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Wolf Tales IV

Page 8

by Kate Douglas

  Needing to do something with her hands, anything, she twisted her long hair up in a knot and tied it loosely atop her head, rolling it and tucking the ends underneath. Okay…She looked around. The forest was dark and still, the sounds of creatures muted as the night wore on, but still the sense remained. The knowledge. She knew answers waited close at hand. If not tonight, then soon. Very soon. Rubbing at her tingling arms, Lisa waited impatiently for Tinker to return.

  Tinker sensed the changes in Lisa the moment he trotted into the clearing. All thoughts of why they were here in the first place, why he’d spent the past hour chasing down a pack of totally pissed-off timber wolves, fled the instant he saw her. Lisa sat on a huge fallen log with a big grin on her face, her eyes alight with knowledge and awareness.

  She spotted him immediately, slipped over the curve of the log to her feet, and came close to the fence. Watching her long-legged walk, the gentle sway of her hips, and the way her nipples pushed at the soft cotton shirt had him hard within seconds. When he shifted, Tinker’s erection was almost painful.

  “Here.” Lisa tossed his underwear back over the fence. He snagged them before they hit the ground. “Wouldn’t want you to damage anything that pretty.”

  Tinker laughed and slipped on the tight-knit boxers and then climbed back over the fence. Lisa held the rest of his clothes for him.

  “Why would I want those?” He drew her close, kissed the tip of her nose, and nuzzled his chin against her hair. He was hard as a post, but his cock nestled easily against her belly, just above the gentle curve of her pelvis. Her scent had changed in the brief hour he’d been gone, a major clue that the supplements had worked their magic on her. Her natural perfume was still subtle but intoxicating as hell. He rolled his hips, pressing against the softness of her belly. “No point in putting my pants on. We’d just have to take them off again.”

  “Here? Now?” She blinked as if she’d been a long way off.

  “Oh yeah.” He rubbed his hands up and down her arms, and she curled her body against him like a cat in heat. “You’re changing,” he whispered. “I feel the difference in you.” He nuzzled her neck and ran his tongue along her jawline. “I can smell the changes. Damn. It’s like catnip to a cat. I want to wallow in you. Get naked and rub our bodies together until the friction sets us both to burning.”

  She sighed when he nibbled at her throat. Whimpered when he kissed her along the line of her collarbone, then nudged aside the scooped neck of her cotton shirt and nipped the upper swell of her breast. Lisa moaned and bent back, baring herself to his teeth.

  “Submissive?” He chuckled and kissed a fresh line along her shoulder. “I’ve never seen a submissive Chanku bitch. They’re tough…ball breakers, if you want the truth.”

  Lisa whimpered again when his tongue found the edge of her ear. Her voice came out breathy, uneven. “Never. I don’t want to break your balls. I want them fully functional, okay? Your balls and that beautiful cock.”

  She slipped down his body, following all the angles, edges, and ridges of his with her own curves in a molten flow of feminine desire. She felt like hot wax against him, melting down his length, licking the hard muscles across his belly, nipping at the cotton band on his underwear. Her hands lingered on his butt, her face nuzzled the solid bulge trapped inside his knit boxer shorts. Tinker wanted to rip them off, but there was something almost otherworldly about the feel of her warm, moist breath melting through the cotton, blowing hot against the swell of his cock.

  It shouldn’t feel this good. Hell, they’d fucked right before coming out here, but he’d just shifted, and his arousal, his need after running as the wolf was at its most intense. Tinker thought his cock would explode when Lisa opened her mouth over the hard ridge and clasped him through the cotton, holding him firmly between her teeth.

  Her fingers found his sac and gently massaged his balls through the fabric. Her touch was so gentle it almost tickled, the tickle so elusive he squirmed against her hand, searching for more. Tinker bit back a groan when she pressed her fingers between his cheeks, teasing the sensitive nerves around his ass, but she made no attempt to remove his underwear. Lisa bit and licked and touched until his legs trembled. She was running her mouth along his cock now, sucking him through the knit fabric, licking and nipping at the wet cotton.

