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His Leading Lady

Page 13

by Jean Joachim

  “What’s your next film, Penny? Any nudity in it?”

  Mark looked up, temporarily dazed by all the noise and bright lights. Silently, he grasped Penny’s hand and steered her toward the baggage claim area. While they waited for her luggage, reporters continued to fire nosy, nasty questions at the pair and take pictures. They alternated—sometimes Penny denied a claim or said “no comment,” and other times, Mark did.

  When he had her large suitcase, he toted it like it only weighed two pounds and shouldered his way through the crowd like one of his teammates pushed through the line on the gridiron. Penny followed right behind, her hands on his waist. Mark fended off the nosy reporters long enough to get her safely stowed in his car. She leaned back and closed her eyes.

  “What the hell was that? A cockroach convention?” Mark blew out a breath as he maneuvered them onto the highway.

  “Keith called them. Said it would be good publicity for the film. No one asked me a thing about the movie. Only about those damn pictures. I wish I’d never done them.”

  “Geez, no one wants to let you forget, do they?”

  “Nope. How are you?”

  They chatted until Mark pulled into the lot behind his building. She turned to look at him, warmth flowing through her body. He’s actually here. She eased herself closer, snuggling into his shoulder. He pulled her in for a giant hug.

  “Don’t let go, Mark. Don’t ever let go,” she whispered, closing her eyes. His scent brought a smile to her lips. God, I missed this so much. His lips grazed her hair, and she kissed his chest. His closeness, his strength, buoyed Penny. Energy began to flow through her again.

  Circling around to the front door, they stopped as a taxi pulled up next to them. The door opened.

  “A reporter?” Mark mumbled. “One more flashbulb, and I’ll punch this guy’s lights out.”

  Penny turned to look at the man getting out of the cab behind them. “Dad?”


  Mark’s head snapped up. “What?”

  “Dad? Is that you?”

  “Penny, my dear. How are you? I’ve had a devil of a time finding you.” A slim man with steel gray hair turning white at the temples approached. He had Penny’s blue eyes, but that’s where the resemblance ended. His face was lined and puffy. Medium height, he wore clothes that were too big for him. His camel-colored corduroy jacket was worn at the elbows. His shirt collar had a little fray in it, and the soles of his shoes were worn down.

  Mark wanted to feel sorry for the guy, but he was the cause of all the trouble between Penny and him. All Mark could summon up was disgust for the father who had sucked the life out of his own daughter and forced her to have those pictures taken.

  “Who’s this, Penny? Please, introduce us.”

  “Mark Davis, this is Irwin Wilson, my father.” Mark took Irwin’s hand and shook it briefly. Afterward, the quarterback had the overwhelming desire to wipe his fingers on his pants. He resisted.

  “What are you doing here? How did you find me? I changed my last name to get away from you.” Penny inched closer to Mark, who slung his arm around her shoulder.

  “So, this is your young man, eh? Quite a handsome fellow. Tall, too.”

  “What do you want, Dad.” Penny shifted her weight.

  “Is there somewhere we can talk?”

  “There’s a diner a few doors down,” Mark said.

  “But then you’ll have to carry this heavy suitcase. Penny, you need to learn to travel light, my dear.”

  “No problem.” Mark picked up the bag and took Penny’s hand. Irwin followed along behind.

  Once they were seated, Penny ordered a small salad, Mark a beer, and Irwin a steak dinner.

  “You’re looking well, Penny, darling.”

  “What do you want?”

  “A little rough around the edges, aren’t you? Didn’t I teach you to be more polite than that?”

  Mark could hardly contain his temper. He stared daggers at Irwin, who appeared to be oblivious to the disapproval.

  “How did you find me?”

  “Ah, you’re newsworthy these days, my darling. Those pictures…” He shook his head. “Never should have done that. Really. Wrecked your reputation.”

  Penny placed her hand on Mark’s forearm, stopping him from punching her father.

  “You know all about those pictures and why I had them taken. So, tell me what you want, now. Let’s get this over with. I don’t want to waste my time listening to lies from you.”

