Sophie's Playboy

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Sophie's Playboy Page 10

by Natalie J. Damschroder

  Sophie's eyelids tingled and she blinked, not wanting to cry in front of the boys. Or Parker, if she was honest. The injustice, though not uncommon, still managed to anger her.

  "Uncle Parker, I gotta go." Josh stood next to Parker, holding himself and hopping.

  "I'll take him." Timmy slid out of his seat and ushered his brother across the room, his grumbles and rolling eyes belying his quick offer.

  Sophie watched them until they went into the men's room, then turned to Parker.

  "I know this is none of my business," she murmured fiercely. "But why can't you help Diane?"

  Parker took a swig of his O'Doul's to hide the flash of anger. It surprised him, that flash, as much as Sophie's lack of belief in him hurt. He swallowed, then finally looked at her.

  "What makes you think I'm not?"

  She pulled back a little. "Well, you said how she's struggling..."

  "Where are you, socially, Sophie? Middle class? Never had to worry about money?"


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  She frowned at him. "When I was growing up, yes, that was the case. We were lucky. I've done very well for myself since, but I wouldn't say I'm rich."

  "Did you know many poor people?"

  "A few."

  "People who work hard but earn enough money to barely survive are generally full of pride. They take handouts reluctantly, if at all, and feel like less if they do so." He felt his voice rising and modulated it. He didn't need to preach to Sophie, and realized the irony of it. He, who'd never gone without a single thing his whole life. "I've spoken to Trina's doctor. There's very little that can be done, with or without money. When Diane has to stay home because Trina is too sick, she'll start working for me, at home, managing an online storefront I just bought."

  Sophie looked properly chagrined, but didn't give up. "Why can't she do that now? She's so worn out, and I'm sure she wants to spend every minute she can with her daughter."

  Parker's anger drifted away. Sophie was thinking like a mother. "Trina needs life to be normal as long as it can be.

  Once she's homebound, she won't see her friends or get to play or learn the same way she can now. Diane said she's trying not to be selfish."

  Parker spotted the boys making their way back across the restaurant, with the waiter approaching from the other side.

  Sophie saw them, too, and simply said, "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions."


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  The waiter deposited bowls of rice and a tortilla warmer on the table, then nodded and moved away. Parker helped Josh back into his chair.

  "You guys wash your hands?"

  "Yep." Josh reached for the tortillas. Timmy only rolled his eyes again. Their number was called, and Parker stood to get their order.

  They kept to kid topics after that, as both boys had a tendency to chatter when their mouths weren't full of food.

  Sometimes even when they were. Sophie was delighted by their quick minds and quicker changes of topic. Not counting Joey, she hadn't been around children since high school babysitting jobs.

  "Okay, boys," Parker said when they'd finished and gotten back into the truck. "Time to bring Sophie back to her carriage."


  "Pleeeeaaasse, Sophie, come home and tuck us in!"

  Sophie looked at Parker. He shrugged. "Mare is likely to be very late. I don't know when you'll get home. But I'd love your help."

  "I'm sorry, guys, I have a puppy at home who is probably dying from starvation and a full bladder. I have to get home."

  "Awwww!" Josh slumped back into his booster seat, but Timmy wasn't deterred.

  "We can bring you home to feed the puppy and let him out, can't we Uncle Parker? Then we can go home and get ready for bed."

  "Yeah, and stay up later. I'm wise to you, smart guy."


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  Timmy snickered but turned begging eyes on Sophie.

  "We'd love to see your puppy, Miss Sophie."

  Sophie snorted her laughter. "You're teaching him kind of early, aren't you, Parker?"

  Parker just flipped his turn signal and pulled into traffic. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Okay, if you guys don't mind taking me home to feed Hippo, then I'll come home to help put you to bed."

  "Gosh, your dog is named Hippo? He must be huge!"

  "You'll see." Sophie chuckled and realized how long it had been since she laughed this much.