  Tinker twisted his fingers in her hair, in the loose knot that always seemed to slip one way or the other. His shorts were totally soaked with her saliva, almost transparent across the front where she’d mouthed him all along the ridge of his cock, and the night air felt cold when it touched his superheated flesh through the wet fabric.

  Lisa’s hair fell free of its knot, spilling down her back in thick, dark ropes, coiling over his thighs as she nuzzled his groin and nipped his cock. He couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t take the teasing, almost sense of touching through cotton that was merely an avenue for more sensation.

  He tried linking. God, he wanted more than anything to know what was in her mind, but somehow she’d managed to block her thoughts, and there was nothing for him to read. He moaned as the sensations grew stronger yet not nearly strong enough. Her hands were doing amazing things to his balls and his ass, but it was all still filtered through those damned cotton boxers. He couldn’t stand it another minute.

  Tinker grabbed Lisa’s shoulders, lifted her away, and held her, swaying, in front of him. When she blinked owlishly, Tinker knew she’d been lost in sensation, lost in a world of texture, taste, and heat. Arousal thrummed through Tinker’s body, raised his senses to a feverish level. His lungs billowed in and out like a damned bull in the ring, his chest heaving with each breath and his heart thudding against his ribs. He ripped the shorts down his legs while steadying Lisa with one hand and kicked them aside. Then he picked her up and carried her the few short steps to the fallen log where he’d first seen her waiting for him after his run.

  Tinker turned Lisa around and shoved her against the trunk. The wood was worn smooth from so many years lying on the forest floor. Lisa went willingly, throwing her arms over the curve and bending forward so that her breasts flattened against the curved surface.

  His vision glazed, as if everything were viewed through cracked glass, as if the blood pounding in his veins was screwing with his eyes, but he didn’t need to see for this. No, this was something so instinctive, so primitive that Tinker almost shifted, almost took her there in the forest as a wolf to her woman, but it was too soon—she might not understand, and he didn’t want to frighten the woman who would be his mate.

  There was no doubt in his mind. None at all. Lisa was his in all but the final act, the final bonding where she freely opened her mind to everything she was and had ever been, and where Tinker did the same with her. A total merging of the minds until there was no he or she, only we, together. A single unit forever linked.

  Mates for life.

  He was so close. Lisa was so close. He sensed her Chanku spirit, sensed the subtle changes taking place within her body, but subtlety wasn’t important right now.

  Hands shaking with lust so hot and strong he barely held on to control, Tinker grabbed the loose waistband of her baggy cargo pants and ripped them down her legs to her ankles. She wore cotton underpants. Plain white serviceable panties, and they came down with a single tug. She tried to pull one foot free, but the pants caught on her boots. Tinker helped her slide the pants off over her left boot and kicked them to the right. Lisa laughed, but it was a harsh, needy sound as she spread her legs wide and lifted her ass.

  There was something amazingly decadent about her pose, the fact that her body was bare from the waist down, her hiking boots still tightly laced and the heavy socks showing at the tops. Her wrinkled cargo pants lay in a tangled heap, still caught on the boot on her right foot. Half naked, she looked even more naked than if all her clothes had been removed.

  Breathing hard and fast, Tinker ran his hands along her sides and traced the full curve of her hips. Her butt was round and pale in the d
arkness. If not for his exceptional Chanku vision, Tinker wouldn’t have been able to see her at all. Now, though, he paused and ran his hands over the smooth flesh, squeezed each cheek hard enough to bruise.

  Lisa moved her hips back and forth against his harsh grasp. He heard her voice, whispering so low the words were barely audible. “Now. Take me now. Fuck me, Tinker. Fill me. Now. Now. Now.”

  “Oh God. God damn it to hell.”

  It sounded more a prayer than a plea when he cursed. Tinker wrapped his hand tighter around his cock. He squeezed hard at the base, pressing with his fingertips to hold off the climax threatening to burst forth. With his free hand, he breached the tender folds of her sex, slipped his fingers deep inside, and knew she was ready when she arched her back and groaned.

