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His Leading Lady

Page 1

by Jean Joachim


  Hollywood Hearts


  Sensual Romance

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright © 2014 Jean C. Joachim

  ISBN: 1-62622-785-3

  Moonlight Books

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  A Moonlight Books Novel

  Sensual Romance

  His Leading Lady

  Copyright © 2014 Jean C. Joachim

  E-book ISBN: 1-62622-785-3

  First E-book Publication: January 2014

  Cover design by Dawné Dominique

  Edited by Tabitha Bower

  Proofread by Renee Waring

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Jean C. Joachim

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Moonlight Books

  More romance novels by Jean C. Joachim









  Rescue My Heart


  Now and Forever 1, A Love Story

  Now and Forever 2, The Book of Danny

  Now and Forever 3, Blind Love

  Now and Forever 4, The Renovated Heart

  Now and Forever 5, Love’s Journey

  Now and Forever, Callie’s Story (series starter)


  Sunny Days, Moonlit Nights

  April’s Kiss in the Moonlight

  Under the Midnight Moon

  Moonlight and Roses (series starter)


  The Marriage List

  The Love List

  The Dating List

  Champagne for Christmas


  Love, Lost and Found


  To my readers who wanted more about Penny and Mark.

  Thank you: Steve and Larry Joachim for consultation, Marilyn Lee, JJ’s Book Buddies, Kathleen Ball, the Tuesday Tales writers, Tabitha Bower, my editor, Renee Waring, and professional football players in both leagues for inspiration.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and the following trademark owners mentioned in this work of fiction:




  Academy Award

  Chapter One

  Boom! The beautiful blonde barreled into Mark’s chest right in front of Jean Louis Designs on Rodeo Drive. He grabbed her upper arms to keep her from falling and stared into the biggest, bluest eyes he’d ever seen. The flash of a dazzling white smile, a whiff of lily of the valley perfume, golden hair, and perfect features blurred everything else around him.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. Or did she? He was so mesmerized he barely distinguished the words.

  She stood as transfixed as he, focused on his baby blues, until a man abruptly tapped her shoulder. “We’ll be late, Penny, come on.”

  “Sorry, I wasn’t looking,” she mumbled.

  “No harm, no foul,” Mark muttered, his gaze resting on her generous breasts for a moment before returning to her face. Toting a shopping bag in each hand, she smiled at him again and was gone, as quickly as she had arrived. Mark Davis stood in front of the door, transfixed, as if his feet had been embedded in the cement sidewalk.

  “Come on, buddy, you’re blocking traffic,” Harley Brennan, his best friend and teammate, said, giving him a nudge.

  Mark snapped out of his reverie and moved away from the tony store. “Wow,” he said.

  “A hottie. Yeah. A wet dream on legs.”

  “Penny, huh? Wow.” He shook his head and continued down the street, listening to his buddy with only half an ear.

  With Harley, Mark returned to the expensive shop several times during his visit to L.A., but he never saw Penny again. Back in Las Vegas, he searched the Internet for two weeks, using her first name with no success, so he finally gave up. He buried himself in his workouts and practice with his professional football team, the Nevada Gamblers, trying to forget her.

  He went on blind dates, fix-ups by his teammates, but they never worked out. They weren’t Penny. Even the ones who were guaranteed to sleep with him on the first night held little appeal. He had seen the gold standard and nothing else would do.

  One Saturday night three months after his encounter with the mysterious Penny, he was at the movies on a double date with Harley. They were resigned to watching a chick flick. Harley had explained to Mark, that if it meant they got laid afterward, it seemed a small price to pay. When the lights went down, it happened.

  Mark was gazing at a larger-than-life Penny on the silver screen. His mouth went dry, and his pulse speeded up. He let go of the girl whose hand he was holding and simply gawked. When it was over, Harley was anxious to get the girls fed and in bed, but Mark insisted on staying for the credits. And there was her name.

  “Penny Thatcher,” he mumbled, fumbling in his pockets for something to write it down on.

  “Yeah, she was all right. But Chaz Duncan is one hot guy,” Mark’s date said. With no pen or paper, Mark was resigned to memorizing her name. He knew it was one he’d never forget. A movie star. Would she even give me the time of day? Probably not.

  He had a burger with his date, but begged off soon afterward. Sex with her wouldn’t cut it tonight. He’d seen Penny Thatcher again, and no other women existed. All he wanted to do was dive onto his computer and Google her.

  When he arrived home, he threw down his jacket and began his Internet search. Sure enough, there she was. Supporting actress in The Natural Girl, the movie he had just seen, and a minor character in a new cop show, Las Vegas Beat.

  A rookie, second-string quarterback for the Nevada Gamblers, Mark lived in Las Vegas. Maybe they shoot here. Maybe she lives here. His pulse jumped. He looked her up in the white pages, but no Penny Thatcher was listed. Dummy. Actors don’t list themselves in the phonebook. Afraid of crazed fans, like me. He laughed at himself and turned off the machine. He had an early practice, so it was time for bed.

