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Tethered Trust

Page 22

by Royal, Jade

  Amy: Is he pissed?

  Renee: Understatement, how are you going to explain yourself?

  Amy: Should I come back?

  Renee: If you want to die, sure!

  Sampson: You could just call him and apologize.

  Me: Yeah, he heard the whole conversation so he’s probably more pissed that you left without talking to him.

  Amy: How do you know that?

  Renee: He was at the bar talking to Master Cee when it all happened. That’s why I was amazed that you chose then to deck her ass.

  Amy: OMG! Nobody said anything.

  Renee: Cause we absolutely knew that you were going to hit her.

  Me: Right?!?!

  Sampson: I wish that I would have known so that I could have had a better seat.

  Renee: You were too busy trying to please Master Xander

  Carmen: If he’s a dominant, so am I.

  Sampson: It’s not that easy. Car, leave me alone.

  Carmen: You tagged me in this group message. Have I ever told you that I hate group messages?

  Amy: He is pissed.

  Renee: ???

  Amy: I called him. He yelled at me.

  Renee: Oh that was you? He started yelling on the phone in the main room and then headed for Master Howard’s office.

  Amy: He told me to prepare for a punishment scene and to send him my schedule for the week after next then he hung up on me. ☹

  Carmen: You like it!

  Amy: No, he’s a fucking Sadist.

  Renee: That you’re secretly in love with.

  Sampson: It’s a secret?

  Me: I didn’t know.

  Sampson: Aww... honey. Amy is willing to be Master Marcus’ personal whore!

  Amy: Do you want to start this conversation, Master Aiden worshipper.

  Sampson: I can’t help it. Worshipping gods is an old tradition passed down since the beginning of time.

  Carmen: lol you are truly sick, boy.

  Sampson: Thank you, Mistress.

  Renee: Mistress Carmen, can I suck your stiletto heels?

  Amy: Mistress Carmen, can I fuck Master Stevie?

  Carmen: You all will be punished severely. Leave my Master out of this, Amy.

  Me: Am I missing something?

  Renee: Carmen aka submissive Mistress Carmen. She’s the Master slave. Lol

  Sampson: And we all want to be her when we grow up.

  Amy: Cause she belongs to a Greek God.

  Renee: And she has a killer shoe closet.

  Me: Are all the Doms Gods?

  Sampson: You didn’t know? Have you not looked at Master J?

  Me: I don’t want to talk about what’s his name.

  Renee: You don’t believe that bull that she was telling you, do you?

  Me: He did have a photo shoot around when she indicated she was there.

  Renee: He uses her for shoots all the time. That’s how he met Lynn.

  Me: I didn’t know.

  Carmen: Have you talked to him?

  Me: No. I will tomorrow.

  Carmen: Gutsy.

  Me: Why?

  Carmen: Being a sitting duck always makes me so much worse.

  Amy: Me too.

  Sampson: Me too.

  Me: I need to clear my mind.

  Carmen: If you insist. I have work in the morning. Night folks. Get some rest. Vanessa, call me if you need to talk.

  Me: Okay. Night.

  Renee: Night.

  Sampson: Night.

  Amy: Night.

  Chapter 27: Jamar

  I waited in my studio for Naomi to come over to reshoot one of the frames from our last session. She came in wearing sunglasses and a big ol’ hat.

  “You’re late. Hurry up, your outfit is in the bathroom and time is money.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  When Naomi came back from the bathroom, she had on the white lace body suit that the scene required, but she still had on those fucking glasses.

  “Naomi, take the shades off and let’s get to work. I don’t have time to play around.”

  “You would think that the man whose submissive tried to beat me to a pulp would understand my need to keep on the shades.”

  “What are you talking about? How do you expect me to do a scene with those damn shades on?”

  Naomi took off the glasses and I whistled at her face. “What happened to you?”

  It was clear that she’d pissed off somebody who wasn’t afraid to solve problems with their fist. Apparently, the problem that they were trying to fix involved blackening Naomi’s eyes and bruising her face.