  Parker drove without direction to her condo. Sophie wondered how he knew where she lived, but didn't ask in front of the boys. They all trooped into the dark foyer, where Hippo pranced and whined frantically. He darted between the adoring boys and the patio door, torn between affection and relief. Sophie let him dash outside and moved to the counter to listen to her messages.

  Beeeep. "Soph, it's Brie. The seminar actually ran over, and Juanita and I are going out for dinner and stuff. Don't wait up. Sorry I didn't meet Parker today. Kiss him for me!"

  Sophie felt her face flame and erased the message. She didn't dare turn to look at Parker.

  "Aren't you going to honor your sister's wishes?" he asked from behind her. Sophie ignored the shiver he gave her and went to the dog food cupboard. Hippo pranced back in, and Parker shut and locked the patio door behind him.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "Do you have a Charlie bar for this?" He examined the track for the metal rod that would prevent the door from opening. He grunted in satisfaction when he saw she did.

  "I know how to live securely, Parker." She handed Timmy an opened can of dog food. "Can you empty this into the brown bowl, please? Josh, hand me his water bowl, will you?"

  She took the empty bowl and filled it with filtered water from the tap. Josh solemnly took the bowl and tiptoed across the kitchen to replace it. Sophie grinned at the kids' eagerness.

  "I thought they have one of these?" She pointed at the dog and turned to Parker, feeling the tension had been broken. It kicked back up a notch when she saw him staring at her.

  "They have one, and love everyone else's more. I always double check security for the people I care about. And I asked you a question."

  Sophie tried to work some saliva into her mouth. She didn't bother to play dumb about his question. It hadn't left her mind for an instant. "Ah, no. I don't do what my younger sister tells me to do."

  He moved closer. "Do you do what your heart tells you to do?"

  "Of course. Or I wouldn't be on the radio." She darted a look at the boys, who were completely oblivious to the adults in the room.

  "What's your heart telling you now?" He was so close.

  Sophie saw her hand lift to press against his jaw, her fingers against his rough cheek. Her thumb lingered at the corner of his mouth. She wanted to taste him, right there. Her entire being was focused on that mouth. She stretched upward and 120

  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  watched his lips part. Her eyes closed as her lips touched the corner. Her tongue slid out to dip into it. He tasted divine, his flavor a perfect counterpoint to the vanilla musk of his aftershave.

  She eased back and opened her eyes. He looked at her with devotion rivaling Hippo's in scale, but as complex as Parker himself was turning out to be.

  She was in serious trouble.

  * * * *

  Getting the boys bathed and into bed was no mean feat.

  Sophie was soaked and exhausted by the time they turned the bedroom light off and moved down the hall. She was glad she'd changed into a cotton T-shirt and denim shorts. Her linen outfit would have been ruined, because to her chagrin and the boys' delight, Sophie couldn't turn them down for anything.

  "Thanks, Sophie. You were great about this."

  "Mare does this every night
? The woman must be a saint."

  Sophie collapsed onto the high-quality but well-worn couch and propped her feet on the wooden coffee table. Parker sat beside her. "Or a cyborg."

  "They behave a lot better for her. For me, too, usually.

  They're just excited because of you." He rolled toward her.

  "So am I."

  "Parker, this isn't the time."

  He picked up her hand. "No, but it will be. Won't it?"

  Uncertainty finally found its way into his voice and Sophie felt relieved. His unshakable confidence always made her 121

  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  want to deny him whatever he was pursuing, be it making a point on the show or making a move on her. That urge warred with the attraction she felt, until confusion became the norm.

  She slipped her hand away and twisted to face him.

  Leaning against the arm of the couch with her legs between them gave her a cushion of space.

  "Tell me how you know so much about poor people," she said.

  Parker smiled his acknowledgement of her message and sat back. "I just know some. Mostly through the day care and Mare's work. I'm kind of a stand-in father for a lot of events."

  "So, do you want to be a real father someday?"

