Sophie's Playboy

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Sophie's Playboy Page 9

by Natalie J. Damschroder


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  Sophie met Parker and the engineer, Mark, at the station and rode with Parker to the festival. They arrived a half-hour before show time and had no problems setting up. Mark clearly knew what to do and how to deal with clueless talent.

  "Just stand there until I tell you to come in," he said.

  "No one else could get me to obey so quickly," Sophie joked.

  "Thanks for the info," Parker teased back. "I would never have guessed that."

  Sophie gave him a mock punch in his biceps and had to stop herself from feeling them. Rock hard. Just the way she liked it.

  Her mouth suddenly dry, she wandered over to a nearby refreshment stand to buy a soda. She felt a momentary release of tension until she realized Parker had followed her, and he reached around her to pay for her drink. His chest was close to her back, his arm stretching by her ear. His scent and heat enveloped her.

  No. Goddamnit, no. I'm not that weak. She fought dizziness and quickly gulped some of her cola. "Thank you,"

  she told Parker, then moved away and went back to the mobile booth without turning. She had to pull herself together.

  Mark settled them into their seats and got them situated, then retreated to the back of the booth—shaped like a giant shoe, she didn't know why—and Sophie listened to the commercial playing in her headset. The Rant and Rave theme music came next. Sophie got ready.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "Good afternoon, Boston, and welcome to Rant and Rave.

  I'm Sophie Macgregor, here with my partner, Parker Cornwall—"


  "—and we're broadcasting live from the grand opening celebration of the area's newest independent movie house."

  She gave their location and hours and read from the list of activities during the festival. "We're going to begin today with a Rave instead of a Rant." She abandoned her prompt materials and began ad-libbing. "I got a chance to wander around before the show, and this movie house is gorgeous.

  It's a renovated theater from the forties and they've kept as much of the original atmosphere as possible. Their lineup of films ranges from Casablanca and Gone with the Wind to modern thought-provokers like Gods and Monsters and even Dogma. Their prices can't be beat, either."

  Parker took over and talked about the ticket and concession prices, then said, "Today's theme will obviously be movies. Since we can't take calls on location, we'll be sending Sophie into the crowd to talk to the people here and see what they have to say. Stay tuned."

  Melina, back at the station, went to commercial and Sophie gratefully escaped the sweltering shoe. Parker poked his head out the motor-home-type door as Mark was helping Sophie gear up with wireless headphones and microphone.

  "You okay?"

  She tried to be nonchalant. "Sure. Why?"

  "Just asking. You seem a bit off today."


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "I'm fine. Thanks." She took off into the crowd, still without looking at him.

  Parker watched her for a minute before he went back into the booth. They had agreed that Sophie would be better in the field. She was more approachable, more open—and certainly more comfortable with the general public than he was. But he wished she was more comfortable around him.

  Every time he got within five feet of her, she tightened like a harp string.

  "Parker, can you hear me?" Her voice was tinny in his earphones.

  "Gotcha, Soph."


  The producer came in clearer from the station. "Check."

  "What's the count?"


  Parker could hear the broadcast now and waited for his cue. "Welcome back to Rant and Rave. This is Parker Cornwall, and I'm here with Sophie Macgregor at the site of the amazing renovated independent movie house." He added a few more superlatives and Sophie took over.

  "I'm here with Quintelle, a self-proclaimed movie buff who has nothing but raves for this new theater. What's your favorite classic, Quintelle?"

  "Oh, I love the old war movies. They just have so much heart. I can't wait to see The Battle of Midway on the big screen again."

  "What else are you looking forward to?"


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "Oh, probably just about everything. I love movies." He half chuckled, half snickered. "Plus, the theater is air conditioned."

  Sophie laughed. "Thanks, Quintelle." She moved through the crowd, doing one long commercial without making it seem like marketing. Halfway through the broadcast Parker could see her pinned in a corner by the front of the theater, surrounded by "fans" who wanted to get on the air. Sophie kept her composure and managed to talk to most of them.

  But she was clearly exhausted when they were done.

  "Thank God for jocks!" She handed Mark the headphones and mike and slumped onto the step of the booth. "I couldn't have done this for another hour." She grimaced as she tugged her shoe off.

  "And a half." Parker sat next to her and lifted her feet into his lap. Sophie let him and even turned so he had better access. He pressed his thumbs into her arch and she sighed.

  He watched her close her eyes and lean against the jamb of the open door.

  She looked completely exhausted, Parker thought, but relaxed around him for the first time since their date at Victory. He continued to watch her face as he rubbed her feet. She groaned a little, and it hit him in the chest—as well as a more expected spot. God, he wanted her.

  "DEEEE, dee dee dee, deh deh deh, de de de."

  "Who's calling, Vincent Price?" Sophie asked lazily.

  "Something like that," Parker murmured, flipping open his digital phone and checking the incoming number.

  "Hi, Mare," he answered "What's up?"


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "Parker, I'm sorry. Are you done with the show?"

  "A few minutes ago."

  Sophie opened her eyes and made a move to get up, but he kept one hand on her feet. She relaxed against the door jamb again and Parker relaxed. A step forward.