  “Ouch! Is that any way to talk to your loving father? I bounced you on my knee, and we sang Raffi songs together. Let’s see if I can remember that one…the one about the whale?”

  Water clouded Penny’s eyes. “Stop!” she yelled at him, pushing the heels of her hands into her eyes to keep tears from falling.

  “Okay, okay. Don’t cry, baby girl.” Irwin held up his hands.

  “Just tell me, okay?” She sniffled, fishing a tissue out of her purse.

  “I’ve found a wonderful new rehab…”


  “This one will work. Guaranteed.”

  “That’s what you said last time. And the time before. And the time before that.”

  “It pains me to admit it, but I was wrong before. This is it.”

  “How much?” Penny dropped her hands and stared directly into her father’s eyes.

  “Prices are a little higher. It’s five years later…you know how these things are.”

  “How much?” Penny screamed. The clink of glasses, knives, and forks of the other diner patrons stopped. Mark folded his hands over hers. “How much?” she asked again, in a tightly controlled voice.

  “Twenty-five thousand. But this will be the last time. I promise you.”

  “You said that last time. Like your promises are worth anything.”

  “This time, I mean it. You have it. I know you do. You’ve been saving for school, haven’t you? You’re young. You can go to school anytime. This is life and death.”

  “Life and death?” Penny cocked an eyebrow.

  “The doctor told me if I don’t give up drinking, I’ll be dead in six months.”

  “Like I almost believe you.”

  “Do you have it?” He raised his eyebrows in expectation.

  “You know I do. That’ll almost wipe me out.”

  “You can make it back. You’re so gorgeous. You’ll get another acting job.” He chewed on a piece of baked potato.

  “Not after those pictures have been discovered. My career is in the dumper.”

  He patted her hand. “You’re a survivor. Always have been. I’ve always admired that about you. Do you know…Mark, was it? Do you know that when she was only fourteen, she got a job? Yeah, lied about her age, went out and got a job in a diner, washing dishes. She graduated to waiting tables. And she made a pretty penny, too." Irwin returned to cutting up his steak.

  Mark’s skin turned an angry red. He wanted to beat this man to a pulp. His control was slipping. “You’re disgusting. You make me sick. Living off your daughter. You’re the lowest form of life on Earth,” Mark said in a low growl.

  Penny shot him a loving look.

  “How dare you talk to me that way? You’re banging my daughter. Think I don’t know what goes on between you two? Rutting like two junkyard dogs. Can’t wait to get your hands on her, can you? Or your dick?”

  Mark reached over and fisted Irwin’s shirt in one hand. “For two cents, I’d send you to Hell right now. Go ahead. Keep talking.” Fear flashed across Irwin’s face. Penny pulled on Mark’s sleeve, and he let go. He faced her. “Go upstairs. I’ll bring the suitcase. Let me settle a few things with your father.”

  “Mark, please. Your throwing hand. Don’t do anything rash.”

  “Throwing hand! Aha! Now I know why I recognized you! You’re Mark Davis, brand spanking new quarterback for that new team in the East somewhere.”

  Mark glared at him before he turned to Penny. “Go on, honey. I’ll take care of t

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Don’t leave me here. Who knows what he’ll do to me.” Irwin shrank back against his seat.

  Mark saw relief on Penny’s face as she slid out of the booth and left the restaurant without a word to her father. Irwin turned frightened eyes to Mark. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a checkbook. “Here’s the deal. Take it, or leave it. I’m going to write you a check for fifteen thousand dollars. Not twenty-five, because I don’t believe you.”

  “I have proof, a brochure right here.”

  “Shut the fuck up. I’ll tell you when you can talk, you fucking piece of shit.”

  Irwin clamped his lips together.

  “Like I said. I’m going to write you a check for fifteen grand. You’re going to take it. And you’re never going to speak to, or try to contact, your daughter again.” Mark was writing numbers on the check as he spoke. “Hear me?”

  “But what about on holidays and my birthday?”

