Tethered Trust

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Tethered Trust Page 2

by Royal, Jade

  “Out here in the middle of nowhere?” He looked over Mama, trying to gauge her.

  “Look, we needed to get far away from Scottsdale, and we did. We don’t want any trouble. I just want to get my mother and daughter somewhere safe.” Angelica began whining and reaching for me. I carefully turned towards her and took her from Mama’s arms.

  “How do I know that you aren’t pulling my chain?”

  I searched for an answer, and when I found none, I shrugged my shoulders. “You don’t. I’m not asking you for anything but to let us go. I do have a bag with our stuff in it. I’d like to get that, too. We’ll find our way from here.” As much as it sucked, I’d figure it out. I’d gotten us this far, but I needed that bag.

  “Where are you headed?” He asked.

  “To Ohio.”

  “What part?” He squinted his eyes searching for truth.

  I’d already done my research. “Cincinnati.”

  Angelica touched my face and I kissed her fingers. She was antsy, and I knew it was from being cooped up in the truck for so long. I held her face toward mine so that she wouldn’t see the gun pointed at us.

  “No funny business,” he said.

  I nodded and gave Angelica back to Mama so that I could get the bag. I reached inside the cab and slid the bag out. It was zipped and ready, so I threw it over my shoulder and backward to let my back bear the weight.

  Something changed in the man’s features that I couldn’t read. It wasn’t creepy. It was more like he was softening his resolve. “I’ll be settling into a motel for the night. That’ll give you girls time to freshen up and sleep in a real bed,” he said.

  Mama shook her head. “We won’t be staying in a room with you.”

  “I’m flattered, darlin’, but I was speaking of a room for yourself. That way you can tend to that baby the way she needs. I can’t imagine how cold it’s been back there in that bed.”

  Wait, was he saying what I think he was? I backed up to move away from the truck, moving Mama back as well.

  “Thanks for the ride so far, mister,” I said.

  “The name’s Eddie.”

  Thunder rumbled behind us, and I groaned.

  “I’ll take you to the next town so that you girls can figure out how to get to Cincinnati from there.” Eddie put the gun away and looked at us. “Let’s get moving before the storm starts.” Eddie gestured with his head for us to get into the truck.

  “No, thank you.” I wasn’t going to put us in a worse off situation by being inside the truck with him.

  “I won’t hurt’cha.”

  “Tell you what. We’ll ride in the bed where we’ve been until you get us to that gas station,” Mama said. “It’s about to storm, and I’d like to get my daughter and granddaughter out of harm’s way.”

  “I respect that.” Eddie nodded his head and backed away to get back in the truck.

  “Let’s get in so we can get to the gas station. We can figure out the rest when we get there,” Mama said.

  Eddie got into the cab of the truck and I sighed. “This is crazy. What if he’s taking us somewhere where he can kill us?”

  Mama smiled. “Then we kick his butt.”

  I laughed, trying to find the humor in the situation.

  “We can’t be out here walking with her. Let’s just hope that he’s honest enough to take us to the nearest gas station.”

  The truck started, and Mama handed me the baby. I sighed and held her as Mama climbed back into the truck bed. I gave her Angelica and then I put the bag in. I jumped back in the bed and closed the tailgate. Eddie blew his horn and then took off driving.

  We drove for much longer than I expected and then we slowed. When he cut the engine, I saw that we were at a motel and, sure enough, there was a nearby diner. I pulled my hood over my head and slid out the truck. We ran over to the diner as quickly as we could, leaving Eddie behind.

  I SAT ACROSS FROM MAMA and watched her sip her coffee while I played with a very awake Angelica. I’d fed her some mashed potatoes, and she had her bottle. She was clapping her hands and bouncing in her booster seat, happy as she could be. I hoped that one day I could feel a fraction of her joy. When I closed my eyes, I saw unpleasant images filled with blood splatters and slumped over bodies. It was hard to find joy after that.

  The diner closed at three AM, which gave me approximately seven hours to figure out a game plan. I could do this. I really could. My brain was tired and sluggish. I wasn’t sleeping well, and when I did, nightmares plagued my mind. I needed to make something happen, though. Silence stretched on as I tried to figure something out.

