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Overcoming Fear (Growing Pains #2)

Page 30

by K. F. Breene

  “If I wasn’t surrounded by a pubescent sausage fest every time I sat down I would have gawked at you, too. Living in the bog land I don’t get to see you enough when you’re naked.”

  “We can fix that.”

  “But, in public. Up close is good, but from a distance is nice, too.”

  “Then we’ll have to take a few weekends away, won’t we?” Sean said as he wrapped a towel around himself and looked at her with his perfect smile.

  They headed to the room, neither slow nor fast, but as they got closer suddenly Krista got nervous. She wondered if the sex ban was still in effect. She kind of hoped it was just because it was what she knew. It had been a while since she’d had sex, and even though they had done everything but, she was still questioning her prowess. She was also questioning letting herself lose control. She had always had free abandon with sexual matters--it felt better when you surrendered to it—but that went very wrong with Jim, and she was nervous she might get some dark spots with Sean.

  They reached the room, got inside, and Sean immediately wrapped her in his arms. He wasn’t being the passionate man from downstairs. His tune had changed. She backed off to see why.

  “Are you okay?” Sean asked quietly.

  She could see he was worried. She didn’t know if he was reacting to her cues, or having some of his own. They were two messed-up individuals.

  “With you, yeah. I’m just... I’ve had some bad experiences—as you know. I’m just a little worried I might crack up when I try to... I don’t know... let go, you know? I’m just scared I might freak out. A little. And that’s not fair to you.”

  “But we’ve been together quite a few times and you’ve been okay. I mean, except for my episodes.”

  “Yes, but I had to stay in control to make sure we didn’t lapse into sex.”

  “We can still keep that rule if that’s what it takes.”

  “Terrible idea.”

  Sean laughed as he led her into the bathroom, kissed her head tenderly, and took off her towel and his. He turned on the shower and then turned back to her. “Let’s have a relaxing shower, get the chlorine off us, and see how we feel.”

  “Okay Dr. Ruth.”

  Sean just smiled. “You’ve... this might seem indelicate of me, but you’ve had sex after your ex, right?”

  “Yeah, I have. You remember Paul...”

  “Hmm,” that sound had a little animosity in it.

  “But I...okay, this is going to sound really shallow, but a bunch of the time with Paul I was imagining myself with you.” Krista started to fidget. “But I never really let myself lose control because...well...he wasn’t all that inspiring, I guess you could say.”

  As the bathroom steamed up, Krista kept her focus on the shower in utter embarrassment. When the silence lengthened, she peeked at Sean from under her eyelashes. His smile was one of triumph.

  “Oh, don’t go getting your ego all huge or anything!” she said to him as she looked away again.

  “I was so jealous the night of the wine dinner. When he was waiting for you.” Sean gently removed her bathing suit top. He focused on her breasts for a moment before he looked back up and met her eyes. The corners of his mouth curved into a delicate smile.

  “Jealous for all of two seconds until you had your friend naked?” Krista countered.

  “Everyone else was getting some, why am I the only one pointed out?”

  “Because it was with her.”

  Sean just shrugged as he bent down to strip off her bottoms. She steadied herself on his big shoulder and watched his back coil and relax as he moved. It occurred to her that he was treating her like a patient. He had his kid gloves on and was handling her with care. She didn’t need this slow treatment to get herself back on track, but it touched her, so she went with it.

  “She lost at her own game,” he said as he stripped off his trunks. He was still hard, his size was just shy of daunting. His desire was smoldering under a tight cap. He would stay in control until he was sure she was ready. It was exciting and touching and endearing all at the same time.

  “I just can’t believe no one else got you already,” Krista said slowly, leaning into his body. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “You were the only one in a long time who not only saw past my bullshit, but called me on it. And while I would love to kill your ex for what he did to you, I do have to thank him for screwing up royally so you would leave and find me. Then beat me into submission!” Sean was smiling and kissed her lightly on the lips, not letting her deepen the kiss. Instead he backed off and shooed her into the shower.

