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Tethered Trust

Page 25

by Royal, Jade

  We walked over to the servants and all grabbed glasses of champagne. I thought about the fact that I probably should have asked Master J if I could drink, but then I thought about the fact that he didn’t talk to me about the scene that he was monitoring with his ex, either.

  “Oh, this is my jam! Let’s dance.” Sampson ushered us to the dance floor and we partied to some metal song.

  It wasn’t bad, and I could understand the words. After actually listening, I realized that it was the song “Sweet Dreams.” The four of us danced together, grooving to the music. I sang the song as we danced against one another. There weren’t many people on the dancefloor, so we created our own party. A few of the other submissives came over to dance with us. We whirled around, dancing ourselves into a frenzied mess. By the time that the song ended, we were all out of breath but too energized to care. When the next song played, it was Prince’s “1999”. We cheered on the DJ, who seemed to enjoy the fact that somebody was using his music for more than keeping the rhythm of their scenes.

  “Don’t be too obvious, but lover boy is staring your way,” Sampson said into my ear. “Do you want to go to him like a good girl or should we give him a show?”

  “You are so bad!” I giggled.

  “I know. It’s probably why I’m single.” We laughed and continued dancing a bit.

  “Make sure that when you give it up to him later, that he understands that you won’t tolerate that shit,” Sampson spoke again.

  “Got it.”

  I turned towards Master J and saw him glaring at me. I danced back against Sampson and he added insult to injury. He draped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him. We danced a slow grind to the music, and while we knew it was innocent, I could see the steam coming from Master J’s head. He motioned for me to come to him and I nodded to the scene that was taking place behind him. He shook his head and motioned for me to come to him.

  I pulled away from Sampson and my friends clapped. I curtsied and made my way to my Daddy. When I was in front of him, I knelt perfectly. I knew it was perfect because I could hear Renee cheering behind me. I could only imagine what I looked like. My breathing was labored. I couldn’t tell if it was from the dancing or my anticipation of what would happen to me. Master J didn’t say a thing, and so I leaned forward and placed my head on his inner thigh. I shifted my head a bit and felt his erection straining to get through his clothes. I knew that I’d caused the arousal and a surge of power raced in my veins. Mine. He looked down at me then. His.

  Master J slid his hand along my neck and I leaned into it. His touch felt wonderful and firm as he took control of me. That’s all it took. His hand was on my neck and I was putty, literally, in his hand. It was my favorite, and I always waited for it during the beginning of our scenes. It was how I knew that the scene had officially started. It was when I officially gave him control.

  Master J squatted in front of me, and I smiled at him. “Hi, Daddy.”

  “Hello, brat. Want to tell me what that was about?”

  “Sure. I don’t like you monitoring this scene. I like it even less that you are monitoring this scene without any care about how it makes me feel.” I kept Sampson’s advice in the forefront of my mind. I was being honest and direct. Later on, when we were alone, I would reassure him that I solely belonged to him. But sometimes, tasting a bit of your own medicine helped people understand how wrong their actions were. No matter what the intentions are.

  Master J nodded. “I understand. I didn’t know it was her scene. I would have never agreed to monitor it if I had known. You know that as one of the Masters of the club, I’ll have to monitor other scenes besides my own?”

  “I’m okay with you working. I’m not okay with this scene. That doesn’t change the fact that you could have talked to Master Majesty to let him know why you couldn’t do it.”

  “You’re right. Forgive Daddy?”

  “Of course, but it can’t happen again. How long before this is over? It’s not like she’s into the scene anymore.”

  Master J looked over his shoulder and noticed that Lynn was focused on us and not on the Dom who was topping her. Master Majesty noticed it, too, and walked over to us. He said a few words to Master J in anger, or maybe confusion, and then walked back to Lynn. He untied her from the St. Andrews cross and put away his things. She looked confused, and he said something to her that made her flinch. She stood there alone, appearing on the verge of tears.

  Angrily, Master Howard approached her with Master Majesty hot on his trail and Zihanna tucked at his side. She’d changed into a sexy black ensemble. It was a black corset and a black lace skirt that covered next to nothing. She did wear black lace bikini underwear and some sexy lace heels. She wore a beautiful collar around her neck that made me touch my neck in envy. I looked down and hoped that one day I’d get my own.

  “Let’s go, brat.” I stood, and Master J was trudging me to the exit.

  “Wait!” I shouted and pulled away from him.

  Master J growled and looked at me fiercely. H O T! The look he was giving me right now trumped all of his previous sexy ones. I swallowed, afraid to speak. My body responded in full arousal. It hummed with need to be underneath him. My sex was so wet, and he hadn’t even laid a finger on me. I moaned. “Daddy, I just needed to get my things, and I was hoping to say bye to my friends.”

  Master J looked at the ceiling, and I could tell that he was willing strength to come to him. I stepped toward him and chanced my luck. I kissed him. When I removed my lips from him, I left my head against his cheek. “Pleaseeeee. I’ll make it quick. I promise. Then I’ll be all yours with no interruptions.”

  Master J exhaled and nodded. “Ten minutes, tops. I’ll sit in the lobby, but your time starts now.”

