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Sophie's Playboy

Page 19

by Natalie J. Damschroder

  "Don't be sorry." Sophie's voice was husky. She laid her hand on his thigh. "Do you want to pull over and, um, relieve some tension before we get there?"

  His hands tightened and jerked the wheel. "Jesus, Sophie, I'm having a hard enough time here." Her hand dipped between his thighs. "Cut it out. This is not the impression I want to make on your family."

  She giggled. "The pup tent impression?"

  "Yeah. The 'I-obviously-can't-keep-my-hands-to-myself-but-I'll-try-to-fool-you-about-my-intentions' impression."

  Sophie finally moved her hand away, and Parker forced himself to keep his eyes on the road and the speedometer at fifty-five. A speeding ticket would be the icing on the cake of his humiliation this afternoon.

  "So finish telling me about your family."

  "Okay. Jake and Kira you met, and you know what they went through to get together. You'll meet the baby, though I doubt you'll be able to hold him. Too many doting grandparents.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "Speaking of grandparents, Jake's mom and dad are coming to dinner tonight, too. They were like a second set of parents to us, since they're my parents' best friends."

  Great. Two sets of judgmental parents. "What are their names?" he asked resignedly.

  "Fran and Luke. They lived in France for a while. Luke was teaching music there. They moved back almost two years ago. But you'll have something to talk about with them."

  Which implied he wouldn't otherwise. That eased his misgivings by nothing.

  "You met Brianna at the station. She's an elementary school teacher and does some bookkeeping during the summer. She's got some restless thing going on, too." Sophie shook her head. "I don't know what got into all of us. Kira changed her life, Mom changed hers, I adjusted mine. Now all of a sudden Brianna thinks she needs adventure."

  "I could make some suggestions."

  Sophie glared at him. "Nothing dangerous."

  "With the proper precautions, skydiving and bungee jumping are perfectly safe." Sophie punched him in the shoulder and he laughed. "Relax. She'll think of those things on her own if they'll work for her."

  "That's what I'm afraid of. You don't need to push her along." She sighed. "I'm afraid she'll get reckless and get involved with some loser. She's jealous of Kira and of—me."

  Her voice caught on the last word.

  "Jealous of you, because you have me?"

  "Hm-m." The noise she made neither agreed nor disagreed.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  You do have me. The words made it to his tongue, but he bit them back. Saying it would make parting later hurt that much more. If they parted. He would be convinced it wasn't going to happen if he didn't have this family thing hanging over his head.

  Relax, he told himself. Wait to see how it goes before you condemn yourself to ex-dom.

  He followed Sophie's directions and parked in front of a modest suburban house. A golden retriever romped on the front lawn with Brianna and Jake. A laughing Kira watched from the side, as did an older man and woman standing on the porch with their arms around each other. It was a Norman Rockwell scene.

  Nothing could have been more symbolic.

  * * * *

  Sophie was acutely aware of Parker hovering behind her, nervous tension like a force field around him. She'd led him to the porch first. Get the worst over with, she figured, though what he thought was the worst was likely to be the easiest overall. Her parents weren't a tough sell.

  She should have told Parker that. He looked six shades paler than his usual color.

  "Mom, Dad, this is Parker Cornwall. Parker, Elyse and Duncan Macgregor. You can call them Mom and Dad." She cursed her flippant tongue when he paled even more.

  "I think I'll stick to Mr. and Mrs. Macgregor for now." He shook her father's hand, then held out a Longaberger basket full of household smellies, as her mother called the candles, 231

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  by Natalie Damschroder

  oils, and sachets. "I brought you a little something. I hope you don't mind that it's not wine or flowers."

  "Oh, no, this is lovely, Parker." She stepped forward and would have kissed him if she wasn't a foot shorter than he was. Instead she squeezed his upper arm. "So thoughtful of you. Call me Elyse, please." As she turned away, she fluttered her fingers in front of her and mouthed "hot" to her daughter.

  Sophie winced. She didn't need her mother rating her dates.

  "Let's all go sit out back," Elyse suggested. "Kids, we're going to the back deck," she called. Kira waved her acknowledgement and said something to Jake before turning to follow them.

  Sophie kept her hand in Parker's as they walked through the house and out the back door. She tried to view the way-too-familiar house through his eyes, but stopped when she noted curling wallpaper, ceiling stains, and scuff marks on the hall's hardwood floor from their relentless ins-and-outs over the years. She hadn't been inside his father's mansion on the Fourth of July, but she would bet dollars to donuts there were no scuff marks.

  She didn't want Parker to find her family beneath him.

  Of course, if she was really worried about that, he wouldn't be here. So she relaxed and prayed he wouldn't think her whole family was crazy and he wanted no part of them.

  "Lemonade?" her mother offered on their way through the kitchen. "I made it this morning, so it's nice and cold."

  A chorus of "yeahs" was punctuated by a simple, "yes, please." Elyse beamed at Parker. " Some one was raised with 232

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  manners. Obviously none of my kids were." She chuckled and enlisted his help with the tray. "Thank you, dear."