  Rivulets of steam were rising off of the water. Krista got under the warm spray and sighed in satisfaction. You just couldn’t beat a hot shower. Sean came in after her and put his arms around her, half to get close, half to get in the water.

  “Do you have shampoo and conditioner?” he asked.

  “I actually forgot it. The hotel does, though.”

  He nodded, looked around and not seeing it, ducked out of the shower and was quickly back in with goose pimples from the change in temperature. Krista took the bottles and let him get solidly in the water. His erection had started to recede so she ran her hand up and down his chest lightly. That was all it took.

  He smiled as he reached for her. “Here I am trying to be good, and you are trying to tease me,” he said, running his hand over her nipple.

  Krista gasped as sparklers went off in her pubic region from the ministrations of his thumb. Swollen and needy, she slid a hand up his chest and moved closer, pushing her body against his erection.

  “Patience, Pet,” Sean said with his secret smile.

  Sean leaned down to touch his lips to hers, softly, sweetly. After he shampooed and conditioned her, he did his own, having to inform her that women did not wash the hair of men.

  “Is that another rule in the man-code book?” Krista asked with a smile, grabbing for the bar of soap. “You can’t let a chick wash your hair? How dumb is that?”

  “Shows weakness.”

  Krista laughed at him, lathering her hands. “No it doesn’t! I bet it is man-code because women are shorter and men got worried about having to bend over in the shower. That’s what I’d bet!”


  Sean laughed and shrugged, eyeing her as she approached. He loved the heat in her eyes; the desire. He loved being on the other end of it. A thrill of anticipation shocked through him. He would let her take the lead this time, excited that he didn’t have to stop her. He had a feeling he was in for a wild ride, and nothing could tear him away from it.

  “I don’t have to be worried that you are now coming at me with soap, right?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “I will clean you, man-code be damned.”

  “Oh, you can clean the body. That’s okay. Just not the hair.”

  “So stupid,” Krista said with a smile, putting her hands on his chest.

  Sean rested his hands on her hips, feeling her hands cover every inch of his body. He didn’t mind that she washed his upper body three times, or that she made him turn around to make sure his butt cheeks were good and lathered up. He loved the slow rinse, her little hands making sure every bubble had been washed away. Then, when she scooted up to him, her hands on his shoulders, and wiggled his cock down toward the break in her legs, he stopped being able to think at all. He closed his eyes in rapture, letting her play, and feeling himself pushed into the space in her upper thighs right against her slippery slit.

  “Careful, love,” he said, feeling the tingle at the head of his cock. He didn’t have long before he blew. It was torture, but exquisitely so.

  Krista slid her hand up his slick chest to his neck, and bent him to her lips. With her other hand she cupped a butt cheek, pushing his groin against hers. His cock was firmly lodged between her legs, his mouth greedy and insistent, his hands clutching her hips, but not helping the movement in any way. Letting her work. Feeling the pull in his stomach as his cock slid in and out of the
little space between her upper thighs. He trusted her not to go any further. He trusted her not to angle up, causing him to dip in, so he let his mind go, concentrating on the feeling.

  His plunging tongue got faster, more frantic. Krista sped up her stroking, letting him rock into her body, almost ready to angle up himself. Her velvety lips hugged his shaft. She broke the kiss, seized his butt with both hands, and yanked him closer, squeezing her legs around him. Before he could tell her to be careful again, she was running her teeth along his neck.

  Sean’s breath hitched. He squeezed her harder, needing to thrust into her. Needing it so bad his cock was throbbing. He was close. Nearly there. He needed to finish.

  He pushed her back against the tile and reached down between them, incapable of thinking, incapable of remembering rules or why it was a bad idea. He left her wet slit, then plunged two fingers in, intending to follow with his girth. Krista, not realizing the final act was coming, threw her head back against the tiles and grabbed his shaft with a firm grip, stroking quickly, nearly there herself and needing to come.

