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Page 37

by Martina Cole

  Patrick watched the kids go to bed tonight and knew that they had been going to bed without him for years and it hurt him. It upset him, like Kathleen upset him. He couldn’t help wondering if he might have been able to help her if he had been around. Lance, it seemed, was the person she turned to. He was a great guy and he made sure he was always there for her if she needed him. Lance was a fucking star and he knew that without him the family would have disintegrated. Especially where Kathy was concerned. He drove her places and picked her up so she didn’t have to worry about getting home alone. He sat in her room with her for hours when she was in one of her depressed moods. As odd as Lance could be, he was always there when he was needed. Patrick only wished he could have been there to take some of the burden from him.

  Now he was home once more and he was going to see to it that they were all taken care of and would make sure that none of them ever went without again.

  And as for Brewster, he was going to have a straightener with him at some point. Sneaking around with slags and his mother still having to work the club for him. Oh, he was biding his time all right and when he finally had what he wanted, he was going to make that cunt pay through the nose for his blatant neglect of his family. Lenny was going to realise, once and for all, that he had a mission in life and that mission was to take care of his family. Even the family Lenny had provided before going on the trot. Patrick had gone away a boy and come back a man. He had experienced many things in stir and one of them was the need to take back control from people who believed they were your intellectual superior. Brewster was a cunt but he would bide his time before he forcibly pointed that fact out to him; he needed to see how the land was lying in that direction and wait until he was settled once more. It took a while to acclimatise to being on the outside and when he had sussed out all the options he would take great pleasure in distributing his own brand of retribution.

  As they sipped their tea, he saw Lance look at Kathleen with a frown. Patrick knew he was as worried about her as he was himself. After all, he had been left as the eldest and had been left to take care of them all. He looked around the room; it had hardly changed since he had left it years earlier. There was the same couch, the same TV, the same carpet, the same everything except it was more dilapidated. In fact, it looked like something from a documentary on poverty in the Western world. The whole drum needed upgrading and refurnishing. It was like a doss house. But then seven kids tended to do that to furniture; it took a battering on a daily basis. Most furniture wasn’t really built for large families.

  As Brewster was caked up with dough it didn’t seem a lot to assume that some of it might have been thrown in his mother’s direction. She had needed someone to protect them when his father had been outed and he had understood her logic, even admired it. She had the sense to know they were in danger from the Williams brothers and whoever was pulling their strings. Brewster had been the obvious choice and it was the price they paid for the world they lived in.

  Lenny had been all over Lil once and all over them as well; he had been the answer to their prayers after his father’s death. Then one day he had just stopped coming round and his mother had been left with two more children and Patrick had been old enough by then to understand exactly what the ponce had done to her. He had taken on the mantle of breadwinner then and it had landed him in the poke. Now he was a grown man and he was not about to let anyone interfere with his family ever again. His mother had kept them together no matter what and he was determined to take the onus off her, to take the mantle of breadwinner on himself once more, as his father would have wanted him to, have expected him to. Now he had settled back in and had a working knowledge of what was going on around him, he could work out a proper plan of action at last.

  ‘Hello, Lil.’ Lenny was smiling at her and Lil noticed that his teeth had become grey since they had last talked properly. From his red flushed face to the veins across his cheeks, he looked what he was now, a drinker. Lenny was old, he was like a parody of the man he had once been. Seeing Lenny like this was awful; for all that he had done to her, she didn’t wish him any ill. She had learned a long time ago that bad things happened to people soon enough; they didn’t need her wishing it on them. As her mum always said, what goes around, comes around. It seemed it had come around to Lenny sooner than any of them had thought. Lil smiled easily, not letting any of her pity or her nervousness come through. She looked cool and this pleased her. ‘To what do we owe this pleasure, then?’

  Lenny shrugged; that annoying, heavy-shouldered shrug that gave the impression of complete indifference to whoever was talking to him at the time. She had seen him do that to so many people she had actually forgotten just how irritating he could be.

  He was watching her and, he had to admit, she looked good considering her age and the fact she had birthed seven kids. But then, Lil had the kind of skin that most women would kill for, and he knew that first-hand, he had seen every inch of her.

  ‘This is my club, Lil. I don’t see how you can question me about coming in here, do you?’

  As always, he was making a point, trying to remind her of things best left forgotten. He couldn’t help himself; he had to hurt and wound, make people feel they were inferior to him. For once, Lil took the bait. After the night she’d had she was suddenly up for a row. Who did he think he was? Who did he think he was talking to?>

  ‘With respect, Len, this was actually my club long before it was ever yours, remember. My husband bought it many years ago and you just took it, didn’t you, after he was murdered?’

  Lenny was shocked at her words. Lil could have a row, he knew, but she had never brought up anything like that before. She’d never once alluded to how her husband’s assets had been divvied up. He wondered now if she had ever mentioned any of those things to her sons. They were big men now and he knew they were at an age when they wanted to prove themselves. Lance was safe enough but now that Pat was home, he was getting fucking ambitious and so was this woman here, by all accounts. He would have to watch her, she was under the mistaken impression that she had something of value to say. Always a bad move where women were concerned.

