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Boots and Leather: Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 2

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by Myla Jackson

  She passed by Audrey’s red pickup and Jackson’s black one and ground to a stop, shock stealing her breath away. Her precious motorcycle lay on the ground, the leather seat slashed, a mirror broken and the acrid stench of gasoline filling the air.

  “Damn!” Anger shot through her veins as she closed the distance, inspecting the damage. Someone had deliberately sabotaged her bike, tipping over The Beast.

  Libby struggled to right the machine, fury giving her the strength to set it on its wheels despite the weight. Once she had it upright, she straddled the seat and flicked the starter. The engine turned over once and then nothing. She tried several more times, still nothing.

  With a sigh, she hung her head, tired and a little defeated. Then she noticed the large damp spot on the gravel where the gasoline had spilled. She checked the fuel gauge and groaned.

  She’d had just enough to get her home and to the station the next day. Now, the tank was completely empty. And she had no idea if anything else had been tampered with. No doubt a disgruntled customer or that man she’d kneed in the groin had done this, knowing exactly who the bike belonged to. Not until the following morning, when the garage that serviced her bike opened, would she know the full extent of damage to her baby.

  She patted the tank like a favored child. “Don’t you worry, Beast. We’ll have you fixed up in no time.”

  With no other alternatives, Libby trudged back into the saloon. Everyone else had gone except Audrey and Jackson. From the noise on the other side of the storeroom door, they were getting it on. At least someone was having some fun.

  Reluctant to disturb the private party, Libby wandered around to the bar and sat at one of the stools, prepared to wait them out. After ten minutes, Audrey and Jackson still hadn’t emerged and Libby was getting tired of waiting. The waitresses had gone earlier, before Libby had finished cleaning and restocking the bar. They were probably sleeping soundly by now, their aching feet propped up in bed.

  Libby wiggled her toes in her black leather boots. What she wouldn’t give for a long, hot shower, or better yet, a steaming bubble bath. Had she been in New York City, she’d have called a cab. No such convenience existed in the counties on either side of the Ugly Stick Saloon. If you needed a ride, you called a friend.

  As that thought passed through her mind, Libby remembered the card in her back pocket. Mark and Luke had said if she needed them, just call.

  She pulled the card from her pocket and stared down at the stiff paper with the bold print. Her head tipped toward the storeroom, where giggles and noises indicated no end to their antics anytime soon.

  She slipped her cell phone from her purse, studying the display screen, stalling. For once she had three bars service. At the Ugly Stick, reception was always questionable. Maybe it was a sign. Quickly, before she could change her mind, she dialed the number on the card, half-hoping the men wouldn’t answer.

  After only one ring, a deep male voice cut through the line. “Libby?

  For a moment, her voice froze, and the hand holding the phone shook.

  “Libby? Are you there? Tell me this isn’t a butt-dial.” A deep chuckle rumbled in her ear.

  “No butt-dial. I’m here.” A smile tugged at her lips and she relaxed a little. “Which one of you did I get?”

  “This is Luke. Are you all right?”

  Warmth filled the empty spot in her chest at the sound of concern in Luke’s voice. How could she let herself get so needy? When she’d left home, she’d vowed to be independent no matter what. Regretting the call already, she almost hung up, but knew it would be rude. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have called. You two are probably in bed already.”

  “No, no. We’re glad you called. And we haven’t even started home yet. We’re over at the truck stop in Temptation, finishing an early breakfast. Wanna join us?”

  “No. Thanks.” She shifted her hand, ready to click the off button at the soonest possible chance.

  “Where are you?” Luke asked, forestalling her sudden urge to end the conversation.

  She breathed a long, deep sigh and went with the flow. Hell, she’d already called, she might as well ask for a ride home. “At the saloon.”

  “Didn’t y’all close thirty minutes ago?”

  “We did. But someone messed with my bike and I can’t get it started.”

  Even before she got the last word out of her mouth, Luke said, “We’ll be there in ten minutes. Five, if I can get Mark to let go of his steak.” He hung up before she could tell him to let Mark finish his meal and not to come, that she’d wait for Audrey and Jackson.