  The tight stroking was too much—Sean couldn’t hold on. With a shudder and a moan, he spent himself along her hip, not stopping his fingers even as he splashed her with his semen. A second later Krista’s eyes fluttered and she was reached for him again, wanting to be kissed. Wanting to come down with him.

  That had always been the blessed thing with Krista. She wanted to share climax with him. She wanted to fall back to earth with him as her soft landing place. It was a change from other women. They came, took their moment, and then they praised him as they sidled up. They weren’t connected to him in any way—it had always been just sex, whether they knew it or they didn’t. And that had always been fine with him. But then, he hadn’t had anything to compare it to.

  Krista was ruining him for anyone else. The buck stopped with her.

  Why didn’t that scare him anymore?

  “That was nice,” Krista said with a grin.

  She washed herself off in the shower. Sean didn’t bother telling her he nearly took her right then. It would give her ideas.

  “What’s funny?” Krista asked, eyeing him speculatively.

  Sean laughed again, changing gears. “It seems you like the vampire arts.”

  Krista shrugged, embarrassed, “Not usually. For some reason it just seems to fit with you.”

  Sean stepped closer again and turned off the shower. “Please don’t think I mind.”

  “Go for two?” Krista asked in a sultry voice.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Sean got Krista so revved up it was maddening. She needed to get laid. Really badly.

  She knew he was on board now, which also worried her. What if she lost her mind and ruined everything? Oh God—what if he had all the expectation and she couldn’t deliver?

  “What’s up?” Sean asked.

  “I’m as nervous as a virgin.”

  He stopped grabbing for the towels and said, “Wait. You mean, you aren’t?” His voice was incredulous.

  Krista laughed at him and got out of the shower. She toweled herself off and wrapped her hair up, and then went into the other room. She didn’t have anything worthy of a first night, so she figured wet hair and naked body would do the trick. He was a man after all, everything else was just icing.

  She pulled back the covers a little so they could get under if they wanted to, and stretched out on the bed in a delicate, though sexy, pose. She was going for comfortably at ease while displaying the boobs and hiding the rest of the goods.

  When Sean came out, completely comfortable in the buff, he stopped dead. His eyes raked the exposed portion of her body, then scanned what was hidden by sheets. His eyes slowly met hers.

  He threw the towel back into the bathroom and made a bee-line. “I’m not sure how much of a gentleman I can be when you lay like that...”

  When he got on the bed, she pulled him to her earnestly. He complied, excited.

  “Slow and steady, or fast and furious?” Krista asked as she shimmied down his body.

  “Your call. I’m just along for the ride.”

  “You are going to be the ride,” Krista said with a nervous laugh.

  She kissed up the inside of his legs slowly, feather touching him, watching his penis bob higher and higher. She got to the inside of his thigh and sucked his skin in her mouth, making him feel it, making it hurt so good. She went up the other side, further, sucking in with a little nip at the end. It was slightly embarrassing to bite, but the man went crazy with it. Each time she did it, out of the blue, he groaned and thrust upward, wanting purchase. He liked a little sass, and she liked giving it. If only she’d brought handcuffs.

  She sucked in his sack, liking that his hands clutched giant wads of sheets. It wasn’t her favorite move, but it had been about her so often before now, that this time she wanted to make him crazy if she could, and then finish it off with her body. She hoped she lived up to any comparison.

  Clearing her mind, and trying to rid herself of nervousness with a god like Sean, she slid her hands up to his hips at the same time as moving her lips and tongue up the backside of his cock. She was slow with it, torturous, watching his body and his hands for clues. Judging by the veins in his neck and arms, and his legs being fully tense, he was getting something out of it. He was probably trying to keep from grabbing her head and thrusting down her throat.

  To that end, she did it for him. In a quick plunge, she swallowed as much of his cock as she could, trying to control her gag reflex as she did. She dug her nails into his hips and sucked for all she was worth as she came up.

