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Forged of Steele Bundle

Page 51

by Jackson, Brenda

  Ignoring the sensations that shivered up her spine, she nervously typed a response, wanting to make sure it was him.


  Yes, it’s me.

  Satisfied, she then clicked further to answer his question. Mom woke me. Bad dream. And I couldn’t go back to sleep. She decided not to tell him about his part in her sleepless night. What about you? Why are you still up?

  Late business meeting and not ready to go to bed, was his typed response. And then Is your Mom okay?

  Yes, she’s fine. And how are things going with your meeting?

  All right.

  Moments later she typed. Can I ask you something?

  You can ask me anything.

  Why me, Morgan?

  He knew what she was asking him and moments later he typed Why not you, Lena? You’re a very beautiful and desirable woman and I want you.

  She swallowed hard, trying to keep her heart from pounding at his words. She refused to put too much stock into them. She was glad he couldn’t hear her low laugh as she typed Come on, Morgan, be for real. I’m not your type.

  And what do you see as my type?

  Lena frowned. If he wanted the truth she would give it to him. Worldly, highly sophisticated, pencil thin…

  Wrong on all accounts. Is that why you never wanted to go out with me?

  She quickly typed a response. No. I told you the reason. Once burned you learn not to play with fire.

  And you saw me as fire?

  Maybe not fire, but definitely someone too hot to handle.

  She could tell by the timing that he had paused before sending her his next typed response. What if I told you that I saw you as someone too hot to handle as well?

  Lena smiled. Then my response would be that you probably had me mixed up with my twin.

  You have a twin?

  I’m a Gemini.

  Interesting. What’s the difference in the two of you?

  I’m not a risk taker. My twin is. She lives for the moment without thinking about her actions. I do just the opposite. She decided to leave off anything about her twin having a tendency to be naughty and wild.

  How often does she come out?

  Lena rolled her eyes and grinned. Of course as a man Morgan would be interested in knowing that. She’s never actually come out. I’ve managed to keep her in line.

  What a shame.

  Yes, well, that’s how it is. And with that said, I’m going to turn in now. I’m finally feeling sleepy.

  All right. Pleasant dreams. Good night, Lena.

  Good night, Morgan.

  Morgan smiled when Lena clicked off-line, and moments later he logged off his computer as well. He found it interesting what she’d told him about her so-called twin. Hmm, so there was another side of her, a side she was suppressing, a side where she could become another person, one who wouldn’t hesitate to let her hair down.

  He would love to meet that Lena Spears.

  Now she had him curious and his pulse began racing. Just the thought of a loose Lena had him reaching for one of the chilled bottled waters the housekeeping staff had left in the ice bucket on the desk. He quickly opened it and took a sip, cooling his insides.

  He shook his head, remembering when she’d mentioned she hadn’t thought she was his type. He definitely had to prove her wrong on that, and while doing so he wanted to prove to her that whether she was the ultraconservative Lena or the not so conservative one, she was the woman he wanted.

  Over breakfast the next morning Lena thought about her tête-à-tête with Morgan via her laptop. She hated to admit it but she’d actually enjoyed herself. There had been something downright fun about exchanging words with him online rather than by phone or in person. While online he couldn’t hear her responses or see her facial expressions. She couldn’t believe that she’d actually mentioned her mischievous twin to him. Well, he’d certainly seemed interested in that.

  “I’m sorry I woke you last night, Lena.”

  Lena glanced up when her mother came to the table and sat down. Of all the times her mother had awakened her during the night, this was the first time she had apologized for doing so, and Lena wanted to assure her that there was no need for the apology. “Mom, you don’t have to apologize, I understand.”

  Her mother looked at her with sad eyes. “And what do you understand?”

  Lena shrugged. “I understand that you and Dad had a close relationship and that losing him was hard on you, and it still is. I know he was your very best friend and confidant. What the two of you shared was really awesome when you think about it.”

  Odessa nodded slowly and Lena saw the lone tear that clung to one of her eyelids. “I know you probably think at some point I should let go and move on with my life, Lena, but it’s hard. Your father was my life. I feel lonesome without him. I know you’re here but it’s not the same.”

  Lena didn’t know what to say. One of the main reasons she took her mother to the adult day care center twice a week was so she could be around other senior adults. Deciding to change the subject to a cheerier note, she asked, “So, how’s Ms. Emily doing?” She watched a smile appear on her mother’s lips.

  “Emily is doing fine. I think this is the weekend her grandkids and great-grands are coming over.”

  Lena swallowed. Now she wished she hadn’t brought Ms. Emily up. “Is it?”

  “Yes. And I hope some nice young man comes into your life. I want you to share with a man that special love me and your father had. And then more than anything, I wish I could have a little one to cuddle on my knee before the good Lord calls me home.”

  An ache appeared in Lena’s chest as she heard the sadness in her mother’s voice. Considering everything, Lena knew that if she was to say yes to Morgan’s proposal she would be able to give her mother the one thing she wanted the most.

  Later that night after making sure her mother was settled in for the night, Lena took a shower and then slipped into a pair of silky pajamas Kylie had given her on her last birthday.