  “Ladies...” I looked up to see Eddie standing at the table.

  Eddie removed his jacket and hung it on the coat rack next to the door. He came back and stood at the end of the table.

  “Do you mind if I have a seat?” he asked.

  I shrugged and looked at Mama. She didn’t say anything but scooted her chair over toward the window. Eddie sat down and ordered a coffee when the waitress walked by. He used that charm that I’d initially noticed about him. The waitress was like putty in his hands when she scurried away to do his bidding.

  “I’d like to talk to you for a second, if you don’t mind,” Eddie began.

  “Go ahead.” I looked him in the eye, wondering where this was going.

  “I’m not going to ask what you’re running from. Don’t try to hide it, it’s obvious. No sane woman hides in the back of a truck if she’s not running or hiding from something. Just promise me that you’re not fugitives running from the law.”

  “No, we’re not criminals,” I responded.

  “Well, that’s good.”

  The waitress came back over, interrupting whatever he was about to say.

  “Can I get you anything to eat, sir?” the waitress asked.

  “Becky, can you give me just a few minutes, please?” She nodded and sashayed away.

  “Ladies, I’ve booked an extra room for the night so that you can have a warm place to sleep. I’ll be more than happy to take you all the way to Cincinnati. All I ask is that you ride in the cab of the truck. I don’t want you or the baby to catch a cold.” Eddie sat back and waited for a response.

  “What do you get out of this?” I asked.

  “Well, I’ll get my good deed in for the year.” He laughed a deep, soulful laugh. “And I get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re safe. I’d also like to buy you a hot meal.”

  Mama looked at me wearily. I weighed my options and sighed. I needed the money that we had because I didn’t know how much our new identities would cost us. Finding somewhere to live and getting new lives started would be complicated, too. I’d saved as much as I could, where I could. Food was one of those places I’d cut costs. Filling our bellies for the lowest cost.

  “No funny business,” I said to him.

  “Deal. I’m not much of a comedian, anyway.” He winked at me to seal the joke. It wasn’t one of those creepy ones that you got from guys trying too hard. It was more like something sweet thrown in to take off the edge.

  I laughed and nodded. “Okay. I think we have a deal.”

  Becky walked over, and we ordered food. I even ordered another side of mashed potatoes for Angelica. I knew she wouldn’t eat them now, but if she was hungry later, she’d have them.

  Eddie made small talk and Mama remained quiet. I knew she didn’t like this, but he was pretty harmless from what I could tell. He paid the tab when we were done and showed us to our room. I took the key from him and he left us alone. I knew there was a chance of a second keycard, so I bolted the door close.

  The first thing I did was run a bath for Angelica and get her all cleaned up. She fell asleep after, and that gave me peace and quiet to take my own bath. Stepping into the muscle-relaxing shower was a dream come true. The water cascading all over made me forget about my problems for a minute. I washed everything twice, including my hair. I felt like a new woman.

  Finally, I got the peace I’
d desired, and my muscles were ready to sink into something soft. I begrudgingly got out of the shower. I dried my hair with a towel, and then my body. I took a long look at myself in the mirror and squared my shoulders. Today was the first day of our new lives. Whatever that meant, I knew I’d make it. Though I looked older than my eighteen years, I knew it was from lack of rest. A few winks would get me all fixed up. I grabbed all my clothes and walked into the bedroom.

  Mama was laying on the bed asleep and holding Angelica. I hated to wake her, but she needed a bath. Who knew when we’d be able to again? I tapped her arm and she jumped, then looked around instinctively.

  “We’re safe, Mamá. I just wanted you to take a bath before we settled in for the night. I think it’ll help you sleep better.”

  Mama nodded, but it was slow and deliberate. “Okay.” Mama eased out from under Angelica and stretched her body. “Eddie brought us some clean clothes. I tried to refuse him, but he shoved them into my arms and walked away. He’s such a stubborn man.”

  I laughed. “I think he’s just worried. I’m just glad that he’s not a serial killer or rapist.”

