by Royal, Jade
Chapter 2: Mistress X
“Hello.” I sat rubbing my belly and watching Family Feud.
“Shelly, we have a situation.” Howard’s voice was strained, catching me off guard. Was somebody hurt?
“I’m listening.” I sat up, paying close attention.
“Do you remember a young woman by the name of Vanessa? Tiffany remembers her from the workshop we did for Max’s class. Short, about 5’6”, strong Spanish accent, curly hair, light brown, and feisty but skittish.”
“No...” I responded honestly. I’d worked with a few girls for that project and couldn’t remember one more than the others. The description didn’t ring any bells for me, either. “What’s going on with her?”
“She’s been by here every evening this week asking for you. Normally, I wouldn’t bother you with this, but she seems to be in a bad place about something. If we can get her to calm down, maybe we can get her some help.”
“Is she on drugs or something?” My brows furrowed. I didn’t recall anybody with these behavior patterns from that group.
“There’s a good possibility. Do you think that you could talk to her over the phone to see if we can get her to calm down enough to get some answers?”
“Put her on the phone.” I took a deep breath and released it slowly, preparing for whatever would greet me.
“Oh my gosh! Mistress X, is this really you?” She sounded young, but recognition still hadn’t registered yet. Who was this girl?
“Yes, it is. Vanessa, I understand that you’ve been looking for me. What...”
“Where are you? I’ve been looking for you... Why aren’t you here? I just really need to see you. What time will you be here? Should I come back?”
I blinked as she continued asking questions but not leaving time for me to respond. Maybe she was on something, because she was so frazzled that she was beginning to make me feel crazy. Her anxiety was contagious, and the babies moving about in my belly only made it worse. I paused to center myself. Control.
“Vanessa. Vanessa, quiet!” The phone line went silent, and I could hear her erratic breathing. She was panting as if she’d just run a marathon. “Breathe. In and out slowly.”
Vanessa’s efforts were weak, but at least she was listening.
“Again, breathe. In and out.”
This time I could feel the tension lesson. The inhale was deeper, the exhale was fuller.
“Again.” I repeated.
Vanessa sighed. I heard the deeper inhale and then the exhale.
“Almost there, Vanessa. One more time, for me.”
When she was finished, I listened for even breathing and was satisfied with the results.
“What is it that you need from me, sweetheart?”
“Freedom. I want to be free again. You did it before, I know you can do it again.”
Freedom? “What kind of freedom?”
“Please, Mistress X. I just want to be free. It was so... It must be you. I trust you. I just... I can come back. Would that be better? I’m sorry that I yelled. I just... I really need to see you.”
“Vanessa. Breeeeathe.”
“I... am... I just...”
“Breathe for me. We can’t get your needs met if you can’t tell me what they are,” I urged.
Vanessa grunted in frustration and I heard a sniffle. She whispered the words in desperation, breaking my heart with every word. “I’m trying to hold it together, but I just can’t. I need to be free...” She sniffed again and remained silent.
Deep down I knew what I had to do. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was her life line, and she was sinking. I couldn’t condemn her to a solemn death. If she needed me, I would be there for her.
“I’m on my way.” I turned toward to Renee who’d been watching me the entire time. “Hang on just a little bit more, sweetheart, and I’ll be there.”
I hung up the phone and moved to get up. Renee was at my side quick as a whip. “Where are you going?”
“There’s an emergency at the club, and I need to get there.”
“Are you sure that you should be going down there? Who is this girl?” Renee’s hand was on her hip, and she stood her ground, pouty lips and all.
“She was one of the girls from the workshop we had a few months back. Maybe I made some kind of impression on her, but regardless, she sounds like she’s losing it, and I need to get to the bottom of it.”
“Is that safe?” Renee pushed. Her tone raised, and I lifted my eyebrow. She sighed and calmed her words before she spoke again. “Sorry, I just don’t want you in harm’s way.”
“Much better. I understand, but I figured since you were driving that you wouldn’t allow anything to happen to me. Howard is there, as well, if you need back up.” I winked at Renee, and she smiled.
I slipped into a comfortable black maxi dress and Harrison’s leather jacket. I left my hair down, and Renee slipped my black shoes onto my feet. I was as ready as I could be in my current situation.
“Let’s go.” I said, and we walked out to her car.
Once Renee began driving, I dialed my lovely fiancé’s number. I knew this was about to be a very fun conversation. He’d totally be on board with my plan.
That’s why I waited to call him when I was already en route. He answered on the first ring.
“You OK?” I knew he was on edge since the babies were closer to their due date. He always treated me like a precious doll that would break ever since I fell a few months ago. I needed to win him over for this to work smoothly.
“No, but it’s not the babies.” I explained the situation and he growled.
“Baby, you can’t put our family at risk like this. What if she’s crazy?”
“That’s why I dragged Renee with me. She’ll protect us.” I rubbed my hand through her hair and she nuzzled my hand.
“I’m on my way to the club.”
“No, I’ve got this. Plus, Howard is there, and he’s just as overprotective as you are. Trust me, he won’t let anything happen to me while I’m there.”