  With all intentions of calling back and telling them not to bother, Libby hit the redial button. Nothing happened. No bars, no reception. If she wanted to call Luke, she’d have to do it from the landline. She rounded the bar and lifted the phone from the wall mount and quickly dialed the number on the card.

  Again, no response. Apparently, Luke was having reception issues on the other end. Great. By the time the boys got there, Audrey and Jackson would probably be sexually satiated and ready to leave.

  Then again…maybe not.

  The noises in the storeroom increased with loud laughter and even louder groans. The giggles erupted from the doorway and footsteps sounded across the wood flooring, headed for the costume room behind the stage.

  Her pussy tightened as Libby imagined the hot sex the two were having and wondered what they were up to now. Envy burned low in her belly. She gathered her purse and strode for the back entrance, forced to pass by the wardrobe room backstage where Audrey kept the costumes for stripper nights. She and Jackson were laughing. The sound of a whip popping captured Libby’s attention.

  With ten minutes to cool her heels, Libby slowed and paused at the entrance to backstage. A flash of naked skin snagged her attention and she tipped her head to the side to get a better view of what was going on.

  Libby’s heart fluttered at the sight of Audrey perched on a stack of boxes, completely naked except for her bright red cowboy boots. Her legs wrapped around Jackson’s equally naked body as his hips rocked, grinding against hers.

  One of Audrey’s arms circled Jackson’s shoulders as she rode him, leaning close to kiss the side of his neck. In her other hand, she held a long leather whip. She glanced across the room, her gaze connecting with Libby’s. Audrey winked and flicked the whip, a loud crack splitting the air.

  “Careful with that. You almost got me,” Jackson warned.

  “Had I been aiming for you, I wouldn’t have missed. Now, ride me, cowboy,” Audrey demanded.

  Libby’s breath hitched and she stepped back, just enough so she couldn’t see. Heat rose from her chest into her cheeks. She’d never spied on another couple having sex. But Jackson and Audrey had looked so very hot and sexy, and the kink factor of the whip made Libby’s blood burn.

  Audrey’s moan drew Libby back to the entrance like a sailor to a siren. She couldn’t help watching as the couple engaged in hot and kinky sex.

  Jackson shifted, turning himself and Audrey, giving Libby a side view of the action. His long shaft pumped in and out of Audrey’s cunt. The soft slurping sound of a well-lubricated channel interspersed with Audrey’s moans and Jackson’s grunts as he thrust into her.

  Libby’s belly tightened. She pressed her hands to still the butterflies, her thighs quivering in anticipation of Jackson’s next thrust.

  Audrey leaned up to whisper something into Jackson’s ear. He smiled down at her and then turned to Libby, his eyelids drooping down over his brown-black eyes. “Wanna join us?”

  Libby jumped back, unable to pull her gaze from the couple. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to watch.”

  “It’s okay. We don’t mind.” Audrey’s ankles crossed behind Jackson’s back and she pulled him into her. “Do we?”

  Jackson shook his head. “If my lady likes a little more kink, I’m all for it.” He waved a hand, beckoning Libby into the room. “She has completely corrupted me.”

  “No. I shouldn
’t.” Despite her denial, Libby couldn’t move back another step—her feet were glued to the floor. The intimate connection between Audrey and Jackson set Libby’s pussy on fire. “The twins are coming to pick me up.”

  Audrey smiled. “You can watch until they come.” She let her legs slide down Jackson’s thighs to the floor.

  Jackson pulled his cock free of Audrey’s cunt and it jutted straight out, hard and thick. Bigger than anything Libby had ever witnessed.

  She swallowed hard, her tongue slipping across suddenly dry lips.

  Audrey trailed a finger all the way down Jackson’s chest to the hard, stiff shaft. “Just so you know, the twins are built just like Jackson.”

  The Kiowa frowned and thrust his hips forward. “I’m bigger.”

  Audrey slipped off her perch on the boxes and stood before the towering Native American cowboy, running her hand along his cock. “Yes, dear, by far. How’s about giving me some of that big dick?”

  Jackson’s nostrils flared, but he made no move toward Audrey. “Only if you wear these.” He reached behind her and snatched a pair of chaps from a hook on the wall. With a quick flick of his wrists, he tied them around her hips.