  “Jury’s still out on that,” Mama mumbled.

  “True.” I agreed. “Shower, sexy lady.”

  Mama shook her head and combed through her hair. “I may not come out.”

  I laughed at her and hugged her tight. “Stay in there as long as you need. I’m headed to sleep, you’ll join me in bed when you’re good and ready.”

  Mama kissed my cheek and headed into the bathroom.

  “Mamá, can you leave the door unlocked so I can check on you?”

  Mama hesitated, but then agreed. I knew she was in a dark place, and I hated to think that she’d try anything stupid, but I wanted to be sure. My father was everything to her, and that hopeless darkness hovered over her head like the grim reaper. I knew that she wouldn’t try anything with me around, so I needed to be even more diligent in making sure that she wasn’t alone.

  I dressed in sweats and saved the clothes that Eddie purchased for tomorrow. I climbed in, pulled Angelica close and let everything else slip away as I fell into a deep slumber.

  The next morning, I woke to the shower being turned on. I listened to movement in the bathroom as Mama showered. Angelica whined, and I patted her back to soothe her. Mama eventually came out with her hair wrapped in a towel. She smiled at me, and, for the first time, I felt like she meant it.

  “I doubted that you’d be ready for this level of responsibility, but you’ve proved me wrong. I thought I had a few years before you’d be a mother.”

  “Me, too, but I didn’t expect...” The sting pierced my eyes sharply, and I couldn’t hold back the rush of emotion.

  Grief grabbed a hold and shook me thoroughly. I covered my face, but my entire body shook violently as I cried. I felt broken by my losses, and I couldn’t help but feel that I’d never be whole again. Warm arms draped around me, pulling me close. I leaned into Mama’s arms and let the sobs wreck me. We sat in silence, rocking side to side until I regained control. She wiped her tears away as I pulled back and looked at her.

  “Isabella, we’re going to be alright. You’ve gotten us this far, and I’m ready to help get us on the right path,” Mama said.

  “Mamá! You have to remember to call me...”

  “You’ll always be my Isabella.” Mama kissed my forehead

  Angelica laughed, and I looked over at her. She was playing by herself and I smiled. “When she does this, I can’t help but wonder if it’s Danielle.”

  Mama smiled. “Maybe.”

  DRESSED, WE HEADED out of the room to see Eddie walking toward us.

  “Morning, darlings,” he said cheerfully.

  “Morning.” I greeted.

  “Ready to head to get breakfast?”

  Mama cleared her throat, and I caressed her arm.

  “We are.”

  Breakfast was easy, and I sipped hot cocoa with my meal. Angelica was happily full, and Mama actually ate her food. She looked brighter today, and a new level of hope was born. I don’t know what happened between last night and today, but I was glad that she was pushing forward.

  We rode in the back seat together, and I fell asleep after a while with Angelica cuddled close. Between unconscious spells, I heard Mama talking to Eddie about Papa. I tried to eavesdrop, but sleep’s hold pulled me back under. So, I rested.

  The truck wasn’t moving anymore. I blinked, trying to clear the fog from my sight, but it was a chore. It was still raining, and I watched as Eddie and Mama ran back to the truck from the entrance of the motel. They opened the door and jumped in quickly.

  Mama smiled at me. “We’re in Cincinnati.”

  I sat up and looked around. I half expected goons to come out of somewhere to spoil the moment. We’d made it.

  “We have a room for the next week, so we can establish a plan.”

  Nodding wasn’t the right response, but my brain was having issues catching up. I was still very tired.

  “Okay,” I nodded, trying to wake up completely.

  “I wish that I could stay for dinner, but I still have another three hours to drive home. The roads are getting bad,” Eddie said.

  I passed Angelica to Mama, and she exited while I grabbed our bag. “Thank you so much for everything, Eddie.”

  “I’m just glad that you guys will be safe. I gave your mother my card in case you ever need anything,” Eddie explained.

  I nodded and jumped down out of the truck. “Take care.”

  “You, too. Keep your mother safe, ya hear?”

  “I will.” I turned and ran toward the direction Mama went.