  “I said your girlfriend.”

  “I haven’t been involved with Lynn for a long time, Naomi. Is your jaw broken?” Now that her glasses were out of the way I could see how swollen her face was. There was no way that I was going to be able to hide it. I’d either have to shoot her good side or from the neck down. She had me rethinking the original shot. I can’t believe that she was costing me money right now. I walked over to the picture that I’d wanted to redo which was sitting on my desk. Maybe it could work if I changed some things around in the sequence of photos.

  “Not Lynn. Vanessa.”

  My head whipped around. “What did you just say?”

  “I said it was Vanessa.”

  I walked over to her and searched her face. “She was at the club last night with Renee and she got ballsy. She was in Lynn’s face trying to intimidate her because she found out that you guys had a serious history. When Lynn backed down, I insisted that she leave us alone. Well, this was how she answered back. Afterwards, she ran off with Master Marcus so that they could ‘talk’. Amy must have seen it because she ran off upset. She was heartbroken. Renee kept rooting her on, and that’s why Master Marcus punished her too.”

  “What do you mean she ran off with Master Marcus?”

  “They were out back in the parking lot a while, and when he finally came back inside, he was adjusting his pants. I’d heard that she was giving out free blowjobs to the Doms at the club, but since you guys were together, I didn’t think you’d be okay with that, so it must be a rumor.”

  “Naomi, get dressed.”

  “I am, Sir.”

  “No, I mean to leave. I can’t do anything with your face being all bruised. Call me when the swelling goes down.”

  I left the studio and went into my living area. I closed the door and sat on the couch. None of the thoughts that I had running around my mind were good. Previous drama between me and Lynn was all jumbled with the current thoughts of Marcus. We had been friends for a long time. He’d been the first to tell me that Lynn was trouble.

  None of this made sense. The only thing that I could think of was that Marcus didn’t know that things had gotten heavy between Vanessa and I. Vanessa wasn’t collared which meant that she was open game for anybody that she chose. If she chose him then I’d have to deal with it no matter how much I hated it.

  I didn’t believe the story about Vanessa hitting Naomi. Lynn and Naomi were known liars, and even if Vanessa did hit her, she probably had good reason. Right now, I didn’t need either Lynn or Naomi around to create more bullshit, especially since I didn’t know the truth about either situation. I heard Naomi leave and I got up to put away the outfit that she’d worn. I locked up the studio and headed downstairs to my gym to figure out what the hell I was going to do.

  Chapter 28: Vanessa

  I was kneeling in place waiting for our scene to start on time, as usual. Master J came in the studio and stopped, probably in shock at what he saw. I was fully dressed and ready to talk.

  “What is this?” Master J asked.

  “We need to talk, and I thought that having my clothes off would be a huge distraction.”

  “What do we need to talk about?” He sounded distant, and I could smell that he was fresh out of the shower. It was hard to fight the emotion building, but I was committed to the cause.

  “Are you seeing Naomi?”

  “I’m kind of
her employer, so yes.” Jerk!

  “I meant romantically,” I said through clenched teeth.

  “Are you serious right now?”

  I stood, not liking where this was headed. He hadn’t answered my question. “Was she here two weeks ago?”

  “Yes. I told you I had a shoot and she was the model.”

  “Was it sexual?”

  Master J laughed sarcastically. “All of my work is sexual. I photograph artistic poses of sexuality. What are you getting at, Vanessa?”

  “Did you have sex with her?” Why was he being a total douche right now?


  “Have you ever?”

  “Yes. We’ve had a sexual relationship in the past.”

  “Did you want to?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  Tired of it all, and not knowing what to believe, I headed to the door to leave.

  “Is that why she came back today?” I paused at the door, waiting for his response. I was only taking a guess because the last time that I was here there weren’t panties on his floor near the St. Andrew’s cross.

  “No, she came back today to fix one of the frames that didn’t come out clearly.”