  "I need to ask you to pick up the kids," Mare said. He barely avoided growling. A step forward, then a step back.

  He'd been planning to take Sophie to a real dinner and hopefully move their relationship to a deeper level.

  Maybe he still had a chance. "How long do you need me to stay with them?"

  "Um, well, this meeting may go pretty late."

  Parker sighed. Pretty late meant he was probably spending the night. "No problem, Mare. I'll go get them now." He hung up the phone and glanced at his watch. It was already twenty of six.

  "Mark, are you done with us?" he called to the engineer.

  After a muffled "go ahead" from behind the shoe he stood and pulled Sophie to her feet.

  "I hope you don't have plans. I have to pick up my nephews by six."

  Sophie shrugged. "No problem. You can all drop me at my car after we get them."

  They walked quickly to Parker's Toyota Sequoia. He noticed that Sophie had no trouble keeping up with his long stride.

  "It's nice to find a tall man who walks with his whole legs,"

  Sophie said, surprising him. She grinned. "Most guys your height kinda mosey," she added, sliding into the truck after 107

  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  he opened the door. She looked over her shoulder and noticed for the first time the booster seats in the back. She was glad she hadn't seen them before she knew about his nephews.

  "How old are they?" she asked once Parker was in the truck.

  "Four and seven." He checked traffic, then pulled out of the public parking lot. "Sorry we had to do this. Mare hasn't been working late because I've been doing the show, but every so often
it's inevitable."

  "No problem. I'm not going anywhere." Sophie settled into the fine leather bucket seat and let her eyes drift to half mast. She was whooped, but not exhausted, thanks to Parker's foot rub. It was something Jake would do for Kira, she thought, and wondered if Kira felt this same tingle deep in her abdomen when he did.

  It only took five minutes to get to the day care. They walked in the front door just as two boys followed their teacher into the lobby.

  "Hello, Parker," the serene-seeming older woman said.

  "Frick and Frack here were getting worried." She strode behind the counter, smoothing nonexistent strands of hair into her bun, as the boys attacked their uncle's legs. Parker gave them each a one-armed hug, then quickly keyed a code into a key pad. Sophie watched screens flash on the attached monitor and guessed he was logging the boys out. She also guessed, based on his speed, that he did it often.

  "They the last ones?"


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "Trina is still here. She's in the little girl's room. Mary called to say you were coming, but they never believe her until you're here." Her lips thinned. "It's been a while since Mary has asked you to pick up the boys, hasn't it?"

  The smallest was now hanging by Parker's forearm. The only indication that he even noticed was the stiffness of his forearm as he played tree. The older boy jumped up and grabbed Parker's shirt by the shoulder, climbing onto his back. Parker supported him with his free hand, all the while keeping his attention on the woman who spoke to him.

  "I've been working later," he explained. "Radio show.

  Maybe you've heard it? Rant and Rave?"

  The woman's lips thinned further. "I've heard of it, Mr.


  Oo, Mr. Cornwall now. Sophie wondered what had happened to "Parker."

  "It's hardly the type of show we'd play in a day care center." Her mouth was now completely pursed.

  "Of course." He pulled his left arm up until the monkey-boy dangled at waist height, then yanked his arm free and caught the boy against his hip. "Thank you, Mrs. Persimmon."

  The door behind them opened and a rumpled woman rushed in. "I'm so sorry I'm late," she said, heading directly for the keypad and following the same procedure Parker had.

  "Where's Trina?"

  Before Mrs. Persimmon could answer, the bathroom door opened and a frail little girl stepped out.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "There's my baby!" When the woman bent to hug her daughter, she was gentle to the point of caution. Like hugging an elderly person, Sophie thought.

  "Hello, Diane."

  The woman beamed up at Parker. She looked less exhausted when she did. Sophie knew the feeling, and resented that Diane felt it.

  "Parker, hi! Long time no see. How's the show going?"

  They made small talk as the gang maneuvered out the door. Once outside, Parker paused on the sidewalk.

  "How are Trina's treatments going?"

  Diane stopped beaming. "As usual. She's starting to lose stamina. I'll have to quit work soon to be home with her. I'm putting it off as long as I can because she needs her friends, but soon she won't be able to keep up with them."

  Sophie watched the children and tried not to eavesdrop on the adults' conversation. Any annoyance she'd felt at being ignored faded immediately. The boys, though young, seemed to understand Trina's limitations. They all sat on the curb in front of the center, tossing tiny pebbles. The older boy handed Trina a pure white stone the size of a pea.

  "Here," Sophie heard him say. "It's magic."

  Trina closed her fist around it, then put her hand in the pocket of her dress. "Thank you," she said primly. Sophie's heart threatened to break.

  "Thank you, Parker, Trina would love to see the boys when she's done with school. We'll see you around."

  She gathered her daughter and moved slowly across the parking lot to a Volkswagen Beetle. The first kind.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "Hey, boys, calm down a minute." Parker crouched in front of his nephews, who'd gone rambunctious again as soon as their friend had left. "I want you to meet my partner, Sophie.

