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Macao Station

Page 26

by Майк Берри

  ‘Careful, now,’ said the dragon, a hint of wry amusement in its voice.

  Carver swore, floundering his way back to the handline, where he paused for a second to compose himself. ‘Yeah, yeah, that occurred to me already,’ he muttered. He dragged himself along to the end of the passage, passing the boarding tube that led back into the great asteroid without even looking into it. No more digging for now, he thought to himself with some satisfaction. Important business to attend to first.

  At the end of the passage was a junction. He knew that one side led to an airlock door into the cavernous cargo bay. The old, failed emissary had informed him that it was unpressurised in there and full of spares for the station. That, therefore, could not logically be the way to the docked ship in which the crazy dragon-man had returned to the shuttle. He took the other turning, leftwards.

  The new corridor zigged and zagged with apparent randomness, its path presumably dictated by some fundamental constraints of the ship’s design. He passed beneath some sort of shaft that led away into impenetrable darkness far above, offering a dizzying glimpse into the shuttle’s soaring architecture. He stopped and peered up into it, squinting.

  ‘Is that the way?’ he asked.

  ‘No,’ said the dragon. ‘Just carry on.’

  ‘No,’ agreed Carver. ‘I’ll carry on.’ His brain felt pleasantly fuzzy, as if he were slightly drunk or very tired. It was a kind of reassuring fuzziness, though, as if it diminished Carver’s own responsibility for his actions. He had already decided that he liked being the new emissary — the very notion seemed to fill him with a sense of importance, a new perspective on his own place in the universe. Finally, he had a purpose. Perhaps his whole life had merely served to prepare him for this moment.

  At the end of the passage he came to a vast convex door, clearly another airlock, smaller than the one to the cargo bay.

  ‘Is this it, do you think?’ he asked the enveloping darkness around him.

  ‘This is it,’ replied the dragon calmly. ‘Press the yellow pad there.’

  Carver spotted the control that the dragon was referring to and reached out to press it. The pad required more pressure than he had been prepared to exert, and the force pushed his own body back away from the door. There was an undulating, whispering whoosh of sound and the door seemed to shiver in its mountings, then began to open. An irritating, beeping siren began to sound, setting Carver’s teeth on edge. He floated closer again, wiping blood from his cheek with one sleeve. The old, failed emissary had clawed his face, probably with the zip of one of his gloves, and Carver’s own blood was mixed there with the murdered man’s. The wound still stung and burned fiercely. Probably infected, knowing my luck, thought Carver as he waited. As long as the bastard didn’t infect me with the disease of failure.

  The necklace of human fingers around the throat of his suit lent him great strength, though — it was a powerful item. Totemic. Surely it would protect him from the taint of failure. Some of those fingers had been pretty hard to bite off, but it had been worth it. It proved his dominance over the old emissary, his right to ascension. It was his crown, his sceptre. Yes — a powerful item.

  ‘Fear not,’ the dragon told him. ‘You will not fail me — I will not allow it.’

  Carver was unsure whether that was threatening or reassuring, and decided that it could possibly be both at once. Whatever the case, it was a little unnecessary. He had no intention of failing the dragon. His dragon. It had granted him freedom, he was certain of that. He supposed that he owed it his life.

  Once the door had opened fully, Carver pushed off with his toes — he had learnt that gentle movements worked best in the micro-gee — and floated into the airlock. As soon as he was inside, the great door began to close behind him with a cyclical squeaking noise. He looked around the interior of the airlock, cold fingers of claustrophobia starting to work their way into his mind. There were no handlines here, so he clamped his magnetic boots to the floor while he waited. The airlock was cramped — only big enough for three or four people — and dimly-lit by a single LED-cluster in the ceiling. A rack of suits and matching helmets was bolted to one wall, and the suits hung limply like flayed skins.

  ‘You’re sure I don’t need a helmet?’ Carver asked the dragon, suddenly worried.

  ‘No, it’s fine. You see the sign on the wall there, above the exit?’

  Carver looked up and saw the small screen to which the dragon clearly referred. It read, simply, SAFE.

  ‘Okay, I’ll trust you,’ he said, still a little uncertain.

