No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon

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No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon Page 2

by Candace Blevins

  She heard water running in another part of the house, and when she decided she was finished in the bathroom and went searching, she discovered he was filling a large, jetted tub.

  “Now we get clean,” he said, “and then your ass is finally mine.”

  Chapter Two

  Sam couldn’t believe how nervous she was as she stepped out of the tub. Once upon a time she’d have kept it to herself, but she knew Ethan would want to know, and she didn’t mind letting him see her weaknesses.

  “Ethan, I know you’ve prepared me for this, but I’m a little scared.”

  He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. His deep voice vibrated through his chest and into her cheek as he said, “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t turned on by your fear, but I want you to enjoy this, too.”

  He leaned back and looked into her face, scrutinizing. “Do you want a glass of wine before we get started?”

  “Maybe a half glass? I’m not sure a lot of wine would be wise after the enema.”

  He smiled. “We’ll split a glass between us, then.”

  He dried her off, then himself, and they walked to the kitchen together. He’d put a bottle of wine in the fridge earlier, and he pulled the cork as they talked about the house, the weather, and how beautiful the ocean view was through the window.

  He walked her outside, and when the salt air and ocean breeze hit bare skin, Sam made a note to request sex outside, at some point.

  Ethan stood behind her and she leaned into him as they passed the wine glass back and forth, both taking sips as they breathed in the clean, refreshing air and soaked in the sun’s fading rays on their naked bodies. The view was stunning, and as Sam’s eyes adjusted she could see other islands in the distance, and wondered if it’d be possible to kayak out to them.

  As she drained the last of the wine from the glass Ethan said, “Okay, my beautiful wife. It’s time. I’ll let you drop the wineglass off in the kitchen and meet me in the master bedroom.”

  Sam had to work to make her vocal chords function as she said, “Yes, Sir.”

  When Sam made it to the bedroom she heard the haunting notes of the first track from The Serpent’s Egg by Dead Can Dance, and noted Ethan’s phone plugged into an external speaker. He’d dimmed the lights, opened the sliding doors so the sea breeze brushed her skin through the screen, and turned down the bed to display luxurious linens.

  He was arranging items on the night table when she stepped into the room, but he stopped, met her halfway, and drew her to him in an embrace as he said, “I don’t know exactly how the night will go, the only thing I know for sure is I’m finally going to get to sink my cock into your ass. I’m finally going to claim you in every way.”

  He pulled back and looked down as he added, “It’s been a long day, and it’s well after midnight at home, so I haven’t planned a ton of activities. Tonight is just about you getting your ass fucked, so it’ll be the only thing you remember about the night. If we fall asleep after, it’s okay.”

  Sam snuggled into his arms and he added, “No speech restrictions, and unless you fail to follow a direct order, no threat of punishment. If you want to say Sir you can, but it isn’t required. I’d like a warning before you come, but if it doesn’t happen I won’t stop and cane you.”

  “Are you going all romantic on me, Sir?”

  “I’ll start out with romance, but…”

  He hesitated, and Sam understood. “But you may get rough with me, once we get started.”

  His hand rubbed down her back, almost an apology, and she pulled back to look up to him. “Ethan, by the time you get us there, it’s likely we’ll both want you to let your inner caveman free so you can take me, and get what you need from me.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I considered giving you your safeword back, but I think it’s better to just have you tell me if it’s too much. I can tell from your noises if it’s a good hurt or a bad hurt, and you can always tell me it’s a bad hurt if you don’t think I’m getting it.”

  Relieved he understood what had her worried, she merely said, “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome.” He stepped back and motioned to the bed. “Hands and knees, and face the footboard so we can see the ocean.”

  He took his time lubing and stretching her ass, and she hadn’t expected it to feel so different without gloves. The rough texture and extra friction of his fingers didn’t exactly hurt, but gave a completely different experience. By the time he stepped away from her, Sam wanted him to sink into her, wanted to feel the warm skin of his cock sliding inside her. Stretching her. Owning her.

  Instead, he moved to stand in front of her, at the foot of the bed with his cock standing at attention and a jar of coconut oil in his hand. “Kiss the head, and then lube me,” he said.

  Sam leaned forward, tenderly kissed the tip of his cock, and then proceeded to lovingly spread the soft coconut oil along his length. Her heart sped as he groaned his pleasure, but she kept her focus on getting him slick.

  He pulled away, used a small towel to clean her hand, and climbed onto the bed behind her once again.

  “Are you mine?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I told you not to call me Master until I gave permission. Until I was undoubtedly your Master. What I didn’t tell you was that I haven’t allowed anyone to call me Master since I realized I’d eventually want to find someone to spend the rest of my life with, and I only wanted to hear the word come from her lips.”

  Sam didn’t know what to say, and her heart sped impossibly faster as she took in the meaning of his words. She wanted to call him Master, but he hadn’t exactly given permission. Still, he’d said no threat of punishment, and had even said she didn’t have to call him Sir, unless she wanted to.

  And then she got it. He wanted her to call him Master only if she wanted to. He wanted her to give this to him. He didn’t want to order it.