  I squealed and kissed him quickly to make my rounds and then to grab all my stuff. As I told everybody bye and that I was short on time, they ran with me to our ‘dressing room’ to help me pack up all my stuff. We did a group hug minus Matheis who was already gone. When we got to the lobby, Master J was looking at his watch. He looked up and saw the crowd that I had with me and chuckled.

  “Since you guys helped her get in trouble, the least you could do is help her load all that into her car.”

  They all snickered and walked outside with me. Once my things were inside, we hugged each other and promised to get together soon. As they were walking away, Zihanna jogged back over to me and explained that Lynn’s membership to the club had been revoked. Master Howard didn’t think that she was taking her role as a submissive seriously. She tried to use the scene as leverage with Jamar instead of focusing on the Master that she was scening with. It was disrespectful and wouldn’t be tolerated. She winked at me before catching up to the group. I tried not to squeal, but that only lasted until the troop was out of earshot.

  Master J walked toward me, and I got in my car, putting my seatbelt on. I rolled down the window just as he neared. He leaned down and kissed me.

  “I’m sorry about that scene. I should have considered my baby girl first. Forgive me?”


  Master J shook his head laughing. “You’ve been around Renee too long. I thought she was going to be a good influence on you.”

  “She is!” I shimmied a bit. “She taught me how to taunt my Daddy.”

  “Grr... I’ll see you soon.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  When we got to his house, Master J took my overnight bag. I headed straight for his kitchen. I was starving since I hadn’t had anything to eat since breakfast. When I opened the refrigerator, I was surprised to see it almost empty. I stomped my feet in frustration. I turned to see Master J standing there, watching. I bit the side of my lip and looked in the freezer. It held less than what was in the refrigerator.

  “Looking for something?”

  “I’m starving! I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast, and I just knew you would have something to eat.”

  “Is that a temper tantrum, little

  “No.” I pouted and turned away to look in the fridge again. I growled, shut the door, and folded my arms in agitation.

  “It is. Sit down.”


  “Sit down, girl.” His stern voice kept me from protesting further.

  I pouted over to the island and sat down, watching him with my head in my hands. He opened the two drawers in the fridge and pulled out turkey, pastrami, salami, Muenster cheese, pepper jack, lettuce, tomato, and onions. He pulled the mayo and mustard from the door and grabbed the bread from a cupboard. He then pulled out croutons, cranberries, sunflower seeds, pepperoni, ranch, some kind of nut trail mix. He grabbed a salad bowl and two saucers and began making me a sandwich with mayo on one piece of the bread and mustard on the other.

  “Pick out what you want on here.”

  I pulled the turkey, pastrami, salami, and pepperoni over. I grabbed the Muenster, pepper jack, lettuce, and tomato pushing it all his way. He started loading the bread and slicing the tomatoes.

  “And your salad?”

  I looked at what was left and pushed it all to him. He laughed. “Tomato, too?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  After eating my yummy salad and sandwich, we headed upstairs to bed. I was nice and full and ready for cuddle time. Master J held me, and I slept like a baby. Sometime around 4 a.m., I woke up to him sliding inside me. He was on top of me and automatically I wrapped my legs around him. When I tried to touch him, I realized that he had removed the gauntlets and replaced them with cuffs. Master J leaned down and kissed me, pausing his strokes to devour my lips. Once we were finished and happily spent, he left me tied to the posts of his bed as we slept. He woke me twice more the same way and I was ready for his ministrations to my body.

  When I finally woke around 9 A.M., Master J was sound asleep, and he’d freed my arms. I got up and showered. When I returned, he was still out like a light. I dressed, grabbed his keys, took my purse, locked the door behind me and drove to the grocery store for enough food to last us the weekend. Halfway through my shopping trip, my phone rang. Master J.

  “Good morning, Daddy.”

  “Didn’t any of your new friends teach you the proper way to tell your Dom good morning?”

  “Nope. That must be in the handbook for second year students.” I smiled and grabbed some dinner rolls from the shelf. He chuckled, and the sound warmed me.

  “What are you buying me from the grocery store?”

  I laughed. “How’d you know where I was?”

  “Lucky guess. You damn near had a meltdown last night, so I figured it was as safe a guess as any.”

  “Do you think your sister could make it to dinner on Sunday?”

  “Probably. Why?”

  “Well, I have to get Angelica tomorrow morning because Mama is going on some kind of day trip with the church. Angelica’s been dying to see Elise. I figured it would kill two birds with one stone. I’d meet your sister so that I could feel comfortable about Angelica visiting. Plus, the play date would probably do both girls some good.”

  “I’ll ask her. I’m assuming that you want to meet her wife, too.”

  “Wife?” I frowned.

  Master J laughed. “Yeah. She’s been married to Sam for five years.”

  “That makes that a yes. I didn’t know. You never told me when we talked about her.”

  “I thought I had. Does it bother you?”

  “No, but I think that I need to have a talk with Angelica so that she isn’t rude or confused. She’ll ask why she has two mommies.”

  “Or why she calls Sam, Sam-pop.”

  I giggled. “That too. Can you call and invite the three of them, please?”

  “Your mom can’t come?”