  ‘You must trust me,’ said the dragon. ‘Do you think I let you go just to send you unprotected into a vacuum? Please.’ It sounded a little irritated, and Carver thought it best to let the matter lie. Anyway, it had a point. ‘The airlock cycle is just a precaution — it always goes through the motions, regardless of whether there’s air on the other side or not.’

  ‘I guess that makes sense,’ Carver admitted, glancing around impatiently.

  There was another whoosh of pumping gas and then the exit door, superficially identical to the one he had entered by, began to rise into the ceiling. Carver realised that he was holding his breath, and he let it out in a rush, gulping an experimental lungful of whatever atmosphere he was now immersed in. It was, as the dragon had promised, fine.

  He moved through the airlock, passing through a series of reinforcing metal ribs, dragging himself along with ever-increasing dexterity. He looked around wonderingly, unsure of exactly what manner of ship he was emerging into. It was much more cramped than the shuttle behind him — darker, simpler, older-looking. He guessed it must be quite a lot smaller, too. There were deep gouges in the nearest wall where some heavy piece of equipment had been forced into or out of the airlock, and a fair scattering of rubbish and shiny curls of swarf drifted in the corners. It didn’t look as if it had been cleaned in a hundred years. He could see the cockpit from here, and it looked small and simple after the relative technical complexity of the shuttle that had brought him to this awful solar system.

  ‘Onwards, then,’ he muttered to himself, feeling inexplicably nervous now, as if the ghost of the man he had murdered might materialise before him with a blood-curdling scream. It occurred to him how utterly alone he and the dragon really were out here. Anything could happen, completely unnoticed by the entire civilised universe. He imagined that he could feel the vessel pitching and rolling around him, even though he was fairly sure that without any gravitational reference point, that had to be an illusion.

  ‘Remain calm,’ said the dragon soothingly, instantly making him feel better, its words so similar to the rush of the fader he had taken the night before. ‘Focus on the job at hand. You’re doing just fine. Don’t worry about a thing.’

  ‘My dragon,’ he whispered, craning his neck to peer down the passage ahead. Something began to hum deep in the mechanical heart of the ship — it sounded like an internal combustion engine revving up. Carver ignored it and floated towards the cockpit.

  Inside the cockpit was a single pilot’s seat with duct tape like scars on its cushions. The window was small and the ceiling low, hung with loops of cable cinched together with plastic ties. The console looked relatively simple — a multi-purpose main screen, a few ranks of switches, and a flight yoke which was shiny around the grip from long use. The window showed the scabbed and blistered skin of the huge asteroid. Dragon-skin, thought Carver distantly.

  He drifted across to the console and began to rummage items out of the locker in its base: datasheets, one of them cracked right across its surface; food wrappers; an unidentifiable metal item about the size of a key; a bottle of beer; a pen with its point broken off. . . Not what he was looking for. Frowning, he cracked the top off the beer on a corner of the console, making it instantly fountain out of the bottle in a plume that snaked into the air, twisting and spraying droplets. Laughing, Carver intercepted the plume with his mouth, sucking it down with childish glee, chasing it back to the neck
of the bottle, which he drained in one gulp.

  He laughed aloud, and smashed the bottle against the main viewscreen in celebration, creating a scintillating firework of glittering shards that pattered off the walls and floor in a chaotic display. The beer had been good — very good — and he wondered how long it had been since he had last had one. Years? Was it years? If you counted the time he had spent in sus-an, it might be as long as seven years, he thought. He wanted another.

  ‘Remember why you are here,’ reminded the dragon, actually making him jump.

  ‘Yeah, sorry,’ Carver said guiltily. The dragon was right. It was always right. Hadn’t Emissary Mark One said that? Or it always knew best — something like that. The crazy fuck had apparently been right about that, at least.

  ‘Try the main console,’ said the dragon.

  ‘What? You think it’ll be there?’

  ‘Try it, I said,’ ordered the dragon, a hint of impatience in its voice.

  ‘Right, okay,’ agreed Carver. He flicked the switch marked Main Console Active, which seemed like the likeliest candidate for the job.

