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No Safeword: Matte - the Honeymoon

Page 17

by Candace Blevins

  He settled her on the bed and said, “Okay, Darlin’. Its knees and shoulders time. I need to be rough, so it’ll have to be your ass. Do what you need with your arms. I won’t be too picky about position as long as your back stays arched.”

  Ethan only allowed for a hasty lube and stretch with his fingers before his thick cock shoved a wide path into her ass. Sam was used to him by now, but the initial entrance still took her breath as it stretched and penetrated. Part of her couldn’t wait until she was more accustomed to him, but another part hoped she never grew used to his cock in her ass, and always felt so conquered and violated, so owned, when he used her.

  “You can come when I do, and it’ll be your only orgasm tonight.”

  He took his time going in, and held still once he was in until she got used to his size, but then pulled out and slammed into her, and Sam found her voice to scream through the savage reaming. Ethan didn’t slow his pace until he finally jetted into her ass, growling as he pumped his hips and held her in position with his huge hands. He’d told her she could do what she wanted with her hands, so she reached down to play with her clit when he got close, and managed to come as he did. The single orgasm provided a little release, but not nearly enough, and she knew she’d be crazy with need all through the night. Especially if he made her wear something in all three holes, as she’d requested.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Leaving the house for the last time the next morning was hard. Their time here had been heavenly in so many ways.

  However, Sam would’ve never believed one could only take so much of paradise, but she wanted to sleep in her own bed, and looked forward to starting the rest of her life with Ethan.

  Still, this house held so many memories, and she hoped they’d be able to come back for some of their milestone anniversaries.

  They’d had dinner with Kai and his girlfriend one evening, and Sam had his contact information. She didn’t know if they’d keep track of him or not, but liked having the option. Plus, if they planned a return trip she wanted to be sure they got him for any excursions. He’d been one of the guides on their scuba dive to see the underwater temples around Molokini, but they’d been with a large group and it hadn’t been the same.

  Their flights and layovers went as well as could be expected — other than an hour of turbulence, during which had Sam reminding Ethan to take deep breaths and try to relax. Kirsten picked them up at the airport, and Ethan had Sam sit up front so she could talk to her friend while he collapsed into the backseat.

  “Looks like you successfully wore him out,” Kirsten joked as she pulled out of short-term parking.

  Sam smirked. “He had this idea of us being sleep deprived before getting on the plane, so we can get back onto Chattanooga time faster.”

  Kirsten laughed. “I’ve tried every method known to man on my trips back from China, and there’s nothing you can do except restrict yourself to short naps if you must sleep off-schedule, and get outside in the sunlight as much as you can during the day.”

  “His theory is we’ll sleep well tonight, set the alarm to wake on Chattanooga time tomorrow morning, and,” she waved her arms as if sprinkling fairy dust, “magically be back on schedule by tomorrow night.”

  Kirsten looked into the rear view mirror. “Seriously, Ethan, you have plenty of time before you go back to work, so there’s no rush. It’ll take your body six days to get back on schedule whether you fight it or not, so just go with the flow and make it easier on yourselves, okay?”

  He grunted in response, and Kirsten asked Sam how they planned to spend the final week of their honeymoon.

  “Most of his stuff should be unpacked, but we’ll need to handle whatever the movers and decorators couldn’t place, and make sure the house reflects us as a couple now, and not just me. Oh, and we’ll be at the dojo quite a bit, getting Tom ready for the national finals, and Ethan ready to jump back into the cage in preparation for the local title fights.”

  When they arrived home, Kirsten helped carry their luggage in and gave Sam a final hug as she told her they needed to get together soon so she could hear all the details.

  Sam hugged her friend, thanked her for the ride, and when she closed the door behind her, Ethan grabbed a few bags and headed towards the stairs. Not wanting to spoil the surprise, Sam made a wild dash to get in front of him.

  “Leave the bags down here for now, there’s something upstairs I want to show you.”