  “Krista no—I’m going…TO…”

  SURPRISE! That was unexpected..

  She gagged. She couldn’t help it. The taste was freaking tough to take. Especially when a gal wasn’t expecting it.

  Wiping her face on the sheets, she sat up with her hand in front of her face. “El baño.”

  “Sorry,” Sean said as he let her go. He was too relaxed to move. “Your fault, though.”

  Krista came back to a smiling Sean, laughing at his own joke. He had his eyes closed and his arms under his head, his elbows out like wings.

  “My fault?” she said, throwing the towel at him.

  He grabbed the towel and lowered it to do his own cleanup. He was still smiling with his eyes closed as he said, “Here I am trying to give you a night of pleasure, and I can’t make it past the foreplay.”

  “There is always tomorrow,” she said, maintaining a chipper voice. She was starting to think they’d never have sex.

  He must have read her mind, because his brow furrowed even as his smile grew. “Oh no, you will be as helpless as me in the next ten minutes.”

  “Oh? You think you are that good?” She was nervous again. It was like a rollercoaster all day. She couldn’t figure out if she loved it or was just plain scared the whole time. Raise the arms or squeeze the eyes shut and hold on?

  “You wanted to be on top, you said?” Sean asked, climbing over her.

  She gulped, worry etching her features.

  “Yes,” she said in a small voice, watching him crawl up between her legs.

  “And you like biting?”

  A spark of fear blossomed in Krista’s stomach.

  Sean saw it immediately, “To bite, I mean.”

  Krista watched him warily, hating herself. “Whatever. Whichever, I meant.”


  Sean had just killed the mood. He nearly kicked himself. Instead, he hopped over her leg and laid next to her, putting his body up against hers. He needed to build her up. Coddle her. Then, when she opened up again, he’d let her take over.

  Speaking of virgins—he couldn’t be on autopilot with her. He couldn’t fall back on the tricks he’d used for years; she didn’t respond. He had to feel her out, like she was the first. He had to learn all over again. It gave him his own misgivings about his prowess, but man-code forbade being insecure in the act of sex; you were the master
, or you weren’t a man. He was happy for that now—he helped ease the “girlie” butterflies he was experiencing.

  He gently pulled her chin to him and kissed her heart-shaped lips. He put his hand on the back of her neck, keeping her close. He was spent, twice, but he would keep going until she came. It was not an option to stop now. Plus, he wanted to follow this to the end. He’d wanted her since the beginning, and he would be damned if he’d wait one more day because he’d used all the sperm in his body. He had to have some more hanging around somewhere…


  Krista let Sean kiss her, getting more comfortable, chasing away those damn ghosts that were so close to the surface. It was like Jim was perching on her shoulder, waiting for the right moment to waltz back in and ruin everything. She couldn’t let that happen.

  She forced herself to breathe, and then to relax, once there, she focused on the present. She always had to remind herself to focus on the present. And in the present was a hot, intelligent, caring man that was running his hands along her body.

  Also in the present was a throbbing core begging to be penetrated.

  It was a quick trip back!

  Krista slid her leg up Sean’s, needing him inside her. Needing to be as close to him as possible. They had the emotional connection, now they needed the physical. She needed the physical.

  Shutting out Jim’s mental presence, Krista lost herself in Sean. In his smell, in his body, in his kissing, now getting more needy, and matching her shift. She pushed at his shoulder, liking that he rolled to his back instantly. Liking the lurch of his dick as blood rushed into it. They definitely needed some handcuffs! It didn’t seem like Sean had ever let someone take charge, and the desire to was an aphrodisiac.

  Krista crawled on top of him, sliding his daunting girth along her wetness, focusing on the sensations worming their way deep into her core. She moved him to the front, now pointing toward his face instead of his feet, and gyrated her hips into his, letting his cock get caught in between. Now he was hitting her in the right spot, moving and displacing that little bump of pleasure. Her body was heating up, her core swelling again, her breasts jealous of the attention.


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