“I’m not thrilled about this idea.” I couldn’t help but feel bad that I was making him unhappy.
“Daddy,” I knew it was wrong of me to use the appellation against him, but I needed him to know that he could trust his baby girl. “I promise that I’ll be careful.”
“You better, brat.” I smiled, loving the way that he referred to me. As his submissive in our Daddy/babygirl relationship, brat was an endearment. And I loved every bit of it.
“I love you. I’ll call you as soon as I can with an update.”
“I love you, too.”
I ended the call feeling warm and loved. Harrison and Howard were as close as brothers could be. Since I was like a little sister to Howard and Harrison’s wife to be, they cared for me deeply. My best friend, Hollie, was their sister and would murder them both if anything ever happened to me. It’s one of the many reasons that I love her. Once I was at the club, Howard wouldn’t take his eyes off me. Bottom line.
We got to the club, and I walked inside with Renee. I saw a woman on the couch rocking back and forth slightly. That’s when it clicked. College girl! That’s what I’d called her after she’d told me how long she’d been in school. She didn’t look as put together now as she had back then. You could tell that she was always trying to disappear, but now she looked zonked out as well. Stressed like she couldn’t get away from her demons quick enough. The one thing that I could tell was that she wasn’t on any major drugs, or at least it wasn’t the reason why she had lost it. She still looked nice and healthy despite her mental anguish. I walked over to the counter where Tiffany, the gatekeeper, was standing in all her pretty blue glory.
“Has she said anything else?” I asked.
“Good evening, Mistress X. She’s been in a kind of trance since we called you. Hasn’t let go of the phone, either.”
“Where’s Howard?”
“Master Howard walked out of the waiting area because his presence made her worse. I don’t think that he went far.”
“I’m right here, love blossom.” I turned to see my Howard leaning against the doorframe that led to the main area.
“Ready?” I asked.
“If she makes the wrong move, we’ll have issues,” Howard warned.
“Yes, Sir.” I took a deep breath and eased toward Vanessa. “Hey, college girl. I didn’t know your name was Vanessa.” She was still spaced out and unresponsive. I snapped my fingers in front of her, but she was too far gone. I did the only thing that I could think to do. I smacked the sides of her face.
Vanessa jumped in shock, but when it registered that it was me trying to get her attention, she bounced off the couch, hugging me tightly. Howard and Renee flanked my sides immediately. I shook my head at them, and they backed up slightly. That’s when I felt the trembling coming from Vanessa. She was clearly upset about something.
“Shh... I’m here. Tell me what’s going on,” I urged.
“Remember, when I was here before? You set me free. I want to feel that again.”
I thought back to our short session. She was at the club with a few other students who were here to study human coping methods. It was an approved study in a controlled environment. The issue that I had with Vanessa was that...
“I remember!” I exclaimed, but my enthusiasm deflated immediately when I realized that I couldn’t. “I can’t do that with you right now, though, Vanessa.”
“Why not?” Disappointment was an understatement to describe her face.
I chuckled. “I’m not sure if you noticed, but I’m all kinds of pregnant.”
Vanessa pulled back and looked at my belly, noticing it. That showed how out of it she truly was. My “bump” wasn’t something to be ignored. She smiled a bit and reached to touch, then paused. “May I?”
“Of course.”
Vanessa rubbed my belly a little and then stood back. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come. I had no idea, and I really didn’t want to be a bother.”
“It’s alright. I have a suggestion.”
Vanessa looked skeptical. “I’m listening.”
“I learned all of my rope techniques from my old dominant. I’m sure that he’s around here somewhere. I think that he could help you out even more than I ever could.”
“He? No, it must be you. I trust you. You said that I drifted off before, what if he hurts me?” Fear gripped onto each of those last words.
I fought off the uneasy feeling. I understood apprehension, but she seemed downright afraid. “I’ll be there for the entire scene, watching to make sure that you remain unharmed. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”
“I—I don’t know about this.” As Vanessa looked up at Howard, she backed away, realizing his presence.
I giggled a bit. “This big ol’ brute is my brother, Master Howard. The only way he’ll hurt you is if you try to hurt me.” She eyed Howard suspiciously. Good girl.
“This lovely girl to my left is me and my husband’s, pet. She’s Renee. My guard, sub. Cute as a button.”
Vanessa was shocked by my admission but kept her comments to herself. We hadn’t made any official claims to her, but I wouldn’t take back those words if someone paid me to. “Let’s go talk in private, girl, while Master Howard goes to find Master J for me.”
We walked into the play area and around to the private rooms. Renee found us a spacious room that would work for suspension and rope play. I held on to Howard while he walked me to our destination.
Once we were all there, I whispered to Howard. I needed him to go find Jamar and bring him up to speed. Jamar had experience with therapeutic scenes, and I needed his expertise. Since I wouldn’t be able to tend to her the way that she needed, I had the best substitute. And though there was a past between the two of us, we were in a good place with it. I had the love of my life, giving him the freedom to find his.