  “Oh, Ethan. Master.” She twisted her body to look back at him. “I’ve wanted to call you Master so many times. Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Master.”

  His smile warmed her heart. “I love you, too. Now turn around and face the ocean. I’ve waited about as long as I can for this.”

  He lined up and pushed, gently at first, but then harder as the thick head didn’t breach as easily as he’d apparently expected.

  Sam gasped as he finally forced his way inside, and then squeaked as the head cleared the outer muscles and she felt the difference in texture.

  She lowered the front of her body until her chest rested on the bed, and stretched her arms to grasp the footboard. Ethan groaned and said, “Yes. This is perfect. You’re perfect, Samantha. God, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Master.” She gasped as he slid deeper, and deeper. He’d warned the largest stretching ring was slightly smaller around than him, but he felt more than slightly larger. God, it was so much, and he just kept coming. Opening her. Piercing her. Impaling her. Taking her. Owning her.

  She was prepared for him, but she’d never experienced depth and width of this magnitude at the same time, and had to work to stay relaxed as he sank farther and farther, and spread her wider, and wider. The depth training tool had been long, but skinny. Even when he’d inserted it through the MEO training ring, the width was only at her entrance and not along the entire length. She hadn’t expected to feel so much more full.

  “Permission to play with my clit, Sir? Master?” she asked, gasping.

  His left hand moved from her hip to caress her lower back. “Yes. Do what you need in order to enjoy it, Samantha.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said as she released the footboard with her right hand, found her clit, and ran her fingers along either side of it before stroking the base.

  He was too big, and the stretch began to burn. Sam heard herself whine and Ethan returned his hand to her hip and pulled back a few centimeters, but it wasn’t enough and she squealed at the intensity. He pushed forward an inch, pulled back a half inch, pushed
forward again, pulled back a little. He gained more ground with each push, invading her more and more, until she was so full of him and she was certain she couldn’t take anymore, and yet he kept pressing in.

  He picked up speed, and Sam cried out, but he didn’t slow this time, nor did he pull back. The last couple of inches were a long, steady push, and Sam’s mouth opened in a silent scream.

  When at last he was buried in her depths, his hips pressed to her ass, Sam had never felt so full. So owned. Conquered.

  His hands held her hips and he froze, his voice rough as he said, “I may not have enough control to give you much more slow. How are you doing?”

  Sam did a quick inventory and realized that, while she was full beyond anything she’d ever experienced, and stretched wider than ever before, her body was handling it okay. She wanted him to take her, possess her.

  “I’m good, Sir. So full, so open. I’m yours to use as you need. You’ve prepared me for this, Master. I can take what you need to give me.” She rubbed her clit harder, which made her hips pump in spite of his grip on her and his massive cock filling her ass. “Make me yours, Master.”

  He slid out, slowly, and pushed back in a little faster. Sam gasped at the sensation as the skin of her asshole pulled out and then pushed back in.

  “You’re sure?”

  She realized she’d stopped breathing, as if his cock had pushed the air from her lungs, and it took effort to fill them enough to speak. “Yes Sir. Yes, Master. I’m yours.”

  Ethan yanked almost all the way out and slammed into her full force, once again knocking the breath from her, and Sam released her clit and grabbed the footboard with both hands while he paused, buried all the way in her.

  Neither said anything else as he jerked back and crashed into her once more, only giving her a few seconds to handle the onslaught before doing it again. And again.

  Sam had never been spread so wide and delved so deeply at the same time. She’d never been taken so intensely, so savagely, and she was right on the edge of an orgasm, but it was too much and she couldn’t find her way over the edge.

  Before long, Ethan was fucking her like a madman, without worrying how deep, or considering the angle or depth or speed, or how she might be handling it. Sam knew he’d back off if she were in trouble, but she was managing okay and loved that he was able to totally lose himself and take her without having to be careful. No way could he go this hard in her pussy without making sure the angle was exactly right. She was aroused, but not enough to come, and it was all she could do to brace against the footboard and absorb the power of each brutal thrust.

  He put more power behind his hips and Sam couldn’t brace enough. Her knees scooted back as her bottom sank lower and lower until she was flat on the bed, and Ethan rode her down and continued to pound her ass with all the primal need of his inner caveman. He wrapped his legs around the outside of hers, and pressed her thighs together, which squeezed her ass even tighter around his cock. Sam screamed as the friction grew more intense, and the bed pushed into the area above her clit enough to create an instant orgasm.

  She writhed under him, totally out of control as he hammered into her without letting up, and just as Sam thought she might be in trouble soon if they didn’t relube, he half screamed and half growled as he pressed into her at full force and his cock jerked deep inside her colon.

  When he finally relaxed, spent, he carefully pulled out of her ass, rolled to her side, and used a single finger to turn her chin towards him until their eyes met. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m wonderful, Sir.” She smiled drowsily and corrected herself with, “Master.”

  His worried face looked hers over before relaxing into a cocky smile. “Well, you’re mine now. Lock, stock, and barrel. Do you need anything before I pass out?”

  “I’d like to go to the bathroom and clean up. I’ll bring a warm washcloth back for you.”

  “No, I should be taking care of you. I’ll get a washcloth.”