  She glanced toward Libby and whispered, “He has a thing for my red boots and chaps.” Her attention focused on her man and her head tipped back, her chin jutting forward. “What if I don’t want to wear these old things?”

  Despite her words to the contrary, Audrey ran her hands over her lovely, perky breasts and down her narrow waist to where the chaps rested on her hips, as if just wearing the costume made her hot.

  “You will do as I say or be punished.” Jackson grabbed a leather strap from a shelf and twisted it around Audrey’s wrists. Then he spun her to face a metal pole holding up the rack of costumes and lashed her wrists to the bar.

  Libby stepped into the room, ready to defend her boss from the man restraining her. She opened her mouth to protest, but swallowed the words when Audrey smiled over her shoulder.

  Her boss called out, “Oh, please, sir, don’t tie me up. I promise to do whatever you say.”

  “Too late.” Jackson gave Audrey a stern glare, ruined by the smile quirking at the corners of his lips. “You’re mine now, to do with as I wish.”

  Audrey laughed and tugged against the restraint. “Please, sir.”

  Then to Libby’s shock, Jackson spanked Audrey’s naked bottom.

  Audrey moaned, her eyes squeezing shut.

  Libby took another step into the room, ready to jump on Jackson’s back and fight for her boss.

  “Do it again,” Audrey begged.

  Confused, Libby stood stock-still, her mouth hanging open. “I don’t understand. Isn’t he hurting you?”

  “In the very best possible way.” Audrey’s eyes opened. “Oh, Libby, honey, have you never played games with your lover?”

  Libby shook her head. In her former life, she’d never even heard of playing games like this.

  “And you call yourself a biker babe?” Audrey shook her head and smiled over her shoulder at Jackson. “Please, sir, I’ve been very bad. Perhaps you should use the riding crop.”

  Jackson slipped a riding crop from another hook on the wall and smacked it against his palm.

  Libby blinked. “You’re not going to use that on her, are you?”

  Jackson grinned. “She deserves to be punished.” He popped Audrey’s ass, leaving a thin red line, not enough to break skin or leave a bruise, but enough Audrey flinched.

  Libby flinched with her, imagining the lash of pain. Strangely, her pussy creamed. She covered her mouth to stifle a gasp, her entire body flaming with desire.

  “Oh, baby, do it again.” Audrey’s back curved and her bottom thrust toward Jackson’s hand and the waiting crop.

  The big cowboy popped her again.

  “Oh, yeah,” Audrey breathed. “Now, fuck me in the ass, cowboy.”

  Jackson flung the riding crop on a shelf and grasped Audrey’s hips from behind. He slid a finger from her pussy up to her ass, moistening her tightly puckered anus. “Say the magic word.”

  Audrey moaned. “Please, sir, now.” She leaned back, taking his big cock into her.

  So hot she could hardly breathe, Libby took a step backward, then another and finally turned and ran out of the building.

  Standing on the back porch to the building, she dragged in deep breaths of warm Texas air. Libby pressed her palm to her aching chest, wishing she had a man she could go to for relief from the raging desire gripping her.

  A large hand gripped her elbow and Libby screamed.

  “Libby, are you all right?” Mark leaned close to the beautiful redhead, staring into her glazed eyes, concerned at her ragged breathing and flushed cheeks.

  Libby glanced up. “Luke?”

  He shook his head. “No, I’m Mark.”

  “I’m here, Libby.” Luke strode toward her, his brows narrowing over his forehead. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look flushed.” He pressed a hand to her forehead. “Are you running a fever?”

  Libby gave a bark of choked laughter that didn’t quite sound natural. “I’m okay. It’s just warm.” She fanned her face, tugging at the low neckline of the ribbed-knit tank top, apparently unaware that she was exposing more of her breasts with each tug.

  Mark frowned. Something was obviously troubling the woman. “Maybe you should go inside and have a cool drink.” He reached for the door handle. “Audrey and Jackson might know what would help.”

  “No!” Libby snatched at Mark’s hand.

  His brows rose. “Okay, we won’t go inside. But something’s wrong and we’re worried about you. Is it your bike?”