  With a bit of faith, the right truck, and a plan, we’d actually accomplished this crazy thing. Mr. Eddie was like an angel driving us in the right direction, and I was thankful for him. Now it was time to shine on my own, and I knew, with the right determination, we wouldn’t fail. This was our time, and there was no turning back.

  Chapter 1: Vanessa

  Six years later...

  I sat waiting in the lobby of Club Illusions for her to show. A solid week of coming here after school to see if I could find her when I should have been focused on my college projects. They called her Mistress X, and she was highly looked upon. She had a certain skill that I was seeking out. The front desk receptionist was peering at me like I was some sort of stalker, but I’m not. I just really needed her to fix me.

  The last time that I saw Mistress X, she freed me, and I needed that from her again. She made me feel something for the first time in ages. When you’d forgotten that it was possible to exist beyond your responsibilities, and that fifth sense is reawakened after years of sleep, it makes you respond in unfathomable ways. I needed to feel again.

  So here I am, four months later, like a fiend looking for my next hit, and seeking out the talented Mistress X for more of that good stuff. I sighed as the time ticked away. The hands on the beautiful black and white clock ticked away the seconds of my demise. I couldn’t hear it over the music, but the noticeable, stiff rock back and forth of the black wand of time wasn’t to be ignored.

  Loud metal played inside the main room of the club, spilling its intensity into the lobby area. Normally, it wasn’t my forté, but the rhythmic bassline mixed with the bold drum clacks weren’t bad. The yelling I would have expected sounded more like eclectic rap music.

  I was edgy and lost focus on the music, shifting my thoughts back to the reason that I was here. I couldn’t go through another night like this. I needed that feeling I was chasing like a bad ass habit. I stood, grabbing my purse, and headed to the weary receptionist, gathering what was left of my dwindling patience.

  The walls surrounding us were burgundy with words written in black and white. The words seemed to be floating away from the wall toward the sky. I wasn’t close enough to read many of them, but the visible ones were inspiring. Confidence, gift, guidance, and submission caught my eye as I passed them.

  “Excuse me, can yo
u tell me if Mistress X is here yet?” I looked at the door as it bustled open. The corners of my lips moved further down in disappointment. Where was she?

  The woman was petite and wore pigtails with blue streaks. I noticed her eyes because she wore huge fashionable glasses that were popular in the 60’s. They had a wing tip on each side that made me take notice of the shape of her eyes. Her outfit was a bright blue push up bra, a black and white skirt, white button down, and black suspenders. If she wasn’t the bad schoolgirl, I’m not sure who was. I paled in comparison with my thrown-on jeans and t-shirt.

  Before I could open my mouth again, the woman spoke in clipped words and an irritated tone. The hand she put on her hip didn’t help my cause either. “She won’t be here tonight. Is there something else that I can help you with?”

  “No!” I hit the counter with the flat side of my hand making my anxiety rise to a million. I was growing twitchier by the minute. “I just want to see Mistress X!”

  I sat down on the couch across from the counter trying to figure out what I was going to do. Maybe there was another club I should search for her in. I began biting my nails, calculating a different place to find her. I don’t know how long I sat trying to concoct a greater plan, but a man walked toward me and I caught sight of him in my peripheral. I cringed, sinking further into the couch, hoping that it would swallow me.

  “No! Don’t come any closer.” I warned with my palms outstretched toward him.

  My heart was pounding a hundred miles an hour. It was difficult to focus, and the walls seemed to be closing in on me. I couldn’t believe that one phone call had driven me to this state. He just couldn’t leave us alone, could he? The detective assigned to our case called with any updates about the bastard that I’d help to put behind bars. I was thankful, but I just wanted to be free to live my life. No more hiding.

  “I’m Master Howard, one of the club owners.”

  “I didn’t ask for you. I asked for Mistress X!” I scooted away from him and was stopped by the arm of the couch. The jitters intensified, trapping me in my head. Not being able to shut off the thousands of fears that bombarded my brain made me feel bat shit crazy. I wished that the white leather couch would just swallow me whole and get me the hell out of here. ¡Dios mio!


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