  ‘You talking to me, Lil?’ He was, as always, on his dignity when he felt he was being undermined and insulted.

  Lil grinned then, remembering just how awkward a bastard he could be. ‘Don’t you want to know how the kids are, Lenny?’

  Lenny loved the question in her voice, the utter disbelief that he didn’t care about her wonderful kids. He had made sure she had her work cut out; two of them close together but, like all his paramours, once they had produced, he had no more interest in them.

  Lenny smiled and she saw the lines on his face and the way his hair was thinning and she actually felt sorry for him. He had taken her at her lowest ebb, taken everything she had. Not just from her, but from her kids as well. Then he had given her a job in this place, the place she helped set up, and now he was loath to hand over a few quid for the kids she had given him.

  ‘You’re a piece of work, Lenny. You have two gorgeous kids and you ain’t got a fucking ounce of compassion for either of them, have you?’

  Lenny shook his head and laughed again, the false laugh that he really believed made him seem sophisticated, a man of the world. ‘I couldn’t give a flying fuck, Lil. They mean nothing to me, love. None of my kids do; the fact they arrived through a cunt speaks volumes, if you’ll excuse the pun.’

  He was laughing again and Lil felt the hurt once more; when he dismissed the kids like that, she knew she was capable of really harming him. She could feel her hands clenching into fists. If some of his so-called mates heard him at times she knew they would not believe their ears. He could be so hateful and so vicious and the worst thing was, he enjoyed it.

  ‘Well, assuming your mother gave birth to you, then it stands to reason that you travelled into the world through a cunt yourself so at least your kids have got one thing in common with you, eh?’

  He was finally silent
and she knew that just for once she had got the better of him. Her toughness had attracted him but it was always brought to the fore when anyone or anything threatened her children. She was like a wild animal in that respect and as she was now, proud and angry, he remembered her attraction. He had used her, he knew, but it had not been a hardship. She was faceable if you didn’t crave youth.

  There was a tap on the door then and Lil opened it quickly, her anger already subsiding because she knew it was pointless.

  Ivana stood there with a smile that said she was expected.

  Lenny peered at her. She really was a good-looking girl, full-breasted for all her skinniness, with thick blond hair that made her seem healthier than she probably was and she knew how to look at a man; to make him feel desired and wanted. But it was too professional for his liking, even though he had already given her a whirl and he knew she was worth keeping as a back-up bird. Brasses were good like that, they didn’t expect anything from you; a few quid and a good time would suffice.

  Lenny saw the look in Lil’s eyes and enjoyed her discomfort; the reminder that she was not a spring chicken any more. That youth was all around her and he had access to it any time he wanted. He knew the best way to place his foot firmly on her neck was to make her feel old and unwanted.

  ‘What do you want?’ Lil’s voice was dismissive and Ivana waited for Lenny to invite her in, to show Lil that she was someone to be reckoned with, someone of note.

  Lenny watched it all with his usual closed expression and, being the contrary man he was, looked at Ivana with a puzzled frown and asked, ‘Well, you heard the woman, what do you want?’

  Lil felt sorrow at the girl’s flushed face and knew the humiliation she was feeling. She didn’t enjoy it because she had been on the receiving end of it so many times herself.

  Lenny walked to where she stood and went to shut the door in her face. ‘You want to sort those girls out, Lil. They are getting above their stations, if you ask me. What a fucking liberty, brasses thinking they are welcome in polite company.’

  ‘Oh why don’t you fuck off, Lenny.’ Lil’s voice was so loud and so protective that as Ivana walked away, she felt the first stirrings of gratitude and respect for the woman she had despised up until a few minutes ago.

  ‘Why do you do it? Why do you have to destroy everyone you come in contact with?’

  Lenny didn’t answer her. She was asking him a genuine question and, for once in his life, he was considering giving her a genuine answer. He could see the disgust in her eyes, the dislike in her face and the anger in her body language. He observed it without feeling.

  ‘That girl earns a fortune and, if she had half a brain, she’d go on the trot from here and get herself into a real club, the New Rockingham or the Pink Pussycat. Somewhere they would treat her with a bit of respect.’

  Lenny sighed. He was bored with it all now. ‘Who gives a fucking toss, Lil. Like I give a flying fuck about her. Now, tell me, how is young Patrick and when can I expect a visit from him? I have a bit of work to put his way.’

  Lil knew she had him then, knew that her boy was finally at an age when Lenny expected some kind of comeback for his behaviour.

  ‘You leave him alone; he don’t need to be involved in your old crap. He’s already sorting himself out a wage.’

  Lenny bit on his bottom lip, a sure sign he was aggravated. ‘I don’t think you have quite grasped the concept of worker and boss, Lil. You don’t have an opinion, do you? I tell you what you to think and you bow down to my superior knowledge. Tell the boy to come and see me.’

  Lil shrugged, enjoying his discomfort. ‘What did you come here for, anyway, Lenny? You must have heard my Patrick was home. A phone call would have sufficed to ask how he was.’

