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Overcoming Fear (Growing Pains #2)

Page 15

by K. F. Breene

She flung a leg over his hip, pulling him in. Right or wrong, he allowed himself to follow, angling his groin into hers, feeling her moist indentation through fabric. He couldn’t suppress the groan.

  Krista deepened the kiss, bringing his body in until he was leaning all his weight on her. She clung to him, gripping his middle with her legs, gyrating her groin against his as she lightly sucked on his tongue, picking up his rhythm, having sex in his mouth.

  Sean, desperately trying to maintain some control through his frenzied brain, slippery with lust, tried to back off. Tried to remember which way was up. His cock was so hard he could cut glass.

  He put his hand on her hips, intending to get some distance, only to have her use the strength of her legs to control him, pushing him off slightly so his hands slipped in further than he intended. Without knowing how it happened, he swished the fabric of her dress out of the way. His finger hooked around the tiny piece of material covering her femininity and moved it away, feeling how incredibly wet she was. He nearly wept with the frustration of his arousal.

  She moaned in ecstasy, keeping his body pushed away to give him maneuverability, leaning her head back against the car, gyrating into his hand. He gave her what she wanted and plunged two fingers deep into her.

  “Oh Sean!” she exclaimed, writhing under him.

  He pulsed his fingers as she swung her body up to meet them. Dizzied with lust, he yanked at her top. The sight of those round, perky breasts tumbling and bouncing had him leaning over her in the next moment, claiming a nipple with this mouth, wanting to succumb completely to the fog of pleasure.

  Krista struggled up, moaning, and reached between them, getting a hand on his zipper and tugging. When her gentle touch curled around his hard shaft, he nearly blacked out with pleasure, as if she was the first woman who had ever touched him intimately. He felt like a novice, completely succumbing to the feeling. He had only the control she was giving him, and ready to let her desire float him away, knowing she would take them all the way, right where they were.

  That fact had him so hot he could feel his body shaking with need, but a deeper feeling had him pulling back, out of the fog. This was not how he wanted the first time with her. He wanted to be in more control. He wanted to be sure he wouldn’t hurt her or bring back any bad memories, to work up to it.

  He wanted to be lying down for Christ-sakes!

  “Krista...” he was breathing heavily, talking against her mouth. “We should stop. In a second I won’t be able to.”

  “It’s okay. This is okay. I want this,” Krista mumbled against his mouth, sucking on his lip before angling and capturing his lips fully again.

  Sean tried to back off but her legs had him firmly. Sweating freely, barely able to think through the wet warmth between her thighs, he pulled back harder, hating himself a little for the restraint, nearly dragging her off the car.

  She clutched onto him harder, slightly off kilter, her mouth curling up into a smile as she kissed him. “Do you really want to stop?” she whispered with a laugh into his ear right before she sucked on his ear lobe.

  Sean groaned. “No, but…”

  Krista made a sound like a mewling kitten, then slowed.


  Krista clutched at her internal emergency brakes. Part of being in control was her responsibility, too. He’d backed off with her a few times in their past when she said to; it was only fair that now she had the burden.

  And while she would play the adult now, she did know one thing. She would finally allow herself what she’d been craving for all those many months since she first stole his printout. She would pit herself against his force and crash into him with her soul bared, giving him everything she had, matching his awesome strength with her own subtler power, hopefully pushing them to greater heights; hoping his prowess lived up to its reputation as she hoped hers was freed to be expressed. And if, come morning, the other part of him lived up to reputation as well, she would accept that as punishment for wickedly sinning with a guy like Sean, but she would have no regrets. Come tomorrow, whatever happened, tonight would not be about repentance, it would be about gratification, and she intended to have her fill, repercussions be damned.

  “Can we just…” Krista paused before she finished the sentence. Stop didn’t mean finish. Although, that was also a way to stop.

  “Okay,” she whispered, putting her head back against the car. “But I am really, really horny at the moment.”

  Sean laughed, slightly shaking. “My God, you are beautiful,” he said through clenched teeth.