  “She’ll be back by five, so I’m sure that she can make it too.”

  “What are we having?”

  “What would you like?”

  “That’s an unsafe question. I love food!”

  “I’m ready when you are.”

  “Steak, mac and cheese, green beans, and cornbread.”

  “Eh, I should warn you that my cornbread has real corn in it.”

  “I don’t see a problem with it. What’s for dessert? I can’t have Angelica upset with me again.”

  “I can make brownies.”

  “That sounds good.”

  “Are you trying to stay in Angelica’s good graces?”

  “I have to. She’s feisty like her Mama, and since I love you both, I have to make sure you’re happy.”

  I smiled, speechless.

  “How long until you come back?”

  “Well, I was leaving soon, but somebody just added another ten minutes to my trip.”

  “Call me when you are getting close, so I can come get the groceries from the car.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  I finished up and checked out pretty quickly. I called to let Master J know that I was on my way, and he was standing outside when I pulled up. He unloaded the car while I went to the kitchen to put away things. I made a simple egg, bacon, and toast breakfast. We lounged in front of the TV, and around 2 P.M., he led me to the studio. I undressed and got into position. I didn’t bother with the necessities of clothing since I’d probably lose them at some point, anyway. Master J came over and held my neck, signaling my body to submit to his will.

  “Have you ever been suspended, girl?”

  “Like in school?” I frowned.

  “Like in the air.”

  I gasped. “No, Sir.”

  “Any reason why I shouldn’t?”

  “N-no, Sir.”


  Chapter 34: Jamar

  I started with the chest harness and took my time with it. As I ran the rope under her breasts, Vanessa leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed her back, continuing to work on the harness at the same time. When she pulled back, I used the knot at the back of her shoulder blades to start the dragon sleeve.

  “Just feel, baby, don’t pay me any mind.” I picked up the remote from the corner table and started my iPod. The music would help keep pace, and it would relax Vanessa enough to fly for me.



  “I love you.” I listened to her slurred words and it made me move a bit faster. I didn’t want her completely gone when I actually lifted her.

  I smiled. “I’ll believe you if you still feel the same way after this scene.”

  “Nothing will change. You always take such good care of me.”

  “I try.” I finished up her sleeve and tied up the bit of leftover rope. I grabbed another bundle and started on her hip and pelvic harness. Vanessa swayed a bit and I stood up. Her eyes were completely glazed over, and she was moaning lightly. I lined her body up with the first ring hanging from the ceiling. I took the rope from her chest harness, looped it through the ring and secured it by wrapping the rope up the line that would suspend her upper body. I took a smaller rope and harnessed her pony tail to the same ring to keep her head up. I used the lower harness to suspend her to a different nearby ring. I lifted her bottom half slowly so that she didn’t feel like she was falling.


  I quickly tied her ankles to her thighs to keep them from flailing around. When I was done, she was at the height of my waist. I attached a rope to her torso and ran it between her folds, placing a nice knot directly on her clit.


  “Yes, brat.”

  “I’m not a brat.” I watched as her nectar pooled a bit more. From where I stood behind her, I could see everything. She was exposed magnificently. Her legs were nice and wide, displaying her need to me.

  “You are definitely a brat. What’s your safe word?”

  “Red.” The word rolled off her tongue lazily.

  Improvement. “Good girl.”

  I went to the closet across from where she was and grabbed a small butt plug, lube, and a few condoms. I put the condoms i
n my pocket, leaned forward, kissing her ass, and caressed her thighs. I heard Vanessa gasp.

  “Breathe, girl.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  I parted her cheeks and licked the little pucker smiling at me. Vanessa groaned loudly.


  I ignored her pleas and continued licking around the sensitive opening.

  “Daddy, no...”

  “Do you want to use your safe word?”

  “No, but that’s private.”

  “Does your body belong to me?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “What parts?”

  “All of me.”

  “Then hush up and enjoy.”

  I heard the pout that immediately came after and I pinched her clit.


  I continued tasting her and her moans grew louder and louder. I pulled away and lubed her opening very well. I lubed the plug as well and placed it at her entrance.

  “No, no, no...” she whined.

  I paid her pleas little attention as I toyed with her clit. Vanessa’s moans turned into cries of pleasure. When I knew that her attention was diverted, I inched the plug inside. She was torn on what she wanted me to do and it showed.

  “Ohmygod, Daddy... No, don’t... Yes... Daddy, please.”

  By the time that she realized what was happening, the plug had popped into place and she was primed for fucking. I shed my pants and walked around to her head, where I watched her lips wrap around me. She gagged as I neared her throat. I gave her a few seconds to recover before I continued fucking her mouth. When I pulled away, her skin was sheened with sweat. Her eyes had watered and there was saliva running down her chin and chest. I grabbed both of my floggers from the closet door and warmed up my arms.

  “Still with me, angel?”

  “Yes, Daddy. I’m here. Please fill me. Por favor ámame.”

  “Not yet, baby. A little longer before I let you fly.”

  “Daddy, please it hurts. Te necesito.”

  “What hurts baby?”

  “Mi... My...”

  “You’re what?”

  “My vagina.”


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