  She settled in bed with her laptop, deciding to see if Tiffany had sent her a message that day. Today had been hectic, and to keep Morgan off her mind she had thrown herself into her work. She had shown another couple Morgan’s house, and the moment she had walked through the door sensations had curled in the pit of her stomach, as if she expected to look up and see him walk down his stairs at any moment.

  Unfortunately the couple she’d shown the house to had a three-year-old son who had just finished eating a chocolate bar. Needless to say, a chocolate handprint had gotten on a few of Morgan’s doors. The boy’s mother had apologized and wiped off those areas, but sometime tomorrow, Lena intended to go to Morgan’s place and make sure the woman hadn’t missed any spots.

  Moments later she chuckled after reading Tiffany’s note. The boy she had thought she was interested in a few days ago was no longer the hunk of the week. A new guy at school had caught her eye. Lena shook her head. Her goddaughter was a lot different from Kylie when she’d been that age. At sixteen, Kylie had thought Tiffany’s father, Sam Miller, was her entire world. At least she’d thought that until he’d left her alone and pregnant. A part of Lena was glad that Tiffany was not getting serious about any one guy.

  Lena tried not to notice that Morgan was also online. Chances were he was aware she was on the computer as well and she couldn’t help wondering if he would do as he’d done the night before and engage in online conversation with her. She didn’t have long to wonder when Morgan’s screen name popped up. But his typed request surprised her.

  Lena. I want to chat with your twin tonight.

  Do you now? was Lena’s typed response as she managed a wry smile, after regaining her composure.



  I’d like to get to know her.

  Don’t think that’s a good idea.

  Let me be the judge of that. Trust me.

  Lena leaned back against her headboard trying to remember the last time she had put h
er complete trust in a man. When she remembered, her chin firmed as she thought stubbornly, why should she trust Morgan? But then, another part of her wanted to trust him. “I’m a big girl,” she murmured softly to herself. “Maybe it’s time I act like it.”

  Smiling, a naughty and wicked shiver sliding down her spine, she began typing. Okay, I trust you and for the rest of the time you’re online, you’ll be chatting with my twin.

  Okay. Thanks for trusting me.

  Lena nodded. She hadn’t expected him to thank her for that.

  So, Lena’s twin. How are you?

  Lena wasn’t sure what came over her at that moment. Maybe it was the idea that now she could, even if only for a short while, finally unleash her unruly inner self with a man she’d admitting to trusting. This was her chance to shed her inhibitions, stop being the good girl for a little while and walk on the wild side.

  Taking a deep breath and before she could change her mind she began typing and felt an intense shiver when she sent Morgan her response.

  I’m fine, Morgan, but I wish I was there with you.

  Morgan was sitting at a large oak desk in his suite when he received Lena’s response, and immediately he felt his body transform into hard steel, and inner fire began creeping through his bloodstream. The Lena Spears he knew, even the one he’d kissed the other day, would not have admitted such a thing.

  Inhaling deeply he began typing. And what would you do if you were?

  It didn’t take long for her typed response. I’d try things on you that I’ve never tried on a man before.

  Feeling hot, he undid the top button of his shirt before typing Such as?

  Depends on where you are now. You’re in your suite, right?


  In bed?

  No, I’m sitting at the desk.

  That’s a good spot. I’d clear off that desk and spread my naked self on top of it.

  Mercy! Morgan thought and immediately grabbed a sixteen-ounce bottle of chilled water and practically drained the entire thing just to cool off his heated body. The thought of Lena spread naked across this desk aroused such strong feelings within him that he had to lean back in his chair to place space between him and the desk. Imagining those voluptuous thighs exposed to his view sent a warm flood of anticipated and delicious pleasure racing through him.

  Morgan? she typed. You’re still there?

  Barely. But instead of typing that single response, he stroked the keys to ask And then what you would do?

  Whatever you want. I would become your every woman.

  His every woman…Just the thought sent more heat escalating through him. He leaned forward, feeling a heated rush. He tried to remain calm, keep his composure, but it was hard, just like the rest of him.

  Before he could type in a response she sent him a question. And what’s your fantasy, Morgan Steele?

  He smiled, not the least ashamed to admit what that was. He typed in his response. Making love to you all day long and feel you climax beneath me several times. More times than either of us can count. Then he smiled with a predatory satisfaction when she didn’t respond for a while.

  You sure about that? was the response she finally sent.

  Positive. Now what’s your fantasy?

  To have you on top of me, making love to you, and I’d be grateful for a half day and at least one climax.

  That powerful chemistry that she had failed to acknowledge the first night they’d met was back with a vengeance, stirring every volatile emotion within him. This was the Lena he wanted in his bed, and once he got her there he was going to prove they were one and the same. There weren’t two sides of Lena Spears, and he planned to make sure she realized that.

  Don’t settle for one climax. Get ready for several, he typed and then added Your wish will be my every command, Lena Spears. Whatever you want done, I will do…with pleasure.

  There was a pause and then she responded. I think it’s time we ended this conversation before the screens burn out.

  If we must.

  We must, and remember, Morgan, tonight you chatted with the twin.

