40 Explicit Adult Stories
Page 48
And the way she dressed... her certainly got more than enough! The man would sigh heavily each time he walked into the room, looking over at Emma and noting her flawless figure. He was a fairly attractive man, despite his repulsive manners. It would be a lie to say that Emma had not had more than a fantasy or two about the fellow and some late night, after-hour sessions... but that, like always, is as far as they ever got. Stuck in the mind of this fanciful virgin.
And so, this was the kind of place she worked in – filled with horndogs and run of the mill assholes trying to become bigshots.
Another part of Emma's job involved receiving and distributing a large number of packages (there's a sexual joke in there somewhere, she always thought) each day. It was only to expected for a business like this. They needed all sorts of things, every day. She was more than happy to inspect each box or parcel before giving it the final ok, whereupon she would set it aside for whoever it was addressed to.
None of this seemed strange or out of the ordinary. And again, why would she suspect otherwise? But on this day... there arrived a rather peculiar package. One with a dark pink sticker attached to the front of it. This was the only reason young Emma even bothered to take a second look at the item. Any other day or color and it would have been passed along without another thought. But, that pink...
“Hmm...” She mused aloud, lifting it up to inspect the weight. It seemed light enough. “What do we have here?”
The cute girl held the object up to here ear, for some odd reason. As if she were expecting a ticking clock or perhaps a woofing puppy. She heard neither of these, but there was no disappointment written across her face. A quick twisting of the box allowed her to see the first opening.
And here was the most unusual part of it all... her name was written on the front! The package had been addressed to the lovely lass! The one with that great ass and intoxicating smile. It was a wonder even more packages weren't addressed to the heart-stopping beauty.
“What the...” Emma whispered, slowly positioning the parcel in front of her for a closer examination. And here she took a moment to look around the room, as if perhaps some one were playing a trick on her. This was a most unfamiliar situation, after all. But, there appeared to be no one looking over suspiciously at her, or peeking out from behind a plant or nearby doorway with a goofy grin. No, no, it seemed to be a legitimate package for the girl.
However, there was no return mailing address. No from sender information, only her name splayed across the front.
That being the case, she took it upon herself to slide open the tabs and look inside. A risky move for the sheltered girl, it seemed. Though her heart was a flutter with anticipation of what it might be. And already fantasies of secret lovers and large manhoods flitted about in her mind...
“Oh my!” She called out with a great deal of shock upon seeing the contents.
A simple note. Plainly written, not ornately dressed up in the least.
“Could it be?” She whispered, still in disbelief. “No, it couldn't be...”
But indeed it was. A little letter, addressed to the attractive woman with her sexual longings aching to be fulfilled.
Emma held it tightly to her chest, already deep in day-dream. Something had obviously tickled her fancy.
“Oh my...” She blushed, her southern slit beginning to moisten.
It's not every day that a shy girl receives a letter like this. And one so bold! It was beyond unheard of! For the letter in her hand contained a very naughty, a very lewd, a very tempting request for a girl such as Emma – and from a man well beyond her means, that much she could tell by the ornate stylings of the package and card. The spark of passion was fast ignited in her belly – along with her tingling pussy. For her lady bits had already begun to warm at the thought of actually living out this fantasy... the very one which had been described to her in this missive!
A steamy message sent forth by someone of a very handsome, muscular nature... He had written the seductive girl a string of dirty requests – and simply ended the message with a meeting place and time for the plump girl to arrive for a night of unadulterated passion! A royal decree, it seemed. Not so much a request, but an order as it were. Commanded by the king!
Emma smiled to herself, tucking the missive away into her pocket – she just hoped her gushing erotic liquids wouldn't get it too damp until later tonight...
It was not every day that a girl of Emma's type received this type of request. And make no mistake about it, that is precisely what she had! For the letter was not a bill, nor a shopping list from her mother... no, no, no!
The note she received held something far lustier than any of those such things. For inside the letter, she had been told a very naughty message, and then instructed to visit a rather secluded place in which she could act out the wanton acts described in the letter. Oh my, and how the words had made her thighs wet with excitement! She'd never expected anything like this to occur... especially not to a girl like her!
Summoned by the king!
Emma arrived to the palace right on schedule. She always was a punctual girl (a trait she could control, despite being of lowly blood), and evidently this was no time to deviate from that. However, she had dressed the girl in a bit more provocative clothes than normal. Well, much more as it were! Emma was a knockout! Though they had some tatters here and there... she felt that there was a reason the king had decided to summon her of all people!