  He wrinkled his brow at her, but let her lead him up the steps and into their room. He noted the extra door as he entered, and turned to her with a puzzled look.

  “I know you said you’d be fine using the closet in the guest bedroom beside our room, but it didn’t feel right.”

  He stepped to the door, opened it, and turned back to her with a smile. “You had them build me a super-organized closet?”

  She nodded. “The guestroom is now half its original size, but it was pretty big to start with, and there’s plenty of room left.”

  He stepped inside and opened gleaming wooden drawers to see all of his things organized neatly, and his smile was worth every penny she’d paid.

  “I think this might be the best present anyone has ever given me. Thank you, Sam.”

  She let him wander around and explore a few minutes before she reached for his hand as he walked by. She tugged him towards the bedroom and said, “There’s a little more. Let’s go to the bathroom.”

  Ethan was so tall he’d had to duck under her tallest showerhead to rinse the soap from his head, so she’d had the plumber add two more showerheads to the ceiling, high enough Ethan could stand under them. She’d also had the carpenters embed hooks near the top of the back and side walls.

  He didn’t see the new showerheads right away, but as soon as Sam turned the shower on with the outside controls, another huge smile lit his face.

  He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he leaned down to kiss her. “Thank you, Sam. You’ve gone out of your way to make this our house, not just yours.”

  Sam wiggled her hips and kissed him back, suddenly not quite as tired as she was when they exited the plane.

  “Do you know what I think?” Ethan asked.

  “We should bring the suitcases up and explore the house to see what other changes the movers and decorators made?”

  He shook his head. “No. I think that, after a full day of traveling, you’re a very dirty girl.”

  He opened the door and took a step, and Sam reached sideways to try to keep him from taking her into the shower fully clothed.

  Ethan’s deep laugh set her to laughing as he twisted her arms behind her back and held them there with one hand while holding her upper body in place with the other. The water was warm, and her travel clothes were designed to take a beating and survive, so the water wouldn’t hurt a thing. She and Ethan both wore sport sandals, also fine in the water.

  Sam stopped fighting and wiggled her hips. “How do you plan to move my panties out of the way and pull your cock out of your pants if you have to hold my arms?”

  He looked up, took in the new hooks, and grinned back down at her. “Looks like you left instructions for more than just the two new showerheads.”

  “Well,” she shrugged as best she could with her hands pressed to the small of her back. “It’s our shower now, not just mine, and it seemed like your shower would have attachment points.”

  He chuckled and gently let her down. “Stand up straight, arms toward the ceiling, wrists crossed.”

  Sam complied, though she felt ridiculous in the shower, fully clothed, with water streaming down her arms and body.

  He told her to stay put, and he stepped out, removed his wet clothes, and dried off as he watched her continue to stand under the flowing water.

  “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

  He returned with a length of chain and two carabiners, and suspended the chain between the two new attachment points. Sam couldn’t take her eyes off him, mes
merized by the way his muscles moved and shifted.

  He touched her chin and aimed her face up, but she cut her eyes to look at his face instead. His grin told her he knew she’d been watching him again, and she smiled back and looked to the chain dangling over her head.

  “Grab it and don’t let go, Darlin’.”

  Sam silently went to tiptoe and grabbed the cool chain in both fists. She’d worn a camisole and a textured t-shirt so she could get away without a bra, but the water had soaked her clothes enough her nipples now poked out almost obscenely.

  Ethan used the back of his pointer finger to rub her hard nipples through her clothes, and then bent to reach under her skirt and pull her underwear off.

  It was rare for Sam to be in clothes while Ethan was naked, but standing under the water with her arms over her head, she was clearly the one out of sorts. She had no idea how he could make her feel submissive no matter their situation, but she loved him for it.

  Rough hands parted her folds, and when she realized she couldn’t spread her legs and still keep some weight on her toes, she lifted her left leg out of the way and shifted her weight onto the ball of her right foot.

