Tethered Trust
Page 18
Naomi leaned up on her toes to kiss me, and I turned my head.
“Get your shit and go. I have places to go, and you’re wasting my time right now.” I moved away from her clutches and headed toward the door.
“I’ll make it quick,” she shouted after me.
“Good. When you’re done you can see yourself out. I’ll see you next shoot.”
I went upstairs, showered, dressed, and checked my studio to make sure that Naomi was long gone. I needed to relax so I took off in my truck on a long drive. Three hours later, I ended up at my sister’s house. She lived about forty-five minutes away, right outside the city limits, but I’d taken the scenic route. When I knocked on the door, my seven-year-old niece answered.
“Uncle J!”
I picked her up and twirled her around. “There’s my girl.”
“What’d you bring me?”
I laughed wholeheartedly. “Me. Now where’s your mom?”
“She’s in the kitchen making dinner.”
I kissed her all over her face and she frowned the entire time. When I was done, she returned the favor.
“My kisses are better,” she said.
“Are they?” I chuckled.
“Yes!” She jumped down and took my arm. “Our meal awaits us, sir.”
I shook my head in disbelief at how much she’d grown. “We shouldn’t keep our guests waiting, my Lady.”
“Carry on.” I walked stiffly toward the kitchen and my sister Theresa laughed at our game.
“She already reads too many fairytales about queens and kings. You don’t have to entertain it.”
I pulled out Elise’s chair and she curtsied and then sat down. “Thank you, sir.”
“Nothing less for Queen Elise.” I bowed stiffly at the waist.
“Splendid, Lord Jamar. Please join me.”
“Don’t mind if I do, my lady.” I looked at my sister who was currently rolling her eyes at me. “Will you be joining us, Lady Theresa?”
“I would assume so since it’s my table,” Theresa threw at us.
I leaned toward Elise and whispered loudly. “Next time, I’d like to request that we not send an invitation to Lady Theresa. She seems a bit uptight tonight. No spoilsports to ruin such a fine meal.”
Elise giggled and covered her mouth to hide from her mother.
“I heard that, Jamar. Keep it up and I won’t invite you to dinner anymore.”
“Theresa, you wish that you had the willpower not to invite me to dinner. You love me too much to let your baby brother starve all alone in his studio.”
“Total bull!” I looked over at Sam who decided to join us. She stole a tomato from the salad and kissed Theresa. “Hi, honey.”
“Hi, baby.”
“Are you in here feeding lies to my wife and child?” Sam came over and nudged me.
“No, Theresa was being jealous of my relationship with the most beautiful girl on the planet.” I blew kisses at Elise and she pretended to catch them in the air.
“So, you are in here feeding them bull.” Sam chuckled, and I raised my eyebrow at her.
“Is this the type of language that you use in front of Queen Elise?” I turned to Elise. “Off with their heads!”
“Guards!” Elise shouted.
Everybody laughed. Sam and I made our way to the stove to bring the food to the table. Mmm... Everything looked delicious, as always.
“What’s on the menu?” I asked, seeing a few obvious items.
“Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, homemade biscuits, stir-fry veggies, and for dessert a cheesecake with caramel topping.”
“Go, sis! I can always move in if you need to practice your cooking skills every day.” I rubbed my belly, ready to dive in.
“You better talk to one of those little girls that you have to cook for you. You need to settle down and give my daughter some cousins.”
I rolled my eyes. “Not tonight, Theresa.”
“Why not?”
I chose to keep quiet as I fixed my plate. When everybody had their food, Queen Elise blessed the food and we ate. I stayed pretty silent, not wanting to get into details that I didn’t have. Eventually, Theresa was going to figure it out, anyway. She had this sister radar that let her know when something was up.
“What’s her name?” Theresa asked.
I stretched my neck and looked at her. “Vanessa.”
“When do I get to meet her?” She pressed.
“You don’t. I’m not trying to scare her off.”
“Keep it up, boy, and you’ll wish that you hadn’t.”
I laughed at her. “We’re not kids. You don’t scare me anymore.”