Her form-fitting dress... clinging to her wide, full ass for dear life! Oh my, how it fit every curve and contour of her body so perfectly! No man could possibly resist her tempting figure, or so her friends had said. The fact remained to be seen, as she approached the fancy building. A tall mansion of sorts. The king had requested to meet her here, at his home in one of the many palaces he held control of. Although the structure seemed very elegant! The kind of place only the richest of the rich would ever set foot in. Emma thought she herself even looked a bit out of place.
“The girl?” A guard asked her, quite gruffly.
She nodded meekly.
“To the highest tower!” He barked, pointing at the nearby steps.
But the lusty longing between her thighs drove the nervous girl onward and upward – as she trudged forward, up the stairs and set her sights for the highest floor.
The nervy girl took a moment to preen herself. Fixing her hair and looking down to check her enticing breasts and making sure every piece of the attire appeared immaculate. She needed to make a good first impression, after all.
She reached a door at the top. One man posted outside. He took one look at the girl and smiled, before BANGING loudly against the door. So hard and forceful that she nearly faltered, falling down the steps. But the young lass managed to maintain her composure.
Suddenly there came a sudden jarring, and there before her, the door began to open. It was time... And so Emma stepped out and into the ornate, polished floor and moved forward. Now, more than ever, she questioned if it seemed too good to be true. Being here at this opulent place... meeting some lofty figure... how could it even be possible!
She was just a simple, frightened virgin after all. Things like this weren't supposed to happen to girls like her – and yet, here she was!
Emma took one last chance to glance down at her dress. Yep, it was time...
And with that, she approached the inner door, just as instructed... the girl then raised her hand into the air – where the fingers curled downward, presenting her knuckles in an apprehensive manner.
She took one big breath and...
Turned to run! It was all too much for the girl. She shouldn't be in a place like this! She couldn't be! Summoned by the king or not! It was a dastardly place! She wouldn't be someone's whore! How could she have allowed herself to get into such nonsense! It was ludicrous! Emma wasn't the kind of girl to go around meeting strange men... no!
And so the thin girl darted to the rear, hoping
to escape before anyone else took notice of her presence. And so just like that, she turned and...
There she found herself colliding with what felt like a solid steel wall... but rather warm, as it were. A kind of heated barricade. The impact sent her sprawling to the rear, bouncing off of the obstruction. The girl thought she would surely plummet to the floor in shame, but it was not to be so.
For she felt a strong, yet gentle, set of fingers wrap tightly around her wrist – pulling her upright to stop the shameful tumble, in mid free-fall. Quite an impressive feat, indeed.
Emma had shut her eyes during the collision, unsure of what was even taking place. Aside from letting out a dull OOF! When first hitting the object.
“Oh, good morrow there,” intoned the manly voice, belonging to the stranger who had just saved the girl from imminent doom, or so it seemed.
Emma, at last, after a moment to catch her bearings – opened her eyes.
“I'm so embarrassed... so sorry,” she whispered, just then looking up at the man. “Oh my god!”
“Surprised?” The handsome fellow smiled.
“It's... it's you?” She asked, quite bewildered.
“And it's you, isn't it?” He grinned. “I thought I recognized those.”
The man gestured at the girl's chest, letting his intention be well known. He couldn't take his eyes off those impressive funbags. Large, perky, suckable things they were.
“Yeah, I guess it is,” she said, forcing herself to smile, as her heart raced with delight. For the man appeared even better looking in person than he did in the tapestries! “This is... where you live?” Emma asked, partly just to fill the silence and partly in disbelief.
“Yep. My little home away from. Perks of being a king. Come inside?”
“What!” She shouted. “Right now?! Don't we--- oh...” Emma caught herself mid-sentence, as her mind was in a filthy place and had mistaken the man's comment for something entirely different. A kind of lewd filling was on her thoughts... coming inside? Go right ahead! “Oh, yes, sure.”
“My name is King Roarcock, in case you forgot,” the handsome man replied. A real debonair fellow.
“Oh, I remembered...” Emma gushed, eyeing over his impressive physique. It was love at first flex! “Emma, in case you forgot.”
“I surely didn't...”
And with that, the two entered into the man's luxurious abode. The door shutting behind them with a quick thud.
“Drink?” Roarcock asked, bringing over two glasses of some strong whiskey.
“Why thank you,” Emma replied.
And in the next moment, they were clinking their glasses together – sipping down the tasty stuff.
She looked on as Roarcock devoured her body with his eyes. Scanning up and down all the tempting, irresistible curves. And she in turn, did the same to his physique. He'd stripped down to a simple shirt. One which showed his copious muscles in bold relief.
“Emma,” he began. “I hope you know why you're here...”
“I think so...” She replied. “But...”
“No buts!” Roarcock intoned. “I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you hard, right here and now. Your body is just so goddamn sexy! I need it now! I need my seed in you!”