  “That’s my girl,” he said as he fingered her only long enough to assure himself she was wet, and then reached for her raised left leg, propped it over his right bent elbow, and bent to lift her right leg in the same manner.

  Within seconds, her body was in mid-air and his cock was probing her pussy. “Hang on tight, Samantha. If you feel your grip slipping, let me know in time to grab you.”

  His look showed concern, and she reassured him so he could fuck her without worrying. “I’m good. The chain isn’t slippery.”

  He nodded, trusting her, and used the leverage he had on her legs to pull her onto his cock. Sam gasped at the sensation as he filled her at an unfamiliar angle, and then shuddered and moaned in ecstasy as he pressed, rubbed, and scraped across her g-spot with every thrust of his hips. Her body had grown somewhat accustomed to his size, and he’d learned how to keep from going too deep and hurting her, but this position kind of put them back to square one and she felt her control tumbling as ecstasy and bliss fought within her and threatened to take over.

  “Please tell me I can come whenever I want, Sir. Oh, God. Right there. That’s perfect.” She drew the last word out forever, and his chuckle was all masculine cocky attitude.

  “As a thank you for my closet and the shower,” he finally said, “you have permission to come as many times as you can manage.”

  No sooner than he ended the sentence, she was spasming around his cock, and she proceeded to do so for what seemed an eternity. She’d splurged on a tankless water heater, so there was no worry of the hot water running out, and Ethan was in no hurry to finish.

  Eventually, he had her release the chain, and he stepped backwards and sat on the bench. “Ride me, Sam. Put your hands behind your head and ride me.”

  Ethan lifted her shirt and sucked her nipples a while, then twisted and abraded them. When Sam slowed, he hurt her nipples worse, so she kept up the pace, even though she grew tired and wasn’t sure she was capable of too many more orgasms.

  At long last, he turned the water off, only to lay her on the floor, spread her legs, and use his mouth to torture her more.

  “I don’t think I can come anymore, Sir. Please, what can I do to pleasure you, Master?”

  She just wanted to get him off and go to sleep, but he seemed intent on drawing this out forever.

  He raised up long enough to say, “You aren’t through coming until I say, and I believe you have at least another dozen orgasms in you. Maybe more.”

  Sam closed her eyes and kept her mouth shut. Arguing would only make him more determined.

  He brought her to orgasm several more times on the floor of the shower, and finally helped her up, undressed her, and dried her.

  “I believe we’ve christened the new shower, let’s get your hair dry so I can take you to bed.”

  As he blow-dried her hair he asked, “Remember the first time we had sex?”

  “Mmmm. Yes. You were so gentle with me, and you took the time to learn my body and make sure I could take you.”

  “And then I was rough with you.”

  “Right, Sir. And then we fought, and you fucked my brains out on the porch after you flogged me.”

  He beamed another cocky smile and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

  “Well, tonight I’ve already fucked your brains out, and I’d like to end on a vanilla note.”

  She looked at him in the mirror, touched he seemed to be apologizing for wanting a little vanilla. “I’m yours, Master. For whatever or however you want my body.”

  He switched the dryer off and ran his hands through her hair. “I know, and I love you for it, but I want it to be good for both of us.” He kissed the top of her head. “I don’t want you waiting for me to switch to kink in mid-stream, and being disappointed when I don’t.”

  Sam stood and turned to him, and kissed him as one would a lover. When the kiss ended he smiled and caressed her cheek. “I love how you mold to my wants and needs. If I’d told you I wanted to take you into the other room and hurt you, you’d have been okay with that, too.”

  Sam shrugged. “I happen to be malleable at the moment. When I need something specific, you usually give me what I need.” She grabbed his hand and walked them to the bedroom, but he let go and urged her into bed as they neared it.

  “I’ll go down and make sure everything’s locked and set the alarm. Get comfy and wait for me, my darling wife.”