Theresa smiled. “Baby brother, I’ve got new tricks up my sleeve. Watch out now.”
“I’ll wait.” I blew her a kiss and she blew one back.
“Invite her to dinner.” Theresa continued to press.
“We’ll see.” I looked at her and she nodded, knowing that it was safer to drop the issue. Theresa was just as forward as I was. The only thing is that I knew when to let things drop. She pushed until she got a reaction. After dinner, we sat out back and relaxed as the food that we’d just inhaled settled.
My phone beeped, and I took it out of my pocket.
Vanessa: I miss you, Daddy.
I smiled, liking the use of the endearment.
Me: I miss you too, sweetness.
Vanessa: I saw the perfect outfits today for the Masquerade. Can we please go?
Me: What do these outfits look like?
Vanessa: Steampunk.
Me: You know that this is a very competitive night at the club. They give away prizes for the best dressed couples.
Vanessa: I just want to have fun.
Me: I’ll think about it.
Vanessa: How can I convince you?
Me: Meet me in an hour.
Vanessa: I have Angelica.
Me: Bring her. There’s plenty of space at my house.
Vanessa: Sleepover? School’s out tomorrow.
Me: I can bring my seven year old niece.
Vanessa: I don’t want to take you out of your way.
Me: I’m at my sister’s already. She made me dinner.
Vanessa: What’d you eat?
Me: Mash potatoes, Salisbury steak, cheese cake, biscuits, corn, and veggies.
Vanessa: Jealous. I’ll grab a pizza for me and Angelica. See you soon?
Me: Dress nice for me.
Vanessa: There are children.
Me: That wasn’t optional. See you soon, sweet Nessa
I looked at Elise chasing Max, her dog, around the yard. I jumped up and chased them both. When I caught them, I tickled Elise until she screamed. “Mercy!”
“Good girl. You want to spend the night with Uncle J?” She nodded. “Let’s go ask your moms.”
Sam and Theresa were cuddling on the swing when we approached. “Mommy, can I go over to Uncle J’s house?”
“Sure,” Sam said.
“Yay! I’ll go pack my bag.” Elise ran off with more energy than I think that I’ve ever had.
“You didn’t even let me get a word in.” Theresa looked at Sam.
“I was thinking that I’d like to continue snuggling with you and Jamar provided the perfect opportunity.”
Theresa smiled. “That’s why I love you. You’re quick on your feet.”
I shook my head. “You guys are sickening. I’ll grab my niece and take off.”
“Make sure you take some of that food to go. I didn’t fix all of that for you to leave it here.” Theresa yelled at me.
“Okay.” I looked around at all the leftovers. I definitely wanted a repeat for tomorrow. I heard the door open behind me and Theresa walked in. She walked over to her closet of containers and pulled out bowls then started filling them. I came up behind her and engulfed her in a brotherly hug, arm around her neck so that she could keep piling food in the containers. “Thanks, sis. It was fantastic.”
Theresa patted
my arm affectionately. “Anytime. Now let me go before I drop it.”
I let her go quickly and grabbed a shopping bag from the same closet. Maybe I was spoiled by Theresa. Maybe not. Maybe I was just her favorite guy in the world and she wanted to keep me well fed. I laughed to myself. I was definitely spoiled.
I packed up the car with my niece’s items, food, and Elise herself. Theresa walked us to the car and kissed her baby girl. She hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek before I boarded the truck as well. As always, my precious cargo rode in the row behind me and to my right so that I could see her in the mirror. After driving for fifteen minutes, she was sound asleep. It didn’t matter to me because I was on a high that included my favorite girls being in one spot at the same time.
When we pulled up to my house, I picked up Elise and laid her on the couch. I walked over to my studio and locked the door, successfully keeping the little girls out of there. The rest of the house was safe and kid friendly. I then brought in the food and, on the second trip, Elise’s things. Vanessa pulled up with an anxious little girl in the front seat. Once Vanessa had given the green light, Angelica raced toward me, giving me the biggest hug.