  He did a push-up off of the car, allowing her to untangle her legs from around his body. She hated the cold that replaced him, but it helped stopper the blood flow.

  “I nearly died when you bit me that one time,” Sean said, backing off so there was no contact.

  Krista laughed a deep, throaty, sensual laugh. She recognized it. It had been a long time since she’d heard it.

  “I don’t know what came over me that day,” she explained as she tucked herself back into her bra. She had absolutely no shame in her exposure. She might have been tucking in her shirt for all she was embarrassed. He seemed shocked by that fact, with hungry eyes. Apparently he didn’t often date girls as quick to embarrass herself as she was. When a girl was constantly doing stupid things, tucking back in was commonplace.

  “I was thinking about the things I wanted to do to you…then I was,” she continued as she straightened her dress.

  Sean groaned and leaned against her again, “Can you wait until I am restrained before you tell me things like that?”

  “Or I could show you?” she said playfully, sliding her hands down his chest.

  “N-no. No, no. Let’s—company. I have people over. We need to…”

  Krista reached his cock.

  “Ohhhh—have to…”

  She laughed and pushed him back. “Sorry, that’s not very nice of me.”

  “No.” Sean breathed, bent over in extreme concentration. “No, it’s not. Not at all, no. Give me a minute.”

  Krista laughed again, “Sorry. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. That, and touch your chest. Done and done.”

  She paused to listen for a minute. “Are you muttering the names of baseball players right now?”

  “Yeah. Helps focus. Kinda.” He took a deep breath. “I wanted to wine and dine you. Get to know you without messing it up. Funny how the roles were reversed.”

  Krista moved up behind him and gave his back a hug. “I’m glad we reconciled.”

  He put his hands over hers, which were clasped on his chest. “Me, too. I’m glad you’re not with some douche that I would have to beat up to get you back.”

  They both laughed, easy in each other’s company despite the lingering sexual dilemma. They made their way out of the garage, and into a small room that was a mess with sand and salt. His wet suit was hanging on a hook, his surf board leaning against the wall.

  “Isn’t this stuff better left in the garage?” she asked, surveying all the gear as her eyes got accustomed to the light.

  “Then where would my car go?”

  He was right--being this close to the beach meant a constant influx of sand in everything. His car would be dirty 24/7, an unthinkable thing in Sean’s opinion.

  He led her by the hips to stairs that would take them to the rest of the party. They could feel the warmth of the house and hear a small group of people collected in his living room. Before Krista could put her foot on the stair to go up, she was being turned around.

  Sean’s eyes were deep, green pools. It was like a lagoon with refracted light on top.

  “I wanted to see your face in the light for one last kiss,” he whispered as he bent down to connect his lips with hers.

  His lips were sure and sensual, moving with purpose and intent. Krista could feel his ardor rise, but also the sensitivity in the way he gently held her face and playfully flicked his tongue. Lovemaking with him would be truly spectacular. Krista was a so
dden mess in her under-roos, wanting to be touched hard and fervently. She moaned without realizing it and pushed him away harshly.

  “You’re teasing me,” she said, panting.

  He kissed her cheek. Then her lips ever so lightly.

  “C’mon. Everyone is probably wondering where I am,” he whispered.

  “Boo!” Krista said petulantly, wanting to go straight to his bedroom. She desperately hoped there would be time later to finish up.

  Sean chuckled and gave her butt a tap as she walked in front of him, “Mush, little doggie. Mush.”

  She giggled like a chick and let him guide her with his hands on her hips up the stairs. They passed through a decorated hallway and came to the living room.

  “Sean, Krista! C’mon in and have some wine. Red or white?” Mary exclaimed as she ushered them in. She was ever the model hostess, even if it wasn’t her house.

  “Red,” they said in unison.

  Krista smiled at Sean, who put his arm around the small of her back and winked. Mary laughed and rushed to get them drinks.

  “What took you two so long?” Ray asked with a deeper meaning evident.

  “It is a maze out there,” Sean said with a laugh. Ray nodded knowingly.

