No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon

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No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon Page 3

by Candace Blevins

  The first strike answered her question — the water both buffered the strike and made her skin more sensitive. She aimed her head down, so her hair diverted the stream away from her nose and mouth and she wasn’t at risk of sucking in water as she panted her way through the delicious pain.

  Ethan alternated the strikes on her shoulders and ass, and she was glad she’d be wearing a t-shirt for their bike ride the next day, because she was certain her back would be marked.

  She didn’t need to be restrained for this, each strike delivered the most beautiful pain, and she didn’t want it to end. He knew how to hurt her in such enchanting ways, and today he was gifting her with her favorite kind of impact play.

  When he finally stopped she whimpered at the loss, but he turned her around, lifted her, and sat her on his cock in one smooth motion. Sam leaned backwards, sure he’d support her and keep her from falling, and screamed her own primal yell as her body was invaded and claimed.

  His hips thrust hard enough to bounce her up and away from him while his arms supported her torso and kept her from falling. She didn’t wrap her arms around his neck and help brace herself until near the very end, when she was about to have a climax she was certain would overwhelm her, and she thought he was near his own violent finish.

  Ethan pulled her to him, holding her so tight she could barely breathe as he came, and Sam writhed in his arms and came with him. Nothing existed except Ethan and her own ecstasy for several long moments, and only when it was over did the water flowing over them, the sounds of the ocean, and the heat of the sun register in her consciousness once again.

  Ethan stood still for several long seconds as they caught their breath, but he finally turned her toward the taps and asked, “Can you turn the water off?”

  She complied and he walked them to a backless bench and carefully sat, making sure her legs weren’t caught under him.

  They sat for an eternity, wrapped around each other with the sea breeze cooling them, the sun heating them, and the sounds of the birds soothing them as they breathed in sync and enjoyed the feel of being enveloped in the other’s arms. Sam felt a little like a barnacle, with her arms and legs wrapped around him, but she was content and in no hurry to move. Ethan had grown soft inside of her, and she loved the feel of him still there.

  She squeezed around him and he groaned and then warned, “Unless you’re ready to go again right away, you might want to watch what you’re doing.”

  Adjusting her head as she snuggled even closer into him, she answered, “I’m yours to take as often as you want, but right now I think maybe I’d like to put a skirt and blouse on and go find a nice place to eat.”

  * * * *

  When they returned from dinner, Sam called Frisco. She’d told Ethan the story on the plane, and he agreed a phone call was in order before they returned home.

  “Chica, you’re on your honeymoon. Why are you calling me?”

  “Because we need to talk, Frisco. But, before you and I talk, I’m going to hand the phone to Ethan.”

  Frisco was arguing as she handed the phone over, and she laughed as Ethan said, “Dude, haven’t you learned by now you can’t win an argument with her? Give it up. So you’re gay, or bi, or whatever. Who the fuck cares?”

  He paused, listening, and said, “Yeah, I know. I see things through the lifestyle, and not everyone does, but I still can’t imagine anyone at the dojo giving you grief. But, that’s all I have to say at the moment, and Sam has lots to say, so I’m giving the phone back to her.”

  “I told you he’d be fine,” Sam said. “Have you talked to Cassie?”

  “Yeah. She seemed okay with the bisexual part, but didn’t understand why I had Cam on a leash. I told her we were just fooling around and play-acting, ‘cause that’s what you do at The Diamond Club.”

  “Did you swear her to secrecy?”

  He gave a dramatic sigh. “I tried. She said it’s no big deal and it’s wrong for me to keep such a huge part of myself hidden from people who consider me a close friend.”

  “I wasn’t going to push, but she has a point, Frisco.”

  “I asked her to give me a few weeks, and she said I needed to tell everyone once you and Ethan are back. She’ll hound me until I do, I just know it.”

  “And how do you feel about that?” Sam worried Frisco might just find another dojo instead, and his silence at her question didn’t make her feel better.