“Hey, doll.” I noticed that she and Vanessa had matching pigtails. I laughed wondering how Angelica had worked that magic.
Vanessa came over and hugged me too. She seemed tired. “Hello, Sir.”
“Hello, sweet girl. Long day?”
“Yes.” Vanessa kissed me, and I had to admit that I was surprised that she had in front of Angelica.
“Let’s get your bags.”
Once all the bags were inside and the doors were all locked with the alarm armed, I set the girls up in the TV room with the flat screen. Magically, when Elise heard the voice of another little girl, she wasn’t sleepy anymore. She also wanted to have her hair in matching pigtails. Girls! We watched Frozen with them while they ate pizza. I’d fixed Vanessa a plate of my sister’s food that she drooled over as she ate.
“You have no idea how long it’s been since I had mashed potatoes this good. Oh my god, this Salisbury steak is amazing, too.”
I chuckled at her. “There’s more if you want it.”
“I’m keeping that whole bowl of potatoes.” Vanessa moaned as she ate another spoonful.
“Keep it up,” I warned.
Vanessa let the spoon slowly slide from her lips making me groan. Those fucking lips of hers. The girls watched TV eagerly and I adjusted myself, thankful that they had a distraction. Once they fell asleep, while watching Big Hero 6, I stood up and cleaned the kitchen, putting the food away. Once that was done, I walked into the living room to find that Vanessa had joined the slumber party. I turned a corner lamp on for the girls that would give them a path if they needed, but wouldn’t disturb them if they slept through the night.
I picked up Vanessa and took her upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door. I placed her in the middle of the bed where I tied her, spread eagle. She wore only a sundress, and when I lifted it she was completely naked underneath. I sucked her nipples and she moaned lowly. It wasn’t until I pulled them with my teeth that she awakened.
“Daddy...” She moaned at me with need dripping from each letter.
“You keep calling me that and I’m going to assume that you’ve made your decision.”
“I’m just testing the water. I like the fact that it pleases you to hear me call you Daddy.”
“Don’t tease me, little girl.” My tone grew serious and she knew it.
“Yes, Sir.”
I took a very thin rope from my bed side table, and as I pulled her nipples with my teeth I put a noose around each of them holding her nipples erect. I then trailed that rope down to her slit. She panted and watched me carefully.
“Is that safe?” She asked while trying to gain control of her body. I played in her juices teasing her entrance.
“Only one way to find out.” I sucked her clit into my mouth and she bucked up off the bed. I ran my tongue up and down her slit, enjoying the taste of her. She tasted fresh, like she had been plucked from the garden for her ripeness alone. Her honey was sweet and addictive, drawing me back for more. I sucked her into my mouth again and she moaned loudly.
“Shh! You don’t want to wake the children, girl.”
“Ye-ye-yes, Sir.”
I pulled her clit into my mouth again and I knotted the rope in place. The knot at the center allowed me to pull in any direction applying pressure to any one place. If I pulled the knot upwards, all three ends would be deliciously strained. I watched as she tried to calm, her body failing miserably. Her eyes conveyed how much under my spell she was. She moaned loudly, expressing her needs.
“Girl, you don’t know how to keep that mouth of yours quiet. Time for you to be gagged.”
I unbuttoned my belt and unfastened my jeans, she watched wearily. I tossed my clothes as I walked to the head of the bed. I climbed up and rubbed the bulb of my shaft against her lips. It was time that she experienced some of the things that I wanted to do to those sweet lips of hers.
“Open.” Vanessa opened her mouth. “Stick out your tongue.” I watched her tongue lick her lips before she stuck it out completely. “Don’t move.”
I slid the tip of my shaft up and down her tongue enjoying the different sensations. “Suck.”
Vanessa sucked my dick into her mouth, and when I hit toward the back of her mouth, I grunted. “Swallow, girl.”
When she did, I saw stars. I pulled back as her reflexes started to kick in. “Not used to having something in your mouth, huh? Again,” I demanded.
