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Callie's Catastrophe: Icehome Book 9

Page 17

by Dixon, Ruby

  I have never experienced such…need. Such hunger. The precum she licked away returns in a moment, and my cock is so hard and throbbing that I am close to releasing already. "Calida…you…"

  "I'm touching my mate," she says simply, leaning forward to let her breath play over my skin. "Tasting him. Just like how you tasted me."

  "But I am your hunter," I protest. "It is an honor for me to taste my mate. I…do humans do this?" No one has ever suggested such a thing to me. I had seen others in my clan mate when I was a youth, but I do not remember…this.

  "Oh, they absolutely do this. Unless you want me to stop?" As if she knows my answer already, she leans forward and licks my cock again.

  I groan. "No. Do not stop. Keep doing that."

  My mate gives a sultry little laugh and then licks my cock up and down, exploring my length with the tip of her tongue. Fascinated, I watch as she moves over me, tasting and touching with her mouth. When she returns to the head of my shaft and takes it into her mouth, I lose my breath. She is all around my cock, sucking and hot and wet and it feels as if I imagine her cunt would. Her tongue tickles the underside of my shaft and my entire body jerks in response. I am already close to coming, my control shattered by her skill and the insistent need of my khui. "Wait," I pant. "Wait, Calida…my seed…"

  She lifts her head and gives my cock a long, wet lick that makes me shudder with need. "You can come in my mouth. Or somewhere else. Wherever you like."

  Calida keeps distracting me, touching my cock and tasting it, making little noises of approval that cause my sac to tighten, my seed so ready to spill that only my clenched fists keep me from losing control.

  “I am going to come,” I warn her. “Fast.”

  She looks up at me with hot eyes and takes me deeper into her mouth, her tongue dragging along the underside of my cock. One hand goes to my backside and she pushes me deeper into her mouth, until I feel the hot clench of the back of her throat. I groan, my hands going to her mane, and pump into her wet, willing mouth. Once. Twice. Then my release boils out of me, spurting down her throat as she holds me to her. She pulls back as I come, releasing my cock and swallowing my spend.

  She wipes the corners of her mouth and gives me a pleased look. “Feel better?”

  I want to collapse on the furs at her feet. “You have no idea.”

  “I bet I do.” Her voice is sultry with heat.

  I am humbled that she would see to my needs before I have the chance to see to hers. I drop down to my knees and touch her cheek. “Thank you for that gift.” I study her face, looking for shyness or unease, but there is nothing but need in her eyes, and her khui’s song hums louder than ever. “Are you still afraid?”

  “I don’t know if ‘afraid’ is the right word,” she admits, and moves toward me when I sit down. She crawls into my lap, sliding her arms around my waist and tucking her head against my chest. “Am I nervous? Yes. Uncertain about the future? Yes. Do I still hate your guts? Not really.”

  “Not really?” I echo, amused. “So confident in me.” I feel good right now, with my soft, rounded mate in my arms and her head against my chest. I stroke my hand down her back, lifting up the hem of her tunic and playing with the swells of her bottom and those fascinating dimples. Even as my breathing slows, my khui’s song increases once more and my cock stirs to life. It does not matter how good the release, the relief will not be complete until I claim her.

  But…we have all night.

  And the rest of our lives.

  So I continue petting her soft, fine skin as she snuggles against me.

  “You know what does irritate me?” Calida finally says. “That you’re getting everything you wanted. That this shitty plan of yours worked.”

  I grunt acknowledgment of her words. I can see why it makes her upset, but I will not apologize for my actions, because she is right. I would do everything again in the same way because it brought my mate to my arms. Of course I am pleased. But I do not want her to be angry, so I must turn the words around. I decide to tease her instead. “It is because I am devious.”

  “Slytherin,” she mutters.

  “Your mate,” I correct. “We will make the angriest, craftiest kit on the beach.”

  That makes her chuckle. Calida sighs, and then looks up at me, studying my face. Impulsively, I lean in and kiss her lips. She still tastes faintly of my release, but not in a bad way. Her eyes close and she leans into my kiss, and I fist my hand into her soft, thick mane and hold her as I devour her mouth. She is soft and smooth, my mate, her tongue slippery and sleek against mine. It makes me think about last night, when I dragged my tongue over her clit and made her come. I want to do that again. I want to do everything to my pretty, fierce Calida.