  Mark hit the showers after a good workout. He’d connected with the running backs like a seasoned player. His confidence was high. He smiled as he flipped on the faucet. The voices of his teammates trumped the sound of the spray bouncing off his firm muscles, especially the loud voice of the star quarterback, Darvin Sweetwater.

  “I’d better get laid tonight, Reid,” Sweetwater yelled.

  “My girl said these two are hot. One’s got a huge rack,” Reid called back.

  "Come on, Davis," Darvin pulled Mark by the arm. Since he was the only one who agreed to go on blind double dates with Sweetwater, Darvin had no choice on this one.

  Before they pushed through the locker room door and into the parking lot, Sweetwater said, “I’m expecting some sweet lip action tonight. Woo hoo!” He crowed. “You take the one with the big rack. Usually, I’d take her. I love big racks, but the other one is an actress on that show, Las Vegas Beat. I’ve been jacking to her for the past month, and tonight’s gonna be the rea
l deal. After she does me, I’m gonna fuck her nice and slow.”

  Couldn’t be Penny. He’s talking about someone else. He wondered if Darvin's crude attitude would turn the women off.

  “You go first, Davis. I hate blind dates.” Darvin gave Mark a little shove, and he entered the lot slightly ahead of Sweetwater. Two women moved toward them. Holy Shit! It’s her! Mark gulped, his mouth suddenly as dry as the desert surrounding them.

  “Hi, honey, I’m Tiffany Barker. Who are you?” The woman with the big rack pushed ahead of Penny and extended a hand with huge, bright purple nails. He’d never been into super-sized breasts, preferring something he could get a hold of with only one hand, but her chest was so huge, he couldn’t take his eyes off it. Her eyelashes looked to be two inches long. Her red lipstick and white-blonde hair made her appear cheap.

  Cringing inside, Mark took her hand and shook it gently.

  “Are you Sweetwater?” she asked in a sharp voice.

  “Just second string, Mark Davis.” Tiffany spied Sweetwater strutting their way, not far behind Mark. When she made a beeline for Darvin, Mark turned to face Penny. A slender young woman with ample, but much smaller breasts than Tiffany, the actress wore almost no makeup and looked so beautiful Mark couldn’t speak. This was the girl, the one who had knocked into him in front of that fancy store.

  She flashed him her bright smile, her blue eyes clear, lashes all her own, and he melted inside. She extended her hand. “Penny Thatcher.”

  “I know who you are. I’m a big fan,” he gushed. Shut up, Davis! You sound like a lovesick teenager.

  She blushed and cast her gaze to the ground. A humble, hottie actress. Imagine that.

  “Thanks.” Sweetwater shoved Mark aside and introduced himself to both ladies. They divided up into two cars, Mark and Tiffany in one, Darvin and Penny in another. Tiffany, obviously annoyed at ending up with Mark, made a face as she moved toward his modest car, while Penny lowered herself into Darvin’s two-seater BMW.

  If Tiffany wanted to upset Mark, she’d be disappointed. He had no interest in her. He only had eyes for Penny. The only thought on his mind was Sweetwater’s plan to seduce her before the night was over.

  They went to Steak on the House, Darvin’s favorite restaurant. Drinks arrived quickly as Darvin demanded and received fast service, since he was a big spender and famous in Las Vegas as the darling of their home team. Tiffany couldn’t keep her eyes off him, so Mark didn’t feel any compunction about turning toward Penny when he raised his wine glass and said, “To be in the company of a beautiful woman is a rare treasure.”

  Penny colored and clinked her glass with his. Darvin stared darts at Mark. Yeah, Darvin, I’m no genius, but I’m smarter than you, asshole. Mark smiled at Penny. He watched his teammate struggle to come up with a better toast and chuckled to himself. I outclassed the jerk-off, and he can’t stand it. A legend in his own mind. Uh oh.

  Suddenly, Mark envisioned Darvin taking revenge on the practice field. Tough shit. I’m just as good as you...maybe better. Bring it on. Mark tried to keep the hostility out of his eyes, but wasn’t sure if he succeeded.

  When the food arrived, Darvin dug into his thick, rare steak with enthusiasm. He kept making raunchy comments, comparing eating his beef to sex. He put his hand on Penny’s thigh several times and leered at her. She tried to laugh it off, but Mark saw her furrowed brow and noticed her repeatedly pushing Sweetwater away.

  Anger rose in his chest. She’s a lady, you asswipe. Not a piece of meat for you to devour. "Back off, Darvin. Can't you see you’re making her uncomfortable?"

  “When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you,” Darvin spit back.

  “In a test of wits, Sweets, you come up empty…so, bring it on.” Mark silently thanked his twin sister, Megan, for tutoring him in college, forcing him to learn.

  “I’ll wipe the floor with you, Davis,” Sweetwater growled.

  “Not in a game of intelligence.”

  “Come on, baby. Don’t get upset. Let’s get outta here. Why don’t you come to my place for…uh…dessert?” Tiffany cooed, placing her hands around Darvin’s huge biceps.

  He looked at Tiffany then at Penny. “You want to come along and make it a threesome?” He licked his lips as his gaze raked over Penny’s body.