Vanessa followed my instructions, and I started to lose my head a bit at how wonderful her mouth felt. As I got close to blowing off in her mouth, I pulled back. Vanessa licked her lips prepared to give more of herself. “Very good girl.” I went into my closet and pulled out a handkerchief.
“For the bad girl in you that can’t keep it quiet.” I used the handkerchief to gag her pretty little lips. “Now let’s test your ability to be quiet.”
I pulled out a condom and sheathed myself. Next, I grabbed a thick towel from my linen closet and put it under her hips. I untied her feet and put her legs up on my shoulders. I leaned forward, spreading her legs, giving me an invitation to a direct shot at her g-spot. Vanessa looked concerned until I slid home. She figured out my goal as soon as I focused on that one area. The spasms came soon after the first few strokes. I used my hands to keep her legs in place is I slid in and out of her, tapping that sweet spot relentlessly.
Sweat broke out on her forehead and the whimpers became a song of pleas from her mouth. My groin became soaked with her affections and then the first explosion erupted from her. She squirted against me and I remained steadfast. The second time rolled into the third, and I lost count as she drenched us in her releases. Exhaustion kicked in for her and I felt her give up on being able to give me another orgasm.
“One more, baby.”
She shook her head, and I easily reminded her that her body belonged to me. I pulled on the rope and her eyes opened wide. I pulled it away from her body, pulling all three sensitive areas at once. Her body bucked as I continued rocking inside of her. It took her higher and higher. Once both her nipples and clit were free, her body came alive from the rush of pain. She begged for release. I rode her hard this last time, knowing I was right with her.
“Come on, baby, come for Daddy.”
Vanessa moaned loudly as she shattered. I came as well. The force caused me to collapse onto Vanessa as I tried to catch my breath. We were both sweaty and I didn’t care as I freed her arms and pulled her close. I knew I needed to get her water but the intake of oxygen to our lungs was more important. When we both came down off of our high, Vanessa was nibbling my jaw.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“No, thank you for that gift, sweet girl.”
“You call me so many things. Sweetness, girl, Nessa, and I believe you called me kitten before.”
“Any of those that you obje
ct to?”
“No, Sir.”
“Good. You’re my sweet Nessa most of all. I tend to only call you that when I’m thinking about you or I miss you.”
Vanessa wrapped her arm around me settling into my arms. She smelled delightful and used. I closed my eyes and rested feeling completely at ease.
I opened my eyes immediately. I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. It was dark, so I leaned over and turned on the lamp. I heard whining and saw that the noise was coming from Vanessa. She shook her head from side to side and clenched her fists into the sheets.
“Mi hija,” Vanessa said before she started sobbing.
She was sleeping but I didn’t know whether to wake her or not. I sat up and hoped that her dreams would calm down. Angelica mentioned that Vanessa had nightmares and cried at night, but I didn’t know if I should let it play out or not.
“No! Don’t hurt her. She’s all I have.”
Vanessa began fighting in her sleep, and when her foot almost made contact with my groin, I jumped out of the bed. I waited for the movements to stop before I tried to wake her up. What was it that haunted her so badly? I crawled beside her and held her in my arms before trying to wake her.
“Vanessa,” I said while shaking her a bit. She groaned and tried to move away.
“Vanessa, it’s Jamar. Wake up.”
“No,” Vanessa mumbled.
“Vanessa.” I shook her again and her eyes opened.
Vanessa looked at me in surprise and then hugged me tightly. She began crying and I rubbed her back.
“It’s going to be alright, sweet girl.” I stroked her back, hoping to calm her.
She trembled and sniffed for a while until she relaxed. When she regained control, she sat up. Clearly, she was embarrassed.
“Want to talk about it?” I looked at her, hoping that something about what just happened would cause her to loosen a bit.
“You know I can’t.” Vanessa sobbed more, holding her mouth to silence her tears.
I didn’t push her. Instead, I held her tightly until she relaxed. I couldn’t say that I was fine with the fact that she still wouldn’t tell me, but I didn’t want to make her fears triple because she thought something would happen to me. I was up against a rock and a hard place, and right now I was feeling the need to buy some C-4.