  Sophie went ahead to the deck and tried hard not to worry about Parker being alone with her mother. She really didn't know what was going on in there, because she hadn't been exaggerating when she said she hadn't brought a guy home since high school. Even then, it was always someone she'd grown up with and her parents knew him or knew about him.

  This was completely different.

  "Calm down," Kira said, pulling Sophie's hand away from her mouth. "Biting your nails isn't going to help Parker get through the interrogation."

  "You really think she's interrogating him?"

  Kira shrugged and handed the baby to her sister. "How should I know? The only guy I ever loved she's known since birth. No interrogation necessary."

  "That's what I was just thinking." Sophie rested Joey on her hip and turned back to the rail. Her father and Jake were near the rear property line, discussing some manly thing Parker would likely know nothing about, even though he owned dozens of properties.

  "Don't worry." Kira rubbed Sophie's back reassuringly.

  "He's the one, Soph. Mom will recognize that right away. Dad may take longer, but he's a teddy bear. And however long it takes Parker to realize it, they'll wait, as will you."

  "What makes you think you know everything?" Nerves made Sophie snappish. "Becoming a mother doesn't improve your psychic abilities about boyfriends."


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "What's she predicting?" Parker set the tray on the glass patio table and came over to them. "Hello, little guy." He plucked Joey from Sophie's arms and focused all his attention on the baby. Completely at ease, he settled him on his forearm and chucked him under the chin. Joey giggled.

  "That smile is just like your mama's. Going to have her hair, too." He ruffled the curls on top of the boy's head, making him laugh again. "But the eyes are daddy's, no doubt."

  Sophie noticed the bemused look on Kira's face. Kira folded her arms and shook her head. "I've never seen a guy point out those things. It's always the women who compare the baby to the parents."

  Parker smiled his charming smile. "I'm trying to make points."

  Just like that, Kira was won over. Not th
at she'd had far to go, Sophie thought. But if Parker had used that smile on her mother, no doubt he'd won her over, too.

  Elyse stepped outside then and urged them all to sit and be comfortable.

  "Duncan and Jake," she called, "stop worrying about that stupid fence and come sit. Luke and Fran will be here any minute." She settled into one of the cushioned patio chairs. "I swear, those two should be able to figure out how to fix a stupid fence. It's only a piece of wood, after all." She sipped her glass of lemonade. "So, Parker. I understand you're involved with my daughter. More than 'involved,' actually. I was in Mainlow the other day and caught your show."


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  Sophie had no doubt "the other day" was the day they revealed that they were dating. The day they deflected twenty questions about their sex life. Sophie prayed her questions had been adequately answered by the show.

  "So, are you any good?"

  Sophie choked on her lemonade. Apparently, her mother hadn't been satisfied. She threw Kira a look that dared her to keep laughing.

  Parker opened his mouth, obviously about to answer.

  Sophie tried to inhale to interrupt him, but could only wheeze in half a breath. No one seemed to notice her distress.

  "The station thinks so," he said. "Ratings have skyrocketed since Sophie and I started working together."

  Elyse smiled approvingly. "He's a gentleman, this one. So far, Sophie, so good."

  God, did her mother have to be so blatant?

  "I like the rave part of the show, myself," Elyse went on.

  She described one of her favorites, a silly monologue about coupons. Sophie finally breathed normally. Hopefully, the worst was over.

  Jake and her father climbed the steps to the deck. Duncan grabbed his sweating glass and drank half of it, then turned to Parker. "So. Parker, right?"

  Parker nodded.

  "Well, Parker, what are your intentions toward my daughter?"

  Sophie growled under her breath. But Parker just blinked.

  Leaned back in his chair. Crossed one ankle over the other knee. Then he looked at Sophie, and her frustration and fear 235

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  by Natalie Damschroder

  subsided. He was okay. He would handle her father's directness as easily as he'd handled her mother's outrageousness.

  "My intentions, at the moment, are whatever Sophie wants them to be."

  She averted her gaze when she heard that. She wanted the whole package and was just starting to hope she could get it. Showing him that would send him packing.

  "Hmm." Duncan eyed him over his glass. "Good answer."

  He turned his attention to Sophie. "What do you want them to be?"

  "For God's sake." Sophie lurched to her feet. "I want him to keep me satisfied in bed until he gets bored. Then I intend to tie him up so he can satisfy me even after he gets bored."

  She stomped to the back door. "I need more lemonade."

  "Her glass was half full," she heard Kira say before the screen door slapped shut. She rubbed her wrist over her forehead and braced her arms against the sink. The screen door opened again and she wondered whether Kira or Elyse had decided to come after her.

  Warm hands closed over her shoulders and chased away the physical manifestation of her annoyance.

  "It's okay, Sophie."

  She shook her head. "I wouldn't have brought you here if I'd known they'd be like this. I'm sorry."

  Parker turned her and cupped her jaw with both hands.

  "I'm not. They love you, Sophie. I can't complain about that, and you shouldn't either. They only act like that because they care."


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  She heard more than he was saying. "Your family cares, Parker." He shrugged one shoulder as if it didn't matter.

  "They do. You should have seen Mare and Fawn at the party."