  And I am the luckiest of hunters because she is my resonance mate.

  I kiss her over and over again, until she is whimpering softly in my arms, and the scent of her arousal perfumes the air. I slide her tunic higher, dragging my fingers over her bottom. She knows I am fascinated with the sight of it, and I am. I could stare at it for hours, all rounded sweetness and inviting dimples. I want to push my face between her thighs and kiss her where she is sensitive, but when she tilts her face up for another kiss, I take her mouth instead and let my hand glide between the curves of her buttocks, seeking her wet heat.

  Calida moans when my fingers brush over the entrance to her core.

  “Lie back for me,” I command her. “Let me have my fill of you.”

  She nods, and when I ease her onto the furs, she tugs at her tunic, wriggling until she pulls it over her head. Then she is naked and glorious to see, her teats inviting my touch as much as the dark patch of curls between her thighs. I lower my head to kiss her again, then press my mouth lower, moving to those enticing swells on her chest. I have learned over the last handful of days in the furs with her that she likes for the darker buds—the nipples—to be licked and stroked. Not in the same way as her clit, but with nibbles and teasing, ticklish caresses. I cup one teat and tease it in my hand, pointing the nipple toward my mouth and sucking on it.

  “I guess we’re doing this now,” she tells me, breathless.

  I nip at the tip, scraping my teeth ever so lightly in the way that makes her shiver, and lift my head to look at her. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “Honestly? No.” Her hands go to my face and she cups it, then slides her hands to my horns and gently steers me back down. “It feels good. Keep going.”

  “Shall I tell you how beautiful you are?” I murmur between licks.

  “As long as you don’t call me squat.”

  I fight back a grin. “You are the most beautiful of females,” I tell her. “And the most forgiving.”

  That elicits a snort-giggle from her, and her teats jiggle with her laughter.

  I am entranced at the sight, cupping one and nuzzling its companion. “I know you do not believe me, Calida, but I love your body. When I first saw you, I thought it was odd that you were so very short. The only humans I had seen were M’rsl and L’ren and they are both taller than you and very flat here compared to you.” I cup her glorious teats. “But the more I looked at you, the more I realized how appealing this is. I like that you fill my hands. I like the weight of your hips and the dimples on your bottom.”

  “My butt has dimples?” She makes a horrified sound.

  “The best dimples,” I reassure her. “I want to lick all of them and feast between your thighs.”

  A shuddery moan escapes her, and she relaxes on the furs beneath me. I realize she is more nervous than she lets on. Just because she pleasured me with her mouth does not mean she is yet ready to give up her idea of independence. She wants to be wooed into my furs, even if the khui is demanding it.

  And I can woo her. With kisses and soft words and a great deal of licking, I will woo my mate happily.

  “The best mate,” I say again, because she needs to hear it again. “The softest. The most attractive. When I approached you and you got angry at me,
I thought to myself that you were frustrating, but you were also incredibly fierce. And I was proud of how strong and angry you were.”

  A little gasp escapes her as I tease her nipple. “Liar. You were not…”

  “I was,” I reassure her. “Up until that point, the only females I knew of were M’rsl and L’ren. I have not spoken with L’ren but M’rsl is a shy, frightened thing. To know you were so ferocious made me proud and relieved. I do not think I could live with a female like M’rsl. She is good for T’chai, but not right for me.” I roll the tip of her teat between my fingers as I speak, enjoying as she arches and wiggles underneath me. “I prefer a strong, proud female…even if she makes me question my mind with her defiance.”

  She giggles again, the sound achingly sweet. “Thank you, M’tok.”

  “For what?”

  “For being my friend first.” She threads her fingers through my mane, squirming as I kiss lower. “For not pushing me so hard that I hated you.”