Howard walked me to a big comfy chair that was right in front of a hanging suspension hook. He instructed Renee to come and get him if we needed anything and then he left, hesitantly.
“Want to tell me what’s going on?” I asked Vanessa.
“I need to escape him and be free. That’s all I want, then I’ll leave and never look back.” She seemed to be running from something that hadn’t occurred, yet. I’d never insinuated that she couldn’t come back, but she was already anticipating that I would.
“Vanessa, Club Illusions is a safe place. You can come here as often as you need to. I must ask, though. Who is the ‘he’ that you’re running from?” My brows furrowed while I searched her face for answers.
Vanessa remained quiet. Too quiet. Something was undeniably wrong here. Maybe it was that I could feel her heart racing, yet I wasn’t touching her. Perspiration appeared as a light mist along her skin. Her eyes shifted back and forth, not seeing much of anything. The part that concerned me most were her racing thoughts. She couldn’t manage them, which meant that she couldn’t control her actions.
“Do you trust me enough to try what I’m suggesting?”
“Yes, I do.” Though we had only spent a small amount of time together, she seemed to trust me more than she should. Something that I’d done had monumental meaning to her. It weighed heavily on me that I’d made that much of an impression in so little time.
“Good. Master J will take care of you as long as you’re honest with him.”
Before she could respond, there was a knock on the door.
“That’s him!” Vanessa shouted in hysterics. “Maybe this is a bad idea.”
My patience was wearing thin with her jumpy behavior. My dominant nerves were being scratched raw with impatience, and I couldn’t handle it anymore. “Vanessa, either answer the door to signal that you are ready to begin, or you leave without the experience you are obviously craving. Your choice, but time is wasting, and so is my patience.”
There was another knock on the door, and Vanessa swallowed deeply. I knew that I was pushing, but I didn’t want her to zone out again. I needed her to stay in the moment and seek the opportunity that she was being given. Vanessa moved toward the door and opened it, slowly letting in the fate that she’d chosen.
Chapter 3: Jamar
I walked into the room and was greeted by a stunned, beautiful girl whom I’d never seen before. She had to be Vanessa. She was of Spanish descent. Skin golden, permanently kissed by the sun. Almond shaped brown eyes. Wavy copper hair that looked so soft. Pouty lips that demanded that you kiss her thoroughly. I could only imagine that they would redden once they’d been seized between mine.
There was fire hidden behind her eyes, and I knew it wouldn’t take much to set them ablaze. She was daunting, but I knew that beautiful girls used their beauty to betray the fools that fell for them. This was about helping Shelly and finding out what kind of trouble this girl was in.
Howard filled me in on the scene that she’d created in the lobby. If it wouldn’t have been for the fact that Shelly wanted to help her, I’d be down in the dungeon watching some of the more intense scenes. Maybe Shelly saw something that she hadn’t mentioned. All I knew was that this scene was about breaking through some of her initial boundaries so that we could get her to talk. I was only providing the golden piece to the puzzle. Rope.
Vanessa’s gaze turned interested, but that only lasted for a second. That slip up was going to cost her. She was good at guarding her expressions, which would be a bitch to break through in one scene. Attraction fizzled between us, but it was a slow build up to something powerful. Unfortunately for her, I was going to use the chemistry between us to my advantage. My first instinct was to kiss away her fears, but I held back, shocked at my own thoughts. It was difficult, but I had to break the intoxicating trance between us to get this show on the road.
“There are rules in here.” I walked in and around the room to become comfortable with the set up and to give us both space to cool our
desire. I placed my bag on a table that sat in the perfect spot. It wasn’t in the way of the scene but in reach. I could tend to her and get to what I needed without losing sight. From Shelly’s vantage point, she could watch and be seen without interfering. Exactly how it should be.
“Rrrr...rules?” Vanessa stuttered.
“Rule number one, this is my scene. That means that nobody calls the shots except me.”
“Rule number two, you must call me ‘Sir’ when referring to me or answering me.”
“Rule number three, every scene will be negotiated before it is carried out.”
“But, Sir...”
“Rule number four, you will kneel and be stripped down to your undergarments before each session.”
I searched my bag, paying her little temper tantrum no mind. I saw a figure walking forward. I turned slowly to see Renee approaching me wearily.
“Sir, permission to speak?”
“Of course.” Had I been in the middle of a scene she would have been punished for the disruption. She appeared as if she were offering something that could be of value, so I listened. Renee was also demonstrating to Vanessa how to respectfully gain my attention.
“I’m here with Mistress X, however, I would like to offer any assistance to you as long as it doesn’t require me to leave her.”
“Granted. I don’t know what I’m dealing with, so I’d appreciate the extra set of hands. Make sure not to interfere with the scene itself, but if I need something, I’ll let you know.”
“Yes, Sir.” Instead of sitting beside Shelly as she was, she kneeled perfectly beside her feet, waiting.
“Good girl,” I mumbled low enough so that she couldn’t hear.
I turned to see Vanessa standing in the same spot that I’d left her. She was now fidgeting with her hands, even more unsure than before.