  “Is that all she fixed?” I pointed to the panties on the floor and he looked over. Lynn and Naomi could have him and all of this drama. They were right, and I was wasting my time. I needed to just let things go between Master J and I. This was more drama than I could handle. I exited the studio and was headed for the front door when Master J tried to grab me. I pulled away from him.

  “Danger,” I said not wanting to continue this conversation.

  “I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to talk. I didn’t have sex with her.” Did he not understand the use of my safe word or was he ignoring it? I defaulted back to one that was more immediate for him to understand. It would also tell me if he was disregarding the flag that I was clearly throwing on the field.


  Master J let go of me and backed away, looking confused. Epiphany! He nodded. “Danger,” he paused. “I missed that. Vanessa, don’t do this. Talk to me.”

  “Red,” I said again. I opened the door and ran to my car. I cried the entire time I drove to my house. I went to my room, walking by Mama. She called after me, and I closed the door, locking it behind me. I couldn’t bear to talk to her right now.

  “When you’re ready to talk about it, I’ll be here.” Mama said through the door.

  I held my mouth, wanting nothing more than for someone to take the pain away. My phone rang and on the display screen was Master J. I powered it off and undressed. I sat in the bathtub and ran the shower. The warm water beat over my face and the rest of my body as I tried to numb out as much as I could. If this was even a fraction of what it felt like for somebody to break your heart, I didn’t think I would make it. Betrayal, deceit, hurt, the lies, pain, and the ripping off of chunks of my soul wasn’t ever where I wanted to be. I needed to bleed out the hurt so that I’d never feel it again. The logical portion of my mind was much stronger, and that’s why I sat still feeling nothing as the water tried to rinse away my woes.

  I SAT IN PROFESSOR Adams’ office twirling my pencil around in a circle. I needed to find a way to tell Renee that I was quitting the dance troop. I knew that she was going to ask fifty million questions about why, but I didn’t want to discuss it. It was time that I put this chapter away and move on in life to things that were important. I needed to refocus on Angelica, Mama, and myself. I picked up my cell phone and sent a text to Renee.

  Me: Hey, I’m not going to be able to make it to the Masquerade. I hope you guys kill it.

  Renee: You’re a horrible liar. Master J already called me to find out what happened the other night. He said you’re blocking his calls.

  Me: Traitor.

  Renee: Why aren’t you talking to him?

  Me: Did he tell you that he had sex with Naomi the other night?

  Renee: No! Snake! He used me against you. I thought his intentions were good.

  Me: What did you do?

  Renee: Sorry...

  I threw my phone on the desk angrily. I really wanted to throw it across the room. Professor Adams had left me here to clean his office. I’d done that. Now I had nothing else to do with my time but wonder what in the heck Renee had done. An hour later, I had my answer.

  “Is this what you do all day?” I looked up and saw Master J... I mean Jamar, walking in with food. I rolled my eyes and focused on the manicure that I was giving myself. When I didn’t say anything, he took the hint that I wasn’t going to. My phone beeped, and I grabbed it. When I saw it was from Renee, I scoffed and threw it back on the desk.

  “What did it do to make you so angry?”

  “It didn’t do anything. The friend that sided with my ex ass of a Dom did.”

  “Ex, ass, and Dom all in the same sentence? Are you begging to be punished?”

  “By whom? I don’t know anybody that fits the bill.” I stood and started to grab all of my stuff to put in my school bag. When I finished, I grabbed my bags and noticed that Master J—Jamar was standing in front of the door.

  “Have you stooped to stalking me now, too?” I glared at him.

  “Are you ready to talk instead of being a brat?” He glared back.

  “If getting it all off your chest is going to make you feel better, feel free to stay in here and talk it out. But I need to leave this room.” I moved toward the door but stayed back enough that I could run the other way.

  “I didn’t sleep with her yesterday.”

  “Good for you.” I sighed wanting this over. Not only was I angry at him but he had food, and I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. To add insult to injury, he looked amazing. He was wearing a baby blue polo shirt, khakis, navy blue jacket, boots and a cap. I wasn’t going to be one of those girls that broke down and forgave the guy for all of his indecencies just because he was hot, so I needed to go.