  Just like that, Parker's face closed up. He turned cold, colder than she'd ever seen him.

  "I don't expect to be a father. Ever. Or a husband."

  It was a clear warning, one Sophie would have expected, though delivered in a less hostile manner. She wondered what had made him so commitment-phobic, but it didn't matter. She'd just had her infatuation nipped in the bud.

  She stood. "I need to get going." Then she remembered her car was still at the station. Parker loomed over her and seemed about to speak when headlights flashed into the dim room.

  "Mare's home." Parker briefly touched her elbow as he moved past her. "Give me just a minute and I'll drive you home."

  "To my car."


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "Home. It's late." He frowned at her when she would have protested. "You can get your car tomorrow."

  The door opened before Sophie could argue. The woman who entered was a purely feminine version of Parker. Even at nine-thirty at night her suit seemed crisp and her chestnut hair was still subdued in its twist. She looked curiously from Parker to Sophie, then smiled delightedly.

  "Hello!" She leaned her attaché against the wall and set her purse on the small table next to the door, then held out a hand for Sophie. "I'm Mary Westcott. Is it safe to presume you're Sophie Macgregor, the mouth of Rant and Rave?"

  "I am." Sophie shook her hand and cast an amused glance at Parker. He winced and rubbed the back of his neck.

  "Great, Mare, get me in trouble."

  She unbuttoned her jacket and sank onto the recliner that was clearly her spot. "Sorry, Park. I'm exhausted. My censor went to sleep on the way home. How were the boys?"

  Parker gave her a rundown of the evening while she shook off her shoes and slid the pins out of her hair. Sophie admired the woman's ability to relax so completely in front of a stranger.

  Mare suddenly looked up at Sophie. "I'm sorry. I'm practically undressing in front of a guest. I should be offering you something to drink."

  "Don't be ridiculous!" Sophie stepped forward with her hands out. "I wouldn't hear of it! You've had an incredibly long day. Parker and I will leave you alone. He needs to take me to my car."


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "I need to take you home," he corrected. He grabbed his keys from the coffee table and bent to kiss his sister. "I'll see you on the Fourth."

  "Really?" Her face lit up and Sophie saw true beauty behind the fatigue. The Cornwalls weren't completely without love, then. She was glad for Parker, and for herself. It meant she didn't need to feel sorry for him and inevitably decide she could rescue him. He didn't need rescuing.

  "Really," he answered his sister. "Sophie's rescuing me."

  "What?" was out of Sophie's mouth before she could stop it.

  "You did say you'd come with me," he reminded her.

  Sophie tried to think of a way to back out. After his pronouncement a few minutes before, she didn't want to allow their relationship to progress any further. Before she could figure out what to say, however, Mare had stood and hugged her. Hugged her!

  "Thank you, thank you, thank you! This damned 'picnic'

  would be unbearable without Parker, and now I have someone to talk to!" She pulled back. "I'll warn you. It's more formal than a regular picnic. Parker likely won't remember to tell you to wear a dress. Shorts are anathema at Daddy's parties."

  "I'd have remembered," Parker complained. "We'll see you in a few days. Soph?"

  "It was a pleasure meeting you," she assured Mare, then hurried out ahead of Parker, sliding into the Sequoia as soon as Parker used the remote to unlock the doors.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  They drove in silence halfway to Sophie's condo. "How did you know where I live?" she finally asked, now that they were alone.

  "You're listed, Sophie."

  "Not in the new book, I'm not." His lack of response told her he'd looked it up before she'd even approached him for MMT investment. The knowledge was interesting, but too late.

  She wondered if she should say something or try to let things fade naturally. Surely Parker would get the message sooner or later.

  "Looks like your sister's back," he said, looking ahead.

  Lights were on in the condo and Brianna's Cabriolet was parked in the driveway. As soon as the truck stopped at the curb Sophie jumped out.

  "Thanks for the ride. I'll see you Monday."