  “Would it be easier to show them than tell them? Or, perhaps I can help you tell them, so you don’t have to actually say the words yourself?”

  “What do you mean?” he asked suspiciously.

  “When we’re making plans for where to eat after class, you can tell the group you’re bringing someone, and when they start asking questions I can step in and answer for you.”

  “What would you say?”

  “Apparently, Frisco likes girls and boys. I’ve already met Cameron, and he’s a cutie pie, but he’s a little shy so ya’ll need to promise to be nice to him.”

  “I don’t take Cam on dates, Chica.”

  “He does what you order him to, so tell him he’s going to be your boyfriend for the evening. Tell him exactly how you want him to act, and he will. He’s been very well trained and he wants to please you.”

  Frisco didn’t respond and Sam said, “Look, the point is, if the group thinks you’ve been hiding this from them, it makes it look like you’re ashamed. If they think you just haven’t told them before because it hasn’t come up, and now that you’re seeing someone kind of serious you’re telling them, it comes across different, right?”

  “Can’t you just convince Cassie to drop it?”

  “I can try, if that’s the route you’d rather go, but my advice is to come out of the closet about being bisexual, and evade any questions concerning the kinky stuff.”

  “Why is it anyone’s business?”

  “Because you’re so flamboyant when you flirt with girls and talk about being a player. You’ve given the appearance of sharing who you are with us, but by holding such a big part back, it feels as if you’ve deceived us about who you really are.”

  “So why tell them I like guys, but not tell them what I do to them?”

  “Because vanillas just don’t get the kinky stuff, Francisco. Besides, that stuff is private. You only do it behind closed doors.”

  “The bisexual part of my life is private, Sam. No one knows except people in the lifestyle. My family knows I rent out the space over the garage, but they don’t know the arrangement. Usually, the people at The Diamond Club are just people in the lifestyle. Cassie didn’t even know the place existed before you took her.”

  Suddenly, it was all clear to Sam. “So, when you date girls, and you have Cam at home waiting for you, the girls don’t know what he really is to you?”

  “No. Never. Cam is sent to his apartment when I have girls over. They never meet him.”

  Sam took a breath and tried not to sound exasperated. “You’ll never have a normal, healthy relationship if the woman doesn’t know who you really are, Frisco.”

  More silence, and Sam said, “I hate doing this over the phone. You’re my friend, and that won’t change. We’ll talk about this more when I get back, just promise you won’t walk away from the group if Cassie pushes it.”

  When Sam disconnected, she looked at Ethan and said, “Frisco is so close to his mom and sisters, and he comes from a huge Catholic family. He’ll never come out of the closet to his family, which means he doesn’t want to tell anyone outside the lifestyle. Ever.”

  “We’ll see where things stand when we get back, but for now, how about a moonlit walk on the beach?”

  Chapter Four

  Ethan wouldn’t admit how much it bothered him, but it was killing him to be in the dark about Sam’s arrangements for the day. They’d agreed early on for her to make plans for Tuesday, and him to make plans for Thursday. He’d arranged for a guide to take them on an extensive sea kayak trip, but he had no idea wha
t she’d planned for today.

  She’d advised him to wear bike shorts under his regular shorts, and had tossed him a wicking tee shirt. She wore a small backpack with sunscreen, all-natural bug repellant, extra water, some snacks, and their basic outdoors first-aid kit. The bike shorts might mean a bike ride, but could just as easily mean a sea kayak trip, or even a snorkeling trip if she was trying to throw him off base.

  They ate at a wonderful little breakfast café, and then Sam let the GPS tell Ethan how to get to their destination.

  He was shocked when they pulled up to the same outfit he’d arranged the sea kayak tours through, and his heart sank thinking they’d both arranged the same thing. However, he soon learned she’d planned for them to ride bikes to the top of the volcano and back down.

  “Most people,” said their guide, “have us drive them to the top of the volcano so they can coast to the bottom on bicycles. We rarely have people wanting to ride their bikes up.”