  Sam pushed up and stood before he could stop her. “You always take care of me, and I have plenty of energy right now. Let me take care of you, Master. Just this once.” She loved the way the word Master rolled off her tongue.

  Chapter Three

  Sam awakened to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach, punctuated by the call of various seabirds. She was spooned against Ethan, his arm over hers protectively, and she snuggled into him and luxuriated in the wonderful sheets, the smell and sound of the ocean, and Ethan’s warm strength behind her as the sky gradually brightened.

  She tensed her ass and was surprised to find it was a little tender, but nothing like she’d expected.

  After the long build-up for their first time, she’d worried it would be anti-climactic. Looking back on it, she was glad it was behind her, and grateful he’d handled it as he had, without structuring a huge scene around it. They’d both been tired from a day of travelling, and by restricting the evening to the clean-out and then the main event, it’d let her focus on it more. The evening had been about his taking her ass and claiming the last part of her, with no bells and whistles around it, and she loved him for it.

  Sam was certain he’d find a zillion ways to be more adventurous over the next three weeks, but she was glad their first time had just been the basics.

  She was also glad they’d opted to not make any plans for their first full day. The next three days were packed full of adventures, but today they could rest and acclimate to the new time zone.

  With nowhere to be and nothing to do, she considered whether to fall back asleep in Ethan’s arms, or cook breakfast. At the mere thought of food her stomach growled, and she figured that was answer enough, but as she tried to get out from under Ethan’s arm he awoke and pulled her back to him.

  “Good morning,” he said, his voice rumbling even deeper than normal.

  “Yes, it is. How about you let me make us some breakfast, and then perhaps we can go for a swim? Maybe drive around later and get a feel for the island and do some sightseeing?”

  “Breakfast sounds good, but then I think I want you again.” He kissed the side of her neck and goose bumps rose on her skin.

  His lips went to her ear, and she felt his breath as he added, “And then maybe again.”

  She laughed as she turned towards him, but saw the look on his face and sobered as she said, “Yes, Sir.”

  “On second thought, let me go use some soap and water to make sure I’m clean, and when I get back I expect to see you bent over the bed. I’ll take your pussy this morning and give your ass another couple of hours before I ravage it again.”

  He slapped her ass as he got out of bed, and Sam squirmed as the warmth soaked into her skin.

  * * * *

  By the time they’d fucked and ate, the sun was up and sparkling on the waves as they rippled and fluxed towards the sandy beach. The couple swam and played in the ocean, and then made their way to the beach. Ethan brought a lounge chair and umbrella down for Sam, and she read while he went through a workout routine in the sand.

  She finally gave up on her book and just watched him — the fluid movement of his limbs, the way his muscles rippled as they tensed and relaxed, and his perfect balance as he shifted through his exercises. She noted elements of tai chi, yoga, karate, and kung foo in his katas, and marveled at the way he put them together seamlessly.

  He noted her watching and stopped. “I thought you were going to read.”

  “You’re more interesting than my book,” she said with a smile.

  He dropped his hand to flatten his swim trunks across his front, and Sam could see he was hard, again. “I want you. If you can handle the umbrella and your Kindle, I’ll carry the lounger. Let’s hit the outdoor shower before we go in.”

  Sam stood and reached for the umbrella without answering, and as they were walking back to the house Ethan said, “Actually, I think outdoor sex might be what I want. Maybe even in the outdoor shower. We’ll have to see how it goes.”
/>   Sam settled the umbrella back into the patio stand, reached in the door far enough to put her Kindle on the kitchen counter, and met Ethan at the outdoor shower, conveniently hidden from the beach by a freestanding wall.

  She turned the water on, adjusted the temperature, and was stepping under the water when he growled, “Bathing suit off, Samantha.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She slid the straps down her arms without leaving the caress of the water. “This showerhead is awesome,” she said as she stepped out of her suit. Looking up, she noted it was at least a foot across, bigger than a Frisbee. The stream was powerful enough to knock the sand off, but gentle as a summer afternoon rain.

  There was only one wall — the one holding the shower head up — and when Ethan joined her he lifted her, held her horizontal, and passed her back and forth under the stream, slowing as her crotch came under the water.

  “Spread your legs, let me see the water hit your pussy.” She obeyed, and he groaned as he brought his face close, water dripping from his nose as he watched. He stood her back up and stepped under the showerhead, letting the water rinse the sand and sweat from his muscled body.

  Sam leaned forward and slid his swim trunks down his hips, bringing her face inches from his cock as she pulled the fabric down his legs. He stepped out of them and she tossed them onto the same chair she’d thrown her own bathing suit, and turned back to see the water strike his hard cock, flow down it in little rivers, and stream from his balls.

  She took his head into her mouth and reveled in his groan from above. He let her play with him and torment him a while before he stepped away and stood her up. “Hands on the wall and let the water run down your back. I’ll be right back.”

  He dried off quickly before going inside, and was back in no time. Sam’s heart sped as she saw the rubber flogger in his hands, and she turned to face the wall, knowing he’d make it good for her even if it hurt, but unsure of how it would feel under the water.


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