  ‘Hmm. . .’ he mused, staring into the small screen, watching the indecipherable dance of white text as it self-tested, something beginning to whir inside it.

  After a few seconds the console presented him with what was clearly a home-screen, with icons that looked as if they might conceivably represent various shipboard systems. He was pretty sure he recognised manoeuvring jets, and maybe docking clamps. One of the pictures looked like a book — a stylised blue cover and several splayed pages — and as a book was what he had originally sought, Carver tapped the icon with one gloved finger. Nothing happened.

  ‘It’s a conductive screen,’ said the dragon. ‘No pressure-sensitivity. Take your glove off.’

  ‘A conductive screen,’ Carver repeated, not entirely sure of what that meant. He thought that he might have known, once, but his intelligence seemed to have slipped a notch since the first time he had heard the dragon’s voice. Anyway, it didn’t matter — the dragon seemed more than capable of doing the thinking for him.

  He fumbled to remove his glove, throwing it onto the pilot’s chair. It bounced away and spun off into a corner, where it did a little low-gee dance before it came to rest. He hit the icon again, this time with his bare finger. The screen changed with an uncertain-looking flicker, and a simple legend appeared on it in rounded, idiot-friendly letters: FARSIGHT FS-ISL107 IN-SYSTEM LOADER — PILOT TUTORIAL SIMULATOR.

  Carver felt a grin split his face. He thought it was probably a pretty nasty grin, maybe even a madman’s grin, but he didn’t care, didn’t honestly give a burning shit in hell. He laughed aloud, throwing himself back into the chair and spinning it around.

  The dragon, hiding just behind the gauzy film of reality like a thought that longed to be voiced, grinned too. Carver couldn’t see it, but he knew it. ‘Good,’ it said. ‘That’s good.’

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  When Lina and Marco neared the dorms, Theo came rushing up to meet them, wearing his black combat armour.

  ‘Come on!’ he yelled, beckoning them to hurry up. ‘We’re waiting for you! Everyone’s waiting. Halman’s in a right state!’

  Lina looked down at Marco, who grinned back up at her. That grin looked a little flaky round the edges, but she was glad to see it nonetheless. ‘Uh-oh,’ she said, breaking into a trot.

  Marco didn’t reply and they ran after Theo, who led them back towards Halman’s office and the dormitories, stopping occasionally to hurry them along. They passed through the first corridor — which had been checked for air-tightness and would form a makeshift airlock — and into their own corridor, the one that connected all the dorms and Halman’s office.

  When they emerged into their little refugee camp, a sea of irate and fearful faces was staring back at them. It seemed that everyone was here, waiting, much as Theo had promised.

  ‘Where the fuck have you been?’ demanded Halman. He noticed Marco — a minor for whom he was technically at least partly responsible — and corrected this to, ‘I mean where the hell have you been?’ He stood a clear head above most of the crowd, a scowling monolith of a creature.

  Lina was glad to see him, although she supposed she was in trouble. She couldn’t help grinning at him as she forced her way through the throng towards him, dragging Marco by the hand. ‘Hi, Dan,’ she called out, embarrassed.

  As she stopped in front of him, Halman seemed to melt. He smiled, too, and leant down to speak to Marco. ‘You managed to get her back in time, then, kiddo. Just about. I’m glad someone sensible’s keeping an eye on her.’

  Marco grinned up at him. Halman looked big enough to eat the boy whole. ‘Yes, Sir,’ he agreed. ‘Somebody has to.’

  Lina, amazed at his cheek (after all, she had gone after him), shoved him on one shoulder, making him stagger. ‘Kids today!’ she exclaimed with mock despair, throwing her hands up. ‘Go and see Clay, Son,’ she ordered. He ran off dutifully enough. She turned to Halman. ‘Sorry, Boss,’ she said more seriously. ‘Thanks for waiting.’ She was aware that a fair number of people were unabashedly listening in.

  ‘Well you didn’t leave me much bloody choice, did you,’ Halman retorted, but he didn’t sound too angry. He lifted his chin and addressed the crowd more generally: ‘Somebody get Alphe! Tell him it’s time to go!’