  “Now. Now. Now.”

  Her hands looked like claws, scrabbling at the smooth tree trunk. He shoved her higher over the curve and stood behind her with his cock in his hand. He’d never felt this big, this hard. Never felt his body burn and tremble with so much need or so much desire.

  She was Chanku. She would be his. His woman. His bitch. He drove forward, filled her hard and fast. His thrust lifted her even higher, pushed her against the smooth trunk. She screamed. The hot flow of her fluids bathed him, the tight contractions of her sex clenched and held him.

  Harder, his hips punched back and forth like a damned piston, but he couldn’t get enough, could never get enough. She grunted when he connected with her cervix, arched her back, and climaxed again. Her smooth ass jiggled each time he drove into her, and he slapped her right cheek hard with the palm of his hand.

  She cried out and bucked against him. He did it again, marking the left cheek with the flat of his palm. He heard her voice, the hoarse litany of “more, harder, deeper.” Heard and obeyed.

  Primitive. Pure sex, pure sensation. He’d never done anything like this, never felt anything so raw, so inherently powerful, so purely lush and decadent. He grabbed her hips and pulled her against him, pulled her so close they might have been one body, one entity, one person fucking.

  When she dropped her mental shields, when she finally opened her thoughts, it happened.

  She’d not shifted yet, never experienced the change from human to wolf, but her mind opened to that amazing level of Chanku reality that gave Tinker total freedom within her thoughts.

  She was there, part of him, just as he was part of her. He’d never heard of this happening, not until a partner had shifted. He hadn’t expected the exquisite loss of self, the amazing connection to be found in a total link with another.

  So this is what it’s like? No wonder Tia and Luc loved so deeply. Suddenly it all made perfect sense.

  Lisa was there, so much a part of him she was Tinker, just as he was Lisa Quinn, with all the baggage, all the memories, the pain, the fear, the laughter, the needs. So many needs both of them had, so much they could do, one for the other.

  He barely felt the shift coming, crawling through a nervous system completely out of control. Felt the bulge in his cock sliding into her welcoming sex as his body was suddenly more than human, more than mere beast. He’d not meant to do this, not intended…

  His climax hit hard and fast. Unexpected and powerful, it slammed through a system in flux, as hands became paws, as mouth stretched and reshaped into muzzle. Feral lips pulled back against sharp canines, hips thrust furiously, clawed feet scrabbled for purchase in the loose earth beside the fallen log. Tinker emptied his seed deep inside his mate, aware on some visceral level that their minds and bodies remained locked in perfect union.

  Just as Lisa’s body was now locked to his. One human. One wolf.

  Panting furiously and still connected to Lisa, Tinker collapsed into the beaten ferns at the base of the tree. Lisa screamed and fell with him in a tangle of human arms and legs, her swollen pussy clasping tightly around the hard knot of his wolven cock.

  He glimpsed the look of shock on her face and growled in reaction, but it felt so damned good inside her pulsing, living heat. So perfect, as if their connection were more than mere flesh. As if they’d linked heart, mind, body, and soul.

  Which they had, hadn’t they? Bonded? But how, if she hadn’t made the shift?

  I’m sorry, Lisa. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to shift, not during sex. Not until you’re ready. Please forgive me.

  His cock pulsed as his seed filled her. He’d forgotten to wear a condom, but it wouldn’t matter now. He’d come as a wolf, not a man. The knot locked him deep inside Lisa’s warm folds. He was afraid to look, afraid to see the disgust on her face, but her silence was even worse than her condemning words might be, and it scared the crap out of him.

  Slowly, Tinker opened his eyes.

  He blinked. And stared directly into the amber eyes of his mate. Tongue lolling with each rapid, panting breath, ears pricked forward and what could only be called a shocked smile on her wolven face, Lisa stared back at Tinker. Stared at him out of the eyes of a glorious, ebony-haired she-wolf.