  Lenny didn’t answer her, amazed at the way she spoke to him and knowing the hold he had over her was loosening by the day. Now Pat was home he would take over as the man of her house and Lil no longer needed anything from anyone. He watched her as she lit a cigarette. Pulling on it heavily, she licked her lips slowly and blew the smoke into his face, making him want to cough.

  Lenny flapped his hands to disperse it, reassuring himself that her son was on borrowed time; that he would open the fucker’s head and then listen to her crying as her son followed his father into the great beyond. So Patrick had made a good impression in stir, had looked after himself and shown the world that he could take care of himself. Well, he wasn’t going to let the little fucker get a foot in his front door. He was being heralded as his father’s son; well, they all knew what had happened to him, didn’t they? He had sat it out for years waiting until the time was right to take what he saw as rightfully his. He now possessed all that Brodie had owned, including his wife and his kids, and he was certainly not going to stand back and wait for the boy wonder to reclaim his father’s inheritance.

  He had also heard the whisper of the pavement, that people were waiting to see if Pat Junior had inherited his father’s taste for revenge. He had used Lil and fucked her over as if she was nothing and he was reaping the benefits of Brodie’s hard graft. People were remarking on that a lot, lately, knowing the boy was due home. So he needed the boy to be close to him for a while until he knew the score for himself. He had to show willing, at least until he decided how he was going to deal with the situation.

  ‘I hear Patrick is buying debts?’

  Lil nodded. ‘Doing all right and all; he’s desperate to earn, as you can imagine. He met a few blokes inside who took to him, you know. Billy Farmer, all that crowd, his father’s old mates. They’ve all helped him get an in and get close to an earn. Spider and his lad are on the firm with him now and all.’

  She was threatening him and he knew it. ‘Oooh, giving up work soon, eh, Lil?’ The sarcasm and barely controlled anger was once more to the fore.

  ‘That is what he is aiming for, yeah. He is like his old man, my Pat, and he had his priorities right. Les Mulligan sent him over three grand this afternoon and gave him a few debts for nix so don’t worry yourself, Lenny, we will survive.’

  Lil was telling him her boy had back-up, that he was not a lad any more and that she knew what he was planning. He knew he had treated her badly but unfortunately he didn’t care, he treated everyone badly in the end.

  The smile he turned on Lil though was full-beam and, pouring them both a drink, he said in a friendly manner, ‘Tell Pat I have a place for him if he wants it.’

  Lil didn’t answer him, she just wondered at a man who had so much front he was actually offering her son a job in what had once been his father’s business; the man had no shame. But she knew her boy was not a fool and Lance was sensible enough to let Pat plan their next moves. Now she wanted her son, her Pat, to wipe this bastard off the pavement. He had tried to break her and he had nearly succeeded. But now she was well able for him, as were her boys. Lance included.

  It was a man’s world all right and she was sick of it.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  ‘Lance, will you relax for five minutes and talk to me.’

  The two brothers were alone and it was only now that Patrick had noticed how little they had to say to one another. It wasn’t for want of trying on his side but Lance was so close-mouthed that it was almost impossible to get anything out of him. He spent most of his free time with Kathleen in his room where they sat for ages talking. He was her rock, even more so than her twin. He was always watching her, even when they were eating or watching TV. He looked out for her constantly.

  Pat popped open the can of beer and took a noisy swig. As he settled back into the chair he smiled at his brother and Lance, for the first time since he had arrived home, smiled back. A real smile and Patrick was reminded of how he had been when they were kids.

  Since their father had died, they had become very close, all of them had felt the need to be together, to look out for each other. He and Lance had taken the twins under their wings; Eileen had gravitated to him and Kathleen to Lance. They had watched out for them
and made sure they were safe.

  Since he had been away, Lance had been keeping everything on the go; at least that was what he had been told. It must have been hard, he knew.

  ‘Will you fucking sit down? I’ve got little Johnny White coming round in a minute.’

  Lance dropped on to the seat beside him. ‘It’s good to have you back, mate.’

  ‘It’s good to be back. Now, tell me, has Brewster been tucking the old woman up? Because this place is definitely fucking dilapidated. I hear he ain’t done fuck all but Mother won’t tell me nothing. So, come on, before Johnny arrives.’

  Lance looked into the eyes so like his own and yawned. ‘Look, you know what Lenny’s like; I’ve been doing a bit of ducking and diving meself for him. I made sure we were all sorted. Now, what does Johnny want?’

  Pat punched his brother in the arm. It was a sharp punch, a warning punch, and they both knew it. Patrick had always been the stronger of the two; Lance had been the one with the short temper, the bully. That had all changed though. After the murder, Lance had seemed to sink into himself. The bloodbath had made Pat stronger and poor Lance weaker. His bullying days were over and he concentrated his energy on Kathleen. Like him, she had become a different child overnight. She had become quiet, withdrawn and sickly; she had been like a little doll. All big eyes and fear.

  ‘So, come on, bruv, what’s little Johnny want?’


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