  “Uh…not really. Not my thing. Don’t worry about me. I’ll grab a cab home,” Penny said.

  “I can drive you home,” Mark piped up.

  “It’s okay. Really.” She raised her hand, and her voice shook.

  He cursed silently. Shit. She thinks I’m gonna jump her. Attack her, like Darvin. I’m nothing like him.

  Darvin narrowed his eyes, and a slow, evil grin played at his lips. “Fine, Penny, if that’s what you want. Leave Davis here by himself. Let’s go, Tiffany.” Darvin stood up, reached into his back pocket, and pulled out his wallet. He dropped two one-hundred dollar bills on the table then handed a twenty to Penny.

  “Here’s for your cab. You’re one hot chick.” Darvin took Tiffany’s hand. “I’ll see you on the field, Davis. Better watch your back…bro.” Sweetwater laughed as he and Tiffany left. Penny twirled the twenty dollars in her fingers. Her gaze dropped to her hands then up to her water glass. She folded, unfolded, and re-folded the money.

  Oh, my God. She’s afraid of me. “Hey, look. Do whatever makes you comfortable,” Mark said, resting his hand on hers lightly for only a moment.

  She jumped at the touch, fear evident on her face.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, try to take advantage of you…or anything. I’m a regular guy. I’ve got a sister. I like women, respect ’em.”

  Penny continued to twist the twenty. “I’d better go.”

  “If that’s what you want. But I’m going to have another cup of coffee, and I was considering dessert.”

  Penny turned frightened eyes on him as she began to stand up.

  She looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Make her feel safe, you idiot! “No, no, real dessert. I hear they have great hot fudge here. How about splitting a hot fudge sundae with me? Three scoops—all your choice. Or you can catch a taxi, if that makes you feel safer.”

  Penny sat down and blew out a breath. “I love hot fudge. How did you know?”

  “Everybody loves hot fudge, especially me.” He smiled at her and signaled to the server, who came over right away. She rattled off six flavors of ice cream.

  “You choose,” Mark said, gesturing with his hand. “I like ’em all.”

  “Hmm, let’s see. Mint chip for sure, vanilla, and how about coffee?” Penny turned to look at him.

  “Sounds good. Whipped cream and two cherries, please.”

  The waitress nodded, refilled their coffee cups, and left. Mark couldn’t help looking at Penny’s chest. Not huge, just right. Big enough to fill my hands. His fingers tingled at the thought of touching her, so he tore his gaze away and focused on her face again.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to act like a baby. I’m twenty-five, not five, but he scared the crap out of me. Is he always so…so…aggressive on a first date?” She added sugar to her mug.

  “Don’t know. This is the first time I’ve doubled with him. I’m kinda new here. So when Reid offered to fix us up…well, seemed like a good idea. I didn’t know you were coming.”

  “Oh? I was selected for Darvin. Got it.” She nodded.

  “Yeah. He was uh…looking forward to…uh…being…uh with you.” Mark could feel the blood rush up his neck.

  “It’s okay. I figured out pretty quick what he was after. He’s not the first, and probably not the last, jerk who’s dying to make it with an actress.” She gave a short, mirthless laugh.

  He’ll be the last who tries to take advantage of you, if I have something to say about it. “Guess a woman as pretty as you comes across this kinda stuff all the time.” She nodded and added cream to her drink then took a sip. Mark stole another glance at her cleavage while she was distracted. Great rack.

  “Most guy
s aren’t usually that…uh…obvious.” She licked a drop of coffee from her lip.

  “Sweetwater is his own biggest fan. I’m surprised they make a helmet big enough to fit him.” Mark’s gaze zeroed in on her soft, pink, inviting mouth. He wanted to kiss her.

  Penny laughed. “Thinks he’s God’s gift to the world, does he?”

  “Definitely. His day’ll come. He’s not too big to fall. Nobody is. I only hope I’m there to see it.” The waitress returned with the biggest dish of ice cream Mark had ever seen. He let out a low whistle and grinned. “We’re gonna be here all night trying to eat this thing,” he turned it around and reached for a utensil.

  “All night?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “I didn’t mean…”

  “I know you didn’t. Just messing with you,” she chuckled, picking up her spoon.

  He let out a nervous laugh. Sharp sense of humor, like Megan. Gotta be on my toes.


  Penny’s gaze was riveted to Mark’s eyes. They’re blue green. Never seen anything like them.

  “Do I have hot fudge on my forehead or something?”

  Blood heated her cheeks. She shook her head. Caught gawking at this gorgeous guy. Bad form, Penny.

  “You’re fine,” she said between spoonfuls of ice cream. More than fine, but I’m not telling you that. One swellheaded athlete a day is enough. Mark dug his spoon into the cold confection and scooped up some mint chip and fudge sauce. Penny’s gaze moved slowly down his straight nose, sexy lips, and firm chin, all the way down to his chest. God, shoulders as wide as the Grand Canyon. Are all quarterbacks this hunky? Well, not Sweetwater. Creeped me out.


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