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She Took My Heart and Went Crazy 4

Page 6

by A'zayler

  “Speaking of the angel.” Logan beamed at her friend.

  “Y’all must have been talking about me?” East looked around at all of them.

  “Yeah, I was telling them how well you spend my money.”

  East giggled and pushed his shoulder. “You needed me to do that. You’ve been working all this time and don’t even spend your own money.” East frowned and shook her head. “What kind of mess is that?”

  They all laughed together before Logan recruited East to help her shop. Yeshi stood back with Killian watching the women converse and got excited about the things they were about to do. The feeling in Yeshi’s chest as he watched Logan was an unfamiliar one. It was soft, but it was nagging at him persistently. He wasn’t sure what it was, or what to call it, but he pushed it out of his mind until she laughed.

  His heart jumped. He couldn’t help it. The feeling returned, and he allowed it to linger. It wasn’t a bad one anyway, it was actually pretty dope and felt better.

  “Babe, I’m going to ride with her. I’ll meet you back at home.” Logan’s hand touched the center of his chest to maintain her balance while she rested on her tiptoes and waited for him to kiss her lips.

  Yeshi leaned down and kissed her hungrily, grabbing one side of her butt and snatching her to him. “I got something I need to holla at you about later. Remind me.” He pinched her butt and pecked her mouth before sending her on her way.

  Yeshi had told himself he wouldn’t bring up the letter situation, but if that feeling in his chest was what he thought it was, then he needed to address all problems. He’d already committed his life to her for the sake of sex, if he was going to actually try to stay faithful to her, he needed to make sure she was worth it. Yeshi was a crazy ass nigga, and she’d never seen that side of him, or else she would have known to throw her little letter away. Better yet, she would have known better than to ever even write that nigga. She’d learn soon, though.

  “Is something wrong?” Logan’s words were laced with concern.

  Yeshi gazed into her pretty, bright eyes before grabbing the side of her neck and kissing her lips again.

  “Nah, go find something sexy for tonight. I’ll tell you about it later. Don’t stress.”

  Logan looked like she wanted to stand there and hash out whatever he had to tell her right then, but sadly for her, Yeshi wasn’t about to do that.

  “You sure?” she asked again.

  East grabbed Logan’s arm. “Yes, that nigga is sure. Bring your ass on. He ain’t going nowhere before you get back.”

  All of them laughed at East as she waited for Logan to grab her things so they could go. Once they were gone, he looked over at Killian.

  “She’s been writing some nigga in jail. I don’t know who he is, but I don’t like that shit.” Yeshi wasted no time spilling the beans. “I think it might be her ex, but it ain’t no telling for real.”

  Killian frowned. “How you know?”

  “Saw a letter the nigga sent.”

  Killian rubbed his chin as he squinted. Clearly, thinking about what he wanted to say next.

  “You gon’ tell her about it?”

  “Fuck yeah, nigga! You know I can’t sit on no shit like that without saying nothing. She better be glad that nigga is in jail, or I’d go find him and hit his ass.”

  Killian laughed first with Yeshi following. It was indeed funny, but it was the truth, and Killian knew it, which was probably why he’d laughed so hard.

  “Logan don’t seem like the cheating type.”

  “Everybody will cheat in the right situation.”

  Killian and Yeshi dapped each other up in agreement. They’d both been saying that since college and clearly still shared the same opinion.

  “I think you should wait, see if she gets another letter or something first. It might have been a one-time thing. You know Logan is a sweetheart. She might be writing the nigga just to be nice. On some ole pen pal shit.”

  “Pen pal?” Yeshi frowned. “She’s too old for that dumb shit.”

  After they laughed for a minute, they took a more serious note, with Killian taking the lead again. “For real though, just chill on it for a minute. You don’t want the girl looking at you like you a snooping nigga with insecurity problems. That’s hoe shit.”