  She glanced toward her damaged bike and blinked, then pressed his hand to her chest, dragging in a deep breath and letting it out before saying, “No, it's not that. I’m fine, really.”

  The warmth of her breasts against the back of his hand sent a shot of electricity racing through Mark’s veins. He had to suck in a deep, steadying stream of air to keep from pulling her into his arms and kissing her.

  When she realized where she’d shoved his hand, Libby pushed it to her side, still holding his fingers in a tight grip while she planted a strained smile on her face. “Sorry. I’m just wound up from the night. Could we go?”

  Luke pulled her other hand through the crook of his arm and led the threesome toward the pickup truck with the Gray Wolf Design logo printed on the side in bold, artistic lettering. “Maybe you're having an anxiety attack or something. I could take you to a doctor.”

  “A doctor isn’t going to help,” Libby muttered. “Only having sex, long and hard would cure what ails me.”

  Mark ground to a halt. Had he heard right? “What was that?”

  “Nothing, really,” she said, a little too fast. “I’m just hot from a long night in the saloon. That’s all.” The red in Libby’s cheeks deepened. Even in the dim lighting from the back porch, Mark could tell her agitation wasn't about the bike.

  Libby had definitely mentioned the S.E.X. word and was quick to cover it up. Mark’s groin tightened. What had gotten her so hot and bothered? “At least let us stay with you until you cool off, just in case it’s more than that.” Mark opened the passenger door and held it for Libby.

  She stumbled on the running board.

  To keep her from falling back, Mark planted a firm hand on her derriere, and half-lifted her into the seat. No sir, touching her ass wasn’t helping the erection growing beneath his fly.

  Libby slid across the bench seat, and sat in the middle with her hands pressed between her thighs, her face no less red than a few minutes earlier.

  “I don’t know.” Luke sat behind the steering wheel, his gaze on Libby. “I think we should go back inside and see if Audrey can help. You really are flushed, your cheeks are all red. What do you think, Mark?”

  Mark leaned forward in his seat and stared at Libby. Luke was right. The woman had to be running a fever, but it was more than that, and he intended to find ou
t what it was. “Yeah. It’ll only take a minute for us to run back in. Audrey will know what to do.”

  Mark and Luke simultaneously reached for their door handles.

  “No!” Libby grabbed the fronts of their shirts and stopped them before they could descend. “Audrey and Jackson are…are…oh, hell…doing naughty stuff, damn it. Leave them alone.”

  A slow smile spread across Mark’s lips and his boner hardened to steel. “All the more reason to go inside.” He clasped his hand around hers. “Come on. Let’s go see what’s up.”

  “No, no.” Libby pulled her hand free of Mark’s. “I’m good. They’re having enough fun without us. No need to butt in.”

  “But we could have so much more fun with them.” Mark tipped his head. “What’s wrong? Afraid you might like it?”

  Her eyes widened, her lashes fluttering over the pretty green irises, glowing in the lights from the dash. “Yes, I mean no.” She straightened her shoulders and dragged her gaze from Mark’s. Refusing to look at either of them, Libby stared straight forward. “Please, let’s go.”

  Mark grinned, his gaze capturing Luke’s. “Let’s go. Perhaps we can explore that option another time.”

  Luke shifted into drive and pulled away from the Ugly Stick Saloon.

  As they left the parking lot, Libby’s body sagged against the seat and she leaned her head back, exposing silky skin stretching all the way down her neck to the swell of her breasts. “Thank God,” she breathed.

  “For what?” Mark fought to keep from leaning over and kissing the pulse beating wildly at the base of throat. “My older brother has been known to share.”

  “I know. They asked me if I wanted to join them.” Libby’s head came up and she shook it, her long auburn curls brushing across the tops of her shoulders. “I’ll never look at chaps the same way, ever again.”

  Luke laughed out loud. “Did Audrey wear her chaps and red boots?”

  “Yes.” Libby frowned at him.

  “Damn.” He smacked his palm against the steering wheel. “We should have stayed.”

  “It’s not too late to go back,” Mark insisted, wanting to see Audrey in her chaps almost as much as he wanted to rip Libby’s clothes from her body.


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