  Mark slammed his big palm down on the table, hard. “I said never, and I mean never. You have seen her for the last time. If you choose to break this deal, you will face the consequences. First, I’ll beat the shit out of you and tell the police you were trying to break into my house. Second, Penny will file a restraining order against you.”

  “But, what if…”

  “No buts. No what ifs. If I see you, even just see you again, you will be hospitalized.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Irwin stuck out his chin.

  “Most definitely. I am threatening you. Make no mistake. And this isn’t an idle threat.”

  “Can’t you make it twenty?”

  “No. It’s written. Take it, or I’ll call the police right now and make up a story.”

  “They’ll never believe you. I’m her father.” Irwin folded his arms across his chest.

  “Really? Who would you believe? A broken down drunk? Or a star, pro football player?”

  Irwin snatched the check from Mark’s fingers and left the restaurant. Mark stopped in the restroom to wash his hands before he re-joined Penny.


  Mark knocked on the door, and Megan opened it.

  “You should have seen the horror show at the airport, Squirt. We were mobbed by reporters, asking every sleazy question they could think of. I wanted to slug ’em.” He purposely ignored the meeting with Irwin Wilson. Penny didn’t volunteer it, either. If I never see that man again, it’ll be too soon.

  “Glad you didn’t.” Penny related stories about her movie shoot while Mark ordered pizza. Meg opened three bottles of beer for them. At midnight, they retired. Meg slept in the spare bedroom. Jetlag wiped Penny out so she could barely stay awake. She slipped into bed naked and cuddled up to Mark. He drew her close, and she was asleep before he could kiss her goodnight.

  Mark was up early and out to practice before Penny awoke. She threw on his T-shirt and padded out to join Meg for coffee.

  “When is Mark planning to move?” Penny asked.

  “Right after playoffs.” Meg said, taking a sip. “I’m packing up stuff he won’t need now, so we don’t have so much to do later.”

  “School’s out?”

  “Christmas break.”


  “Yeah, we have to stay. It depends on if the Gamblers win. The more they win, the longer we have to stay. So, Mark’s rooting for an early loss.” She laughed.

  “When do they start?”

  “Sometime in early January. We’re going home for Christmas. Can’t leave my mom on her own.”

  Penny nodded. Christmas. Shit! She moved toward the bedroom. “I’ve got to get back to my place.”

  “Don’t go.”

  “I have to. Gotta get my life in order.” Penny’s cell rang. Keith! That rat! She picked it up, ready to give him a piece of her mind, but he was talking too fast.

  “I can’t believe it. It’s not out there yet, but I have it from a good source. I can’t believe it. You’re in. Really. I just can’t believe it.” He ran the words together into one enormous, fast sentence.

  “Keith!” Penny shouted into the phone. “Stop! Slow down. You can’t believe what?”

  “Well, it’s not official yet, but you’re way ahead, so far. There’s only another week in the voting.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You’ve been nominated for an Academy Award for supporting actress for The Natural Girl.”

  Speechless, Penny sank down cross-legged on the floor. Meg was by her side immediately. “Bad news?” the brunette asked. Penny shook her head, still unable to talk.

  “Yeah. I know. I couldn’t believe it, either. From porn star to Hollywood star in about five seconds. Biggest comeback in history,” Keith said, after stopping to take a breath.

  “Are you sure?” Penny asked, finally finding her voice.

  “Hell, yeah. My best friend is sleeping with a girl who works there tallying the votes.”

  “Holy crap!” Penny stared at Meg.

  “You can say that again. I’d better get off the phone.”

  “Are you kidding? A minute ago, I was dirt, now I’m in demand?”

  “In every interview, they’ll ask you what your next project is. You can’t buy publicity like that. You’re going to be a hot commodity in about another two weeks, baby. So, rest up now because you’re going to be working your fucking tail off.” He hung up.

  Penny shook her head, stunned.

  Meg grabbed her arm. “What?”

  She explained to Mark’s sister what had just happened. The phone buzzed.