  As bad as Yeshi wanted to disagree, he couldn’t. Killian was right, so he decided to wait to tell her like he said and just see what would happen. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be anything that might push him too far away from her. At that point in his life, he couldn’t afford for that to happen. Then, he’d have nothing.

  5. If You Don’t, Another Will

  East sat with a frown on her face as she used her pointer finger to instruct Logan to turn in a circle. Logan spun slowly, making sure East had enough time to look at the black mini skirt she was wearing.

  “I don’t think I like it. It’s too short for it to be that big in the waist.” East shook her head. “Try something else.”

  Logan looked down at the space in the waist of the skirt. “All of my bottoms are going to fit like this. My butt and legs are really big, but my waist is small.”

  “So, what do you do?”

  “I can wear some tights or the right pair of jeans. Maybe a dress.”

  East nodded, obviously understanding Logan’s dilemma. “Cool, let’s find you a dress then.”

  Logan walked back into the dressing room and began to redress so they could leave. She could hear East on the other side of the door talking to the salesperson about their women’s section. When she was completely dressed and ready to walk out, she grabbed her things and joined East. She had moved to the front of the store while walking with the sales associate. They were looking at a wall of dresses that were way too short for Logan’s liking.

  “No, East. Those are too short,” she interjected before East could even get the little dress off the rack.

  East turned and looked at her with a frown. “Eww, shut up, Logan. You ain’t going to church, hoe, so you’re going to have to live a little. All those knee-length dresses aren’t going to work tonight.”

  Logan couldn’t even think of a quick enough comeback for East, so she laughed instead. She was truly tickled by East’s choice of words.

  “I didn’t say I was wearing a church skirt, heffa, so don’t do me. I just said nothing that short. My butt is too big, and I don’t like looking like a video girl.”

  East laughed as she looked from Logan back to the dress in her hands. Logan was walking to her and taking the dress out of her hands to put it back when her phone rang. It was Yeshi.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “What’s going on, shorty?”

  “Nothing, looking at clothes with East.” Logan picked a longer dress and held it up for East to see. What about this? She mouthed.

  East turned her nose up and shook her head before snatching it dramatically and tossing it on the floor. Logan burst out laughing, as did East.

  “What you laughing at?”

  “East. She keeps trying to make me buy hoe clothes.”

  “Yo, tell East to chill. Don’t buy shit that’s gon’ draw too much attention to your ass.”

  Logan was in stitches again as she laughed at Yeshi. “East, he said don’t buy nothing that’s going to draw attention my butt.”

  East sucked her teeth. “Yeshi might as well take his ass on somewhere with that. Your ass draws attention to itself. It ain’t a dress in this mall that’s going to hide it.”

  “Tell her I said get you some jeans then.” Yeshi had obviously heard East and responded before Logan could even relay the message.

  “He said get jeans.”

  “Tell Yeshi I said fuck him. You’re getting a dress today, and if he has a problem, he can fight me about it.”

  Logan’s laughter was continuous as she listened to Yeshi and East bicker about her clothing. The two of them went at it so hard that Logan ended up handing East the phone, so she could stop passing messages. By the time she got her ph
one back, Yeshi had given her permission to get a dress as long as it wasn’t too tight, but only because she would be out with him. The whole conversation had been hilarious.

  “Girl, Yeshi is a whole fool. I don’t know what you’re going to do with that idiot.” East snickered as she waited outside the dressing room that Logan was in. “He real live thought he was about to tell me what to do. He’d better ask Killian. I does what the fuck I want to do.”

  Logan laughed. “I need to be more like you. I was ready to put some jeans on and call it a day.”

  “Oh my god, y’all are made for each other,” East stated sourly but followed it up with a laugh.

  “I just like to keep things peaceful.” Logan walked out of the dressing room and closed the door behind her. “So, if I have to give up my right for other people’s wrong, I’m okay with that.”