  The word went round, rippling back down the darkened corridor. The crowd parted in such a cinematic way that it could have been choreographed and Alphe, in the station’s standard-issue white space suit, appeared at the far end of the group. He moved down the gangway they had made for him, being slapped on the back as he passed. Lina was reminded of early footage of olden-day space pioneers leaving on the first terraforming missions — people who had been celebrities in their day. A few people shouted out encouraging slogans. Alphe’s suit-light sliced from left to right as he turned this way and that, acknowledging various people.

  He stopped before Lina, holding a large toolbox in one hand, and gave her an embarrassed smile. He turned to Halman and said, ‘I guess I’m ready, then.’

  ‘Good man,’ Halman replied, arms folded across his chest. ‘You sure you don’t want someone with you?’

  Alphe looked like he was genuinely considering this for a moment, then he said, ‘No, thanks. It should be easy. I won’t be long. I’m hoping to get some sleep myself soon.’ A chant had gone up behind him now — Alphe! Alphe! Alphe! — and he rolled his eyes, set his face and made his way heavily to the door which would soon become the inner skin of an airlock. He turned once more, waved to the crowd, then cranked the handle to open the door. It seemed to take a long time, and he waited for it to be fully open before stepping through. Just as slowly, the door inched down behind him. The chanting died away, leaving an awkward silence behind it. People milled around, some of them starting to dribble away back to the dorms. It was late. They were tired. And they were facing their first night as refugees within the walls of their own home.

  ‘Is he killing the hangar as well?’ Lina asked Halman.

  ‘Yeah,’ said Halman. ‘He’s killing the emergency power and drawing the air out of everywhere except here and the prison. Tomorrow morning, when you go with them to sort the Kays out, we’ll re-power the hangar. You won’t get air down there, though. It’ll be suit-work, I’m afraid.’

  Lina thought about this, biting her bottom lip. She had temporarily forgotten that tomorrow, if all went to plan, she was going to enter the shuttle through a hole in its hull. And if Eli objected, she supposed she would have to shoot him. She honestly wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She only knew that she’d have to succeed. What she’d told Marco was the truth — she had to at least try.

  ‘I’m sure it’ll be fine,’ she said.

  But she must have failed to hit the right confident tone, because Halman leant down to her level and said, ‘Lina, it will be fine. You should get some sleep. Alphe is gonna be a while, whatever he says. I want you f
resh tomorrow. You’ll go after breakfast — you, Alphe, Fionne and Liu. You’ll sort the cutting discs out, full pre-flight, then you and Ella will go across. Okay?’

  Lina couldn’t determine if that was okay or not. She had never really liked to think about things too much in advance. She preferred just to do them when the time was right.

  ‘I think I will go and get some sleep,’ she said.

  Halman nodded, his lips stretched into a smile, and he half-turned to go, then stopped himself. ‘And by the way,’ he added, ‘there’s gonna be someone posted at the airlock from now on and the other exit from this corridor is welded shut. But even so, keep an eye on that boy of yours, will you?’

  ‘I will,’ she said, a little defensively. And then she added, ‘I only went to get our bags.’

  Halman turned his smile up a notch without replying, then he strolled back towards his office, whistling. The sound was gratingly at odds with the bleakness of their situation. The corridor pulsed redly as the last stragglers wandered away. This was now their world.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  They moved through the pitch dark corridors of the desolate station in a silent procession. Lina had, in fact, hardly managed to sleep at all. She’d also barely eaten anything for breakfast, managing half a slice of bread and a cup of coffee. Her stomach was rolling and sloshing queasily as she followed Alphe through the deserted passages of Macao, moving awkwardly in her space suit. Marco had hardly spoken to her this morning. She’d left Rocko to watch over him. Hero of the day two days running, she thought.

  Their suit-lights made bright circles that skimmed across grey passageways and hulking machines. Doorways into utter darkness leant towards them from either side.

  Prior to the extraction of the air, the heating had gone off. Moisture from the air had condensed onto walls and floors, then frozen there, making the architecture look as if it had been carved from dark and glittering crystal, and the footing treacherous.


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