  He lifted a challenging brow. The sexual excitement she had aroused in him had gotten to an intense level, had become a momentous force. There was no way he would let her cunningly fall back to being her old self. Even over cyberspace he sensed her emotional withdrawal.

  Good night, Morgan.

  Good night, Lena.

  He waited for her to log off before he did likewise. Then he sagged back against the chair thinking he couldn’t return to Charlotte quick enough to suit him.

  Chapter 10

  The following day Morgan discovered that he had a hard time focusing his attention on anything, even this meeting with Cameron and Ben. By the end of the day business negotiations were behind them, everything had been finalized and it was agreed that they would enter into a partnership for the development of urban real estate, with the objective of fostering economic opportunities in the underserved urban areas around the country.

  Ben had caught a flight back to Los Angeles as soon as the meeting was over, and if it hadn’t been for the promise Morgan had made to Cameron a few days ago to stick around and play a few rounds of golf, he would have been on the next plane bound for Charlotte. Now with the golfing behind them they both had plans to fly home on Thursday instead of Friday.

  After enjoying a scrumptious meal at a very popular soul food restaurant in St. Louis, they decided to have a couple of beers while a jazz band performed.

  “So how’s Vanessa?”

  Morgan lifted his gaze from studying the contents of his glass of beer and glanced across the table at Cameron. He smiled over at his friend. “She’s no different than she was the last time you asked me about her. What can I say? Vanessa is Vanessa.”

  Cameron took a sip of his own beer, straight from the bottle. “Maybe it’s time for me to pay you a visit in Charlotte.”

  Morgan chuckled. “Yeah, maybe it is. That should really shake things up a bit.”

  Cameron grinned. “I imagine it would. So how is the sale of your house coming?”

  Cameron’s questions made Morgan think of Lena, not that he hadn’t been thinking about her anyway. “Lena has found several interested buyers, and I actually like the new place she found for me.”

  Cameron lifted a brow. “But I thought you hiring her as a real estate agent was a cunning ploy to spend time with her.”

  Morgan smiled. “It started out that way, but this might be one of those situations where I got caught in my own trap.”

  Cameron chuckled. “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “No, whatever works I’m for it.” Moments later Morgan asked, “Why are we drawn to difficult women?”

  Cameron shrugged massive shoulders as he glanced at his watch. “Because we’re strong men. Any weaker man would have given up by now. Rejection is something a lot of men don’t take very well. But you know that saying about only the strong surviving. I think it has become our slogan. Besides,” he said, after another sip of his beer, “it’s more than our nature, Morgan. It’s our destiny.”

  Morgan’s mouth formed into a determined smile. Cameron had spoken of strength, but Morgan hadn’t felt strong after talking with Lena last night. In fact for a long while after their conversation he had sat in the chair behind the desk, too weak in the knees to even move. Never had he gotten so turned on from exchanging words with a woman through cyberspace. And every time he moved around in his hotel room and glanced over at his desk, he could picture a naked Lena spread on it.

  He glanced over at Cameron. “So can I expect a visit from you sometime later this month?”

  Cameron smiled. “Yes, that’s something you can pretty much bank on.”

  Lena found that her emotional side was the pits. She had asked herself a million times upon wakening that morning, how had she done what she did last night? Sheesh! She could blame it on her fictional twin all she wanted, but it was her fingers that had typed in those out
landish words.

  What did Morgan think of her? From his typed responses it didn’t appear that he’d been put off by her behavior. In fact he seemed to have enjoyed chatting with her naughty twin. She sighed thinking that he was due back in town on Sunday and she was supposed to give him an answer to his proposal. She was no closer to making a decision than she had been the day he’d made it.

  She had planned to go by his house that day to clean up any more chocolate handprints left by that little boy, but hadn’t had the desire to do so. The last place she needed to go today was the place where Morgan slept, ate, bathed, dressed…

  She tossed a file on her desk wondering at what point she would stop fantasizing about the man. Hadn’t doing so got her in enough trouble already?

  She almost jumped when her intercom sounded. Leaning forward she pushed the button. “Yes, Wendy?”

  “Cassandra Tisdale is here to see you.”

  Lena lifted a brow. Cassandra Tisdale? What would the woman want with her? There was only one way to find out. “Send her in, Wendy.”

  Lena stood just moments before her office door opened and Cassandra breezed in, bringing all her air of phoniness with her. She decided not to waste any time in asking, “Cassandra, what can I do for you?”

  Cassandra smiled brightly. “I think I owe you an apology.”

  Lena crossed her arms over her chest and eyed the woman skeptically. “Do you?”

  “Yes, silly me. When I saw you and Morgan together a couple of weeks ago I jumped to the wrong conclusions when I should have known better. I just heard at lunch that you’re selling his home for him. I should have known it was something to do with business and not anything personal.”

  Lena silently heard what Cassandra was not saying. “And why should you have known that?”

  Cassandra smiled affectionately. Lena surmised that it was the same way she would have smiled at a puppy before kicking it. “Because you aren’t Morgan’s type. In fact I know the perfect woman for him.”


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