  East looked at her like she was crazy. “Girl, fuck no.” She shook her head adamantly. “If I’m right, I’m going to be right. I don’t care how much of an uproar it causes. I ain’t giving up on shit.”

  Logan watched East rant with a smile on her face. East was too funny and truly a joy to be around unless she was acting crazy. That was the side of her that Logan wanted no parts of.

  “How do you act so crazy like that?” Logan questioned as she stepped in stride with East.

  They were walking out of the store when East looked at her. “It’s not an act, I’m crazy for real. I don’t go out of my way to do the stuff I do, I just do it. I can literally go from zero to one hundred without thinking about it.”

  “I’ve noticed.”

  “You’re laughing, but messing with a man like Yeshi, you’re going to be the same way before it’s over. This little peaceful, good girl act that you have going on will be cute until you catch the nigga doing something that’s gon’ make you lose your mind.”

  Logan’s mind wandered off. She was trying her hardest, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t see herself acting out in that type of manner. Man or no man, it just wasn’t in her. She’d been raised peacefully and had remained as such in the majority of the situations she’d ever been in, even with her ex-boyfriend Auto. They’d been together for years and had been through their share of issues, but she’d always remained calmer than most.

  “I don’t think so. My ex-boyfriend and I had a lot of problems, and I never acted a fool with him.”

  “Yeshi ain’t your ex. It takes a certain type of nigga to show you that you’re crazy. An ordinary nigga won’t bring it out of you, but these retarded ass niggas like Killian and Yeshi,” East shook her head, “they’re a totally different breed. You’ll be in jail trying to figure out how you got there.”

  They both looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

  “And you want to know what I’ma say when that happens?”

  “What?” Logan asked with a smile on her face.

  “Bitch, I told your muthafucking ass.”

  Logan was laughing again, extra hard. East was right with her as they continued walking down the mall. They’d gotten to the exit a lot faster than they’d anticipated and was headed to East’s car in no time. The short, red dress they’d found would look perfect for the night. Logan had decided against getting shoes to match because she had the perfect pair at home. Once they were settled back in East’s car, they headed straight for the gas station. East had just gotten out to pump while Logan headed to the store to grab a soda when a large, black pick-up truck pulled in behind them.

  Logan looked over her shoulder but kept walking, while East did the same and prepared to pump her gas. Logan was standing at the counter paying for their drinks when she looked out and noticed a man with long dread locs standing near the trunk of East’s car talking to her. East was smiling, but nothing too friendly. When Logan walked out and heard the man asking for East’s number, Logan shook her head. Niggas.

  “I’m just saying li’l mama, you should let me get to know you.”

  East stood with her arms folded over her chest. “I said I’m good. Thank you, though.” She flashed him a smile.

  “Damn, you gon’ do me like that?”

  “How you expect me to do you? I already told your ass I’m married.”

  The man’s smile widened when he picked up East’s hand and looked at her ring. “Oh, you married married?”

  East and Logan both laughed at him.

  “Nigga, yes! I keep telling your ass.” East looked over at Logan. “Tell this man I’m married, and my husband is crazy as fuck.”

  Logan’s eyes went from the man’s shoes up to his jeans and the jewelry he wore. He was a very nice-looking man with more swag than Logan could deny. He wasn’t hard on the eyes at all and judging from the truck he was driving and the subtle knot in the pocket of his jeans, he was clearly paid.

  “I’m sorry, friend. She’s married, and her husband is not a man you’d want problems with.”

  His eyes finally left East and went to Logan. He gave her the once over before looking back at his truck and nodding toward Logan. Her eyebrows immediately frowned when she noticed he was summoning someone for her. When the passenger door to his truck opened, and another man tall enough to be in the NBA stepped out, Logan momentarily lost her breath.