  Ethan smiled at Sam as she said, “We’re not like most people. The man I talked to on the phone assured me he’d assign a guide who could keep up with us.”

  “My name’s Kai,” the handsome, tanned boy-man answered with a smile, “and if I can’t keep up I’ll only charge you half price.”

  An older man chuckled from behind the counter. “Don’t count on a discount.”

  Kai led them on the perfect trip, with a few stops for hikes on the way up at just the right intervals. When they reached the top he gave them several options for hikes they could take, and after trekking to an awesome observation point with breathtaking views, the couple decided to go down into the crater a little ways.

  Ethan had a chance to talk to Kai alone in the restroom before they got back on their bikes, and discovered he would be their guide Thursday as well. “Most of our guides are trained to escort the typical guest who needs to be pushed along to try new things. Only a few of us can provide the kind of experience the two of you are looking for.”

  The ride back down the mountain was exhilarating, with switchbacks and curves they had to brake for, but plenty of straight areas where they could really gain speed. Kai warned when they needed to slow down for safety’s sake, but otherwise kept up, and let them go as fast as they could manage.

  When the ride was over, Sam handed him a small bag and pointed him towards the showers. He discovered Sam had packed dressy shorts and a casual shirt for him, and when he came out of the men’s dressing room, saw her in a flowing skirt and blouse that accented her curves just right.

  Several of the guides were gathered around her, but she seemed oblivious to their attention as she chatted with them. When she saw Ethan her face lit with joy, and he wondered once again how he’d managed to get so lucky.

  Sam had made reservations for dinner not too far away, and the couple watched live dancers as they ate outdoors. Ethan relaxed and enjoyed the show as a constant breeze flowed through the dancer’s costumes, made the candles flicker, and blew Sam’s hair around her face. She’d worn it up for their bike ride, but brushed it out and let it hang loose for their date.

  Would any other woman on the planet have planned today’s outing and enjoyed it as much as Sam? Maybe, but he didn’t know them. Sam was perfect for him, and he’d do everything in his power to make sure they were this happy fifty years from now.

  * * * *

  Sam had been a little nervous about planning their day, but thought it’d gone well. She’d had a blast, and Ethan had seemed to, as well.

  She still couldn’t get over how green Maui was, and let her mind wander back over their day hiking and biking the volcano. They’d take a small plane to another island early next week and hike around an active volcano, but she was glad they’d ended up on an island with a dormant one for their main base.

  The dancers were mesmerizing, the food was incredible, and Ethan’s presence across the table was perfect. She saw how other women looked at him, though she didn’t think he noticed. Heads always turned as he walked into a room, but tonight it seemed he was getting more attention than usual. Maybe it was because he looked so happy, or perhaps the day’s bike ride had pumped his muscles up a touch more than normal. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she didn’t mind it a bit. They could drool all they wanted, because he was hers, and she belonged to him.

  “What’s going through that great big beautiful brain of yours?” Ethan asked.

  “How happy I am, how much I love you, and how all the women ogling you can look all they want. You’re mine, and I’m yours, and life is good.” Shit, that sounded corny, but too late to take it back now.

  “You realize the men are watching you, too. Right?”

  Sam wrinkled her brow. “No, they aren’t.”

  He laughed. “When you walk into the room the men’s heads all swivel towards you. You’re so beautiful, especially right now with the wind blowing your hair and swirling your skirt, and making your blouse dance over your figure.” He shook his head and smiled. “Makes me want to bend you over the table and take you in front of all of them, show them you’re mine.”

  “Caveman,” she said with a happy grin.

  He shrugged. “I won’t try to deny it. You knew it before you married me.”

  “And I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

  “I intend to have you a number of ways once we get home, wife.”

  Sam crossed her legs to keep from squirming in her chair. Ethan said wife the way she imagined most men probably said wench a couple of hundred years ago, and she was pretty sure she never wanted him to stop.