  Sam wanted to do something special for him, but couldn’t think of anything she could pull off in the short time he’d be downstairs. She thought of wearing some lingerie, but quickly nixed the idea as she thought of music, and ran to her cellphone and pulled up a playlist of mostly romantic slow songs. She started the music, put it on random sort, plugged it into the room’s speakers, dimmed the lights enough he could see her because she knew it was his preference, and finally climbed into bed.

  She groaned as her body slid between the sheets. The bed in the rental house had been comfortable enough, but this was her bed, and her body melted into the familiar comfort. She wiggled her feet, pulled her legs up, straightened them, and relaxed into the mattress.

  Ethan stepped back into the room and Sam said, “I had no idea how much I’d missed our bed. There really is no place like home, is there?”

  He slid into bed, wrapped his arms around her, and said, “Not when it’s our home.”

  Even in the low light, Sam saw Ethan’s eyes change to a different color of green, and her body warmed in response. Emboldened by the idea of vanilla sex, she stroked his arm, his chest, and reached for his cock. His entire face smiled as she ran her fingers up the hard length of him, and trailed them back down before gently fondling his balls.

  His moan encouraged her, and she alternated teasing and pleasing him until he leaned down and she felt teeth on her throat and remembered her own need.

  Ethan must have decided it was his turn to alternate teasing and pleasing her, which he did by running his clever fingers and skilled tongue over and into her body.

  When she couldn’t take any more she protested. “Ethan, what happened to this being vanilla? You’re killing me!” She reached for his cock again, but he moved, and she had to be happy running her fingers over his rippled abs.

  “Don’t vanilla partners tease each other during foreplay?”

  “You aren’t letting me tease you anymore, you big brute!” She laughed and ran her tongue across his throat and licked the crook just above his collarbone.

  He moved the weight of his body above her, rested his elbows beside her torso, and situated his legs between hers. He lined up, but didn’t move his hands, and Sam reached down to help align him. His smile told her he was pleased, and she said, “Make love to me, Ethan.”

  Their gazes locked as he entered her, and Sam was sore enough the edge of pain provided just enough
seasoning to make it work for her. She planted her feet, moved her torso, and met him stroke for stroke, possessing him as he possessed her. The tempo grew and their hands explored each other, so familiar, and yet so different as partners without power exchange. Sam breathed heavier, heard Ethan doing the same, and wrapped her legs around him as he leaned forward to pull her breast into his mouth.

  Sam combed her fingers through his silky hair, and felt his reaction in his lips, his tongue, and his cock. She pulled his head to her lips, sucked the outermost part of his ear into her mouth, and her heart soared at his deep groan.

  She moved to the soft spot behind his ear, felt the pounding of his heartbeat, and sucked the sensitive skin into his mouth.

  His hands slid to her ass, and she moved her feet to the bed and pushed her pelvis up, meeting his every thrust once again. He lifted his body over her and slowed deliberately.

  Their gaze met and she said, “I love you so much, Ethan.”

  He waited until he was pushing in again to say, “I love you too, Sam. More than I ever thought possible.”

  Sam smiled at the control he seemed to be fighting to keep. “It’s my understanding even the vanilla guys go a little crazy at the end.”

  Ethan kept the same pace, and Sam amused herself by running her hands over his skin, so hot and smooth over solid layers of muscle and tendon.

  When his mouth finally angled over hers again, she clung to him and refused to let him up as her arousal spiked, and she felt his control slip.

  They swallowed each other’s gasps and moans, and when the floodgates finally released and Sam came, Ethan let his control dissolve and took her like a wild man as she thrashed and yelled beneath him.

  She gave as good as she took, and met him stroke for stroke, fast and furious and visceral, and when she screamed in release again, he came with her.

  He stayed inside her as he rolled to his back, and brought her with him until she rested on his stomach. Too spent to do anything else, she rested her head on his chest, every muscle in her body limp. They lay quiet for a while, and Sam realized it was these moments that meant so much. Just lying in his arms, relaxed and comfortable.


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