  His long legs were clad in a pair of blue jeans with a pair of fresh red sneakers. Logan died. Red was her favorite color. The long sleeved white and red shirt he wore with the large gold watch, chain, and cross pendant looked immaculate together. Her eyes traveled a little further up, taking notice of just how striking he was. Bright skinned like her Yeshi, nice, pink lips, not as much as Yeshi’s, but sexy enough. His eyes were low and covered with a hat, but she could see enough of him to know that he was definitely fine.

  “Good evening, ladies,” he spoke coolly when he walked up.

  His voice was low, smooth, and totally sexy. As much as she knew she should have, Logan couldn’t tear her eyes away from the stranger, and he apparently felt the same way. He’d been looking at her since he’d stepped out of the car and had yet to divert his gaze. Even while speaking to them both, he remained focused on her.

  “Gotdamn. Hey to you too, fine ass boy.” East spoke before she did.

  Logan, the man who had been talking to East, and the perfectly handsome stranger all laughed at East. Logan was so thankful for her mouth at that moment because it gave her an opportunity to look away from the man and make her way back toward East’s car.

  “How are you, beautiful?” He directed his question to East.

  “Fine and married, so keep looking at her.” East pointed at Logan, and his gaze followed her finger until it was back on Logan.

  “What about you gorgeous? You doing okay today?”

  Logan nodded. “I sure am, you?”

  “Better now.” He stuck one hand in his pocket and rubbed his chin with the other one. “What’s your name?”


  “Cute, I’m Jackson.” His hand extended toward Logan, and she took it. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Logan looked at East for some sort of help, but she was too busy trying to get Jackson’s friend out of her face. He had stepped closer and was now pumping the gas for her. Logan was about to say something to them but was stopped by East’s loud mouth.

  “Boy, if you ain’t about to give me my money back for this gas, you can go ’head on. I’m not about to give you my number. I am happy with my man.” Her tone was stern, but she was still smiling.

  “How much it takes to fill it up?” He pulled the wad Logan had noticed earlier from his pocket and began to flip bills backward.

  Logan chuckled at his efforts.

  “What you looking at them for?” Jackson turned Logan’s face toward him. “I’m over here.”

  Logan smiled without thinking about it. “His money isn’t going to impress her.”

  Jackson looked at his friend and smirked. “Why it ain’t? She looks like she’s taking it to me.”

  Logan watch
ed East take the man’s money and stuff it in her bra with a smile on her face.

  “I said it’s not going to impress her. I didn’t say she wouldn’t take it.”

  Jackson looked Logan up and down once more. “What about you? Would money impress you?”

  Logan shook her head.

  “I ain’t think so. Tell me what would.”

  Logan tilted her head to the side, trying to avoid the hazel stare he was putting on her. His eyes twinkled and made her feel kind of nervous.

  “A man who loves God.”

  Jackson’s teeth were perfect and white as he smiled down at her. “Looks like I’m your guy then.”

  Logan’s smile smoothly slid across her face. “Are you now?”

  Jackson nodded and grabbed her free hand. “You should let me get your number so we can go to church together sometime.”

  Neither of them could hold in their laughter when he said that. Logan even found herself laughing a little longer than him. He’d regained his composure and was smiling at her fit of giggles.

  “I don’t know. I’m kind of involved with someone right now.”

  “Married?” He raised his eyebrows in question.

  “Not quite.”

  “Well, you’re free. Give me your number and let me at least be friends with you. I’m new around here and have been looking for a church home for a while. Can’t find one. Maybe you can help me with that in the future.”

  Again, she smiled. “Who told you that we’re going to have a future?”

  “God. In Jeremiah twenty-nine, verse eleven, he speaks about giving me hope and a future. Plans of good and not of evil.” Jackson’s smile grew larger when she smiled. “I don’t see how I can have all of that without you somewhere around.”

  If she smiled any harder, her cheeks were sure to start hurting. “You think you’re so smooth. Using the Lord to run game.”

  “This ain’t game, ma. This is proper planning. I’m just out here trying to find my good thing.”


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