  He dropped his hands and paced half a circle around the kitchen table. "Fawn and Mare, sure. But not Biff."

  "Why does it matter so much?" Stupid, she thought. He's the man's father. "I mean, why do you discount their caring just because your father doesn't care the same way?"

  "He doesn't care at all, Sophie." His jaw tensed. "I should be through trying to make him. I don't know why all this crap is being dredged up.... "He broke off and looked through the window. "Never mind. We're not here to solve my family problems."

  Sophie grinned wryly. "No, we're here to stir up mine."

  He tilted his head at her. "Do you really have problems here, Soph?"

  Now she looked out the window. Kira and her mother were chatting animatedly. Duncan held the baby over his head as Joey drooled onto his grandfather's nose and giggled. Jake watched them all with a perfectly contented smile on his face.

  "No," she said. "I don't really have any problems here."

  "Then let's just go enjoy the dinner, okay?"

  "Okay." She reached her hand out. He took it, and they walked out together.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder


  The aftereffects of the family dinner lingered long after Sophie and Parker returned home. Brianna had arrived late and spent the afternoon talking about the flying lessons she was about to start, sparking a debate that took the heat off Sophie and Parker. Luke and Fran had indeed had much in common with Parker, and they talked about cafés and cathedrals and picturesque little towns. It floored him that they'd even met his mother at a dinner party. She'd been happy, Fran told him, and full of proud stories about her son and daughter in the States.

  For some reason, that was enough for him. It had always been easy to please his mother, and he'd gotten over missing her years ago. She was out there, and someday maybe they'd get back together and have a relationship with a little meat to it. In the meantime, it was nice to hear about her from a third party who had no agenda.

  After their initial attack, Sophie's parents had opened up to him. They'd asked for investment advice for their retirement plan and he'd given them enough to steer them in a better direction than they were heading. He and Brianna had ended up doing dishes after dinner, and she'd talked about her students and how much she loved teaching, but how it wasn't enough.

  "So what will be?" he asked her. She shook her head impatiently.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "If I knew, I wouldn't be taking impromptu trips to L.A.

  and spending all my savings on flying lessons."

  "So you do know those impulsive acts won't fix anything."

  "Of course I do." She handed him a shrewd look with the wet saucepan. "I can see why Sophie's playboy is worth her attention." She sighed. "Maybe I can wait for my Navy SEAL."

  Parker refrained from giving her any romantic advice. He figured he was the very last person in the group who was qualified to offer it.

  He had driven Sophie home to his townhouse that night.

  She'd commented on the lack of professional decorating and the proliferation of golf implements lying around. He'd given her a tour that ended in his bedroom, in his bed. All night.

  And all he'd felt was content.

  No panic assailed him at any moment. He didn't have to swallow fear and thoughts of a devastated Sophie when things didn't work out. He didn't harbor a constant, nagging terror deep in his chest that he was going to end up just as alone as his father.

  He had hope.

  There was no such thing as destiny, especially one set by your parents. For the first time Parker truly thought this relationship could work.

  Three days after the Macgregor Family Dinner, he was standing outside Boston's most exclusive jewelry store, studying rings in the display window, when the world caved in.

  It took three rings for him to realize the vibration in his chest wasn't his heart. He pulled his p
hone out of his breast 239

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  pocket. He'd turned off the ringer in the last meeting and forgotten to turn it back on.

  "Cornwall," he answered. The amethyst in the back corner looked interesting. Was that a platinum setting, or silver? He leaned forward, then really listened to what his sister was telling him. Rings forgotten, he spun and headed for his car.

  "How bad is she?"

  "I don't know yet." Mare sniffled. "We just got here. I don't know why she didn't call an ambulance. She was on hold for nearly five minutes while the secretary tried to get the office manager to interrupt my meeting with the docs. Oh, that's not important."

  Parker could almost see her wringing her hands. Or at least the one not holding the phone. Mare loved Fawn, had admitted to hoping she was the one woman who could make their father happy, could release his fear and allow him to love. Parker had never held such romantic hopes, but he didn't want Fawn to be in pain.

  He didn't want her to lose that baby.

  "I'll be right there," he told her. "I'm about ten minutes from the hospital."

  "We're on the med-surg floor."

  "I'll find you."

  At the first red light Parker called his office and told them he wouldn't be back. Betty griped about having to cancel the four appointments before his show, but he cut her off and dialed the station.


  Sophie's Playboy

  by Natalie Damschroder

  "Stevie." He changed lanes while he waited for the receptionist to put him through. "Stevie, I've got a family medical emergency. I don't think I'll make the show today."

  To Stevie's credit, he didn't whine about ratings and advertisers and commitment to his contract. "What's wrong?

  Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine. It's my stepmother. I don't know how bad, but I could be at the hospital for a while."

  "No problem. Sophie can handle one show."

  Of course she could. "Uh, Stevie? I'll have to turn my phone off in the hospital. Can you just tell Sophie that—" That what? "I'll call her when I can."


  Parker left the Porsche in outpatient parking and ran into the hospital. He found Mare in a waiting room on the third floor.


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