  “You have misunderstood me the entire time, my pretty mate,” I tell her as I slide lower, licking her navel. It dips in the softness of her round belly, inviting my tongue. I tease it as I would her cunt, and she pants with need. “I do not want just a warm place to shove my cock. I want my mate. My companion. My other half. I want the mother to my kits. I want the one who makes all of this worth doing.” I press a kiss to the gentle swell of her belly, where she is soft. “And now I have her.”

  Calida gives a soft, blissful sigh. “I’m still going to drug you at some point.”

  “I welcome it,” I promise her. “I will take anything you do to me and be glad just because I have you at my side.” I kiss lower, trailing my mouth over the curls shielding her cunt, and then part her thighs. She is soft here, too, the thighs of a female who sits by the fire instead of crawling up and down the cliffs, and I like this softness. I like that my bristling Calida has a soft heart and does not like to see animals die. I remember how she squirmed with discomfort when we went fishing and she caught a fish on a hook. She has a gentle soul to go with her hunter’s heart. I want her to stay like this, forever. Soft, and vulnerable, and mine to protect.

  I press another kiss to the inside of one thigh and push them apart. “You asked me to pleasure you like this again tonight,” I remind her. “I will do this every night you are my mate. I look forward to it, Calida. There is nothing better than the taste of a resonance mate on a hunter’s tongue.” I kiss toward the center of her, where the folds of her cunt glisten with need. “It is a saying that V’ktl’s people have, and it is a true one. Now that I have tasted you, I must have you often.”

  She moans, arching as her hands go to my horns again. “M’tok.”

  “I am here,” I rasp, my khui’s song rumbling fiercely through my body as I breathe in her scent. “Let me pleasure you. Tell me you want me to taste you. Tell me you want my mouth on your cunt.”

  Calida gives another little wriggling motion, as if she cannot decide whether or not she wishes to run away from my hungry mouth or give in. With another moan she clutches my horns tightly and pushes my face down. “Please.”

  I growl with fierce pleasure at the husky sound of her voice. Pushing her thighs farther apart, I grip them and lower my face, nuzzling her soft folds until my mouth is buried in her sweetness. The taste of her floods my tongue and I clench my body in response, willing my cock to behave. It has been fulfilled at least once, I remind it. Now it is my mate’s turn.

  Resonance is greedy and wants more from both of us, though.

  “Oh jeez,” she moans as I drag my tongue over her folds. “Can’t get over the ridges.”

  “Mm?” I lift my head to look up at her. “Ridges?”

  “Tongue,” she pants. “Your tongue.”

  Ah. I knew hers was smooth compared to mine, but I did not realize it would feel different on her body. I deliberately drag those ridges over her clit and she chokes out a small cry, her hands tight on my horns. I love the fierce sounds she makes, so I do more, teasing and flicking, licking and rubbing until she’s arching her hips, pushing them against my mouth as I work her clit.

  “M’tok. M’tok. So close.” She whimpers in frustration, as if I would ever let her down. I want to tell her that I have her, that I am going to make her come hard, but I have learned her body over the last two handfuls of days. I have learned that if I change the tempo or pressure as I touch her, it chases her release away. So I do not stop, not even to tell her words of encouragement. I just keep going and going, and when her thighs quake and shiver, I know she is on the edge. I press on, and when Calida lets out a keening cry, her cunt floods with her release.

  My need surges, and I groan, lapping at her folds and tasting her until she pushes my head away. My mate. Her body is soft and pliant in my arms, ready and willing and wet for me. I taste her again, unable to help myself, and when she pushes at my horns once more, I nip at the inside of her thigh.

  “A moment, M’tok,” she pants. “Let me catch my breath.”

  I force myself to lift my head from her sweetness, though it is the most difficult thing I have ever done. I want to bury my face there until the sun rises, tasting her over and over and reveling in the cries of her release, of the press of her thighs against my horns as she comes.

  A lifetime will not be enough with this female.

  I sit up reluctantly, gazing down at her. Calida is spread in the furs before me, panting, her face flushed. Her lips are swollen as if she has been biting them, and her mane is a tousled cloud around her face. She is flushed on her teats as well, and when I run my hand along the swell of her hip, I love that she quivers at my touch.