  “She’s not pregnant, either. I haven’t slept with her in months. She tried to use that to make you jealous.”

  “I get that I’m not as experienced, but you could have told me that there was something missing. I’d have worked on it!” I hated how the tears surfaced and poured down my face. I slammed my bag on the desk and looked out the window, searching for strength. My phone rang, and I ignored it. The repetition of calls continued as we stood in silence. The anger in me grew and I snatched the phone and answered angrily.

  “Are you really that pissed with me, Ness? I didn’t know!” Renee said. She sniffled, obviously crying, and it made me feel like crap.

  “He’s here and I need to go.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “We’ll talk later. I need to see what he wants so that we can get this over with.”

  “I’m so sorry, Vanessa.”

  “I know. Can we talk later?”

  “Yeah. Call me after, OK?”

  “I will.” I hung up the phone and turned to see him in the same spot. “Please get this over with.”

  “Are you sure?” He closed the door to the room and I sighed.

  “Yeah. Just... whatever. Hurry up, please.”

  Master J came over to me and tried to bend me over the desk. “What are you doing?”

  “Apparently, bratty ass girls only listen when you make them.” He restrained my arms behind my back and I tried to shrug him off. I growled in anger.

  “Get off of me!”

  “Is that what you told Master Marcus?”

  I tensed. “What?”

  “Yeah, I know all about how you’ve been giving it up to all of the Doms when I’m not around.”

  He pulled down my sweat pants and panties in one go and it floored me that my body was responding. I pushed back against him and hit his groin where I could tell that he was very aroused. I heard his pants unzip and that’s when I tried to push off. Either he expected it, or he was just freaking lucky with his timing because he grabbed me and leaned his body on top of mine.

>   “Fucking be still!” He raised his voice. He was losing his control, and it excited me. I shook my head and tried to remember that we were against him, me and my needy cunt. He was the enemy!

  “What prey stands still and welcomes the predator into their arms? Get off me!”

  I kicked my leg back; he dodged it, and then spanked me hard. My walls clenched in appreciation. I sighed, feeling like a failure at this fight. I looked over my shoulder at him as he put on the condom.

  “Now that you know how I’ve been giving it up to everybody else, you want your turn?”

  I felt another hard slap on my ass. “Quit it!”

  Master J slid one of his fingers through the folds between my legs and I was ashamed at the wetness there. I was drenched, and it pissed me off. I wanted to smack him in the face and bolt to my car, but the position that I was in would get me nowhere fast. I would have to fix my clothes and then run. Too much down time. The tears streamed down my face and I sniffed.

  “Just let me go!” I sunk into the desk and cried. “Please.”

  “Normally I would, but there are some things that we need to talk about.”

  He slid inside of me slowly, probably savoring the moment. I ached and, unfortunately, I wanted him to take me. I tried to kick him again and the four hard smacks that assaulted my backside burned. My canal gushed around his shaft, welcoming the abuse. He growled, obviously feeling the intense throbbing of my muscles. Master J began fucking me hard. The slapping of skin was loud as he forced the anger from me. I felt every stroke of him as the friction grew hot as lava. It was magnetic how my body moved against his when he pulled away.

  My folds slid against his shaft sucking it back in to meet his thrusts head on. The appreciation from my body coated the back of my thighs and his groin. I’d drenched us. My body begged for more as I arched into his strokes. The tingling that started at my clit spread throughout my body to be one continuous ache, and it was all for him. Master J let go of my arms and I used them to push back against him harder. The slapping hit my clit and was sending me closer to the edge.

  “I know that you haven’t fucked anybody else because I trust you. I told you that I’d wait for your answer and I meant it. I haven’t slept with anybody else because you’re all that I need. We fit so well together. When we’re together like this, it’s primal. We can’t get enough of each other.” My muscles tightened as if agreeing with the things that he was saying.


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