  Sophie, this is Timmy," he placed his hand on the older boy's head, then the younger's. "And this is Josh."

  "How do you do?" Sophie asked, surprised when they held out their hands.

  "I'm four!" yelled Josh.

  "Wow! I'd have guessed six at least!" Sophie shook his hand, then Timmy's. Timmy was either more reserved or putting his best foot forward.

  "How old are you, Timmy?"

  "I'm seven, ma'am," he answered with all the solemnity of a preacher's child. Not that Sophie knew any. She bit back a smile.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

  Timmy looked up at his uncle. "Partner? Is that, like,

  'we're not really married but act like it' kind of partner?"

  Sophie gasped and bit her lips to keep a giggle in. Timmy didn't give Parker a chance to answer.

  "Bobby has two dads, and they call each other 'partner.'

  Bobby says they can't get married but they pretend they are.

  They tell everybody 'he's my partner' and 'he's my partner'

  and sleep in the same room and stuff, just like married people."

  Parker steered them all toward the truck and when Timmy finally took a breath, cut in. "Sophie and I are business partners. We work together at the radio station." He leaned into the back to buckle Josh's belt. Timmy had already 111

  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  buckled his. Sophie shut his door and climbed into the front seat.

  "Cool! Can we go to the radio station?"

  "I wanna see the radio station!" Josh yelled. Sophie wondered if he had any other volume.

  Parker looked at her apologetically and she lifted a shoulder.

  "You have to drop me off anyway. Might as well show them inside."

  The boys cheered and Parker shook his head as he climbed into his seat. Sophie noticed he pulled his seat forward, even though that made his knees straddle the steering wheel. Josh was blissfully oblivious, bouncing his little feet and watching out the window.

  "If you guys are good and promise not to touch anything,"

  Sophie said over her shoulder, "maybe Frank the Jock will let you come into the booth."


  Sophie adored the wide-eyed looks the kids gave her, and grinned at Parker. He didn't look so amused, however. He looked ... he looked....

  He looked the way Jake looked when he watched Kira nurse his son.

  Sophie turned away to cover up the rush of emotion she felt. "On to the station, then." Her voice came out thin, constricted by her swollen throat. Her heart felt too big for her chest. Other parts of her—parts unthinkable while in a car with children—filled and tightened.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  Parker was turning out to be everything she wanted in a man.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder


  The boys were even more hyper by the time they left the station. Frank had not only let them in during the break to see the microphone and the control board, he'd interviewed them on the air about their sports preferences. Josh had turned shy and hid his face in Parker's shoulder, but Timmy rambled on for a couple of minutes about why Larry Bird had been better than Michael Jordan, spouting statistics Sophie would never be able to remember in a million years.

  "Who's hungry?" Parker called out when they exited the building.

  "Me! Me!"


  Sophie reluctantly backed away. The boys were delightful, and in interacting with them Parker demonstrated a side she hadn't seen yet. She didn't want to leave. B
ut none of them were hers.

  "Where are you going, Sophie?" Josh rushed up and grabbed her hand. "We're gonna have dinner now."

  Sophie looked at her watch. It was past seven, but she had nothing to get home to. Brianna hadn't shown up at the theater, which meant she had found Juanita and they were out pretending to cruise for guys.

  "Come on, Soph. I could use your help," Parker pleaded softly. He was full of it, she knew. He had complete control over these kids. But she didn't want to go home and be lonely, so she gave in quickly.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "Where are we going?"

  "Hooters," Parker said, laughing at Sophie's jaw drop. "I'm kidding! I don't go to Hooters! I just wanted to see that look on your face."

  "Hmph." She turned to the boys. "Where do you guys want to go?"

  "Fire and Ice! Fire and Ice!"

  "You game?" Parker asked.

  "They like stir fry?"

  "They get to pick their own food."

  She shrugged. "Okay, then. Fire and Ice."

  They piled back into the truck and soon were at the restaurant. Timmy knew what he was doing and overstuffed his bowl with vegetables and beef. Parker helped Josh, who seemed a bit pickier, choose his food. Sophie followed, going heavy on the veggies and light on the meat. The kids chose teriyaki sauce, Sophie mango, and Parker habañero.

  "Too hot for me," Sophie commented.

  "You haven't tried it," Parker murmured, much too close to her ear. She moved away and pretended she hadn't heard, though her body reacted like she'd downed half a bottle of the hot sauce.

  They gave their food to the cook, got their number, and returned to the table. The boys immediately began thumb wrestling, so Sophie quietly asked Parker about Trina.

  "She has a heart condition," he said, keeping his own voice low. "Her prognosis isn't good."

  "Oh, no," Sophie said, hating to think that tiny little girl was dying.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  Parker lifted a shoulder. "They've tried medication, and a heart transplant isn't an option for some reason. Diane's holding on as long as she can at work to try to save enough to get them through when Trina can't handle day care anymore." He took a drink of his beer, then leaned closer and lowered his voice even more. "Josh has known her since the infant room. He's going to take it hard when she goes. She's his best friend."


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