  “I am not done with you,” I vow to her. I lean over my mate, resting my weight on one hand by her shoulder even as I lean down to kiss her pretty, swollen mouth. “I will never be done with you, my Calida. That is only the first time I will make you come. After this night, I want you on my mouth every morning and my cock deep inside your cunt every evening. I will make sure these lovely teats are teased until the tips stand up, and make sure your cunt is well-licked. I will be a good mate to you, Calida.” I drag my tongue against hers in a teasing flick. “Wait and see.”

  She gives a little moan, leaning into my kiss, and her hand reaches for my cock. She sucks in a little breath when her fingers skate over me. “You’re so hard again already.”

  “It is resonance. I am constantly in need of you, my mate.” I rub my nose against hers and thrust into her grip. “So much need, Calida.”

  She shivers at my words and then lifts one leg, digging her heel into my behind. My tail automatically curls around her calf, holding her there. “Then take me, M’tok. Let’s not wait any longer.”

  “You must turn over. That is how it is done.”

  She tilts her head. “It is?”

  Now I am the one suspiciously eyeing her. “Do you not know how kits are made?”

  Calida chuckles. “Um, I do, thanks. But you do know we can do it like this? Face to face?” She reaches up and caresses my jaw. “Looking at each other?”

  I try to think back to the matings I have seen, but they were many, many turns of the seasons ago. Even so, I do not recall anyone ever mating face to face. “That is how humans do it?”

  “Humans do it lots of different ways,” she reassures me. “We can do it however you want, but for the first time, I want to look at you. Please. It’s important to me.”

  I lean down and kiss her, wanting to take away the uncertain look in her eyes. “I will do it however you like. I only want to make you happy.”

  My beautiful mate smiles up at me and lifts her other leg around my hips. She gives me a subtle push forward, dragging me down against her, and then my cock is resting atop her cunt, and our skin is pressed together. I groan with pleasure, stroking my length up and down her wet folds, enjoying the feel of her body against mine. Her breathing quickens, and she watches me closely, her eyes intense with emotion. I lean in to kiss her again, and our khuis are
singing to one another, the joined vibration of them seeming to shake the world around us.

  It feels good to be with her like this. Right.

  Her cunt is slick and inviting against my cock, and I rub against her, dragging the head of my shaft through her folds. She gasps when it moves over her clit, and with another stroke, she is rocking her hips, her movements matching mine.

  “More ridges,” she pants as we move together. “Jesus Christ, I’m dying here.”

  “You are?” Her words tell me one thing but her movements another.

  “Good dying,” she promises, breathless. “Keep going. Don’t stop what you’re doing.”

  I lean in and kiss her again before she can say more confusing human things. As I do, I stroke my cock through her wetness again and then press against the entrance to her core. She is hot and slick here, and the need to push into her overwhelms me. I rock against her body, lightly thrusting at her entrance.

  Calida gasps and her fingernails dig into my skin. Her entire body trembles underneath me. “Do it,” she whispers against my lips.

  How can I refuse? I groan, pushing into her heat. She is tight—impossibly tight, hot and wet and warm. Her body sucks me deeper, and even though I tell myself to go slow, to take my time, I cannot stop myself. I push and push and push, and before I am even halfway inside her, she moans and rocks her hips.

  “You feel amazing, M’tok. So—”

  With a hiss of breath, I sink deep, thrusting all the way in.

  Her voice rises to a squeak. “—full.” Her hands clench on my shoulders again, her eyes wide as she takes all of me into her. “Okay. I need a moment.” Calida’s breath pants rapidly, her body tensing.

  It feels as if she is gripping a fist tight around my cock. And she wants me to stop? I remain as still as I can, but it is torture. She feels so good—so tight—and I want nothing more than to plunge into her over and over again. But I worry my short, soft mate is too small and I am too big. “I hurt you?”

  “No,” she says, still breathless. “No. I just need a moment to adjust. You’re really big and it’s been a while.” She squirms underneath me, shifting her weight, and I groan again, closing my eyes. The khui’s song hums through our bodies, and I can feel hers practically throbbing against my cock deep inside her.


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