  Cassie was talking to Keith, but broke away when she saw Sean and Krista were settled with glasses. “Krista, so how did you like the play?”

  Krista decided quickly that white lies didn’t count as lying. “Oh, it was really great! I really liked it. And Sean, of course, was sensational.”

  Mary and Ray smiled, totally believing her. Cassie looked at her with a twinkle that said she didn’t agree, Keith was looking at the TV, which wasn’t on, and Sean was studying her intently with a laugh behind his eyes.

  “I call bullshit,” Sean said, letting the laughter bubble over. “And now tell us what you really thought.”

  Krista’s face turned red immediately. “Okay, well, honestly, it was a bit weird for my taste.”

  “I knew it!” Sean said as he laughed loudly. Ray joined him.

  “But, right? It was weird, right?” she asked Cassie.

  Cassie’s smile was giant, “Weird is right. I am starting to think that everything in that part of the city is a little off.”

  “Unfair,” Krista exclaimed. “You just haven’t done the Mission properly. Well, truth, yes, it is a bit off, but that’s what makes it fun! Are you around tomorrow? I will take you for a tour of the great places that that part of the city has to offer.”

  “I think I am too scared.” Cassie laughed, throwing up her hands.

  “No, seriously. No whips, no heroin, and I’ll try to keep us as far as from the crack-heads and crazy bums as possible. There are some truly great eating spots, and some bars that are fantastic. It is the young, hipster part of town.”

  “I thought North Beach was the young spot,” Sean said.

  “North Beach is the young spot for fraternity types. Super fun, but hard to get to and often sporting a bunch of douche guys. Marina is for yuppie boys who all dress the same. Mission is for bartender types that just want to have fun and not spend a fortune to do so.”

  “And Castro?” This from a mid-level voice across the room.

  “Keith, so glad you could join us,” Krista said sarcastically. Everyone laughed, including Cassie. Keith did not find it hilarious. “Castro is ruled by the gay men. Very fun, of course. Great dancing and you don’t usually get hit on. Well, I don’t. Keith, you would probably get hit on constantly. Maybe even a butt pinch.”

  Keith scowled and looked back at the TV. Which still wasn’t on.

  “Well, I am here the whole weekend and Sean has to do that play tomorrow, so if you’re up for it, I’ll head to the Mission with you,” Cassie said good-naturedly.

  “What about me?” Keith whined.

  Cassie rolled her eyes. “Shall we drop you in Castro?”

  Krista would have laughed, but Cassie was entirely serious. The two argued a little more before Cassie gave up and went towards the TV.

  “Everyone, I have a surprise for you,” she said as she picked up a DVD.

  She put it in the player. Sean was still standing close to Krista, but as he caught sight of what Cassie had, he groaned and moved toward the kitchen.

  “It’s one of Sean’s first performances!” Cassie said, giggling like a little girl.

  Mary, Ray and Krista moved into the living room. Krista sat on the love seat, Mary and Ray grabbed the couch, Cassie yelled for Sean to come back, and then sat in the recliner. Keith was off pouting somewhere.

  Sean slowly moved into the room.

  “Not fair, Cass,” he said with an embarrassed smile.

  Cassie shrugged. The way Cassie looked at Sean proved what Sean had said earlier. They were very close, and he was everything to her; her role model, her savior, her big bro. It was cute. Krista wished she was closer to her sister.

  That thought lasted long enough to remember that her sister was a bitch, and Krista would rather punch her in the face than hug her. The feeling was mutual. And that worked for them.

  Her thoughts were disrupted as Sean, seeing that Cassie wouldn’t relent the torture, plopped down next to Krista. Then, surprisingly, he put his arm around her and snuggled close as the DVD started.

  It turned out that the movie was a bad recording of a bunch of little kids on stage. Everyone could immediately tell which one was Sean by the way he stood, but if they couldn’t, Cassie made it easier by pointing him out. Even at that young age his charisma drew the eye.