  Chapter 6

  She’d watched him shift a dozen times, but until her body transformed, Lisa knew she hadn’t really believed it. There was absolutely no way to truly understand the magnitude of everything involved in the change from human to wolf. Not until she’d done it herself.

  She was still Lisa Quinn—but not exactly. Her mind roiled and churned with new and untried knowledge of her body and surroundings, and her thoughts felt alien and unfamiliar. Awareness of her sex tightening around a cock of unusual shape and size epitomized all that was different. The fact that the wolven cock with the swollen knot locked tightly within her body belonged to the man she loved seemed almost anticlimactic. She was a wolf, being fucked by a wolf, but she was still Lisa and he was still Tinker.

  To think of him—or herself—in any other manner might tip Lisa over the edge into insanity. She realized she was staring at him, staring into those gorgeous amber eyes and seeing the man as well as the wolf. Her body was reacting to the fading ripples of her climax as a woman would react, but the relaxed sense of well-being was overwhelmed by the adrenaline rushing through her system.

  She was a wolf. Fucking unbelievable.

  It was so much more than the logistics of bone and sinew, organs and limbs reshaping, so far beyond the mere physicality of the shift. Her mind was different. Her thoughts no longer totally human; instead, she poised now on the cusp between Homo sapiens and Canis lupus.

  Lisa continued to gaze steadily into Tinker’s eyes, the same eyes she saw when he was human, and realized she looked far beyond his humanity. The intelligence was the same, the love she’d sensed almost from the beginning burned as brightly as ever, if not even more, but overlapping everything was a feral intelligence, an animalistic quality that gave him power surpassing his human abilities.

  The beast was never far beneath the surface in this man, but now it shaped the human side, powered Tinker’s humanity with the power of the wolf.

  Just as that same feral quality now directed Lisa Quinn. So many things suddenly came into focus. So much was made clear to her.

  His cock twitched within her sex. She felt the answering, intimate ripples along her sheath. He moved again, then leaned close and licked her muzzle. His thoughts, when they entered her mind, sounded contrite, even a little perplexed.

  I’m in shock, you know. I had no idea you could do this yet.

  Neither did I. It’s amazing…so intense!

  She’d watched animals mate, knew the male wolf tied to the female during orgasm, but the reality of her wolven body rippling with contractions, the fullness of her mate’s cock locked inside her clenching folds—that was something else.

  That and the link they’d shared. The sense of connection. She’d need time to figure that one out, to understand all she’d learned about Tinker McClintock. It mattered little to her in this form. She would have to dissect the knowledge later, when the human side of Lisa Quinn regained control. Now she tilted her head and stared at him, overwhel
med by all she’d just learned—his strengths, his weaknesses. His vulnerabilities.

  Overriding everything else was the amazing sense of her own power. The differences Lisa had noticed earlier, among them the amazing awareness of her reproductive control, fluttered at the edge of her mind, and with it came a sense of empowerment she’d not appreciated before.

  That part of every woman’s world was so dominant—the act of reproduction. What Tinker had explained, the fact that she would be immune to all sexually transmitted diseases and would have total control of her reproductive rights, was suddenly a reality. It epitomized everything about her gender—what made women strong as well as vulnerable. But now, for the first time without any action on Lisa’s part other than the power of her mind, reproduction had become her choice and hers alone. She had the power to release an egg for fertilization, the ability to enjoy sex without fear of disease or unwanted pregnancy. No one could force it upon her; no one could make that decision.

  The choice was entirely hers.

  I didn’t give you a choice about the link. I didn’t know how close you were, or I never would have… Tinker’s thoughts burst into her head and then drifted off into a dark, silent space suffused with guilt. He looked away.

  Never would have what? Focusing her attention on Tinker, Lisa tilted her head and whimpered as he slowly pulled his cock free of her body and put more space between them. Something obviously had him very upset.

  Tinker lunged to his feet, but he hung his head and refused to meet Lisa’s direct gaze. We bonded. That intense link? It only happens with your true mate, with the one you commit to spend your life with.


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