  “Oh, by the way, don’t tell anyone yet. It’s not official.” And Keith hung up again.

  “We have to keep it a secret, Meg. I can’t believe it. One minute, I’m washed up and the next minute, I’m a star. This is a crazy business.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Invite Mark to the Academy Awards,” Penny said, grinning.

  “I mean, about moving to Delaware?”

  “This changes everything.” Now, I don’t have to go crawling to Delaware with my tail between my legs, begging Mark to marry me. She pushed to her feet. “I’ve got to get home, get my life organized, and try to figure this all out. I’m dizzy.”

  “I hope you’ll come to Delaware. You’re not going to dump Mark now, are you?” Megan blurted out.

  “I love Mark. Nothing can change that.”

  “Are you coming to Delaware?”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing. Right now, I’m going home. I need to think.”

  Meg stepped back, a half-smile on her face. “I hope you decide to come.”

  I hope Mark offers marriage. Or do I? Do I want to continue acting? Penny’s head ached. She hauled her suitcase to the street and climbed into a taxi. Sitting back against the leather seat, she wondered what she should do and how she was going to decide.


  Since Mark had signed the contract with the Delaware Demons and it had become public, Darvin Sweetwater had left him alone. Their uneasy truce made practice and games easier on Mark. Still, he was tired of being second-string. With his girl and his new team, Mark’s confidence was at an all-time high. Not exactly invincible, but close to it, he was better on the field than ever.

  Once Sweetwater didn’t see Mark as a threat to his supremacy on the Gamblers, he took a bit more time off for sore muscles, letting Mark take over.

  Tension in the locker room eased a little, now that there was a truce between Mark and Darvin. But the verbal jousting never stopped.

  “Hey, Davis, you gonna be here for the playoffs?”


  “The Super Bowl?” Darvin asked.

  “You think we’re getting in the Super Bowl this year? Fat chance.”

  “I’m ready to lead the team to victory.”

  “Blow it out your ass, Sweetwater.”

  “You’ve got no team spirit, Davis. That�
��s what’s wrong with you.”

  “Sweetwater, you’re what’s wrong with me. I play one-hundred fifty percent all the time.”

  “Good luck on that whistle-stop, mini-team in Delaware. Hey, is Delaware even a state? I thought it was a town.” Sweetwater grinned.

  “A town? Where’d you go to school, Dumbass University?”

  “Fuck you, Davis. Wish you were leaving sooner.”

  “I bet you do. I’m sure some rookie quarterback has already been signed to replace me here. So, don’t get too comfortable.” The smug smile fell off Darvin Sweetwater’s face. Perspiration broke out on his forehead.

  “Didn’t think of that, did you? Asshole.” Mark headed for the showers, chuckling all the way. Now that he was leaving, he was getting more playing time than ever. He took it as more training, more knowledge, more practice making quick judgments and decisions. It would help him be the best in Delaware.

  In his heart, he relished the chance to play against the Gamblers. To throw against Darvin’s team made his mouth water. He’d have his revenge on the playing field, against the man who tried to ruin Penny.

  Harley had one more year on his contract, so he’d not be joining Mark in Delaware, though the Demons showed strong interest in signing him. Mark was sad to leave his best friend. He hoped they could be together again, but he was looking forward to getting on with his life. He’d be relieved to get away from Darvin Sweetwater and some of the other guys on the team who had made cracks about Penny. A fresh start and a bucket of money looked damn good.

  Meg would help him manage his new wealth, and he’d pay off all the old loans. I’ll have enough left over to buy a house. The idea of his own house sent shivers down his spine. With Penny’s career in the toilet, she’ll come to Delaware with me. Nothing holding her here. Not that he was happy about what had happened to her, but it seemed to work out for the best, from his point of view. He couldn’t stop smiling. He was going to have the life he wanted, after all.

  He brought Harley home with him, planning to take Penny, Meg, and Harley out to dinner to celebrate. The two guys were pushing and shoving playfully in the hall. Mark walked in to Meg packing books in a box.


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