  Chapter Five

  They explored the other nearby natural area on Wednesday, which mostly involved driving and hiking, and went to bed early to prepare for an early morning Thursday.

  Sam was surprised when they pulled up to the same outfitter the next morning well before sunrise. “You arranged for a bike ride, too?”


  Ethan wouldn’t tell her anything else, and she wondered at her wicking tee shirt over a wicking sports bra, and the bike shorts he’d had her wear. Of course, she was marked up enough a bathing suit was impossible around others right now, so it could still be a snorkeling or kayak trip. Or something else.

  As Ethan talked to Kai, Sam spotted a sunglass rack and went to explore. The sun seemed brighter here and her sunglasses weren’t doing the job. She tried on a pair with huge lenses and — while they weren’t what she’d usually wear — they were dark, and the larger lenses might keep the sun from blinding her around the edges. She carried them to the counter, and both men stopped talking to look at her.

  “Can you get my purse out of the car? I hid it under the front seat.”

  Ethan looked down at the sunglasses. “Those are huge.” He said with a grin. “Try them on.”

  Sam rolled her eyes, but put them on.

  “You’re fair skinned,” Kai said, “so you need more protection than those of us with darker skin. My eyes, and likely Ethan’s, have protections built in that yours don’t.”

  Ethan pulled his wallet out. “I’ll get them, you don’t need your purse.”

  Sam took the glasses off and wrinkled her brow at him. “Just like that? Kai says I need protection from the sun and you offer to buy them without looking at the price?”

  He smiled. “I’m assuming since you picked them out, they’re probably the most expensive sunglasses on the rack?”

  Kai laughed. “Second most expensive, I think.”

  Sam put the sunglasses behind her back. “Just go get my purse and don’t make a big deal about it, okay?”

  He raised an eyebrow, and Sam knew it was hopeless. She handed them to him with a dramatic sigh, and he handed them to Kai without looking at the price tag. He also signed the credit card receipt without comment, and then peeled the stickers off the lenses and gingerly placed them on her head.

  “You know I let you because I’m indulging your inner caveman, and not because of…” With Kai listening, she didn’t want to mention po
wer exchange, but she hoped he’d understand.

  “Yes,” he kissed her nose. “I know.”

  Kai drove them to the shore, and only then did she discover her new husband had arranged for an extensive sea kayak trip. They began paddling as the sky was brightening into a brilliant sunrise, and were a good ways from land when the colors finally shifted to an electric blue sky.

  The trio made it to a shallow place in what appeared to be the middle of the ocean, and Kai produced snorkeling equipment and led them through the water, pointing out beautiful fish Sam had never expected to see in the wild.

  They rowed to spectacular cliffs, and even paddled up a small stream a short way to view a magnificent waterfall before allowing the current to take them back to the ocean. Sam had to ask to rest once when she thought her arms might fall off, and Kai tied the boats together and suggested she and Ethan get into the water and relax. Their lifejackets supported them enough she could completely relax, until she gasped in surprise and awe as a dolphin surfaced not ten feet away.

  “Just be still,” said Kai from inside his kayak as he ate from a bag of nuts. “They don’t often get so close to strangers. They like you, and might put on a show if you don’t act threatening.”

  There were four dolphins in all, and they did indeed put on a show as they played and jumped all around them. One of the younger dolphins came close enough for Sam to reach out and touch, but Kai cautioned her as she raised her hand. “No, they’re wild animals and you don’t want them to get too friendly with humans. We won’t hurt them, but some might. They’ve given the two of you a huge honor.”

  When the dolphins left, Sam and Ethan climbed back into their kayaks and followed Kai to an inlet. “If you’re up to it, we can travel up this stream for a while to another waterfall with a swimming hole at the base. You can swim and play in the falls, and I can call someone to pick us up just a little ways downstream and take us back, or we can paddle all the way back if you aren’t finished with your day.”


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