The horny girl did all she could to keep from gasping at the comment. It was the boldest thing she'd ever heard said to her! Aside from that one comment Roarcock left on her message... but it was also the greatest thing she'd ever had the pleasure of being involved in! How she wanted to have Roarcock remove her clothes and ravage her body... to finally feel that thick manhood in her southern slit!
“I thought you might...” She smiled coyly. Her inner thighs were already wet with shots of her pre-cum dripping out, soaking her undergarments in the process.
“Well then, let's get underway...” Roarcock smiled, setting the glass down. “Take off your dress, show me those perky tits!”
Emma obliged all too willingly, though somewhat hesitant, as she'd never presented her body to a man before. The thought of him rejecting or hating her figure was quite the concern. But, she knew the chance had to be taken – and by the way he dirty talked to her during the process, it certainly seemed that he was more than happy with unveiling!
“Oh god...” He gushed, stretching a hand out to touch her recently exposed breasts. They were still tucked away beneath a sexy lingerie top, but the cleavage provided by the top was incredible! Displaying those feminine globes of perfection! “These are... perfect,” he continued, licking his lips.
“Do... do you like them?” Emma asked, averting her gaze from his passionate stare.
But, Roarcock didn't bother answering her. Not with his voice anyway... the hot man's reply came in the form of his face lowering down, where it was inserted between her tits! She could feel his warm tongue extending out, licking her skin!
“Oh my!” She gushed, reveling in the glory of her first sexual encounter, or at least the start of it. “King... I... I'm...”
“Oh I know what you are, Emma,” he whispered. “And I want to take it from you...”
“Ahhh...” She moaned, feeling his hand gripping her right breast. The relief of him realizing she was a virgin, and not only that, but being turned on by the fact... was more than she could bear! Her inner, terribly forbidden desires were finally being fulfilled! She knew it would be only a short matter of time until he stripped down, pulled her panties to the side and rammed his large, throbbing cock into her enticing cunt. Just how her friends had described a few of her naughty encounters... but this one would actually be true.
“Put your hand here,” King commanded the waif-like girl. She then felt him grasp her dainty hand and drag it across his body, over the rippling abdominals, and lower still... lower and lower! Until she... she felt the expanding shaft in his pants! The way it prodded against the material, dying to escape and fuck the lusty girl.
She groaned heavily, her eyes bulging intensely. The first time she'd ever felt a cock in her life! Even if it was just through the pants... Emma could sense the hardness, the length, and the thickness. It worried her for a moment, wondering how something so large and imposing would fit into her untouched pussy. But, she left that to the capable hands of King Roarcock, as he continued to suck and fondle her breasts.
“Like it?” He laughed.
“Oh god yes!” Emma moaned, arching her back as he shoved her down onto the couch.
“Would you like me to fuck you with that big dick?” He asked, knowing the answer all too well. But still, it always felt better hearing the girl say it herself.
“I... I... oh fuck, yes I do!” Emma gushed, biting her lip.
“In that case,” Roarcock nodded. “Let's get these off.”
And with that, he reached down, taking hold of Emma's pants – giving them a sudden tug toward the floor.
She gulped heavily...
Those tight pants slid down her legs with the greatest of ease... tortuously slow! King Roarcock made sure to savor each and every inch of her thighs. Planting a kiss on them now and then, licking here and there. Each time sending a shiver of excitement to the girl's greedy gash and gush of sexual liquid from that seductive love den. Never had she felt so aroused in her life!
The way he moaned for her body... how she longed for his! Emma's hands, almost against her will as it were, extended out – squeezing his chest and abs, exploring any part of his hard body that she could find. And at times, he would drag her hand back down to his crotch and force the girl to feel his growing manhood.
“Mmm, purple...” Roarcock grinned, referring to the color of her panties. That seductive piece of clothing hugging right around her well-padded pussy! The delectable treat right there for the taking!
“You like them?” She asked, clueless as to how she should respond. It seemed as good an answer as any, at the time.
“Like them?” He smirked. “I'm going to fuck you in the
And with that, Roarcock reached up and began to pull his shirt from his body. A moment later, Emma was greeted to the sight of his lean, ripped body. And a little bit below the belt-line, she could see the hard cock forming a tent shaped protrusion.
“Do you... do you want to?” She asked, once again clueless.
“Get it out? You'd better believe it, lady...” Roarcock smiled. “Reach over here Emma and take my pants off. Show me how much you want that cock! Be a good girl and I'll fill your little holes with it...”
“Oh god!” She gushed, instantly lurching forward, undoing his pants – whereupon she removed them, right along with the boxers, in one lightening fast motion. “Holy fuck!” She screamed at this sight of his unimpeded, fully engorged cock.