His large hands caressed her silky smooth thighs and buttocks as he lovingly licked her moist opening. She closed her eyes and offered a silent prayer that her sins may be forgiven, that her body may be allowed to manifest over her mind for this one time.

  Esmeralda opened her eyes to the sight of Kane standing before them as Adam pleasured her. The young man was as tall and powerful as Adam, and though he lacked the ability of speech, his eyes were expressive. At that moment they expressed his lust for her. She drank into his god-like muscular body, breathing in short gasps at every one of Adam’s slurping kisses. Kane thrust his hips forward, twitching her enormous erection before her bemused eyes. She felt an inexplicable need to touch him, to kiss that beautiful organ and take it in her mouth. But he just stood there watching his brother lick her from her clitoris to her tender bunghole.

  “Oh, god…” She moaned. “I… I can’t believe…”

  “Kane.” Adam looked up at his brother and nodded.

  She watched with apprehension as Adam moved away from her and Kane took his place between her outstretched legs. And even though he couldn’t speak his tongue was as long and lively as Adam’s. She gasped and went stiff as he spread her pussy with his hard fingers and teased her clitoris. A surge of impulses rapidly coursed through her young body, bringing senses she didn’t even know she had to life.

  Adam sank to his knees before her and gently caressed her aching breasts. The soft white globes rose to meet his touch, her pink nipples surging out, hard and erect. He smiled at her and she couldn’t resist kissing him. Their lips coalesced and tongues danced. She tasted herself on his tongue and intense shivers cascaded down her body. He reluctantly released her lips and moved down to her breasts, kissing and sucking on the sensitive nipples.

  The loving attention to her sensitive zones sent her mind into a lust filled haze. Kane’s snake like tongue all over her swollen virgin pussy and Adam’s teasing of her breasts propelled her body into a shuddering orgasm. She gasped and choked, her scream a hoarse whisper as feelings she had never even known to have had exploded all over her at once. She shook violently, her eyes wide open, staring unblinking at the sea of stars spinning in the dark sky overhead.

  “You are now prepared for the ritualistic mating.” Adam said, releasing her breasts. “Now it is time for you to prepare Kane and me.”

  She looked at the two young men as they stood up and moved away from her. Her senses still reeling from the power of her first ever orgasm, she eagerly looked forward to doing for them what they did for her. She slid down off the elevation to the mossy ground, smiling dazedly at them. The two glanced at each other and nodded, then stepped up to her, their erections standing upright, waving inches from her awestruck face.

  She looked at one throbbing cock and then at the other. They were identical, in length, girth and hardness. She gingerly reached up and touched the waving organs before her. The musky odor filled her mind, making her quivering pussy throb even more. She held one in each hand and slowly stroked the rock hard rubbery organs, the sensation pleasurable to her touch. A thrill coursed through her, for the first time ever she had beheld a man’s erect organ, and not one but two almost identical ones. She pulled the foreskins back, exposing the red hot heads close to her lovely lips.

  Adam caressed her hair, groaning at her delicate touch. She smiled up at him and flicked out her tongue tasting both their bulging cock heads at once. Her eyes lit up, a perverse need to take the two cocks in her mouth filled her mind. She turned toward Kane and kissed his cockhead lovingly, and then did the same for Adam. After a few more alternating kisses between the two, she popped Adam into her mouth and sucked on him hungrily. Kane’s cock rubbed on her flushed cheek, smearing his pre-cum all over her face. Esmeralda released Adam and turned her attention on Kane, taking more than just the head into her mouth. The pulsing warmth of his shaft down her throat felt good, she relished the taste and the feeling of fullness.

  “Ah, sweet Esmeralda, you give much pleasure.” Adam moaned, rubbing his red hot cockhead on her face and neck.

  “Oh, so do you, Adam…” She moaned, reluctantly releasing Kane. “And you too, Kane.”

  Esmeralda turned her attention to Adam’s cock, taking it into her hungry mouth, trying to go all the way to the root. She gagged and her eyes misted, but she kept going on, as if possessed. Her slender fingers caressed his large hairy balls, making him groan in pleasure. Her tongue swirled under the ridge of his cockhead as she took more of him deeper into her mouth. Adam jerk, grasping her head with both hands, caressing her hair. Adam’s cock felt like it was alive; the warm hardness pulsing against her hungry lips. She went down deeper on him, clamping her lips tightly and sucking hard as if she had been doing it for years.

  Adam slowly lowered himself, with Esmeralda still sucking him fervently, until he was lying on the ground, his back resting on the thick trunk of a tree. She was on her hands and knees, reluctant to release her prize. She wanted to keep sucking him until he would orgasm. She recollected vaguely what she had heard from the maids at the Marston House about the enriching and delicious seed that men produced. She was interested to know if that were true.

  She sensed Kane touch her bare buttocks from behind her. It sent a flurry of sparks though her body as she sucked on Adam.
She didn’t look back but every fiber of her being wanted Kane to touch her, to caress her body, to let his rough, strong hands roam all over her feverish body. But Kane had more than his hands to offer her. He knelt down and began kissing her buttocks and licking her crack. She moaned into Adam’s cock, wriggling her hips at the sensation of Kane’s lively tongue searching out her dripping pussy.

  Esmeralda spread her knees wider; allowing Kane more access to her. He showed his appreciation by lashing his tongue over her with ravenous greed. It slithered from her clitoris to her anus and she loved it. Her body trembled, signally the rise of another orgasm building up inside. She drew her focus back on Adam, feeling his cock swell even more in her throat. She fought back the gagging sensation, as he pushed her head down, forcing more of him in. She couldn’t control her natural reflex to gag, her drool gushed out, smearing his cock, dribbling down the thick shaft, over his huge balls and her fingers.

  Adam released her head and nodded silently at Kane as she came up for air. She released his cock and took a deep breath, her tears freely flowing down her face as her drool ran down her chin and neck all the way to her breasts. Her mind was ablaze, her body burning, the sharp intake of air made her giddy. Then, at the selfsame moment of her euphoria, a sharp, body rending pain seared through her. Kane had ruptured her virginity on one fell thrust when she had least expected it. Her scream was hindered by her need to take in air, her eyes bulged and her body shuddered. Adam held her down, his cock inches from her face as Kane plowed into her delicate nubility.


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