  Sophie paused. At least he hadn't gotten out to "walk her to the door."

  "What about your car?"

  "Brie can drive me over tomorrow. She wants to see the station, anyway."

  He studied her face a minute, as if he had something else he wanted to say. "Okay," he finally said, and Sophie clunked the door shut and moved quickly up the walk, half expecting him to catch up to her at the porch.

  She didn't know if she was glad or disappointed when he didn't.

  * * * *


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  Parker rubbed at the tension in the back of his neck as he climbed the steps to the station. He really didn't want to be here today. He'd slept badly, certain he'd messed things up with Sophie, and had a killer headache.

  He'd gotten a frantic call from Josh this morning. His nephew was absolutely, positively, almost sure he'd left his precious He-man figure at the station. The toy was the only thing Josh had that had been his father's. Though the guy was a lout—Parker's brother-in-law, not He-man—Parker couldn't let Josh's talisman get lost.

  Hence, an early Saturday morning trip to work. That used to mean the office, where he'd wheel and deal, trade, invest, divest, lose money, then make pots more of it. Since signing on at Rant and Rave, though, Parker had spent less and less time in his office and more time having fun. He had a very hard time considering Rant and Rave work. That attitude annoyed the heck out of Joe, his vice president. Parker tended to look at work as fun anyway, but he'd been concentrating on the "work" aspect of Parker Enterprises less and less.

  He entered the mostly silent building and made sure the door locked behind him. The only people around on Saturday were technicians ensuring syndicated programs were broadcast properly. He quickly found the action figure next to the water fountain and was headed for the door when he heard feminine voices in the break room.

  "So this is where you brainstorm." The unfamiliar voice was similar to Sophie's but sweeter, younger. It was accompanied by the squeak of broken springs in the couch 126

  Sophie's Playboy

/>   by Natalie Damschroder

  where the Rant and Rave crew planned their shows. He'd changed direction to investigate when the question she asked next stopped him in his tracks. "When can I meet Parker?"

  "You missed your chance." Sophie's voice, as familiar to him as his own. He felt his sluggish blood start to move faster.

  "Well, Juanita met this guy who wanted to go dancing, and I couldn't let her go alone." The other voice again. "I really wanted to meet Parker, Sophie, but..."

  "I know. It doesn't really matter."

  "Sure it does." Parker stepped into the doorway and startled the two women about to come out. He smiled. "Sorry.

  Didn't mean to scare you."

  The woman with Sophie was about three inches shorter, her hair longer and a lighter blond. She had a compact little body that spoke of an active lifestyle. He looked expectantly at Sophie, who waved a lazy hand at them.

  "Parker, this is my sister, Brianna. Brie, Parker. There, you satisfied?" Sophie folded her arms and leaned against the wall. Parker couldn't help but compare the sisters. Brianna beamed at him, full of energy yet projecting an air of peace.

  Sophie was a live wire, ready to zap anyone who dared touch her. But Parker was beginning to wonder if that was a defense mechanism, and to seek a way around it.

  Maybe Brianna could help him.

  "Can I take you beautiful ladies to lunch?"

  Sophie rolled her eyes and let her arms drop. "Can the charm, Parker. You won Brianna over with one show. And I can't be won."


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  Oh, no? Parker offered Brie his arm and they followed Sophie through the maze of cubicles. "Which show did you hear?" he asked Brianna.

  "The one about looping in public schools. I actually used some of your comments in a committee meeting and won a couple of converts to my side."

  "Really." How amusing. Parker had taken a stance simply to rev Sophie up about the practice of linking a teacher with the same class of students all the way through eighth grade.

  His "opinions" hadn't been based on his own beliefs but on a desire to watch Sophie burn.

  He really wanted to watch Sophie burn. And not just verbally. He wanted the fire in her eyes, the crackle in her hair, to be generated by passion for him, not passion for the topic. But his knee-jerk reaction yesterday to her innocent question about kids had likely killed all opportunity to see that.


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