  It became apparent that Sean had always had an eye for the ladies, just not in the way one might think. Young Sean was delivering a line, when his attention was drawn away from the audience. He stopped talking as he looked at a little girl in a sparkly pink dress near the edge of the stage doing a pee-pee dance. She was supposed to be the princess, it looked like, and Sean the prince.

  The prince walked over gallantly, seemingly to help the princess safely away from the edge of the stage. When the courageous hero reached her he gave her a mighty shove!

  “Oh my God!” Krista exclaimed as she leaned forward.

  The little girl quickly exited the stage, via the ledge, and landed on the ground in front of the audience. The music in the background was interrupted by a loud gasp as a surge of adults crowded the stage.

  Undaunted, Sean waltzed back to the center. The footage continued to watch the girl, everyone shrieking and her howling, but from the background Sean could be heard, talking loudly over the din, continuing on with the play. The show must go on.

  “That should have been on America’s Funniest Home Videos!” Krista exclaimed, wanting to see it again.

  “Sean kept going until they made him stop,” Cassie laughed. “I barely remember, but I hear the story every time I meet up with Sally—that was our neighbor back in the day. She was the one who took the video.”

  Krista leaned back, an incredulous smile on her face. Sean adjusted her so she was once again in the crook of his arm before he laughed and kissed her head. Cassie replayed the scene and they all laughed anew.

  “That must never get old!” Krista exclaimed in delight. “I want a copy!”

  “No way!” Sean laughed, squeezing her. “That is for my eyes only. It will be burnt as soon as everyone leaves.”

  “I copied it to my laptop, so go ahead,” Cassie said with a know-it-all air about her.

  “Cass!” Sean couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Cassie, you have to give me a copy!” Krista turned her face up to Sean’s. “It’s only fair! You have that piece of art even if you didn’t put it up.”

  “Oh yes, the art!” Mary exclaimed. She looked around the room. “But I thought you said you hung it?” She looked at Sean with raised eyebrows.

  “The abstract painting, wasn’t it?” Ray asked.

  “No one knows that is you, though,” Sean said, kissing Krista lightly on the nose. “Or what it means.”

  “No one will know that video is you unles
s I tell them. Which is the same situation as the art.”

  “Did you get it from Ben yet?” Ray asked, following Mary’s example and looking at the walls.

  Sean did have art up, but not Ben’s painting. Or anything really decent. Ben had to come over and sort Sean out.

  “I did, yes,” Sean said quietly.

  Krista tensed. That had been the other part of their problem, Krista remembered. Sean hadn’t hung the picture like he said he would, probably because it was her. He still hadn’t. It didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Going into this night with her eyes open, and no regrets, meant she had to battle through the unpleasant things. And she would. She would get satisfaction, damn it!

  “Show them, Sean,” Cassie said, noticing Krista’s unease.

  Sean followed his sister’s glance and caught the meaning of her pointed look. Sighing greatly—Krista had to remember to tell Jasmine--he got up and pulled a reluctant Krista up with him. “I do need to move it out into the front room. I need to move some things around, though, first. So in the meantime, I… just follow me.”

  Krista trailed behind Sean, being dragged by her hand. Ray and Mary joined, followed by Cassie and a sulking Keith. They went up the stairs and turned left, walked down a small hall and came to the master bedroom.

  “No way!” Keith exclaimed. “I am not going into another man’s bedroom!”

  Everyone turned as Keith thumped back down the stairs. A second later they heard the front door slam.

  Cassie looked at everyone apologetically. “Excuse me. I’ve already seen it anyway.” She looked at Krista. “It really is remarkable.”

  “I didn’t paint it,” Krista said, taken aback.

  Cassie smiled at her, and headed down the stairs.

  “Okay, seriously, what is up with Keith?” Krista asked as they neared Sean’s bedroom.

  Mary pushed forward to hear what Sean said. Krista wasn’t the only one wondering, but was the only one rude enough to ask.

  “He and Cassie split up a week ago because Cassie is moving here from Arizona. Well, and she is not all that into him. He doesn’t want her to go and insisted on coming this weekend.”


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